[Tutor] IDE

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Oct 25 14:52:01 2002

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, Michael Montagne wrote:

> OK I admit it, it is much easier to learn when I have my options
> displayed to me (ala VB).  What are the best IDEs out there that will
> show me available methods for an object?  It seems komodo did it but it
> wanted me to have the ActiveState python.  I'd like to use IDLE but it
> doesn't seem to have this ability.  Wing is too expensive and BlackAdder
> is iffy.

Hi Michael,

Let's see... there's a link to many text editors from Python's wiki-wiki


Too... many... choices!  *grin*

But have you looked at Scintilla's SciTE editor?


It appears to do what you're looking for, and it has a pretty good
following; I've heard it recommended on Tutor several times.


I believe that it's the text editor that's used in the PyCrust project:


and I've heard some really good stuff about PyCrust lately; it's worth a

Good luck to you!