[Tutor] Java and Python (was: Iterators)
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 11:42:17 -0400
> Could. Doesn't mean you should.
> I'm curious because although the ability to have multiple
> constructors(al la Delphi) is something I'd like in Python,
> overloading of constructors is rarely an issue since in
> Python everything is an object so I can pass in whatever
> I like. Combined with default args its just not an issue
> for me.
> Why can't you just define say 6 or 7 parameters, give them
> defaults and then check the types of the arguments at runtime
> calling out to the rquired init function as appropriate?
> class C:
> def __init__(self,p1=None,p2=None,p3=None,p4=None)
> if type(p1) == type(1) and type(p2) == type("string") \
> and type(p3 == type(7) and type(p4) == type(0.5):
> self.initISIF(p1,p2,p3,p4)
> elif type(p1) == type("str"):
> self.initSNNN(p1)
> etc...
> def initISIF(anInt,aString,anotherInt,aFloat):
> pass
> def initSNNN(aString):
> pass
> Its a bit clunky but works for me... its like what you do
> in C++ when the automatic type promotion system breaks
> the overloading mechanism....
Well, for one thing, I'm trying to come up with something I can consider to
be modular, in that what I am doing is in a constant state of refactoring
and flux. Ideally, I add to or amend the list of signature lists, and am
largely home. Also, I am in the land of new style classes, so type testing
doens't seem to be the way - but I guess your point works as well with
issinstance and issubclass.
> However that kind of constructor overloading should be
> used with great care or you wind up with class methods
> that are full of type conditionals:
> def aMethod(self,p1):
> if self.type = something:
> #do something stuff
> elif self.type == somethingelse
> # do something else
> Which is the antithesis of OOP and a maintenance nightmare.
> Usiakly the way to deal with class explosions is to define a
> function (or factory class) which takes the parameters in,
> figures out which kind of class you really need and hands
> you a pointer to it:
> class ShapeFactory:
> def __init__(....)
> def makeInstance(self,p1,p2,p3...):
> if type(p1) == type(2) and.... blah blah:
> return Rectangle(p1,p2,p3,p4)
> elif type.....:
> return Circle(p1,p2)
> elif....
> And so on.
> Users then create a factory and request it to give
> them instances...
Aah, I've heard talk of "factory functions". Now I have a clue what we are
talking about.
> Of course I may be misunderstanding the issues totally,
> like I said I have no experience of PyGeo...
Or more likely, I'm misunderstanding what my options might be.
Thanks for some clues.