[Tutor] python xml entity problem

smith@rfa.org smith@rfa.org
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 16:06:37 -0400

I'm interested in parsing  a xml file using the python tools
in debian woody. Everything seems to be ok until I reach a "&MAN;"
My python script just passes over it. My guess is that I have a
external entity resolver problem. I've been reading the Python XML book
on O'reilly and I believe I'm doing the right things. At least in terms of
non external entities. Does anybody have any examples or how can I make
the program recognize external entity.
I'm still very new to python and xml so maybe it's something I don't 

The xml file starts off with something like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE schedule SYSTEM "ftp://something.org/pub/xml_files/program.dtd">
The dtd looks something like this:
<!--Xml Project \ Program DTD \ V1.00 dmb April 2001-->
<!ELEMENT schedule (pgm_block,segment*)>
<!ELEMENT pgm_block(id?,arch?,air_date?,air_time?,service_id?,block_time?,sch_status,mc,producer,editor)>
<!ELEMENT air_date (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT air_time (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT service_id (#PCDATA)>
<!ENTITY  BUR "Burmese">
<!ENTITY  KHM "Cambodian">
<!ENTITY  CAN "Cantonese">
<!ENTITY  KOR "Korean">
<!ENTITY  LAO "Lao">
<!ENTITY  MAN "Mandarin">
<!ENTITY  TIB "Tibetan">
<!ENTITY  UYG "Uyghur">
<!ENTITY  VIE "Vietnamese">

oh yeah, this is what I'm calling in the beginning of the python script:

from xml.dom.ext.reader.Sax2 import FromXmlStream
from xml.sax import xmlreader
import sys

Your input is appreciated
