[Tutor] A Book for People Like Me

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry@attbi.com
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 21:59:47 -0700

On Tuesday 03 September 2002 21:46, Erik Price wrote:
> If you read the first two thirds of this book, you will be ready to
> tackle more advanced books that assume familiarity with OOP.  But it is
> definitely aimed at beginners -- if you are already comfortable with
> the concepts of OOP and are just looking for books that teach how to be
> a better modeller, I don't know of any yet (that "Design Patterns" book
> by Gamma and the others seems to come up all the time, too bad it's so
> expensive).

Yeah, it is expensive and so are all of the Addison Wesley books.  The ma=
selling point is that almost all of them are good enough that numerous=20
colleges use them as required texts for classes.  And as we all know coll=
texts are not cheap either.

"Today's book about tomorrow's language" is only good today.  A decent bo=
ok on=20
OO will last at least until the next paradigm is deeply entrenched (-: =20
Besides you can sell it back to a used book salesman.  They love addison=20
wesley books.  In fact try to find a copy of "Design Patterns" or any of =
Richard Stevens's books used.

Erik this is less aimed at you and more at the newer readers of the list.=
Don't want to scare them off with cost.