[Tutor] Different idioms for making lists of strings
python <python@inkedmn.net>
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 16:55:32 -0700
you can also create lists using loops:
>>> oldlist
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> newlist
>>> for item in oldlist:
... newlist.append(item)
>>> newlist
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
SWS> Hello there,
SWS> While working my way thru the "Python Cookbook", I have come across a
SWS> couple of examples where lists of strings are created not the "normal" way
SWS> alist = ['From', 'To', 'Subject']
SWS> but by splitting up a string
SWS> alist = 'From To Subject'.split()
SWS> which of course is a lot easier to type, the computation involved should be
SWS> trivial, and the days when you would have had to import the string module
SWS> to do stuff like this are long over. So I thought I'd point it out to the
SWS> rest of the crowd here.
SWS> Y, Scot