[Tutor] confused!
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 19:20:45 -0700
On Thursday 05 September 2002 12:20, dirk pitt wrote:
> hi there. i just want to if TCL is another type of programing language =
or a
> program inside phyton and for example, when u type >>>print "hello worl=
> and run it what should u expect the computer to do.
TCL is another programming language and has nothing to do with python. T=
k is=20
a GUI toolkit that was originally written for TCL and is now used by seve=
programming languages including python, perl and ruby.
The python program:
<begin program code>
print "Hello, World!"
</end code>
Will cause the text "Hello, World!" to appear in the text window the prog=
is run in.