[Tutor] GUI question

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Fri, 06 Sep 2002 11:00:35 +0200

At 14:18 2002-09-05 -0700, S A wrote:
>With the plethora of GUI's that support python (Tkinter, QT, wxPython,=20
>...), would HTML better serve as a gui for platform independent data entry=
>into a python scripted db? I ask this since some of the platforms this=20
>data will goto supports HTML but not the others. Actually HTML is the only=
>interface that is supported on all platforms the script will run on.(like=
>portable devices for example)

I don't see why the multitude of GUIs should be
a reason to throw in one more player...

Standard HTML is a very limited GUI environment.
If it is sufficient for your needs, it's obviously
an option. But if you want more GUI bells and
whistles you'll probably use DHTML or various IE
extensions etc that will destroy the platform

Also, I haven't seen any good tool kits for building
HTML forms in Python. Sure there are some support
for constructing HTML tags, such as forms, and there
is support for extracting posted variables, but for
a GUI-like application, one would like to be able
to work on a slightly higher level of abstraction,
where one can somehow see the HTML form ans the code
handling that data as some kind of unit.

As a side note, it IS possible to use python for
client side scripting in web applications for
Windows, but this is hardly recommented from a
security point of view, and it's not cross platform.

Magnus Lyck=E5, Thinkware AB
=C4lvans v=E4g 99, SE-907 50 UME=C5
tel: 070-582 80 65, fax: 070-612 80 65
http://www.thinkware.se/  mailto:magnus@thinkware.se