[Tutor] The Gang of Four (was: A Book for You and Me)

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 17:29:42 +0100

> Speaking of "Code Complete", that's another highly recommended book 

> didn't seem to discuss the OO methodology at all.  I was somewhat 
> surprised by this, and hopefully I'm wrong.  

It is about writing code. OO code is very little different to 
non OO code. The principles - variable naming, code structure, 
commenting ewtc etc - stay the same. OO is diffeerent at 
the design level not the code level (apart from some minor 
syntax changes). Again, code complete could have ben written 
any time after about 1985 and not require any alteration. 
CS hasn't changed much at that level since then.

Alan G.