[Tutor] The Gang of Four (was: A Book for You and Me)

Allyn Weaks allyn.@tardigrade.net
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 19:55:20 -0700

On 4/9/02, Scot W. Stevenson wrote:
>"We read Knuth so you don't have to" (Tim Peters in the
>"Python Cookbook") kind of book.

But, but, but, Knuth is quite readable and even funny.  If you have a
sufficiently warped sense of humor :-).
Allyn Weaks    allyn@tardigrade.net   Seattle, WA  Sunset zone 5
Pacific NW Native Wildlife Gardening: http://www.tardigrade.org/natives/
"The benefit of even limited monopolies is too doubtful, to be opposed
to that of their general suppression."  Thomas Jefferson