[Tutor] re: Finding an URL

Danny Yoo dyoo@acoma.Stanford.EDU
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 13:56:32 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Terje,

This parsing of URL's in text seems like something that is reinvented
quite a bit.  Perhaps it might be nice for someone to do a review of the
code out there and package it nicely into the Standard library?

The MoinMoin project, I remember, did a bunch of automatic highlighting of
URLs in any page, using its parser.wiki.Parser module:


Mailman, too, has its own regular expression for urls, though I can't
remember exactly where it is (I think it's somewhere in its "Pipermail"
archive displayer).

I ported over Tom Christiansen's URL regular expression here:


Best of wishes to you!