[Tutor] Factories agian...
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 09:56:35 -0400
> In case someone is still wondering about the
> Factory patterns, I just saw that they are
> nicely covered in Bruce Eckel's book draft:
> Thinking In Python. It's available at:
> http://www.mindview.net/Books/TIPython
I don't want to be negative, Especially since I did get much out of the
TIPython draft, and do use it as a source of reference and feel the Python
world is a better place for it.
I do wish it maintained its original title - Thinking in Patterns. Because
I do feel Python is really being used in it as an example language for a
Pattern approach. I *don't* think, as it is, it is very Python specific at
all. Which is fine. But in being generic, it seems to me to sometimes to
specifically *not* be thinking in Python. I doesn't provide, let's say,
Pythonic "shortcuts" to achieving the effect of established Patterns, or
seem to focus on Patterns that might address the specific needs, let's say,
of a dynamically typed language.
Two points, though :
Eckel is a much more advanced guy in general understanding of programming
than I. I am stating an impression, understanding that I might be missing
something that is simply over my head at this point in the game.
The book is in draft form. It sometimes simply says this is the Python
transliteration from the Java. Eckel might be specifically working to
address the issue I bring up.