[Tutor] classes and inheritance [a walk on flatland]

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 02:38:22 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 29 Sep 2002, Magnus Lycka wrote:

> >Say I have a class Animal, Mamal, and Human.  Then go on to say that
> >Mamal inherits from Animal and that Human does from Mamal.  Can you
> >make an object from Mamal that then is a generic Mamal that doesn't
> >have the attributes of Human and is this a good programming practice?
> Well... Yes and no...

A good elvish answer.  *grin*

> It's really pointless to dicuss classes without knowing what kind of
> problem you are trying to solve. Classes are not written to model the
> world, but to serve some kind of function.

Hi Cameron,

Just as a side note: it's my feeling that too many OOP examples in
textbooks put way more emphasis on inheritance than is necessary.

Let's pretend that we're doing a simulation of the universe.  Hmmm...
that's a bit too big.  Let's do something simpler: let's simulate a flat

What we can imagine are objects that are walking on a straight line: each
object can decide to either step to the left, or to the right.  It's like
an ant farm... except in 2d.  *grin*

Let's call these things "Walkers".

A walker has a simple life: it can move either "L"eft or "R"ight.  For
this particular problem, we'll say that it's nonsense to construct a
vanilla one --- we want people to subclass new walkers, to give them
color, and we can force the issue by raising an exception:

class ImplementationException(Exception): pass

class Walker:
    def walk(self):
        """Returns either 'L' or 'R', depending if the walker is shifting
        to the left or to the right.  Overwritten by subclasses."""
        raise ImplementationException, "not implemented.  Override me."

That is, any subclass of a Walker here will be forced to write an
implementation of walk() or face extinction by exception.

>>> w = Walker()
>>> w.walk()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "/tmp/python-830twU", line 18, in walk
__main__.ImplementationException: not implemented.  Override me.

This may not be an appropriate thing to do in other circumstances!  So
that's why your initial question is a "yes" and "no" sort of thing: it
really depends on the problem.  Here, we just want to force the issue, so
we'll say that it should be impossible to instantiate a vanilla Walker.

Going back to this Flatland... we can make particular kinds of walkers:

    1.  Walkers that walk in a single direction.
    2.  Walkers that pace around.  They're impatient.
    3.  Walkers that just go in random directions.

A concrete example of #2 could be:

class RandomWalker(Walker):
    """A slightly sillier walker that just goes in a random direction."""
    def walk(self):
        return random.choice(['L', 'R'])

And now since we've defined how a RandomWalker() walks, we should be all
good here.

I've gone through and written a program to show these poor walkers pacing
around.  Here it is for your enjoyment:

"""A toy example of classes and inheritance.

Danny Yoo (dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu)

This reminds me of an old computer game.  *grin*

import random

class ImplementationException(Exception): pass

class Walker:
    def walk(self):
        """Returns either L or R, depending if the walker is shifting
        to the left or to the right.  Overwritten by subclasses."""
        raise ImplementationException, "not implemented.  Override me."

    def label(self):
        """Returns the character label of the walker.  Overwritten by
        return "?"

class LeftWalker(Walker):
    """A boring implementation of a walker that always moves to the
    def walk(self):
        return "L"

    def label(self): return "l"

class RandomWalker(Walker):
    """A slightly sillier walker that just goes in a random direction."""
    def walk(self):
        return random.choice(['L', 'R'])

    def label(self): return "!"

class PacingWalker(Walker):
    def __init__(self, length=20):
        self.path_length = length / 2
        self.delta = 1
        self.counter = 0

    def walk(self):
        self.counter = self.counter + 1
        if self.counter > self.path_length:
            self.counter = 0
            self.delta = -self.delta
        if self.delta == 1: return "L"
        return "R"

    def label(lelf): return 'p'

def clamp(x, low, high):
    """Forces x to be clamped between a high and low boundary."""
    if x < low: return low
    if x > high: return high
    return x

class WalkerSimulation:
    def __init__(self, line_width=80):
        self.walkers = []
        self.positions = []
        self.line_width = line_width

    def addWalker(self, w):
        self.positions.append(self.line_width / 2)

    def render(self):
        line = list(' '*self.line_width)
        for i in range(len(self.walkers)):
            pos = clamp(self.positions[i], 0, self.line_width-1)
            line[pos] = self.walkers[i].label()
        return ''.join(line)

    def step(self):
        for i in range(len(self.walkers)):

    def _stepSingleWalker(self, i):
        next_step = self.walkers[i].walk()
        if next_step == 'L':
            self.positions[i] = self.positions[i] - 1
        elif next_step == 'R':
            self.positions[i] = self.positions[i] + 1
            pass  ## no movement

def driverLoop(walkers):
    simulation = WalkerSimulation()
    for w in walkers: simulation.addWalker(w)
    while 1:
        print simulation.render(),
        user_input = raw_input()
        if user_input == 'q': break

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "Hold down enter to watch the walkers walk around."
    print "To quit, type 'q' and then enter."
    print "*" * 50
    driverLoop([RandomWalker(), PacingWalker(7), PacingWalker(30),
                LeftWalker(), RandomWalker()])

Anyway, sorry about going off on this tangent!  But this shows a concrete
example of interface inheritance in action, and should be easy to
experiment with.

Good luck!