[Tutor] Getting at object names
Bob Gailer
Tue Apr 1 11:48:01 2003
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At 05:40 PM 4/1/2003 +0200, Charlie Clark wrote:
>friday = []
>saturday = []
>sunday = []
>days = {'1': friday, '2': saturday, '3': sunday}
># the lists are then filled
>d = days.keys
Should be d = days.keys()
Should be d.sort()
>for day in d:
> print days[day].__name__, days[day],
Are you wanting the output to look like: friday [1, 2, 3] saturday [6]
sunday [4, 5]?
That can't be done easily the way you've structured things. The lists don't
have names. What's in the dictionary are references to the lists, and the
variables friday, sturday and sunday are also references to the lists. You
could get at the variable names by searching thru globals() and comparing
ids, but that's messy.
OOP to the rescue!
#subclass list and give it a name attribute:
class day(list):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def set(self, items):
self[:] = items
# create the list objects and give them names
friday = day('friday')
saturday = day('saturday')
sunday = day('sunday')
# fill the lists
days = {'1': friday, '2': saturday, '3': sunday}
d = days.keys()
for day in d:
print days[day].name, days[day],
Note there are many other ways to fill the lists besides my set() method.
Bob Gailer
PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS bgailer@alum.rpi.edu
303 442 2625
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