[Tutor] Getting at object names

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue Apr 1 12:41:08 2003

> friday = []
> saturday = []
> sunday = []
> days = {'1': friday, '2': saturday, '3': sunday}
> # the lists are then filled
> d = days.keys
> d.sort
> for day in d:
> 	print days[day].__name__, days[day],
> Now I know the last line doesn't work because __name__ isn't 
> an attriubute of the list. But is it possible to get at the name of the

No, because its just a symbol in the program (OK you could read the 
local namespace dictionary but that's messy and not to be encouraged! 
Why not just associate the dayname with the key?

days = {1:('friday',friday),2:('saturday',saturday).....}

for day in d
   print days[day][0],days[day][1]

Alan G.