[Tutor] assignment to 1 item in dict assigns to all items in dict?

Charlie Clark charlie@begeistert.org
Fri Apr 11 10:38:10 2003

On 2003-04-11 at 14:59:10 [+0200], you wrote:
> I see that you're right, I want to create a new instance of line_item 
> each time and add it into the dictionary grossinc instead of making a 
> reference, but I'm still confused about a good way to do that. Make a 
> class? My code should have read:
> # line item = [list of transactions (dict), associations (list), goal 
> (int)]
> line_item = [{'Date': ()}, [], 0]
> # budget = {dictionary of line_items}
> grossinc = {}
> #define budget line items
> grossinc['salary'] = line_item
> grossinc['interest'] = line_item
> grossinc['dividends'] = line_item
> grossinc['other'] = line_item
> grossinc['salary'][2] = 3333
> grossinc['other'][2] = 575

A dictionary or list of dictionaries will probably be fine. I'd like to 
help you set this up but I need to see how you create a line_item

You might want something like this

items = []
items = {}
it really depends on what you want to do with your data. I think a list 
might be what you want in this case.

you can then insert items/line_items into your structure, I think a 
dictionary is the write thing for this.

item = {'transactions':'', 'associations':'', 'goal':0}

you can then do something like
new_item = item.copy()
new_item['transactions'] = ### I've have no idea what you really 

Try this with a few items and then look at the resulting list "items" to 
see if it makes sense.

Charlie (non-Guru of the week)