[Tutor] HTML form pre-populating functionality or hints on building my own
Khalid Zuberi
Fri Apr 18 10:36:02 2003
--- Magnus Lyckå <magnus@thinkware.se> wrote:
> At Wed, 16 Apr 2003 19:39:11 -0700, Scott Chapman wrote:
> >I'm wanting to find (or make) a module that will take a HTML file, locate the
> >input-related form tags (<INPUT, <TEXTAREA, <SELECT, <OPTION) and modify them
> >by putting in values from a dictionary (i.e. pre-populate the form). I want a
> >module that is implemented 100% in python and does _not_ use any special tags
> >to do this (such as webware, albatross, spyce, etc.)
Check out http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/ClientForm/
- Khalid
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