[Tutor] List element with replace

Henry Steigerwaldt hsteiger@comcast.net
Wed Apr 23 01:33:01 2003

To All:

What am I doing wrong with this code? For some
reason, I get the error below when trying to remove
the "|" character from an existing line of numbers stored
in a list element. 

First in line 2, I remove the x/n from the numbers that
are stored in the list element by using the "split" method. 
Then mexT[0] will contain   "74| 51  79| 41  60|" as
verified with the output using the print statement in line 4.
So far so good.

But in line 5, I attempt to remove the "|" character from the
line of numbers by using the "replace" method, and hopefully
store this result back into mexT[0], but that nasty error
occurs below about "list object has no attribute replace."

line 1   >>>  mexT[0] = "x/n  74|  51  79|  41  60|"
line 2   >>>  mexT[0] = mexT[0].split()[1:]
line 3   >>>  print mexT[0]
line 4   >>>  ['74|', '51', '79|', '55', '79|']
line 5   >>>  mexT[0] = mexT[0].replace("|", "")

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#8>", line 1, in ?
    mexT[0] = mexT[0].replace("|", "")
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'replace'

Yet, if I use a variable instead of a list element, say "s" and 
use in place of mexT[0], no error occurs.

Example:  s  =  "74|  51  79|  41  60|"
                s = s.replace("|", "")
                print s
                74  51  79  41  60
How does one use a list element with the replace method as in the
example above?

Thanks much. 

Henry Steigerwaldt
Hermitage, TN
Email:  hsteiger@comcast.net