[Tutor] List element with replace
Jeff Shannon
Wed Apr 23 12:36:45 2003
Henry Steigerwaldt wrote:
>line 1 >>> mexT[0] = "x/n 74| 51 79| 41 60|"
>line 2 >>> mexT[0] = mexT[0].split()[1:]
>line 3 >>> print mexT[0]
>line 4 >>> ['74|', '51', '79|', '55', '79|']
>line 5 >>> mexT[0] = mexT[0].replace("|", "")
>Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<pyshell#8>", line 1, in ?
> mexT[0] = mexT[0].replace("|", "")
>AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'replace'
>Yet, if I use a variable instead of a list element, say "s" and
>use in place of mexT[0], no error occurs.
>Example: s = "74| 51 79| 41 60|"
> s = s.replace("|", "")
> print s
> 74 51 79 41 60
Ah, but you're using two different data types in your two cases. Your
mexT[0] is actually a list, while in your second example s is a string.
You can apply the string method replace() to each element of the list
at mexT[0], but you need to be explicit about that:
mexT[0] = [ item.replace("|", "") for item in mexT[0] ]
You may then need to convert the list back into a string:
mexT[0] = " ".join(mexT[0])
By the way, simply as a matter of style, I'd prefer to be doing all of
this massaging using a temporary name, instead of stuffing each step
back into mexT[0].
temp = mexT[0].split()[1:]
temp = [ item.replace("|", "") for item in temp ]
mexT[0] = " ".join(temp)
This makes for a slightly clearer distinction between the intermediate
steps and the finished product.
Jeff Shannon
Credit International