[Tutor] __init__ for class instantiation?
Alan Gauld
Fri Apr 25 14:10:02 2003
> def getActions (thingClass): ...
> class Player (Thing):
> def __init__ (self):
> ... code ...
> def act_go (self, parsed):
> ... code ...
> def act_look (self, parsed):
> ... code ...
> My question is: Is there a function I can define in the base Thing
> which would run once Player (or any other Thing child) has been
> defined? Or is my current solution as close as I can get?
The short answer is no I don't believe so, not as such.
The definition of a class doesn't (except at a very deep secret
level) trigger any action in Python so you can't force it to
do anything.
You could maybe play some tricks with class constructor functions
that return a Thing class after running your magic method.
class Thing:
def doTheBiz(): # use new static method syntax here
... define rest of Thing here...
def makeThing():
t = Thing # note t is a class not an instance!
t.doTheBiz() # needs to be a class (ie static) method
return t
Then in the new class defintions call makeThing:
class C(makeThing()):
# define C here
But I haven't tried this....
Normally you wouyld do it at the instance level, is there any reason
why you can't do that? ie. Wait till the class is instantiated...
Alan G