[Tutor] How to get messages from stderr
Fri Aug 1 04:12:02 2003
On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 10:05:29 -0700
"Jeff Shannon" <jeff@ccvcorp.com> wrote:
> I believe that your problem may be with using read(), with no arguments.
> By default, read() will return everything up to end-of-file. For a
> pipe, EOF doesn't occur until the pipe is closed. Therefore,
> self.ppp.read() will block until the pipe is closed, i.e. the command
> stops running.
> Try calling read() with an argument multiple times, and assembling the
> results yourself. In one of my own programs, I needed to supply input
> to an external command, and determined that that command would output
> exactly 18 bytes of data before waiting for input, so I used this code:
> def _runcommand(self, command):
> print command
> i, o = os.popen4(command)
> print o.read(18)
> i.write(self.paramstring)
> i.write('\n')
> i.flush()
> result = o.readlines()
> return result
> I couldn't just use read() or readlines(), because those calls would
> hang waiting for EOF or EOL respectively, neither of which would happen
> at the point I was interested in.
Thanks for that hint!
Now I do get the messages from stderr, but somehow the child process gets extremely slowed down.
These are the functions I use.
What have I done wrong here?
def normalize(self, ev):
'''Starts "normalize -m" on all selected files.'''
if self.tracklist.listbox.size() == 0:
elif self.tracklist.listbox.size() == 1:
shallwenormalize = tkMessageBox.askokcancel(message=shallwenormalizemsg, title='phononormalizer')
if shallwenormalize:
filelist = ''
selectedfiles = self.tracklist.listbox.get(0, END)
for i in range(len(selectedfiles)):
filelist = filelist + ' ' + selectedfiles[i]
normalizecmd = 'normalize -m ' + filelist
self.pp = popen2.Popen4(normalizecmd)
print 'Phononormalizer: Starting process "normalize" at PID ' + str(self.pp.pid)
self.ppp = self.pp.fromchild
self.frame.after(1000, self.getmsg)
def getmsg(self):
if self.pp.poll() == -1:
bb = self.ppp.read(100)
print bb
self.frame.after(1000, self.getmsg)
print 'Phonormalizer: finished'
With getmsg() I want to capture normalize's output for a window with a progress meter, but with this function normalizing a few
small test files which normally takes about 2 or 3 seconds takes more than a minute.
Thanks for your patience with silly newbies like me