[Tutor] Problem
Alan Gauld
Fri Aug 1 19:21:02 2003
> - Read email address from a file and place it in the To address bar.
Needs text processing, depends on format of file but builtin string
methods may suffice. Failing that the regular expression module 're'
may be needed
> - Print Hello in the Subject bar.
Depends on the GUI toolkit and Operating System.
> - Access a file from a directory and attach it to th email.
Look at the mime module
> - Read a text file and copy the message in the text file and
> copy it in the message area of the email.
I think this is the new email module
> - Save it in the outlook box.
Ah Outlook, not real email then... You need the winall package
to talk to COM.
> The outlook box then sends over the email to the email address
Easier done directly from Python using the email module but if
you must drive Outlook then its the winall package again.
> Can I achieve these using Python scripting..
> If yes how can we achieve it...
See the modules cited above. - read their documentation and
learn how to use Python. If you already know a programming
language the standard included tutor is all you need.
> Can anybody suggest how to start it
Type python at a DOS prompt if using Windoze, or in an xterm on Linux.
Click the icon in a Mac...
Or try Danny yoo's tutorial on IDLE for any of them...
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor