[Tutor] get as a way to operate on first occurrence of an element in a list?
Alan Gauld
Sun Aug 3 04:57:02 EDT 2003
> for line in f:
> if line in seen_dict:
> pass
> else:
> print line,
> seen_dict[line] = 1
IMHO Its better to let the test rewflect what you want
rather than what you don't want...
if line not in seen_dict:
print line
seen_dict[line] = 1
Is there a way to use get to test for a value, fail if
it doesn't exist, and *then* assign a value to it?
NOpe, the whole point of get is that it fetches a value
from the dictionary if it exists and returns the default
if it doesn't. So it never fails. Its a get() not a set()...
>>> d = {}
>>> d.get(1,2)
>>> d[1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
KeyError: 1
Notice although it gave me a value back for key 1 it
did NOT create an entry for key 1 in d.
it's equivalent to:
def get(key, default)
if key in d:
return d[key]
else: return default
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
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