[Tutor] Problem
Jeff Shannon
Mon Aug 4 13:36:01 2003
Jeff Lohman wrote:
> Wait...isn't he just describing a SPAM program
While a program of this sort can definitely be used for spamming and for
virus dissemination, it also has legitimate uses. At the company I work
for, I've written programs that automatically create reports and email
them our clients, or that send email notification of some procedure's
success or failure to interested parties. These are, on a technical
level, no different from a spam program, but as a matter of practical
usage they are an important business tool that is strongly desired by
the people who receive these emails.
The difference between a useful mailing list and a spam center is one of
usage, not of type. We have no evidence to suspect that the use that
the O.P. has in mind is for spamming. I'd hate to see a presumption of
guilt and a withholding of information based on that presumption. I
strongly support freedom of expression, even when that expression could
perhaps inconvenience someone else. (Indeed, if you have freedom of
speech only as long as you don't upset/offend someone, then you do not
have freedom of speech.) The correct way to deal with spam is to track
down and punish abusers, not to attempt to prevent access to automated
email technology.
Jeff Shannon
Credit International