[Tutor] wikinehesa.py

Kirk Bailey idiot1@netzero.net
Mon Aug 4 21:37:02 EDT 2003

ok, making some progress. Got it to parse lines, damndest way, but it 
parses. The idea of intermediate code came through for me. It parses it 
into <BR> (linebreak) tags fine. So it looks for 2 in a row and parses 
into a <P> tag. One alone is saved as a br tag. AS the other wiki seems 
to like to save some of them with an intermediate ' ', some of the lines 
insist on being <br> <br>, instead of <br><br>. Beats me, reading it is 
clear as mud.

If you are using html readers, that did not come through properly.

Here's the FrontPage:

Here's the script:

I still need to find a way to toggle italic and bold on and off; 
wikicode uses the same marker for toggling the thing, and I am drawing a 
blank. Anyone with an inclination, take a look and make some suggesions 



         Kirk D Bailey

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