[Tutor] [Off-topic rant on the title of the "Dummies/Idiots/Morons" book series]

Quentin qsc at icon.co.za
Wed Aug 13 09:03:20 EDT 2003

Yup, and it seems like they are written by idiots as well.
Years ago I tried to learn C++. The first book I bought was an Idiots 
guide to C++ (Only one on it in the store). It was also the last.
I got peeved when this "idiot" found errors in the examples, and quite a 
few of them.
I don't normally throw books away I payed for, this one I did.
I felt like an idiot for buying the book in the first place.

And I never got into C++, but personally, I did not like it.


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