From dyoo at  Mon Dec  1 13:20:58 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec  1 13:24:38 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python mailing list
In-Reply-To: <00d401c3b6ea$9cca6c20$6400a8c0@a0>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 29 Nov 2003, Az wrote:

> python mailing list

Hi Az,

Yes, you've reached the right number.  *grin*

Do you have any questions about learning Python?  This mailing list is
dedicated to help folks learn how to program Python.  If you have any
questions, please feel free to bring them up.

From dyoo at  Mon Dec  1 13:34:20 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec  1 13:35:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] mouse_buttons()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 30 Nov 2003, Leung Cris wrote:

> How do I use that function? It's from Livewires . It returns three
> values, the middle , right, and left button. Depending on whether it is
> clicked, it will return a 0 or 1. But how do I get it so that when I
> click on the screen, it will stop? I've triedthis:
> while 1:
>   mouse_buttons()
>   if mouse_buttons() == 1
>     break
> but... it doens't work

Hi Leung,

What does mouse_buttons() give back to us?  Is it a number, or a list,

I see that you're trying to guess this by seeing if it's an integer.  And
this is something that, with enough flailing, can be guessed with time.
But we can accelerate the process.  *grin*

Take a closer look at:

According to the documentation, mouse_buttons() is a function that returns
a dictionary.  So you'll need to treat the return value of mouse_buttons()
as a dictionary with keys 'left', 'middle', and 'right'.

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.  Good luck to you!

From dyoo at  Mon Dec  1 16:16:51 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec  1 16:17:00 2003
Subject: [Tutor] program doesnt work
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, Udz wrote:

> well, after i fixed my little mistake (thanx G.Rodriguez, I made a
> stupid mistake.), i ran py2exe, and it appeared to work right, it built
> the dir that it was supposed to, and compiled the .dll and .exe file.
> the only problem is, the program doesnt work. The window just kinda pops
> up, then disappears without doing anything.

Hi Udz,

Just checking up on this: what happens if you add the line:

raw_input("Program finished: press Enter to continue...")

at the very end of your program?  I suspect that Windows is closing your
program down automatically.  t's a common issue for console-based programs
on Windows, that your program may actually be running fine, but may simply
be finishing too quickly for you to see it.

Many programs try to work around this window-closing feature by forcing a
prompt so that the user can see things.

Good luck to you!

From dyoo at  Mon Dec  1 16:21:50 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec  1 16:22:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Accessing the mailing list archive
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> P.S., I save all the answers I get, and you couldn't imagine (or you
> probably do, but I just said so, cause it sounds nice), how helpfull is
> having you answers saved somewhere, and when something is not so clear,
> just open those files, and see what was doing wrong ...

Hi Tadey,

By the way, there's also an archive of the whole mailing list:

so if you ever want to browse some old threads, you can always turn to
that link.  Everything is saved to the archive, which is pretty useful.

There's also a rudimentary list searcher here:

and sooner or later, someone is bound to write a nicer search interface to
the archive.

From dyoo at  Mon Dec  1 16:47:50 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec  1 16:48:00 2003
Subject: [Tutor] special character ( =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=F1?= )
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 29 Nov 2003, Michael Lange wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 13:56:17 -0500 (EST)
> (Ron A) wrote:
> > I have python 2.2.2.  Is there an easy way to type =F1 (n with tilde) o=
> > other special characters?.
> >
> I am afraid that I'm not an encoding expert, but I guess you have the sam=
e problems
> as I have with german special characters.
> In this case it depends on *where* you want to print it:
> In IDLE(python 2.2.3):
> >>> print '=E4'
> UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)


It sounds like you're trying to use ISO-8859-1 encoding to display
accented characters on your system.

If your terminal supports it, then you can use:

to find out the right hexadecimal constants.  For example, the tilde 'n'
maps to the entry:


So if your terminal display natively supports ISO-8859-1, then something

print '\xf1'

should do the trick.

However, if you're using a terminal that natively supports a different
encoding system, then you need to do something slightly different.
Apple's Terminal application, for example, natively uses UTF8.

So you might need to do something like:

print '\xf1'.decode('iso8859-1').encode('utf8')

to see a tilde 'n' on MacOSX's Terminal.

> If you just suffer from IDLE's limitations try idlefork :
> < >
> It's IDLE with a few extra features; as far as I know it replaces the
> "original" IDLE since python 2.3 .

I believe IDLE supports Unicode now, so try the second snippet example and
see if you get that tilde 'n' from there.

Good luck to you!

From tim at  Mon Dec  1 16:00:30 2003
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Mon Dec  1 16:59:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] class method: dynamic overload
Message-ID: <>

Hi All:
    Is it possible in python to replace (overload)
an existing class method with a new one of the same
name but with different functionality?

I would welcome pointers to docs and keywords.
- this is just R & D, not mission critical.


Tim Johnson <>

From krazie_mu_boi at  Mon Dec  1 17:05:31 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Mon Dec  1 17:05:37 2003
Subject: FW: Re: [Tutor] mouse_buttons()
Message-ID: <>

>From: Danny Yoo <>
>To: Leung Cris <>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] mouse_buttons()
>Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 10:34:20 -0800 (PST)
>On Sun, 30 Nov 2003, Leung Cris wrote:
> > How do I use that function? It's from Livewires . It returns three
> > values, the middle , right, and left button. Depending on whether it is
> > clicked, it will return a 0 or 1. But how do I get it so that when I
> > click on the screen, it will stop? I've triedthis:
> >
> > while 1:
> >   mouse_buttons()
> >   if mouse_buttons() == 1
> >     break
> >
> >
> > but... it doens't work
>Hi Leung,
>What does mouse_buttons() give back to us?  Is it a number, or a list,
>I see that you're trying to guess this by seeing if it's an integer.  And
>this is something that, with enough flailing, can be guessed with time.
>But we can accelerate the process.  *grin*
>Take a closer look at:
>According to the documentation, mouse_buttons() is a function that returns
>a dictionary.  So you'll need to treat the return value of mouse_buttons()
>as a dictionary with keys 'left', 'middle', and 'right'.
>If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.  Good luck to you!

I'm not really familliar with "dictionary", can someone tell me how to access one?

使用 MSN Messenger,與朋友在線上聊天: 

From dyoo at  Mon Dec  1 17:20:47 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec  1 17:21:01 2003
Subject: FW: Re: [Tutor] mouse_buttons()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> >Take a closer look at:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >According to the documentation, mouse_buttons() is a function that returns
> >a dictionary.  So you'll need to treat the return value of mouse_buttons()
> >as a dictionary with keys 'left', 'middle', and 'right'.
> >
> >
> >
> >If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.  Good luck to you!
> >
> I'm not really familliar with "dictionary", can someone tell me how to
> access one?

Hi Leung,

Livewires has a good explanation of dictionaries:

By the way, when you get the chance, take a quick glance through the other
reference sheets:

and just note the topic names.  You don't have to study each sheet
closely, but just be aware of what subjects they talk about.  That way,
when you need more details on something, can find the right sheet to get
more information.

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.  Good luck to you!

From krazie_mu_boi at  Mon Dec  1 18:01:24 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Mon Dec  1 18:01:29 2003
Subject: FW: Re: FW: Re: [Tutor] mouse_buttons()
Message-ID: <>

>From: Danny Yoo <>
>To: Leung Cris <>
>Subject: Re: FW: Re: [Tutor] mouse_buttons()
>Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 14:20:47 -0800 (PST)
> > >Take a closer look at:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >According to the documentation, mouse_buttons() is a function that returns
> > >a dictionary.  So you'll need to treat the return value of mouse_buttons()
> > >as a dictionary with keys 'left', 'middle', and 'right'.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.  Good luck to you!
> > >
> >
> >
> > I'm not really familliar with "dictionary", can someone tell me how to
> > access one?
>Hi Leung,
>Livewires has a good explanation of dictionaries:
>By the way, when you get the chance, take a quick glance through the other
>reference sheets:
>and just note the topic names.  You don't have to study each sheet
>closely, but just be aware of what subjects they talk about.  That way,
>when you need more details on something, can find the right sheet to get
>more information.
>If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.  Good luck to you!

I think I got it, thx! ^^

使用 MSN Messenger,與朋友在線上聊天: 

From krazie_mu_boi at  Mon Dec  1 18:06:01 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Mon Dec  1 18:06:07 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
Message-ID: <>

I was wondering if it is possible to set a variable or something to a RANGE of numbers. For instance , I want to have it so that when I mouse clicks in a certain region( let say, from (100,100) to (200,200)), it prints out "You Clicked!" . I'm doing this with Livewires right now. Of course, it would  take forever if i try to write:

if mouse_position() == (100,100) or (100,101) or (100,102) ..............................
and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
      do something

that won't work... so , can anyone help?

MSN 相簿提供您最簡單的方式分享並列印您的相片,請移至 : 

From tim at  Mon Dec  1 18:21:50 2003
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Mon Dec  1 18:14:24 2003
Subject: [Tutor] class method: dynamic overload/++
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Tim Johnson <> [031201 13:25]:
> Hi All:
>     Is it possible in python to replace (overload)
> an existing class method with a new one of the same
> name but with different functionality?
  Upon review, I could have made myself more clear.

  I should have asked:
  Is it possible to overload an existing method
  with another at runtime?

  Hopefully that's clearer
 I would welcome pointers to docs and keywords.
 - this is just R & D, not mission critical.
Tim Johnson <>

From thinkuknowme2007 at  Mon Dec  1 18:21:42 2003
From: thinkuknowme2007 at (Udz)
Date: Mon Dec  1 18:21:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] program doesnt work
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

>Just checking up on this: what happens if you add the line:
>raw_input("Program finished: press Enter to continue...")
 >at the very end of your program?  I suspect that Windows is closing your
>program down automatically.  t's a common issue for console-based programs
>on Windows, that your program may actually be running fine, but may simply
>be finishing too quickly for you to see it.

I hardly doubt that is the case, since my program requires input from the user at various points throughout execution, but i'll try it anyways. thanks!!

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From desiderata at  Tue Dec  2 01:27:10 2003
From: desiderata at (
Date: Mon Dec  1 18:25:03 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Attribute error?
Message-ID: <20031202062710.GA1973@Valhalla>


This is my first time using python and I've got a problem appending to a
file... here's my short code:


uid = raw_input("Please enter your userID: ")
gid = raw_input("Please enter your gID: ")
f = open("file.txt","a")
f.append("\nYour userID is " + uid + " And your gID is " + gid)

but when I input the values while executing it, it gives me an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 6, in ?
      f.append("\nYour userID is " + uid + " And your gID is " + gid) 
      AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'append'

but I already used "a" for it to append.. I don't get it =( 


From glingl at  Mon Dec  1 18:28:27 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Mon Dec  1 18:27:29 2003
Subject: [Tutor] class method: dynamic overload/++
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Johnson schrieb:

>* Tim Johnson <> [031201 13:25]:
>>Hi All:
>>    Is it possible in python to replace (overload)
>>an existing class method with a new one of the same
>>name but with different functionality?
>  Upon review, I could have made myself more clear.
>  I should have asked:
>  Is it possible to overload an existing method
>  with another at runtime?
Hi Tim!
I'm not sure if it's this, what you want to know. I just played around
a little:

 >>> class A:
    def __init__(self):
        self.u = 1
    def p(self):
        print self.u

 >>> x = A()
 >>> x.p()
 >>> def q(self):
    print 2*self.u

 >>> A.p = q
 >>> x.p()

Even if it doesn't help  it's still funny

>  Hopefully that's clearer
>  -----------------------
> I would welcome pointers to docs and keywords.
> - this is just R & D, not mission critical.
> tim

From glingl at  Mon Dec  1 18:39:06 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Mon Dec  1 18:38:06 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Attribute error?
In-Reply-To: <20031202062710.GA1973@Valhalla>
References: <20031202062710.GA1973@Valhalla>
Message-ID: <> schrieb:

>This is my first time using python and I've got a problem appending to a
>file... here's my short code:
>uid = raw_input("Please enter your userID: ")
>gid = raw_input("Please enter your gID: ")
>f = open("file.txt","a")
Hi desiderata ;-) !

The use of "a" in open() opens the file for appending text. Writing to the
file still goes with write, as write is a method of file objects.

f.write("\nYour userID is " + uid + " And your gID is " + gid)

You may read about methods of file-objects here:


>f.append("\nYour userID is " + uid + " And your gID is " + gid)
>but when I input the values while executing it, it gives me an error:
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "./", line 6, in ?
>      f.append("\nYour userID is " + uid + " And your gID is " + gid) 
>      AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'append'
>but I already used "a" for it to append.. I don't get it =( 
>Tutor maillist  -

From glingl at  Mon Dec  1 18:53:35 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Mon Dec  1 18:52:36 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Leung!

There is a range function in Python:

>>> range(5)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> range(5,10)
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

It outputs lists of integer values.
play around with it to learn how it works.
(Even to call range(10,20,2), i. e. with
3 arguments, is possible)

On the other han you can check if some value
is in a certain range with the in - Operator:

>>> y = 4
>>> y in range(5)
True # 1 in older Versions of Python
>>> y in range(5,10)
False # or 0

so if you first extract the coordinates of
your mouse-position:

>>> x,y = mouse_position()

then you can easily check if y is in the desired


Leung Cris schrieb:

> I was wondering if it is possible to set a variable or something to a
> RANGE of numbers. For instance , I want to have it so that when I
> mouse clicks in a certain region( let say, from (100,100) to
> (200,200)), it prints out "You Clicked!" . I'm doing this with
> Livewires right now. Of course, it would take forever if i try to write:
> if mouse_position() == (100,100) or (100,101) or (100,102)
> ..............................
> and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
> do something
> that won't work... so , can anyone help?
> _________________________________________________________________
> MSN 相簿提供您最簡單的方式分享並列印您的相片,請移至 :
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist -

From glingl at  Mon Dec  1 18:54:29 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Mon Dec  1 18:53:31 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Leung Cris schrieb:

> I was wondering if it is possible to set a variable or something to a
> RANGE of numbers. For instance , I want to have it so that when I
> mouse clicks in a certain region( let say, from (100,100) to
> (200,200)), it prints out "You Clicked!" . I'm doing this with
> Livewires right now. Of course, it would take forever if i try to write:
> if mouse_position() == (100,100) or (100,101) or (100,102)
> ..............................
> and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
> do something
> that won't work... so , can anyone help?
> _________________________________________________________________
> MSN 相簿提供您最簡單的方式分享並列印您的相片,請移至 :
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist -

From krazie_mu_boi at  Mon Dec  1 18:54:53 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Mon Dec  1 18:54:57 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
Message-ID: <>


>From: Gregor Lingl <>
>To: Leung Cris <>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] A range of numbers
>Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 00:53:35 +0100
>Hi Leung!
>There is a range function in Python:
> >>> range(5)
>[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
> >>> range(5,10)
>[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>It outputs lists of integer values.
>play around with it to learn how it works.
>(Even to call range(10,20,2), i. e. with
>3 arguments, is possible)
>On the other han you can check if some value
>is in a certain range with the in - Operator:
> >>> y = 4
> >>> y in range(5)
>True # 1 in older Versions of Python
> >>> y in range(5,10)
>False # or 0
>so if you first extract the coordinates of
>your mouse-position:
> >>> x,y = mouse_position()
>then you can easily check if y is in the desired
>Leung Cris schrieb:
> > I was wondering if it is possible to set a variable or something to a
> > RANGE of numbers. For instance , I want to have it so that when I
> > mouse clicks in a certain region( let say, from (100,100) to
> > (200,200)), it prints out "You Clicked!" . I'm doing this with
> > Livewires right now. Of course, it would take forever if i try to write:
> >
> > if mouse_position() == (100,100) or (100,101) or (100,102)
> > ..............................
> > and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
> > do something
> >
> > that won't work... so , can anyone help?
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
> > MSN 相簿提供您最簡單的方式分享並列印您的相片,請移至 :
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist -
> >
> >
> >

使用 MSN Messenger,與朋友在線上聊天: 

From glingl at  Mon Dec  1 19:02:06 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Mon Dec  1 19:01:06 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>


My reply is missing here??? It's not missing in the
copy of this mail in my sent-folder.

I wrote:

Another way to do it would be:

x,y = mouse_position()
if 100 <= x <= 200 and 100 <= y <= 200 and ... :
do something


Gregor Lingl schrieb:

>Leung Cris schrieb:
>>I was wondering if it is possible to set a variable or something to a
>>RANGE of numbers. For instance , I want to have it so that when I
>>mouse clicks in a certain region( let say, from (100,100) to
>>(200,200)), it prints out "You Clicked!" . I'm doing this with
>>Livewires right now. Of course, it would take forever if i try to write:
>>if mouse_position() == (100,100) or (100,101) or (100,102)
>>and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
>>do something
>>that won't work... so , can anyone help?
>>MSN 相簿提供您最簡單的方式分享並列印您的相片,請移至 :
>>Tutor maillist -
>Tutor maillist  -

From amonroe at  Mon Dec  1 19:16:38 2003
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Mon Dec  1 19:07:18 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

>> I was wondering if it is possible to set a variable or something to a
>> RANGE of numbers. For instance , I want to have it so that when I
>> mouse clicks in a certain region( let say, from (100,100) to
>> (200,200)), it prints out "You Clicked!" . I'm doing this with
>> Livewires right now. Of course, it would take forever if i try to write:
>> if mouse_position() == (100,100) or (100,101) or (100,102)
>> ..............................
>> and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
>> do something

>>>> y = 4
>>>> y in range(5)
> True # 1 in older Versions of Python
>>>> y in range(5,10)
> False # or 0

> so if you first extract the coordinates of
> your mouse-position:
>>>> x,y = mouse_position()
> then you can easily check if y is in the desired
> range.

I haven't tried it, but that seems like it would be slow, because
Python would have to create a list, possibly hundreds of numbers long,
in RAM, every time you checked it. Unless Python caches them?

The traditional way I think is to use greater than and less than.

if (x>100) and (x<200) and (y>100) and (y<200):
   print "you clicked"


From krazie_mu_boi at  Mon Dec  1 19:11:15 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Mon Dec  1 19:11:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
Message-ID: <>

Thx, but while you are at it, can you tell me what is wrong with this code?

>>>while 1:
>>>     (x,y) = mouse_position()
>>>     if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
>>>          break
>>>          move(300,200)
>>>          text('You Did it!')

Whever I try it, it says Unpack Sequence (or something like that ) . I knew this was because my mouse wasn't in the graphic window, meaning that mouse_position() = None ; so, i moved my mouse to the graphic window, and try the code again: FREEZES.

>From: Gregor Lingl <>
>To: Leung Cris <>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] A range of numbers
>Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 00:56:56 +0100
>Another way to do it would be:
>x,y = mouse_position()
>if 100 <= x <= 200 and 100 <= y <= 200 and ... :
>do something
>Leung Cris schrieb:
> > I was wondering if it is possible to set a variable or something to a
> > RANGE of numbers. For instance , I want to have it so that when I
> > mouse clicks in a certain region( let say, from (100,100) to
> > (200,200)), it prints out "You Clicked!" . I'm doing this with
> > Livewires right now. Of course, it would take forever if i try to write:
> >
> > if mouse_position() == (100,100) or (100,101) or (100,102)
> > ..............................
> > and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
> > do something
> >
> > that won't work... so , can anyone help?
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
> > MSN 相簿提供您最簡單的方式分享並列印您的相片,請移至 :
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist -
> >
> >
> >

在您的行動裝置上傳送接收 Hotmail 郵件,請移至: 

From darnold02 at  Mon Dec  1 19:14:06 2003
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Mon Dec  1 19:12:34 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Dec 1, 2003, at 5:53 PM, Gregor Lingl wrote:

> Hi Leung!
> There is a range function in Python:
>>>> range(5)
> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>>> range(5,10)
> [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
> It outputs lists of integer values.
> play around with it to learn how it works.
> (Even to call range(10,20,2), i. e. with
> 3 arguments, is possible)
> On the other han you can check if some value
> is in a certain range with the in - Operator:
>>>> y = 4
>>>> y in range(5)
> True # 1 in older Versions of Python
>>>> y in range(5,10)
> False # or 0
> so if you first extract the coordinates of
> your mouse-position:
>>>> x,y = mouse_position()
> then you can easily check if y is in the desired
> range.
> Gregor

I never thought of doing range checking like that before. Cool. But I 
still prefer:

x, y = mouse_position()
if 100 <= x <= 200 and 100 <= y <= 200:
     print "You clicked!"

That way, you don't generate a throwaway list, and you don't have to 
about the potential off-by-one error that can happen when using range().

Just my 2 cents,

From dyoo at  Mon Dec  1 19:38:57 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec  1 19:39:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, Leung Cris wrote:

> Thx, but while you are at it, can you tell me what is wrong with this code?
> >>>while 1:
> >>>     (x,y) = mouse_position()
[code cut]

> Whenever I try it, it says Unpack Sequence (or something like that ).

Hi Leung,

On which line do you get the error message?  Show us the exact error
message, as well as the "traceback".  That'll help us trace back where the
problem is occurring.

I'll assume for the moment that the code breaks on:

    (x,y) = mouse_position()

If so, then we have to double check that mouse_position() always returns a
2-tuple.  According to the docs in,

we may need to call mouse_begin() and mouse_end() between calls to
mouse_position().  It doesn't say what happens if we don't, and I get the
feeling that Bad Things may happen if we don't follow the precepts.

The above advice is only based on a guess though.  *grin* Show us the
error message, and we'll be better equipped to tackle the problem.

Good luck!

From littledanehren at  Mon Dec  1 19:57:24 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Mon Dec  1 19:57:30 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- "R. Alan Monroe" <> wrote:
> >> I was wondering if it is possible to set a
> variable or something to a
> >> RANGE of numbers. For instance , I want to have
> it so that when I
> >> mouse clicks in a certain region( let say, from
> (100,100) to
> >> (200,200)), it prints out "You Clicked!" . I'm
> doing this with
> >> Livewires right now. Of course, it would take
> forever if i try to write:
> >>
> >> if mouse_position() == (100,100) or (100,101) or
> (100,102)
> >> ..............................
> >> and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
> >> do something
> >>>> y = 4
> >>>> y in range(5)
> > True # 1 in older Versions of Python
> >>>> y in range(5,10)
> > False # or 0
> > so if you first extract the coordinates of
> > your mouse-position:
> >>>> x,y = mouse_position()
> > then you can easily check if y is in the desired
> > range.
> I haven't tried it, but that seems like it would be
> slow, because
> Python would have to create a list, possibly
> hundreds of numbers long,
> in RAM, every time you checked it. Unless Python
> caches them?
> The traditional way I think is to use greater than
> and less than.
> if (x>100) and (x<200) and (y>100) and (y<200):
>    print "you clicked"
> Alan

I think you could simplify that to

if 100<x<200 and 100<y<200:
    print "you clicked"

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now

From tim at  Mon Dec  1 20:06:16 2003
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Mon Dec  1 19:58:50 2003
Subject: [Tutor] class method: dynamic overload/++
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

It's as simple as all that! Great.

* Gregor Lingl <> [031201 14:40]:
> Tim Johnson schrieb:
> > Is it possible to overload an existing method
> > with another at runtime?
> > 
> >
> Hi Tim!
> I'm not sure if it's this, what you want to know. I just played around
> a little:
> >>> class A:
>    def __init__(self):
>        self.u = 1
>    def p(self):
>        print self.u
> >>> x = A()
> >>> x.p()
> 1
> >>> def q(self):
>    print 2*self.u
> >>> A.p = q
> >>> x.p()
> 2
> >>>
> Even if it doesn't help  it's still funny

Tim Johnson <>

From krazie_mu_boi at  Mon Dec  1 20:27:33 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Cris Leung)
Date: Mon Dec  1 20:27:38 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
Message-ID: <>

Okay, I was working on it just now, and I found out that this works:
def func():
	for i in range(100):
		print 'delay'
	while 1:
		x,y = mouse_position()
		if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:

as long as I move my mouse to the graphics window before the "print delay" 
is finish. However, if I dun click within seconds after the "print 'delay'" 
, the thing freezes.

I have also tried this:

def func():
	while 1:
		x,y = mouse_position()
		if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
but I have no idea how to use mouse_wait () . I've also tried using

if mouse_position() != None:
          blah blah blah

but that freezes as well. HELP!!!!!

>From: Gregor Lingl <>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] A range of numbers
>Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 01:02:06 +0100
>My reply is missing here??? It's not missing in the
>copy of this mail in my sent-folder.
>I wrote:
>Another way to do it would be:
>x,y = mouse_position()
>if 100 <= x <= 200 and 100 <= y <= 200 and ... :
>do something
>Gregor Lingl schrieb:
> >Leung Cris schrieb:
> >
> >
> >
> >>I was wondering if it is possible to set a variable or something to a
> >>RANGE of numbers. For instance , I want to have it so that when I
> >>mouse clicks in a certain region( let say, from (100,100) to
> >>(200,200)), it prints out "You Clicked!" . I'm doing this with
> >>Livewires right now. Of course, it would take forever if i try to write:
> >>
> >>if mouse_position() == (100,100) or (100,101) or (100,102)
> >>..............................
> >>and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
> >>do something
> >>
> >>that won't work... so , can anyone help?
> >>
> >>_________________________________________________________________
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From dyoo at  Mon Dec  1 20:37:42 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec  1 20:37:54 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, Cris Leung wrote:

> Okay, I was working on it just now, and I found out that this works:
> __________________________________________________________________
> def func():
> 	begin_graphics()
> 	begin_mouse()
> 	box(200,200,300,300)
> 	for i in range(100):
> 		print 'delay'
> 	while 1:
> 		x,y = mouse_position()
> 		if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
> 			break
> 	box(100,100,400,400)
> 	end_mouse()
> __________________________________________________________
> as long as I move my mouse to the graphics window before the "print
> delay"  is finish. However, if I dun click within seconds after the
> "print 'delay'"  , the thing freezes.


Try moving the begin_mouse() and end_mouse() stuff around the
mouse_position().  What's happening is that begin_mouse() and end_mouse()
are the function that update the mouse position in the program. Without
them, mouse_position() will continue to return the same thing over and

def func():
    while 1:
        x,y = mouse_position()
        if (200 <= x <= 300
            and 200 <= y <= 300
            and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1):

should fix the bug.

This is not an ideal fix --- in programming lingo, this is a "busy
waiting" loop that continues to ask the system what the mouse position is,
even if it hasn't changed recently.  So it's a bit inefficient.  Still, it
should be ok enough to make things work.

(But to tell the truth, I don't know why the Livewires API is designed
that way; it seems very error prone!  I think it might simply be better to
have mouse_position() automatically call begin_mouse() and end_mouse() for
us.  I'd have to look more closely at the Livewires API to see why they
don't do that.)

Good luck!

From dyoo at  Mon Dec  1 20:43:49 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec  1 20:43:54 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, Danny Yoo wrote:
> > delay"  is finish. However, if I dun click within seconds after the
> > "print 'delay'"  , the thing freezes.
> Ah!
> Try moving the begin_mouse() and end_mouse() stuff around the
> mouse_position().  What's happening is that begin_mouse() and
> end_mouse() are the function that update the mouse position in the
> program. Without them, mouse_position() will continue to return the same
> thing over and over.
> ###
> def func():
>     begin_graphics()
>     box(200,200,300,300)
>     while 1:
>         begin_mouse()
>         x,y = mouse_position()
>         end_mouse()
>         if (200 <= x <= 300
>             and 200 <= y <= 300
>             and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1):
>             break
>     box(100,100,400,400)
> ###
> should fix the bug.

Doh.  I meant:

def func():
    while 1:
        x,y = mouse_position()
        buttons = mouse_buttons()
        if (200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300
            and buttons['left'] == 1):

That is, we need to wrap the begin_mouse() and end_mouse() around all
mouse access.  Otherwise, mouse_buttons() isn't guaranteed to give us a
good value.

Sorry about that!

From krazie_mu_boi at  Mon Dec  1 20:44:31 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Mon Dec  1 20:44:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
Message-ID: <>

Livewires is ERROR-PRONE. But it's wat i have to use at school, o well. Okay , the code doesn't really work because the function mouse_position() returns not a number, but a None if the cursor isn't on the graphics screen. And becuz livewires made the function begin_graphics() open up a window but doesn't MAXIMIZE it . I'm not able to out race the computer in putting my cursor on to the graphics window. So, I think i need a code that wait for something to happen before going on to the loop. I saw the mouse_wait(how) function on the worksheet, but don't kno how to use it.

>From: Danny Yoo <>
>To: Cris Leung <>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] A range of numbers
>Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 17:37:42 -0800 (PST)
>On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, Cris Leung wrote:
> > Okay, I was working on it just now, and I found out that this works:
> > __________________________________________________________________
> > def func():
> > 	begin_graphics()
> > 	begin_mouse()
> > 	box(200,200,300,300)
> > 	for i in range(100):
> > 		print 'delay'
> > 	while 1:
> > 		x,y = mouse_position()
> > 		if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
> > 			break
> > 	box(100,100,400,400)
> > 	end_mouse()
> > __________________________________________________________
> >
> > as long as I move my mouse to the graphics window before the "print
> > delay"  is finish. However, if I dun click within seconds after the
> > "print 'delay'"  , the thing freezes.
>Try moving the begin_mouse() and end_mouse() stuff around the
>mouse_position().  What's happening is that begin_mouse() and end_mouse()
>are the function that update the mouse position in the program. Without
>them, mouse_position() will continue to return the same thing over and
>def func():
>     begin_graphics()
>     box(200,200,300,300)
>     while 1:
>         begin_mouse()
>         x,y = mouse_position()
>         end_mouse()
>         if (200 <= x <= 300
>             and 200 <= y <= 300
>             and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1):
>             break
>     box(100,100,400,400)
>should fix the bug.
>This is not an ideal fix --- in programming lingo, this is a "busy
>waiting" loop that continues to ask the system what the mouse position is,
>even if it hasn't changed recently.  So it's a bit inefficient.  Still, it
>should be ok enough to make things work.
>(But to tell the truth, I don't know why the Livewires API is designed
>that way; it seems very error prone!  I think it might simply be better to
>have mouse_position() automatically call begin_mouse() and end_mouse() for
>us.  I'd have to look more closely at the Livewires API to see why they
>don't do that.)
>Good luck!

使用 MSN Messenger,與朋友在線上聊天: 

From krazie_mu_boi at  Mon Dec  1 20:46:30 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Mon Dec  1 20:46:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
Message-ID: <>

Forgot to tell you guys, if I don't get my mouse to the graphics screen, the mouse_position() will return None instead of a (x,y) . here's the error I wud get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in ?
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 6, in func
    x,y = mouse_position()
TypeError: unpack non-sequence

>From: Danny Yoo <>
>To: Cris Leung <>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] A range of numbers
>Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 17:43:49 -0800 (PST)
>On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, Danny Yoo wrote:
> > > delay"  is finish. However, if I dun click within seconds after the
> > > "print 'delay'"  , the thing freezes.
> >
> >
> > Ah!
> >
> > Try moving the begin_mouse() and end_mouse() stuff around the
> > mouse_position().  What's happening is that begin_mouse() and
> > end_mouse() are the function that update the mouse position in the
> > program. Without them, mouse_position() will continue to return the same
> > thing over and over.
> >
> >
> > ###
> > def func():
> >     begin_graphics()
> >     box(200,200,300,300)
> >     while 1:
> >         begin_mouse()
> >         x,y = mouse_position()
> >         end_mouse()
> >         if (200 <= x <= 300
> >             and 200 <= y <= 300
> >             and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1):
> >             break
> >     box(100,100,400,400)
> > ###
> >
> > should fix the bug.
>Doh.  I meant:
>def func():
>     begin_graphics()
>     box(200,200,300,300)
>     while 1:
>         begin_mouse()
>         x,y = mouse_position()
>         buttons = mouse_buttons()
>         end_mouse()
>         if (200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300
>             and buttons['left'] == 1):
>             break
>     box(100,100,400,400)
>That is, we need to wrap the begin_mouse() and end_mouse() around all
>mouse access.  Otherwise, mouse_buttons() isn't guaranteed to give us a
>good value.
>Sorry about that!

使用 MSN Messenger,與朋友在線上聊天: 

From andy_osagie at  Mon Dec  1 21:06:39 2003
From: andy_osagie at (Andy Osagie)
Date: Mon Dec  1 21:07:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Printing Large Amounts of Data
Message-ID: <>

    I recently decided to help my mother's business out by inputting thousands of names and addresses into a tuple with a python program I made. I then saved each entry as a cPickle object in its own file. There are about 3000 objects; each having a name, title, street, city, state, and zipcode field.
    Now my mom wants me to print all these names and addresses onto envelopes. I have a few ideas on how to do this but I decided it would be best if I asked you guys for your advice first, before I waste a lot of paper.

Thanks in advance,
-- Andy Osagie
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From littledanehren at  Mon Dec  1 21:11:52 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Mon Dec  1 21:12:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Leung Cris <> wrote:
> Forgot to tell you guys, if I don't get my mouse to
> the graphics screen, the mouse_position() will
> return None instead of a (x,y) . here's the error I
> wud get:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in ?
>     func()
>   File "<pyshell#0>", line 6, in func
>     x,y = mouse_position()
> TypeError: unpack non-sequence

Then catch the error. Here's just the unpacking part
of the code with the error caught:

    x, y = mouse_position()
    x, y = 0, 0

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now

From krazie_mu_boi at  Mon Dec  1 21:18:32 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Mon Dec  1 21:18:37 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
Message-ID: <>

....Dun realy get it.

>From: Daniel Ehrenberg <>
>To: pytutor <>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] A range of numbers
>Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 18:11:52 -0800 (PST)
>--- Leung Cris <> wrote:
> > Forgot to tell you guys, if I don't get my mouse to
> > the graphics screen, the mouse_position() will
> > return None instead of a (x,y) . here's the error I
> > wud get:
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in ?
> >     func()
> >   File "<pyshell#0>", line 6, in func
> >     x,y = mouse_position()
> > TypeError: unpack non-sequence
>Then catch the error. Here's just the unpacking part
>of the code with the error caught:
>     x, y = mouse_position()
>     x, y = 0, 0
>Daniel Ehrenberg
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now
>Tutor maillist  -

在您的行動裝置上傳送接收 Hotmail 郵件,請移至: 

From alan.gauld at  Mon Dec  1 23:52:59 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Dec  1 23:52:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Attribute error?
References: <20031202062710.GA1973@Valhalla>
Message-ID: <004101c3b890$28d03140$6401a8c0@xp>

> uid = raw_input("Please enter your userID: ")
> gid = raw_input("Please enter your gID: ")
> f = open("file.txt","a")
> f.append("\nYour userID is " + uid + " And your gID is " + gid)
> -----
> but when I input the values while executing it, it gives me an
> -----
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./", line 6, in ?
>       f.append("\nYour userID is " + uid + " And your gID is "
+ gid)
>       AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'append'
> ----- 
> but I already used "a" for it to append.. I don't get it =(

Thats right, you told Python that when you *write* to the file
it should append the data o the existing file. But the file
object doesn't have a method called append, you just write to it.


And you should really close the file after use - its a good
habit even if Python will do it for you at the end of the


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From clickron at  Tue Dec  2 00:10:13 2003
From: clickron at (Ron A)
Date: Tue Dec  2 00:10:18 2003
Subject: [Tutor] special character ( =?iso-8859-1?q?=F1?= )
Message-ID: <>

>It sounds like you're trying to use
> ISO-8859-1 encoding to display
> accented characters on your system. 
>If your terminal supports it, then you can
> use: 
>to find out the right hexadecimal
> constants. For example, the tilde 'n'
> maps to the entry: 
>0xF1 ? 0x00F1 # ? ? ? LATIN SMALL
>So if your terminal display natively
>supports ISO-8859-1, then something
> like: 
>print '\xf1' 
>should do the trick. 

Yup, that works just great. Thank you.

Ron A

From fredm at  Tue Dec  2 00:25:31 2003
From: fredm at (Alfred Milgrom)
Date: Tue Dec  2 00:25:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

One of the really great aspects of Python is that it is OK to make a mistake!

In fact, one of Python's philosophies is captured in the Python proverb:
"It's better to ask for forgiveness than for permission"

This means: if you think your code will be OK most of the time, but 
occasionally produce an error, go ahead and do it anyway! When an error 
comes up, say sorry :))

The key construct here is "try ... except"

     x, y = mouse_position()

This fragment says: "Try this code. I think it's OK. Don't fall over if it 
is wrong."

But what happens if there is an error (as you reported)?
Then you just tell the program what to do if you were wrong :)), such as:

     # your code for what to do if the "try" code fell over.

You should be aware that the "try ... except" code is very powerful and 
will catch all errors in your "try" code fragment.
For example if your code has a typing error, such as

     x, y = mouse_posiiton()

the "try" segment will fail and you will always default into the except bit.

It is therefore better to specify which error you want to ignore.
You know from the code that didn't work that you get a TypeError if the 
mouse is off the screen, so your code should be

     x, y = mouse_position()
except TypeError:
     # your code for what to do if the "try" code fell over.

Hope this helps,
Fred Milgrom

At 06:18 PM 1/12/03 -0800, Leung Cris wrote:
>....Dun realy get it.
>>From: Daniel Ehrenberg <>
>>To: pytutor <>
>>Subject: Re: [Tutor] A range of numbers
>>Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 18:11:52 -0800 (PST)
>>--- Leung Cris <> wrote:
>> > Forgot to tell you guys, if I don't get my mouse to
>> > the graphics screen, the mouse_position() will
>> > return None instead of a (x,y) . here's the error I
>> > wud get:
>> >
>> > Traceback (most recent call last):
>> >   File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in ?
>> >     func()
>> >   File "<pyshell#0>", line 6, in func
>> >     x,y = mouse_position()
>> > TypeError: unpack non-sequence
>>Then catch the error. Here's just the unpacking part
>>of the code with the error caught:
>>     x, y = mouse_position()
>>     x, y = 0, 0
>>Daniel Ehrenberg
>>Do you Yahoo!?
>>Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now
>>Tutor maillist  -
>?b?z?????????m?W???e???? Hotmail ?l???A??????: 
>Tutor maillist  -

From carroll at  Tue Dec  2 01:59:13 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Tue Dec  2 01:59:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] isinstance() evil?
Message-ID: <>

I've read a couple aricle here and there that isinstance() is generally a 
bad idea.

I have a question on that.

I'm writing a small method used for debugging programs using a particular 
class I wrote.  I want it to accept either an instance of the class, or a 
list of instances (or, for that matter, a list of list of instances, etc., 
if that's really what you want to do).

I use isinstance() for this; it seems very straightforward to do this 


        if isinstance(thing, list):
            for element in thing:

        [rest of Dump, for a one-element invocation, follows]

Is there a preferred way to do something like this?

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From fredm at  Tue Dec  2 02:14:07 2003
From: fredm at (Alfred Milgrom)
Date: Tue Dec  2 02:15:09 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Leung:

It's better to use "reply to all" in future, so your comments get posted to 
the list as well, rather than just to the one person.
(I am copying this answer to the list now as well.)

Looking at your code, I am not sure what you think the end_mouse() code 
will do, but there is a logic mistake.

Look at these lines:

>                 if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and 
> mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
>                         break
>                         end_mouse()
>                 end_mouse()


If the left button has been pressed inside the box:
         break           <=== This means 'break out of the while loop'.

         No further code in the "while 1" loop will be executed, including 

(continuing with the code):
On the other hand, if the mouse is not in the box or if the mouse button 
has not been pressed
         end_mouse()     <=== Ignore all further mouse presses.

So let's see what happens if that the program gets started:
         Immediately the "if" test will fail (because you can't press the 
cursor fast enough)
         All further mouse presses get ignored
         But you are still in the "while 1" infinite loop!

Hope this helps,
Fred Milgrom

At 09:53 PM 1/12/03 -0800, you wrote:
>I think i got the try ... except concept, but did i do something wrong 
>here? cuz it freezes when i try this function
>def func():
>         begin_graphics()
>         box(200,200,300,300)
>         while 1:
>                 begin_mouse()
>                 try:
>                         x,y = mouse_position()
>                 except:
>                         x,y = 0,0
>                 if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and 
> mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
>                         break
>                         end_mouse()
>                 end_mouse()
>         box(300,200,500,500)

From magnus at  Tue Dec  2 08:25:03 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue Dec  2 08:25:12 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gaXNpbnN0YW5jZSgpIGV2aWw/?=
Message-ID: <>

> I've read a couple aricle here and there that isinstance() is generally a 
> bad idea.

I wouldn't say that. It certainly has its uses.
> I have a question on that.
> I'm writing a small method used for debugging programs using a particular 
> class I wrote.  I want it to accept either an instance of the class, or a 
> list of instances (or, for that matter, a list of list of instances, etc., 
> if that's really what you want to do).
> I use isinstance() for this; it seems very straightforward to do this 
> recursively:
>     Dump(thing):
>         if isinstance(thing, list):
>             for element in thing:
>                 Dump(element)
>             return

I wouldn't use it in this case though. It seems to me that there is
no reason to restrict this particular behaviour to lists. Why not
allow other sequences, such as tuples, or maybe instances of some
class you made.

A simple option would be...

            for element in thing:
        except TypeError:
            # rest of dump...

This has a few problems though. First of all, you could get some
other type error that the one you get from looping over something
unloopable. But that is fixable:

            for element in thing:
        except TypeError, e:
            if str(e) != 'iteration over non-sequence':
            # rest of dump...

The second problem is that throwing exceptions is a bit costly
from a performance point of view. One might also have principal
objections about using the exception handling for situations that
aren't really errors or exceptioonal conditions.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From op73418 at  Tue Dec  2 08:57:11 2003
From: op73418 at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gon=E7alo_Rodrigues?=)
Date: Tue Dec  2 08:55:25 2003
Subject: [Tutor] isinstance() evil?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue,  2 Dec 2003 14:25:03 +0100, you wrote:

[text snipped]

>I wouldn't use it in this case though. It seems to me that there is
>no reason to restrict this particular behaviour to lists. Why not
>allow other sequences, such as tuples, or maybe instances of some
>class you made.
>A simple option would be...
>        try:
>            for element in thing:
>                Dump(element)
>        except TypeError:
>            # rest of dump...
>This has a few problems though. First of all, you could get some
>other type error that the one you get from looping over something
>unloopable. But that is fixable:
>        try:
>            for element in thing:
>                Dump(element)
>        except TypeError, e:
>            if str(e) != 'iteration over non-sequence':
>                raise
>            # rest of dump...
>The second problem is that throwing exceptions is a bit costly
>from a performance point of view. One might also have principal
>objections about using the exception handling for situations that
>aren't really errors or exceptioonal conditions.

Sometimes I use the following:

#Can raise TypeError if thing is not iterable.
it = iter(thing)
for element in it:
    #Some exception(s) may be raised here.

No masking of exceptions and avoids the use of the try/except block.

With my best regards,
G. Rodrigues

From mhansen at  Tue Dec  2 09:15:13 2003
From: mhansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Tue Dec  2 09:12:39 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: IDE
In-Reply-To: <E1APrHb-0000Bp-00@hooloovoo>
References: <>
	<> <E1APrHb-0000Bp-00@hooloovoo>
Message-ID: <>

OOPS. My Bad. I had heard or thought I heard that development on XEMACS 
had stopped.

Discussing EMACS with a fellow developer who is a EMACS convert, it 
appears that many of the features of XEMACS are now in EMACS.

I didn't imply that the two were merging.


Abel Daniel wrote:

>Mike Hansen <> writes:
>>BTW, I believe that development on XEMACS has stopped, and most of the
>>features that were in XEMACS are now in EMACS.
>well, according to :
> There are currently irreconcilable differences in the views about
> technical, programming, design and organizational matters between
> Richard Stallman (RMS) and the XEmacs development team which provide
> little hope for a merge to take place in the short-term future.
>The fact that emacs is getting features xemacs had before doesn't mean
>that xemacs development stopped or that there is a merger going
>on. (They might be reimplemented in emacs. Copying features isn't 'merging')

From op73418 at  Tue Dec  2 09:31:03 2003
From: op73418 at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gon=E7alo_Rodrigues?=)
Date: Tue Dec  2 09:29:18 2003
Subject: [Tutor] isinstance() evil?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 1 Dec 2003 22:59:13 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>I've read a couple aricle here and there that isinstance() is generally a 
>bad idea.
>I have a question on that.
>I'm writing a small method used for debugging programs using a particular 
>class I wrote.  I want it to accept either an instance of the class, or a 
>list of instances (or, for that matter, a list of list of instances, etc., 
>if that's really what you want to do).
>I use isinstance() for this; it seems very straightforward to do this 
>    Dump(thing):
>        if isinstance(thing, list):
>            for element in thing:
>                Dump(element)
>            return
>        [rest of Dump, for a one-element invocation, follows]
>Is there a preferred way to do something like this?

IMHO there are two different answers to your question. Let me start by
what you did not ask and answer that I think you are designing it
wrongly: a thing and a sequence of things are two very different
things (no pun intended) and should not be conflated. In terms of
design, what this means is simply:

1. Make Dump a method of thing(s).

2. Have special purpose code to deal with a "sequence of things.".
This is as simple as

for thing in things:

where things is a "sequence" (a list, a tuple, a special-purpose
iterable, etc.) of thing objects.

Now, to your real question. Think of the question you are asking when
using isinstance.

    if isinstance(thing, list):

As the code in the if block shows the *only* thing you are interestred
in is to know if thing is a sequence of sorts. You really do not care
if it's a list. A tuple is a reasonable sequence also. So why restrict
the usability of your code needlessly? Just go ahead and *assume* that
the object is a sequence of things and then deal with any exceptions
that may be raised:

    things = iter(things)
except TypeError:
    raise TypeError("Object not iterable", things)
for thing in things:
        dump = thing.Dump
    except AttributeError:
        raise AttributeError("Object not a thing", thing)

We first test if things is a "sequence" of sorts. In this case, we
only want to iterate over it so we just ask: are you, things,
iterable? This means exactly


To be explicit, I wrapped it in a try, except block, although it is
useless because we just reraise the exception.

Then for each thing in things, we ask first: do you have a Dump
attribute? We do this by just grabbing the attribute as


once again I've wrapped it in a try, except block for the sake of
being explicit. Once again, it is useless in fact, since nothing more
is done than raise an AttributeError exception.

Once this "test" is passed we just go along and call dump =
thing.Dump. It can also fail here, e.g.thing.Dump is not callable
but... you get the point.

One can *improve* the code a little bit. As it is, the first
thing.Dump may succeed but the second (or the third, or...) can fail.
We can make sure that *all* succed by the following

    things = iter(things)
except TypeError:
    raise TypeError("Object not iterable", things)
    dumps = [thing.Dump for thing in things]
except AttributeError:
    raise AttributeError("Object not a thing")
for dump in dumps:

I'll leave you to ponder on this one :-)

With my best regards,
G. Rodrigues

From op73418 at  Tue Dec  2 10:15:02 2003
From: op73418 at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gon=E7alo_Rodrigues?=)
Date: Tue Dec  2 10:13:21 2003
Subject: [Tutor] class method: dynamic overload/++
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 1 Dec 2003 14:21:50 -0900, you wrote:

>* Tim Johnson <> [031201 13:25]:
>> Hi All:
>>     Is it possible in python to replace (overload)
>> an existing class method with a new one of the same
>> name but with different functionality?
>  Upon review, I could have made myself more clear.
>  I should have asked:
>  Is it possible to overload an existing method
>  with another at runtime?
>  Hopefully that's clearer
>  -----------------------
> I would welcome pointers to docs and keywords.
> - this is just R & D, not mission critical.
> tim

As Gregor Lingl showed, you can replace at runtime one method with

>>> class A(object):
... 	def __init__(self, attrib):
... 		self.attrib = attrib
... 	def method(self):
... 		return self.attrib
>>> a = A(1)
>>> a.method()
>>> def anothermethod(self):
... 	return 2*self.attrib
>>> A.method = anothermethod
>>> a.method()

What this shows is that *every* instance, even existing ones, will
notice the change (class objects are mutable). Think carefully, if you
are not better served by simple, yet reliable, inheritance:

>>> class B(A):
... 	def method(self):
... 		return 2*self.attrib
>>> b = B(1)
>>> b.method()

You can also replace methods in a per-instance base, e.g.

>>> import new
>>> help(new.instancemethod)
Help on class instancemethod in module __builtin__:

class instancemethod(object)
 |  instancemethod(function, instance, class)
 |  Create an instance method object.


>>> c = A(2)
>>> c.method()
>>> c.method = new.instancemethod(lambda self: 3*self.attrib, c, c.__class__)
>>> c.__dict__["method"]
<bound method A.<lambda> of <__main__.A object at 0x010F1EF0>>
>>> c.attrib
>>> c.method()
>>> a.attrib
>>> a.method()

As you can see, only the c instance has the new method, not the a

You can also change the *class* of an instance at run time. This can
fail badly, or, even worse, lead to some disastrous results. Anyway I
mention it for the sake of completion, since in this case there are no

>>> a.__class__ = B
>>> a.__class__
<class '__main__.B'>
>>> a.method()

And Python's dynamic capabilities do not end here. One can go well
into metaclass programming and fashion classes at run time, modify
them, etc.

But at the end of the day, these are all *advanced* techniques and,
unless you are trying to be clever, they are not to be used in the
vast majority of cases. In other words, if you don't know wether you
need them, you don't:

"Metaclasses are deeper magic than 99% of users should ever worry
about. If you wonder whether you need them, you don't (the people who
actually need them know with certainty that they need them, and don't
need an explanation about why). -- Python Guru Tim Peters"

With my best regards,
G. Rodrigues

From krazie_mu_boi at  Tue Dec  2 11:31:37 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Tue Dec  2 11:31:43 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers
Message-ID: <>

Ya, that's true.... but even if i change it something like this:
>>def func():
>>         begin_graphics()
>>         box(200,200,300,300)
>>         begin_mouse()
>>         while 1:
>>                 try:
>>                         x,y = mouse_position()
>>                 except:
>>                         x,y = 0,0
>>                 if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
>>                         break                        
>>         end_mouse()
>>         box(300,200,500,500)

It sill won't work. I've also tried putting time.sleep(0.05) before the while loop ends , but it ....still freezes.

>From: Alfred Milgrom <>
>To: "Leung Cris" <>,
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] A range of numbers
>Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 18:14:07 +1100
>Hi Leung:
>It's better to use "reply to all" in future, so your comments get 
>posted to the list as well, rather than just to the one person.
>(I am copying this answer to the list now as well.)
>Looking at your code, I am not sure what you think the end_mouse() 
>code will do, but there is a logic mistake.
>Look at these lines:
>>                 if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and 
>>mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
>>                         break
>>                         end_mouse()
>>                 end_mouse()
>If the left button has been pressed inside the box:
>         break           <=== This means 'break out of the while 
>         No further code in the "while 1" loop will be executed, 
>including end_mouse()
>(continuing with the code):
>On the other hand, if the mouse is not in the box or if the mouse 
>button has not been pressed
>         end_mouse()     <=== Ignore all further mouse presses.
>So let's see what happens if that the program gets started:
>         Immediately the "if" test will fail (because you can't 
>press the cursor fast enough)
>         All further mouse presses get ignored
>         But you are still in the "while 1" infinite loop!
>Hope this helps,
>Fred Milgrom
>At 09:53 PM 1/12/03 -0800, you wrote:
>>I think i got the try ... except concept, but did i do something 
>>wrong here? cuz it freezes when i try this function
>>def func():
>>         begin_graphics()
>>         box(200,200,300,300)
>>         while 1:
>>                 begin_mouse()
>>                 try:
>>                         x,y = mouse_position()
>>                 except:
>>                         x,y = 0,0
>>                 if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and 
>>mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
>>                         break
>>                         end_mouse()
>>                 end_mouse()
>>         box(300,200,500,500)

在您的行動裝置上傳送接收 Hotmail 郵件,請移至: 

From tim at  Tue Dec  2 12:19:07 2003
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Tue Dec  2 12:11:40 2003
Subject: [Tutor] class method: dynamic overload/++
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Gon?alo Rodrigues <> [031202 06:30]:
> >  Is it possible to overload an existing method
> >  with another at runtime?
Thanks for a wealth of good information. This is great!



Tim Johnson <>

From marichar at  Tue Dec  2 17:20:16 2003
From: marichar at (Matt Richardson)
Date: Tue Dec  2 17:20:34 2003
Subject: [Tutor] recursion question
Message-ID: <>

It's been awhile since I've posted last, but I promise I've been a
faithful lurker :)  Actually, it's been awhile since I've had a chance
to work with python, so it feels kinda good to ask a question.

I've been taking a c++ class this term and found it to be not as
daunting as I had once feared.  The little bit of python I know went a
long way in making the class easier.  However, yesterday we touched on
(and I mean briefly touched on) recursive functions.  I've seen
questions posted about it before, but the way they work is just out of
grasp for me.  Here's the python version of the c++ function I had to
write in the lab last night:

>>> def mult(m, n):
	if n == 0:
		return 0
	if n == 1:
		return m
	return m + mult(m, n-1)

>>> mult(5, 5)

Ok, maybe it's just me thinking about it too much, or not enough, but
I'm just not quite getting how these work.  Here's what I do know:  exit
cases are needed to keep infinite loops from occuring, the function is
called within it's definition.  So I guess what I'm asking is, does the
function call within the definition of the function spawn another
instance of the function?  And then if necessary, that second function
spawn another?

in confusion,

Matt Richardson
Instructional Support Technician
Department of Art
California State University San Bernardino

From BranimirP at  Tue Dec  2 17:32:38 2003
From: BranimirP at (Branimir Petrovic)
Date: Tue Dec  2 17:32:39 2003
Subject: [Tutor] popen's wierdness (on Win2K)
Message-ID: <33678E78A2DD4D418396703A750048D45E6969@RIKER>

While attempting to get to know if and how can I run and preferably
have control over stdin and stdout/sterr streams of external cmd line 
programs and utilities launched via Python's popen, I've stumbled 
on this:

#   FileName

import os

# I will create small DOS batch file that will do no more but wait
# for user to press any key in order to print greeting:

script = r'C:\hello.bat'
batstuff = """echo off
echo .
echo .
echo    Hello %1"""
batfile = open(script, 'wt')

# Prepare to give task of running the above batch to Python's popen
cmdshell = r'cmd /c'
param = 'World'
cmd = ' '.join([cmdshell, script, param])
print 'To be popen-ed: "%s"' % cmd

# Run the 'thing':
instrm, outstrm = os.popen4(cmd, 't')

# If very next line is commented out, 'right' CMD process will have to 
# be killed (via Task Manager) for script to proceed. Leave it as is,
# and write method will suscessfully pass 'something' to paused invisible
# DOS box (child process), all will end happily - will 
# pick up whatever was brewing in child proc. stdout.

instrm.write(r' ')
print	# will show "Hello World" echoed by hello.bat

# The funny part is - why 2 CMD invisible processess over and above
# existing current and visible CMD 'box' running
# For instance - should I repeat the above, but allow the 'pause' to
# wait indefinitley, quck peak in Task Manager at running processes 
# reveals 3 CMD processess;
# One belongs to DOS 'box' from where this Python script was launched,
# other (with slighthly bigger memory footprint of remaining two) is the
# stuck child process istself, but what the heck is the third one???
# Killing proper process ends the stallmate situation and allows 
# killed process to spit it guts into parent's 'DOS box' stdout. 

instrm, outstrm = os.popen4(cmd, 't')
print		# Why 3 CMD processess at this point???

On a side note - is there both sane AND controllable way to run, 
control and effectivley use external command line stuff from Python 
but on Win platform? (I know that popen stuff works as advertised on 
*nix, heard of 'expect' module too, but switching platform is not an 
option in this case...:(


From missive at  Tue Dec  2 17:38:43 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Tue Dec  2 17:38:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Printing Large Amounts of Data
Message-ID: <>

>     I recently decided to help my mother's business out by inputting =
>thousands of names and addresses into a tuple with a python program I =
>made. I then saved each entry as a cPickle object in its own file. There =
>are about 3000 objects; each having a name, title, street, city, state, =
>and zipcode field.
>     Now my mom wants me to print all these names and addresses onto =
>envelopes. I have a few ideas on how to do this but I decided it would =
>be best if I asked you guys for your advice first, before I waste a lot =
>of paper.

Printing labels is tricky. You could probably hack something up in python,
but you are probably better off doing this in a tool that has already been
created. I would recommend or kbarcode. Both have many
predefined label forms and can pull the data from a database -- which is
probably better way to store all of the addresses you have.

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

From missive at  Tue Dec  2 17:54:38 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Tue Dec  2 17:54:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: recursion question
Message-ID: <>

>>>def mult(m, n):
        if n == 0:
                return 0
        if n == 1:
                return m
        return m + mult(m, n-1)

>>>mult(5, 5)

>So I guess what I'm asking is, does the
>function call within the definition of the function spawn another
>instance of the function?  And then if necessary, that second function
>spawn another?

You got it.

Just unroll your sample call:

mult(5, 5)
5 + mult(5, 4)
5 + 5 + mult(5, 3)
5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, 2)
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, 1)
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5

(Now, you tell me why mult(5, -2) does not work right  :o)

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

From littledanehren at  Tue Dec  2 18:23:28 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Tue Dec  2 18:23:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] wxPython window flashes open and closed
Message-ID: <>

>> I'm trying to learn wxPython. I made a simple hello
>world app but it
>> just flashes open and closed. Here's the code:
>I had the same problem. You need to redirect
>stdout/stderr to a file.
>By default it goes to a console window, but this
>immediately after the program exits. So if you've got
a >fatal error
>that causes your program to die before it gets
>started, well, you'll
>never see it.
>This message describes the problem and the solution.
>Worked for me.

I tried that, and it said "Gdk-WARNING **: locale not
supported by C library" (without the quotes). I'm
using Gnome 2.2 in US English and Debian and I got the
package off of apt-get, if any of that makes a

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now

From kalle at  Tue Dec  2 18:35:29 2003
From: kalle at (Kalle Svensson)
Date: Tue Dec  2 18:35:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] recursion question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Matt Richardson]
> However, yesterday we touched on (and I mean briefly touched on)
> recursive functions.  I've seen questions posted about it before,
> but the way they work is just out of grasp for me.  Here's the
> python version of the c++ function I had to write in the lab last
> night:
> >>> def mult(m, n):
> 	if n == 0:
> 		return 0
> 	if n == 1:
> 		return m
> 	return m + mult(m, n-1)
> >>> mult(5, 5)
> 25
> Ok, maybe it's just me thinking about it too much, or not enough,
> but I'm just not quite getting how these work.  Here's what I do
> know: exit cases are needed to keep infinite loops from occuring,
> the function is called within it's definition.  So I guess what I'm
> asking is, does the function call within the definition of the
> function spawn another instance of the function?  And then if
> necessary, that second function spawn another?

Well, that depends on what you mean by "spawn another instance of the
function".  Here's what happens (at least approximately):

When the interpreter encounters a def statement, it reads a function
body, converts it to a function object, and binds the name of the
function to the function object.  In this process, nothing in the
function body is evaluated.  In particular, no names are looked up.

When the function is called, the interpreter does some bookkeeping to
remember what it was doing (it pushes stuff onto a stack) and loads
the function code to be executed.  When the function call inside the
function is encountered, the same thing happens again.  It doesn't
matter if the call is to the same function or to another.

For more detail than you wanted, try running dis.dis on your
function.  Example:

  >>> def f(x):
  ...     f(x)
  >>> dis.dis(f)
    2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (f)
                3 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
                6 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                9 POP_TOP             
               10 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
               13 RETURN_VALUE        

Note that as long as I don't call f, there won't be an infinite loop.

Kalle Svensson,
Student, root and saint in the Church of Emacs.

From glingl at  Tue Dec  2 18:45:34 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Tue Dec  2 18:44:36 2003
Subject: [Tutor] recursion question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Matt Richardson schrieb:

>It's been awhile since I've posted last, but I promise I've been a
>faithful lurker :)  Actually, it's been awhile since I've had a chance
>to work with python, so it feels kinda good to ask a question.
>I've been taking a c++ class this term and found it to be not as
>>>>def mult(m, n):
>	if n == 0:
>		return 0
>	if n == 1:
>		return m
>	return m + mult(m, n-1)
>>>>mult(5, 5)
>Ok, maybe it's just me thinking about it too much, or not enough, but
>I'm just not quite getting how these work. 
Hi Matt!
There is an excellent chapter (# 4) on recursion in this online-tutorial:

The same also exists in a c++ version:


From marichar at  Tue Dec  2 18:58:07 2003
From: marichar at (Matt Richardson)
Date: Tue Dec  2 19:00:56 2003
Subject: [Tutor] recursion question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 15:45, Gregor Lingl wrote:

> >Ok, maybe it's just me thinking about it too much, or not enough, but
> >I'm just not quite getting how these work. 
> >
> Hi Matt!
> There is an excellent chapter (# 4) on recursion in this online-tutorial:
> The same also exists in a c++ version:
D'oh!! I hadn't read that far in yet!  I'll read it tonight and see if
the light that Lee Harr turned on gets any brighter :)


Matt Richardson
Instructional Support Technician
Department of Art
California State University San Bernardino

From marichar at  Tue Dec  2 19:03:37 2003
From: marichar at (Matt Richardson)
Date: Tue Dec  2 19:06:06 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: recursion question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 14:54, Lee Harr wrote:
> >>>def mult(m, n):
>         if n == 0:
>                 return 0
>         if n == 1:
>                 return m
>         return m + mult(m, n-1)
> >>>mult(5, 5)
> 25
> >So I guess what I'm asking is, does the
> >function call within the definition of the function spawn another
> >instance of the function?  And then if necessary, that second function
> >spawn another?
> >
> You got it.
> Just unroll your sample call:
> mult(5, 5)
> 5 + mult(5, 4)
> 5 + 5 + mult(5, 3)
> 5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, 2)
> 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, 1)
> 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
> (Now, you tell me why mult(5, -2) does not work right  :o)
Thanks, Lee, I think the unrolling you did is making it easier for me to
grok this.  Ok, so to answer your question, it sets up the call as

mult(5, -2)

so when the function hits the final return statement it looks like

return 5 + mult(5, -2-1)

which sets up a bad loop.  If I'm wrong, correct me before I do any more


Matt Richardson
Instructional Support Technician
Department of Art
California State University San Bernardino

From missive at  Tue Dec  2 19:50:41 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Tue Dec  2 19:50:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: recursion question
Message-ID: <>

> > >>>def mult(m, n):
> >         if n == 0:
> >                 return 0
> >         if n == 1:
> >                 return m
> >         return m + mult(m, n-1)
> >
> > >>>mult(5, 5)
> > 25
> >
> > >So I guess what I'm asking is, does the
> > >function call within the definition of the function spawn another
> > >instance of the function?  And then if necessary, that second function
> > >spawn another?
> > >
> >
> >
> > You got it.
> >
> > Just unroll your sample call:
> >
> > mult(5, 5)
> > 5 + mult(5, 4)
> > 5 + 5 + mult(5, 3)
> > 5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, 2)
> > 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, 1)
> > 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
> >
> >
> > (Now, you tell me why mult(5, -2) does not work right  :o)
> >
>Thanks, Lee, I think the unrolling you did is making it easier for me to
>grok this.  Ok, so to answer your question, it sets up the call as
>mult(5, -2)
>so when the function hits the final return statement it looks like
>return 5 + mult(5, -2-1)
>which sets up a bad loop.  If I'm wrong, correct me before I do any more

mult(5, -2)
5 + mult(5, -3)
5 + 5 + mult(5, -4)
5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, -5)
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, -6)
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, -7)
etc, etc, etc.

Now for extra credit:  Make a mult that can work with negative numbers....

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

From amonroe at  Tue Dec  2 21:07:27 2003
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Tue Dec  2 20:59:00 2003
Subject: [Tutor] recursion question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> called within it's definition.  So I guess what I'm asking is, does the
> function call within the definition of the function spawn another
> instance of the function?  And then if necessary, that second function
> spawn another?

Exactly. Did you ever watch a movie, in which the characters
themselves were making their own movie? It's kind of like that. If you
feel daring, check out the chapter about it in _Godel, Escher, Bach_
by Hofstadter (good luck reading the whole book though, I'm about 1/3


From python at  Wed Dec  3 01:30:31 2003
From: python at (Az)
Date: Wed Dec  3 01:30:36 2003
Subject: [Tutor] stupid Q
Message-ID: <000b01c3b966$f36a0440$6400a8c0@a0>

hi all
i am using python 2.2  on freebsd , the thing is  i dont have GUI and use
only command line interface  , so
how do i save a file from cli in the python's
i did read the doc at but cant find anywere the answer . the only
answer i find is how to do that in IDLE

sorry for taking your time for such Q ;((

From magnus at  Wed Dec  3 10:37:41 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec  3 10:37:47 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gUHJpbnRpbmcgTGFyZ2UgQW1vdW50cyBvZiBEYXRh?=
Message-ID: <>

>     I recently decided to help my mother's business out by inputting thousands of names and addresses into a tuple with a python program I made. I then saved each entry as a cPickle object in its own file. There are about 3000 objects; each having a name, title, street, city, state, and zipcode field.

So you have 3000 tiny files for that data?
Why not just a text file with each entry on a row?

In general, text files are more practical, since you
can edit them in any editor, import them into Excel, Word
etc. You could then use the mail merge function in Word
to print envelopes. I'm sure the same functionality is
available in OpenOffice etc if you are allergic to MS.

Python 2.3 has a standard module called csv which is able
to produce and parse Excel compatible delimiter separated 
text files.

The following code puts your pickles in a text file.

>>> import cPickle
>>> import csv
>>> import glob
>>> f = file('addr.csv', 'wb')
>>> w = csv.writer(f)
>>> for fn in glob.glob('*.dat'):

>>> f.close()

This assumes that '*.dat' would find your pickles. Of course,
you might want to add some code to sort the entries before
you put them in a file.

Another option could be to put the data in a database
such as SQLite or MS Access, but that might be overkill
in this case (and it also requires that you know yet
another product).

>     Now my mom wants me to print all these names and addresses onto envelopes. I have a few ideas on how to do this but I decided it would be best if I asked you guys for your advice first, before I waste a lot of paper.

Well, the obvious paper saver is not to print *all*
envelopes until you've debugged your code properly, but 
I guess you figured that one out already. ;)

If you read your addresses into a list:

>>> addresses = []
>>> for fn in glob.glob('*.dat'):

You can then loop over just a few of them:

for addresss in addresses[:5]:
    for row in address:
        print row

What *is* your problem?

Positioning on the envelope?

Actually, the main problem might be to get the printer
to feed envelopes without feeding them one at a time. Not
all printers have a feeder that can handle envelopes. In
that case it might be better to print on labels that you
stick on the envelopes, but that's not really a Python
issue. Well, actually it is, because it means that you have
to print pages with many addresses in rows and columns
instead of one address per page.

The simple solution here (if you print directly on
envelopes) is to print something like this:

empty_rows_top = 10
empty_spaces_left = 50

for addresss in addresses[:5]:
    print '\n' * empty_rows_top
    for row in address:
        print empty_spaces_left, row
    print chr(12) # Form feed

For labels you need to create some kind of grid of text.

A more advanced solution for pretty printing is to use
the ReportLab toolkit ( to create PDF 
files. Reportlab is a great toolkit, but there is a learning 
curve. See

Here is a tiny reportlab example:

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
def hello(c):
    c.drawString(100,100,"Hello World")
c = canvas.Canvas("hello.pdf")

I guess you can see roughly how to extend that to place
text right for labels etc. c.showPage() would end the
current page, and further c.drawString(...) would appear
on the next page.

Of course, I skipped details such as paper sizes etc here,
but it's all in the docs.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From kalle at  Wed Dec  3 11:26:10 2003
From: kalle at (Kalle Svensson)
Date: Wed Dec  3 11:26:15 2003
Subject: [Tutor] stupid Q
In-Reply-To: <000b01c3b966$f36a0440$6400a8c0@a0>
References: <000b01c3b966$f36a0440$6400a8c0@a0>
Message-ID: <>

> hi all
> i am using python 2.2 on freebsd, the thing is  i dont have GUI and
> use only command line interface, so
> how do i save a file from cli in the python's
> >>>>
>  ?
> i did read the doc at but cant find anywere the answer.
> the only answer i find is how to do that in IDLE

Well, you don't, really.  Edit the file in an editor, e.g. emacs or
vi.  Then test the code by running "python" in the shell.
In emacs, you can use python-mode to test the code as well.

Kalle Svensson,
Student, root and saint in the Church of Emacs.

From rafael.sousa at  Wed Dec  3 14:02:27 2003
From: rafael.sousa at (rafael.sousa)
Date: Wed Dec  3 14:02:37 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Handling SIGCHLD signal to kill zombie processes
Message-ID: <2305CFC39C15AA4896E06E5C91C509EF02998339@VS2.hdi.tvcabo>


I need to know what to write in a function that handles the SIGCHLD signal, in order to kill zombie processes that are left running.

-> In C ANSI, what I do is start by specifying what function is going to handle the signal:

signal(SIGCHLD, handleSIGCHLD);

and then one handler that does the trick is:

void handleSIGCHLD() {
   int stat;

   /*Kills all the zombie processes*/
   while(waitpid(-1, &stat, WNOHANG) > 0);

-> In Python, specifying the handler is easy:

import signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, handleSIGCHLD)

What I don't know how to do is an equivalent to the C function above...

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,

Rafael Sousa

From magnus at  Wed Dec  3 14:02:38 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec  3 14:02:46 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gQSByYW5nZSBvZiBudW1iZXJz?=
Message-ID: <>

> Ya, that's true.... but even if i change it something like this:
> >>def func():
> >>         begin_graphics()
> >>         box(200,200,300,300)
> >>         begin_mouse()
> >>         while 1:
> >>                 
> >>                 try:
> >>                         x,y = mouse_position()
> >>                 except:
> >>                         x,y = 0,0
> >>                 if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
> >>                         break                        
> >>         end_mouse()
> >>         box(300,200,500,500)
> It sill won't work. I've also tried putting time.sleep(0.05) before the while loop ends , but it ....still freezes.

Danny Yoo already explained why that won't work.
And don't forget to be more specific about catching
exceptions, or you will catch other errors than you
thought you did, and that will often make debugging
very hard.

In general you can find out a lot about your code
by putting print statements here and there. A
"print x,y" in the end of the while loop would
probably give you a clue. By the way--the program
isn't frozen, it's rather running hot!

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From at  Wed Dec  3 14:17:41 2003
From: at (Karl Fast)
Date: Wed Dec  3 14:18:13 2003
Subject: [Tutor] wxPython window flashes open and closed
In-Reply-To: <>;
	from on Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 03:23:28PM
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > > I'm trying to learn wxPython. I made a simple hello world app but it
> > > just flashes open and closed.
> >
> > You need to redirect stdout/stderr to a file.
> >
> >This message describes the problem and the solution.
> >
> I tried that, and it said "Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C
> library" (without the quotes). I'm using Gnome 2.2 in US English and
> Debian and I got the package off of apt-get

If I understand, you were able redirect stdout/stderr to a file. And
in that file was the error message you quoted above.

So now you've got a new problem. Some issue with locale.

Unfortunately, I don't know have an answer. You might try searching
the wxPython list, or posting your question to it.

Anybody else able to help?

FYI: I did my development on W2K using the packages from I tested it on my linux box using an RPM from No apt-get for me.


From carroll at  Wed Dec  3 14:18:25 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Wed Dec  3 14:18:31 2003
Subject: [Tutor] isinstance() evil?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Gon?alo and Magnus!  You've both given me some interesting ideas.

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From magnus at  Wed Dec  3 14:33:19 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec  3 14:33:24 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gc3R1cGlkIFE=?=
Message-ID: <>

Az wrote:
> hi all
> i am using python 2.2  on freebsd , the thing is  i dont have GUI and use
> only command line interface  , so
> how do i save a file from cli in the python's

As Kalle said, you should normally (whether you use
an IDE or not) write your code in an editor, and save
it as a file.

You can save any command line session in unix though.
(This has nothing to do with python.) For this, you use 
the unix script command. Just as with Python, you end 
the script session by pressing Ctrl-D.

www5:~> script x.txt
Script started, file is x.txt
> python
Python 2.2.2 (#2, Feb 10 2003, 00:03:01)
[GCC 2.95.3 20010315 (release)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> print "Hello"
>>> [Ctrl-D]
> [Ctrl-D]Script done, file is x.txt
www5:~> more x.txt
[This will show the same as you see above...]

Naturally, you will have to edit out the leading 
'>>>' and extra lines of text to be able to run your 
interactive python code as a program.

A more normal unix/linux/bsd command line session
with code editing consists of either suspending
your editor to run code, or to use several (virtual)
terminal sessions. Unix is a multitasking OS after
all, whether you use a GUI or not.

You suspend your editor with Ctrl-Z and revive it
with the 'fg' command. Like this:

$ vi
[do some code editing, and save without quitting]
Suspended (signal)
$ python ./
[Your bugs become evident...]
$ fg
[you're back in the editor, fix and save, don't quit]
Suspended (signal)
$ python ./

Repeat until ready... (remember to use 'fg' to get back
to your editor. If you start the editor again the normal
way, after you left it with Ctrl-Z, you'll end up with
several editor sessions running in parallel. Of course,
you should exit the editor properly when you are done.
If you try to log out with suspended jobs, the OS will
tell you.)

With Linux, you normally have several virtual consoles,
that you switch between with Alt-Fx. Then you can edit 
(don't forget to save) in one console and run the code in 
another. That way you don't need to bother with suspending
the editor session to run code.

If you are not by the console, you can use something like
the "screen" utility. Use "man screen" to figure out how.

Of course, if you use a good editor, such as vi (or better:
vim), you can run your python script from within the editor.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From dyoo at  Wed Dec  3 15:30:37 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec  3 15:31:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] A range of numbers  [fixes to livewires]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Magnus Lycka wrote:

> > Ya, that's true.... but even if i change it something like this:
> > >>def func():
> > >>         begin_graphics()
> > >>         box(200,200,300,300)
> > >>         begin_mouse()
> > >>         while 1:
> > >>
> > >>                 try:
> > >>                         x,y = mouse_position()
> > >>                 except:
> > >>                         x,y = 0,0
> > >>                 if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
> > >>                         break
> > >>         end_mouse()
> > >>         box(300,200,500,500)
> >
> > It sill won't work. I've also tried putting time.sleep(0.05) before
> > the while loop ends , but it ....still freezes.
> Danny Yoo already explained why that won't work.

Hi Magnus,

I was wrong though.  *sigh* I took a closer look at the 'beginners'
module, and it should continue to update the mouse_position(), because
Livewires registers a callback for it.

>From looking at the code, I see that mouse_position() is defined to return
None if the mouse isn't on screen.  Since that's not convenient for us, we
can write a small wrapper around it to make things nicer:

def my_mouse_position():
    """A thin wrapper around mouse_position() that always returns a
    2-tuple.  If the mouse isn't on screen, returns (-1, -1)."""
    pos = mouse_position()
    if pos == None:
        return (-1, -1)
    return pos

So we don't need to use any exception handling.

The inner loop:

> > >>         while 1:
> > >>
> > >>                 try:
> > >>                         x,y = mouse_position()
> > >>                 except:
> > >>                         x,y = 0,0
> > >>                 if 200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300 and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
> > >>                         break

is freezing because it is not giving the system a chance to update the
mouse state.  So we do need to call mouse_wait().

However, it looks like there may be some severe bugs in Livewires's
handling of the mouse!  There's definitely several typos where the
Livewires code is calling the wrong Tkinter methods for fiddling with the
event loop.

I've made the following changes to Livewires's '' file to
correct some bugs.  For those that are familiar with 'diff', here are the
changes I've made:

[dyoo@tesuque tmp2]$ diff LiveWires-2.0/livewires/
<         while _mouse_b == 0: _root_window.dooneevent()
>         while _mouse_b == 0:
<         while _mouse_b != 0: _root_window.dooneevent()
>         while _mouse_b != 0:
<         while _mouse_b == b: _root_window.dooneevent()
>         while _mouse_b == b:
<             _root_window.dooneevent()
<         while x == _mouse_x and y == _mouse_y: _root_window.dooneevent()
>         while x == _mouse_x and y == _mouse_y:
<             _root_window.dooneevent()
<     _mouse_x, _mouse_y = None, None
>     ## (dyoo) commented out: this appears to be causing some ugly
> ##     _mouse_x, _mouse_y = None, None

I've packaged up these corrections into the file:

I'm putting this up temporarily so that Leung can try it out.  With this,
the program:

from livewires import *

def my_mouse_position():
    """A thin wrapper around mouse_position() that always returns a
    2-tuple.  If the mouse isn't on screen, returns (-1, -1)."""
    pos = mouse_position()
    if pos == None:
        return (-1, -1)
    return pos

def func():
    while 1:
        x, y = my_mouse_position()
        print "(x, y) = ", (x,y)
        if (200 <= x <= 300 and 200 <= y <= 300
                and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1):

appears to work ok.  There's still some wacky situation going on with the
'<Leave>' event that I haven't figured out yet, so I've commented it out
of the Livewires code.

Anyway, when I have the time, I'll send an email over to the Livewires
folks later to see if we can fold these corrections into their code.

Whew.  Ok, back to work for me.  *grin* Talk to you later!

From marichar at  Wed Dec  3 16:25:07 2003
From: marichar at (Matt Richardson)
Date: Wed Dec  3 16:25:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: recursion question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 16:50, Lee Harr wrote:
> > > >>>def mult(m, n):
> > >         if n == 0:
> > >                 return 0
> > >         if n == 1:
> > >                 return m
> > >         return m + mult(m, n-1)
> > >
> > > >>>mult(5, 5)
> > > 25
> > >
> > > >So I guess what I'm asking is, does the
> > > >function call within the definition of the function spawn another
> > > >instance of the function?  And then if necessary, that second function
> > > >spawn another?
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > You got it.
> > >
> > > Just unroll your sample call:
> > >
> > > mult(5, 5)
> > > 5 + mult(5, 4)
> > > 5 + 5 + mult(5, 3)
> > > 5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, 2)
> > > 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, 1)
> > > 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
> > >
> > >
> > > (Now, you tell me why mult(5, -2) does not work right  :o)
> > >
> >Thanks, Lee, I think the unrolling you did is making it easier for me to
> >grok this.  Ok, so to answer your question, it sets up the call as
> >
> >mult(5, -2)
> >
> >so when the function hits the final return statement it looks like
> >
> >return 5 + mult(5, -2-1)
> >
> >which sets up a bad loop.  If I'm wrong, correct me before I do any more
> >damage!
> >
> mult(5, -2)
> 5 + mult(5, -3)
> 5 + 5 + mult(5, -4)
> 5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, -5)
> 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, -6)
> 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + mult(5, -7)
> etc, etc, etc.
> Now for extra credit:  Make a mult that can work with negative numbers....
>>> def mult(m, n):
	if n == 0:
		return 0
	if n == 1:
		return m
	if n < 0:
		p = abs(n)
		result = -1 * (m + mult(m, p-1))
		return result
	return m + mult(m, n-1)

>>> mult(5, 2)
>>> mult(5, -2)

Probably not the prettiest, but I'm supposed to be working :)


Matt Richardson
Instructional Support Technician
Department of Art
California State University San Bernardino

From joddo at  Wed Dec  3 16:42:39 2003
From: joddo at (Jeremy Oddo)
Date: Wed Dec  3 16:35:40 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie:  "Global" vars across modules
Message-ID: <>

I'm guessing this has come up time and time again, but I can't seem to
find the information that I need.

Here's my problem:  I want to create a global variable that EVERY module
can see.  Why?  Because I like to define a "debug_level" variable to print
out debugging information.  I want to define "debug_level", then use it
throughout my main code and modules.  I'm running into problems when I
call an external module that I've written.  Here's the basic idea:

# Debug Level (0=NONE, 1=Normal, 2=Extended, 3=Verbose)
debug_level = 2
def ftest():
    if (debug_level = 3):
        print "VERBOSE DB:  This is a verbose statement"
    return 1
from gvars import *
from myFunctions import *

print "Current debug level is:", debug_level

So, is my main file.  It imports which contains my
global variable "debug_level".  The file prints out
"debug_level" and all is good.  However, when I make the call to "ftest()"
which is a function from A DIFFERENT FILE called "", it
doesn't see "debug_level" (even if I add the line "global debug_level").

So how can I make a "truly global" global variable?


From vicki at  Wed Dec  3 16:34:23 2003
From: vicki at (Vicki Stanfield)
Date: Wed Dec  3 16:39:23 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating with Range
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to iterate through a loop based on the length of a string. The
string will be something like this:

If the string is called parameters[2] why doesn't this work?

                    for i in range(len(parameters[2])):
                        outfile.write("Sending "+parameters[2][i] + "to
                        print "Sent "+parameters[2][i]
                        i = i+1


The error I get is this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "F:\", line 1638, in CommandCallback
    self.SendCommand(self.selection, self.arguments)
  File "F:\", line 145, in SendCommand
    self.ProcessCommand(command, parameters)
  File "F:\", line 1295, in ProcessCommand
    for i in range(len(parameters[2])):
IndexError: list index out of range

I just don't see a problem (other than the error that I keep getting! ;-) )


From missive at  Wed Dec  3 16:47:06 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Wed Dec  3 16:49:12 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: recursion question
Message-ID: <>

def mult(m, n):
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return m
    if n < 0:
        p = abs(n)
        result = -1 * (m + mult(m, p-1))
        return result
    return m + mult(m, n-1)

Nice. Here's my version for comparison...

def mult(m, n):
    if n < 0:
        return -mult(m, -n)
    elif n == 0:
        return 0
    elif n == 1:
        return m
        return m + mult(m, n-1)

Now all we need to do is write a docstring and some regression tests
and we're all set  :o)

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

From ATrautman at  Wed Dec  3 16:41:47 2003
From: ATrautman at (Alan Trautman)
Date: Wed Dec  3 16:57:00 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie:  "Global" vars across modules
Message-ID: <>

My favorite method, from a discussion on this list is to create a module and
import it into all modules that need access. I name it
and it contains things like database name, debug level, and other constants
that might need changing. A config file is the other option I use if there
is a lot to configure. If debug level is the only reason a command line
argument is safest.

This is the one of the very few cases where I like FROM
IMPORT *. this means that the variable names are the same in every case. 

Hope that helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Oddo []
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 3:43 PM
To: Python Tutor
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie: "Global" vars across modules

I'm guessing this has come up time and time again, but I can't seem to
find the information that I need.

Here's my problem:  I want to create a global variable that EVERY module
can see.  Why?  Because I like to define a "debug_level" variable to print
out debugging information.  I want to define "debug_level", then use it
throughout my main code and modules.  I'm running into problems when I
call an external module that I've written.  Here's the basic idea:

# Debug Level (0=NONE, 1=Normal, 2=Extended, 3=Verbose)
debug_level = 2
def ftest():
    if (debug_level = 3):
        print "VERBOSE DB:  This is a verbose statement"
    return 1
from gvars import *
from myFunctions import *

print "Current debug level is:", debug_level

So, is my main file.  It imports which contains my
global variable "debug_level".  The file prints out
"debug_level" and all is good.  However, when I make the call to "ftest()"
which is a function from A DIFFERENT FILE called "", it
doesn't see "debug_level" (even if I add the line "global debug_level").

So how can I make a "truly global" global variable?


Tutor maillist  -

From xxjac88xx at  Wed Dec  3 17:11:29 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Wed Dec  3 17:11:27 2003
Subject: [Tutor] total beginner!!!
Message-ID: <001901c3b9ea$6762a630$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>

Hello, I am a beginner. I mean I know absolutely nothing about python. I tried to read the tutorials, but I am sad to inform that I didn't understand anything. I don't understand what a script is, what this python language really does, or what a program is. I think a program is something that can be run on a computer, but I need help on were to really start. I know some one who used to hack onto the fbi site. I am trying to learn python so maybe i could do something like that. I want to be able to gather information that is not really shown on TV. I know this is illegal, but I hope I can get some help. I am not some one planning to do something wrong. I just want to see what isn't shown. I am a curious person. So, I can keep going on reasons and talk and talk and talk, but I would like to get to the point. Does anyone know where i should start?
-------------- next part --------------
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From zak at  Wed Dec  3 17:19:07 2003
From: zak at (Zak Arntson)
Date: Wed Dec  3 17:19:11 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating with Range
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> -----------------
>                     i=0
>                     for i in range(len(parameters[2])):
>                         port.write(parameters[2][i])
> The error I get is this:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "F:\", line 1638, in CommandCallback
>     self.SendCommand(self.selection, self.arguments)
>   File "F:\", line 145, in SendCommand
>     self.ProcessCommand(command, parameters)
>   File "F:\", line 1295, in ProcessCommand
>     for i in range(len(parameters[2])):
> IndexError: list index out of range
> I just don't see a problem (other than the error that I keep getting! ;-)
> )
> --vicki

Double-check your parameters variable. It looks like it's got less than 3
elements. You may have slipped up and meant "2nd element in parameter,"
which would be parameter[1].

Zak Arntson - Games - Lots of 'em

From xxjac88xx at  Wed Dec  3 17:21:02 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Wed Dec  3 17:21:00 2003
Subject: [Tutor] well i just read the first timers thing
Message-ID: <003201c3b9eb$bc9ced80$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>

Well, I see what they are saying, but I must of thought wrong. I thought these programs were really just used to help, but since they were on the internet and so easy to get to I knew they weren't what I was looking for. But what kind of programs can you make with Python? I just need some help with finding out what Python really is IN PLAIN ENGLISH. Haha, well thank you a lot for reading this!! I hope I get an answer sooner than later. Bye
-------------- next part --------------
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From xxjac88xx at  Wed Dec  3 17:23:31 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Wed Dec  3 17:23:31 2003
Subject: [Tutor] oops
Message-ID: <004d01c3b9ec$16b30fc0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>

I meant i really thought these programs were used to Hack. Anyways, i'll be checking my email to see if anyone says anythin to me.
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From dyoo at  Wed Dec  3 17:31:21 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec  3 17:31:31 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie:  "Global" vars across modules
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Alan Trautman wrote:

> My favorite method, from a discussion on this list is to create a module
> and import it into all modules that need access. I name it
> and it contains things like database name, debug
> level, and other constants that might need changing. A config file is
> the other option I use if there is a lot to configure. If debug level is
> the only reason a command line argument is safest.
> This is the one of the very few cases where I like FROM
> IMPORT *. this means that the variable names are
> the same in every case.

Hi Alan,

Be careful with 'from foo import *'.  The variable names are the same
here, but the values will not necessarily be the same.  For example, let's
say we have three files:,, and

X = 42

from globals import *
def setX():
    global X
    X = 17

import globals
def setX():
    globals.X = 17

The second form, in '', is error prone: it does set X to by 17
throughout the 'a' module, but that value is limited to the module.  That
is, the following program:

from globals import *
import a
print X

should still print 42.

If we treat our global variables as constants, this isn't a problem ---
it's when we start assigning to globals that this Bad Thing can happen.

'' is more in spirit with the way that global variables work, and
should avoid any surprises.

import globals
import b
print globals.X

should do what you expect.

This being said: avoid global variables if you can!  *grin*

But are you sure you're not reinventing the wheel?  The 'logging' module:

already provides a way of distinguishing debugging messages based on a set
of log levels (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL).  With the
'logging' module, your program snippets:

> --begin
> # Debug Level (0=NONE, 1=Normal, 2=Extended, 3=Verbose)
> debug_level = 2
> def ftest():
>     if (debug_level = 3):
>         print "VERBOSE DB:  This is a verbose statement"
>     return 1

can be translated as:

import logging
import logging
def ftest():
    logging.getLogger().debug("This is a verbose statement")
    return 1

and 'logging' is pretty full featured already, so unless you're just
trying to learn how to use global variables, I'd recommend using the
'logging' module --- it's quite handy.

Good luck to you!

From tpc at  Wed Dec  3 17:35:51 2003
From: tpc at (
Date: Wed Dec  3 17:35:58 2003
Subject: [Tutor] total beginner!!!
In-Reply-To: <001901c3b9ea$6762a630$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <>

hi Jacques, so was I up until 8 months ago, a newbie just
like you, and then I read Danny Yoo's "A Quick Introduction to Python"
and am now an upper low-level newbie ;-)  I have not hacked into the FBI
computers because I don't want to go to jail, and I want to use a computer
after I get out ;-)  A computer program is a series of instructions to
the Central Processing Unit, like a simple:

print "Hello World"

will say "Hello World" to your screen.

You can get started by downloading and installing Python if you are on
Windows, or it comes standard with most distributions of Linux.  If you
want to know stuff they don't show you on television, the super 53/<R37
stuff they try to keep under wraps you should type at the Python command

import this

From zak at  Wed Dec  3 17:45:35 2003
From: zak at (Zak Arntson)
Date: Wed Dec  3 17:45:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie:  "Global" vars across modules
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Hi Alan,
> Be careful with 'from foo import *'.  The variable names are the same
> here, but the values will not necessarily be the same.  For example, let's
> say we have three files:,, and
> If we treat our global variables as constants, this isn't a problem ---
> it's when we start assigning to globals that this Bad Thing can happen.
> This being said: avoid global variables if you can!  *grin*

I prefer the "from globals import *" simply because it saves the typing,
as long as it _only includes constants_. I use a naming convention where
constants are all-caps and tend to be prefixed (all colors prefixed with
'COL_' for example).

Another use I have for constants is class-wide constants. For example:

class CPU:

    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = [0] * CPU.MEM_SIZE

You've got to be careful with this, however. In this example, I've just
restricted myself to a MEM_SIZE for ALL CPU instances! If I needed CPU's
to have a variable memory size, I would instead do the following:

class CPU:
    def __init__(self, mem_size=0xFFFF):
        self.mem_size = mem_size
        self.memory = [0] * mem_size

The benefit here is that I can change each CPU's memory size. The drawback
is that I have an additional 'mem_size' attribute for every CPU instance.

I strayed a bit from the globals-across-modules, but class-wide constants
are another alternative to globals you can try.

Zak Arntson - Games - Lots of 'em

From glingl at  Wed Dec  3 17:48:20 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Wed Dec  3 17:47:25 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: recursion question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lee Harr schrieb:

> def mult(m, n):
>    if n < 0:
>        return -mult(m, -n)
>    elif n == 0:
>        return 0
>    elif n == 1:
>        return m
>    else:
>        return m + mult(m, n-1)
> Now all we need to do is write a docstring and some regression tests
> and we're all set  :o)

Hmm... , do you think my version would also pass your regression test?

 >>> def mult(m, n):
       if n < 0:
           return -mult(m, -n)
       elif n == 0:
           return 0
           return m + mult(m, n-1)

Regards, Gregor

> _________________________________________________________________
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> Tutor maillist  -

From glingl at  Wed Dec  3 17:53:00 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Wed Dec  3 17:52:02 2003
Subject: [Tutor] total beginner!!!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <> schrieb:

>hi Jacques, so was I up until 8 months ago, a newbie just
>like you, and then I read Danny Yoo's "A Quick Introduction to Python"
Oh! Is this a document  I've missed until now?

>and am now an upper low-level newbie ;-) 

From xxjac88xx at  Wed Dec  3 17:55:18 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Wed Dec  3 17:55:18 2003
Subject: [Tutor] curious
Message-ID: <000e01c3b9f0$864ed9f0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>

I have a question. I was wondering if learning python will help me when I want to get a job. I want to be an electrical engineer. Will program languages help? Someone please tell me if it will help with my future. I'm only 15, and I don't do that great in school. I hate school, and have to many reasons in my mind why learning some subjects in school is ridiculous. But college and electrical engineering I am going to put 110% into it. Because i want to have a good future and be wealthy. 
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From dyoo at  Wed Dec  3 17:57:53 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec  3 17:57:58 2003
Subject: [Tutor] well i just read the first timers thing
In-Reply-To: <003201c3b9eb$bc9ced80$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Jacques wrote:

> Well, I see what they are saying, but I must of thought wrong. I thought
> these programs were really just used to help, but since they were on the
> internet and so easy to get to I knew they weren't what I was looking
> for.

Hi Jacques,

So you're not interested in learning how to program because the materials
are too easy to find?  Hmmmm.

Anyway, I think there's a misunderstanding here.  We're here to help folks
learn how to program computers.

We do not advocate cracking into other people's machines, as that really
makes the victim very unhappy.  There's enough misery in the world, so why
contribute to it?  So if you're looking for that kind of material, you
will not find it here.

The "hacking" that we advocate is mostly based on:

and it's understandable if you've gotten confused by the terminology.

> But what kind of programs can you make with Python?

The web page:

shows a bunch of programs that folks have written using Python.  They're
relatively short, but all of them do something interesting.

People have written arcade games in Python:

And scientists are using it as well:

It's somewhat hard to really pinpoint one particular thing.  Python is a
good general purpose language, used by all sorts of people, in both work
and play.

> I just need some help with finding out what Python really is IN PLAIN

Python is a programming language that we use to communicate ideas to a
computer.  If there's a plan that we can think of, we can often express it
in Python so that a computer can do it.

There are tutorials on the web site that explain Python in

Good luck to you!

From ac007 at  Wed Dec  3 18:07:30 2003
From: ac007 at (Alexandre)
Date: Wed Dec  3 18:07:34 2003
Subject: [Tutor] total beginner!!!
References: <001901c3b9ea$6762a630$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <003001c3b9f2$3a000590$2101a8c0@Azbordation>

Read this realy good (and free) tutorial : 
If you don't understand this one, someone else might point you to some more basic documentation on computers and information technologies.

As for FBI hacking... i don't know... try to ask the CIA.

Good luck.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jacques 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 11:11 PM
  Subject: [Tutor] total beginner!!!

  Hello, I am a beginner. I mean I know absolutely nothing about python. I tried to read the tutorials, but I am sad to inform that I didn't understand anything. I don't understand what a script is, what this python language really does, or what a program is. I think a program is something that can be run on a computer, but I need help on were to really start. I know some one who used to hack onto the fbi site. I am trying to learn python so maybe i could do something like that. I want to be able to gather information that is not really shown on TV. I know this is illegal, but I hope I can get some help. I am not some one planning to do something wrong. I just want to see what isn't shown. I am a curious person. So, I can keep going on reasons and talk and talk and talk, but I would like to get to the point. Does anyone know where i should start?


  Tutor maillist  -
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From arkamir at  Wed Dec  3 18:26:38 2003
From: arkamir at (Conrad Koziol)
Date: Wed Dec  3 18:26:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] curious
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1070493998.6548.4.camel@quercus>

Jacques any knowledge you can gain now will be invaluable for you in any
job, and since you don't like school you probably need another way to
gain your math and logic skills which is basic stuff for any engineer.
Python a great place to start, and not too hard. I'm only 14 and love
it. I'm just finishing my first major project, and have learned a lot of
valuable skill which they do not teach at school. I go to technology
high school, but even there they dont teach much
usefull stuff. Mark Twain said it best when he said "don't let schooling
get in the way of your education" (or something like that.)

From speno at  Wed Dec  3 18:58:51 2003
From: speno at (John P Speno)
Date: Wed Dec  3 18:58:55 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Handling SIGCHLD signal to kill zombie processes
In-Reply-To: <2305CFC39C15AA4896E06E5C91C509EF02998339@VS2.hdi.tvcabo>
References: <2305CFC39C15AA4896E06E5C91C509EF02998339@VS2.hdi.tvcabo>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 07:02:27PM -0000, rafael.sousa wrote:
> Hi!
> I need to know what to write in a function that handles the SIGCHLD signal, in order to kill zombie processes that are left running.
> -> In C ANSI, what I do is start by specifying what function is going to handle the signal:
> signal(SIGCHLD, handleSIGCHLD);
> and then one handler that does the trick is:
> void handleSIGCHLD() {
>    int stat;
>    /*Kills all the zombie processes*/
>    while(waitpid(-1, &stat, WNOHANG) > 0);
> }
> -> In Python, specifying the handler is easy:
> import signal
> signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, handleSIGCHLD)
> What I don't know how to do is an equivalent to the C function above...

How much help do you need?

If you are looking for python's version of waitpid, you can find it in the
os module:

import os

def handleSIGCHLD():
    os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)

On some unixes, you don't have to reap children if you ignore SIGCHLD.

signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_IGN)

From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec  3 19:33:12 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec  3 19:32:21 2003
Subject: [Tutor] isinstance() evil?
References: <>
Message-ID: <004c01c3b9fe$32df90d0$6401a8c0@xp>

> I've read a couple aricle here and there that isinstance() is
generally a
> bad idea.

True, but...

> I'm writing a small method used for debugging programs

Writing debug code is not a normal thing to do - it's why
we have debuggers, so that you don't normally need to!

So normal coding practice does not apply, it would not be at all
unusual to use things like isinstance() in debugging code.

> I use isinstance() for this; it seems very straightforward to
do this
> recursively:
>     Dump(thing):
> ...

Yep, that looks pretty reasonable for dumping a recursive data

Alan g

From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec  3 19:39:29 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec  3 19:38:38 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie:  "Global" vars across modules
References: <>
Message-ID: <009101c3b9ff$140cad40$6401a8c0@xp>

> Here's my problem:  I want to create a global variable that
EVERY module
> can see.  Why?  Because I like to define a "debug_level"
variable to print
> out debugging information.

I usually recommend setting an environment variable at the
operating system for this. That way each module can read
the environment variable (using os.getenv) at runtime and
you can change it without modifying the code.

Alan g.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec  3 19:42:16 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec  3 19:41:25 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating with Range
References: <>
Message-ID: <009801c3b9ff$774c1620$6401a8c0@xp>

> I am trying to iterate through a loop based on the length of a
string. The
> string will be something like this:
> If the string is called parameters[2] why doesn't this work?

Dunno, I didn't look that closely because my first thought was:

>                     for i in range(len(parameters[2])):
>                         port.write(parameters[2][i])

Why not just

                      for c in parameters[2]:

Using an index here seems unnecessarily complex.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec  3 19:46:55 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec  3 19:46:02 2003
Subject: [Tutor] curious
References: <000e01c3b9f0$864ed9f0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <00b701c3ba00$1d922830$6401a8c0@xp>

> I have a question. I was wondering if learning python
> will help me when I want to get a job. I want to be
> an electrical engineer. Will program languages help?

Yes, in fact any electrical Engineering degree will definitely
include a programming course. In fact my course had a programming
element every year...

>  I hate school, and have to many reasons in my mind why
> learning some subjects in school is ridiculous.

Very few subjects are ridiculous. I ebven find stuff I learned
in Latin class(and I thought that was truly ridiculous!) coming
in useful nowadays, some 30 years later!!!

> But college and electrical engineering I am going to put
> 110% into it.

That's fine, but start studying your math now because the bulk
of electrical engineering is math...

Alan G.

From joddo at  Wed Dec  3 20:23:43 2003
From: joddo at (Jeremy Oddo)
Date: Wed Dec  3 20:16:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie:  'Global' vars across modules
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> But are you sure you're not reinventing the wheel?  The 'logging'
> module:
Hey, thanks Danny!

I didn't see that module.  Looks like it will be perfect for my needs. 
Thanks for all the help.


From amonroe at  Wed Dec  3 20:33:08 2003
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Wed Dec  3 20:24:37 2003
Subject: [Tutor] total beginner!!!
In-Reply-To: <001901c3b9ea$6762a630$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
References: <001901c3b9ea$6762a630$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <>

> want to see what isn't shown. I am a curious person. So, I can keep
> going on reasons and talk and talk and talk, but I would like to get
> to the point. Does anyone know where i should start?

Google search for the TCP/IP FAQ.

Have you installed Python on your box and written a "Hello world"
program yet?


From thinkuknowme2007 at  Wed Dec  3 20:24:38 2003
From: thinkuknowme2007 at (Udz)
Date: Wed Dec  3 20:24:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] program still doesnt work
Message-ID: <>

i tried what you said danny, and the program still doesnt work. any suggestions? i'd appreciate any help, thanks.
>Just checking up on this: what happens if you add the line:
>raw_input("Program finished: press Enter to continue...")
>at the very end of your program?  I suspect that Windows is closing your
>program down automatically.  t's a common issue for console-based programs
>on Windows, that your program may actually be running fine, but may simply
>be finishing too quickly for you to see it.
>Many programs try to work around this window-closing feature by forcing a
>prompt so that the user can see things.

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From littledanehren at  Wed Dec  3 21:19:14 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Wed Dec  3 21:19:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] curious
In-Reply-To: <000e01c3b9f0$864ed9f0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <>

Jacques wrote:
> I have a question. I was wondering if learning
> python will help me when I want to get a job. I want
> to be an electrical engineer. Will program languages
> help? Someone please tell me if it will help with my
> future. I'm only 15, and I don't do that great in
> school. I hate school, and have to many reasons in
> my mind why learning some subjects in school is
> ridiculous. But college and electrical engineering I
> am going to put 110% into it. Because i want to have
> a good future and be wealthy.

Python is a very good language to learn in general and
it's increasing its marketshare in buisness, but other
languages are in greater use. If you want to be an
engineer, you should probably learn CAD first (my
highschool has a CAD class that I'm taking, but it
might be more difficult for you to get access to CAD).
AutoCAD, the most popular CAD program, uses Lisp for
scripting, so you may want to learn that later (but
not first because Lisp is really hard). But I really
don't think you should be concentrating on learning
some programming language when you're not doing too
well in school. If you're trying to get into a good
college, they're only going to look at your GPA, not
how well you can program or how smart you actually
are. If you don't get good grades, you'll just be at a
community college or something around that level. So
you really shouldn't learn Python if your goal is to
become a wealthy engineer; you should get good grades.
BTW AFAICT unless you want to go into management, you
can't become that wealthly being an engineer.

Daniel Ehrenberg

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From mlong at  Wed Dec  3 21:36:38 2003
From: mlong at (
Date: Wed Dec  3 21:36:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] curious
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000e01c3b9f0$864ed9f0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg> 
Message-ID: <>

> become a wealthy engineer; you should get good grades.
> BTW AFAICT unless you want to go into management, you
> can't become that wealthly being an engineer.

How wealthy you become has little to do with your chosen career path and much to do
with how well you understand how money works. If you are looking to learn how to
program then python is a good language to learn and you will have a hard time
finding a more helpful group of people than those on this list.

Good Luck!

From littledanehren at  Wed Dec  3 21:44:03 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Wed Dec  3 21:44:08 2003
Subject: [Tutor] well i just read the first timers thing
In-Reply-To: <003201c3b9eb$bc9ced80$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <>

Jacques wrote:
> Well, I see what they are saying, but I must of
> thought wrong. I thought these programs were really
> just used to help, but since they were on the
> internet and so easy to get to I knew they weren't
> what I was looking for. But what kind of programs
> can you make with Python? I just need some help with
> finding out what Python really is IN PLAIN ENGLISH.
> Haha, well thank you a lot for reading this!! I hope
> I get an answer sooner than later. Bye

Python is a dynamically typed, multi-pardigmed,
interperated programming language with many advanced
functional and object orientated features including
metaclass hacking and...
That's what you've been hearing, right? Well, Python
is just a general programming language. It can do
pretty much anything. I'd say that it's one of the
most flexible programming languages there are. Python
isn't only for websites or text processing, as PHP and
Perl are, and it's code can run on all operating
systems (unless you try not to), unlike C or C++. It
can be used for object-oriented programming like
Smalltalk or functional programming like Haskell.
Python is runs directly from the source code, making
it great for fast development. Probably the only thing
Python isn't good at is making programming languages;
that's something that C will always be the best at
because of its speed.

Daniel Ehrenberg

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From xxjac88xx at  Wed Dec  3 21:44:48 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Wed Dec  3 21:44:48 2003
Subject: [Tutor] beginner
Message-ID: <008401c3ba10$96068a80$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>

yes i have installed python. i have written "hello world!" i am using win xp which every1 says suks, but i can figure stuff out pretty well. Like instead of, DOS its command prompt, and i know how to copy/rename files using prompt. but still i dont know anythin.
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From xxjac88xx at  Wed Dec  3 21:49:26 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Wed Dec  3 21:49:24 2003
Subject: [Tutor] command prompt ??
Message-ID: <00a101c3ba11$3b74da30$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>

"rename c:\windows\*.pwl
how come that doesn't work wit win xp and command prompt?every time i put that in i get "The syntax of the command is incorrect."
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From tpc at  Wed Dec  3 21:51:10 2003
From: tpc at (
Date: Wed Dec  3 21:51:23 2003
Subject: [Tutor] total beginner!!!
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

hi Gregor, yes here is a link to the document:

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Gregor Lingl wrote:

> schrieb:
> >hi Jacques, so was I up until 8 months ago, a newbie just
> >like you, and then I read Danny Yoo's "A Quick Introduction to Python"
> >
> >
> Oh! Is this a document  I've missed until now?
> Gregor
> >and am now an upper low-level newbie ;-)
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From rmangaliag at  Wed Dec  3 22:35:02 2003
From: rmangaliag at (ali)
Date: Wed Dec  3 22:30:12 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python vs php5
Message-ID: <002501c3ba17$99e76a00$>

i've heard that php5 will include declaration of attributes which are 
public and protected... aside from that interfaces which will be 
implemented by
a class can also be created...

in line with OO principles, wouldnt these features be good if implemented 
in python???

From littledanehren at  Wed Dec  3 22:31:30 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Wed Dec  3 22:31:34 2003
Subject: [Tutor] command prompt ??
In-Reply-To: <00a101c3ba11$3b74da30$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <>

Jacques  wrote:
> "rename c:\windows\*.pwl
> c:\windows\*.zzz"
> how come that doesn't work wit win xp and command
> prompt?every time i put that in i get "The syntax of
> the command is incorrect."

This isn't really related to Python, but it's probably
because the Windows XP shell was significantly
downgraded from the previous version. I suggest
upgrading to Morphix GNU/Linux.

A python script can probably be created with the same
function. Something like:

import os
files = [x for x in os.listdir('c:\windows\') if
for some_file in files:

This is untested, though. Don't blame Python for being
longer for this; shell scripts are always better for
simple, low-level system interaction.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now

From christoffer81 at  Wed Dec  3 22:34:51 2003
From: christoffer81 at (Christoffer Thomsen)
Date: Wed Dec  3 22:33:58 2003
Subject: [Tutor] list with area calculation
Message-ID: <>

I want to make a program which calculates areas. And I want to select 
which kid of area calculation it should be from a list, but I just can't 
make it work. I am not surprise if it just some stupid mistake but I 
can't figure it out.

#This program calculates areas

print "Welcome to calculation program"

def print_options() :
    print "options:"
    print " 'p' print options"
    print " 's' calculates square"                   
    print " 'r' calculates rectangle"
    print " 'p' calculates perimeter"             
    print " 'c' calculates circle"
    print " 'q' quit program"

def square(width):
    return width**2

def rectangle(width,height):
    return width*height                   

def perimeter(width,height):                   
    return (width*2)+(height*2)

def circle(radius):
    return 3.14*radius**2

choice = "p"
while choice != "q":
    if choice == "s":                   
        width = input("Type width:")
        print "Area is: ", square(width)       
    elif choice == "r":
        width = input("Type width:")
        height = input("Type height:")
        print "Area is: ", rectangle(width,height)
    elif choice == "p":
        width = input("Type width:")
        height = input("Type height:")
        print "Area is: ", perimeter(width,height)   
    elif choice == "c":
        radius = input("Type radius:")
        print "Area is: ", circle(radius)
    elif choice != "q":
    choice = raw_input("option: ")

From python at  Wed Dec  3 23:14:10 2003
From: python at (Az)
Date: Wed Dec  3 23:14:16 2003
Subject: [Tutor] stupid Q
References: <>
Message-ID: <001901c3ba1d$11f40ad0$6400a8c0@a0>

Thanx a lot for taking your time explaning everything guys.

Magnus i use vi editor to write scripts and as you know already  you can
just type :sh in vi and it will take you  to the shell . it's more easier
for me this way than Ctr+Z and "fg"

PS. sorry for my english guys, it's not my native language

----- Original Message -----
From: "Magnus Lycka" <>
To: "Az" <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] stupid Q

Az wrote:
> hi all
> i am using python 2.2  on freebsd , the thing is  i dont have GUI and use
> only command line interface  , so
> how do i save a file from cli in the python's

As Kalle said, you should normally (whether you use
an IDE or not) write your code in an editor, and save
it as a file.

You can save any command line session in unix though.
(This has nothing to do with python.) For this, you use
the unix script command. Just as with Python, you end
the script session by pressing Ctrl-D.

www5:~> script x.txt
Script started, file is x.txt
> python
Python 2.2.2 (#2, Feb 10 2003, 00:03:01)
[GCC 2.95.3 20010315 (release)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> print "Hello"
>>> [Ctrl-D]
> [Ctrl-D]Script done, file is x.txt
www5:~> more x.txt
[This will show the same as you see above...]

Naturally, you will have to edit out the leading
'>>>' and extra lines of text to be able to run your
interactive python code as a program.

A more normal unix/linux/bsd command line session
with code editing consists of either suspending
your editor to run code, or to use several (virtual)
terminal sessions. Unix is a multitasking OS after
all, whether you use a GUI or not.

You suspend your editor with Ctrl-Z and revive it
with the 'fg' command. Like this:

$ vi
[do some code editing, and save without quitting]
Suspended (signal)
$ python ./
[Your bugs become evident...]
$ fg
[you're back in the editor, fix and save, don't quit]
Suspended (signal)
$ python ./

Repeat until ready... (remember to use 'fg' to get back
to your editor. If you start the editor again the normal
way, after you left it with Ctrl-Z, you'll end up with
several editor sessions running in parallel. Of course,
you should exit the editor properly when you are done.
If you try to log out with suspended jobs, the OS will
tell you.)

With Linux, you normally have several virtual consoles,
that you switch between with Alt-Fx. Then you can edit
(don't forget to save) in one console and run the code in
another. That way you don't need to bother with suspending
the editor session to run code.

If you are not by the console, you can use something like
the "screen" utility. Use "man screen" to figure out how.

Of course, if you use a good editor, such as vi (or better:
vim), you can run your python script from within the editor.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From fredm at  Wed Dec  3 23:39:19 2003
From: fredm at (Alfred Milgrom)
Date: Wed Dec  3 23:39:07 2003
Subject: [Tutor] list with area calculation
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Maybe it's late where you are, but did you notice that you have two entries 
for the letter 'p' ?
Also 'perimeter' does not return an area, so you should not use print "Area 
is" ... :))

At 04:34 AM 4/12/03 +0100, Christoffer Thomsen wrote:
>I want to make a program which calculates areas. And I want to select 
>which kid of area calculation it should be from a list, but I just can't 
>make it work. I am not surprise if it just some stupid mistake but I can't 
>figure it out.
>#This program calculates areas ... <snip>

From christoffer81 at  Thu Dec  4 00:19:58 2003
From: christoffer81 at (Christoffer Thomsen)
Date: Thu Dec  4 00:19:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] list with area calculation
Message-ID: <>

Yes you are right I am too tired.. I just want to finish 1 chapter in 
the tutorial every day.
But tnx it works now  
Alfred Milgrom wrote:

Maybe it's late where you are, but did you notice that you have two 
entries for the letter 'p' ?
Also 'perimeter' does not return an area, so you should not use print 
"Area is" ... :))

At 04:34 AM 4/12/03 +0100, Christoffer Thomsen wrote:

I want to make a program which calculates areas. And I want to select 
which kid of area calculation it should be from a list, but I just can't 
make it work. I am not surprise if it just some stupid mistake but I 
can't figure it out.

#This program calculates areas ... <snip>

From krazie_mu_boi at  Thu Dec  4 00:32:09 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Thu Dec  4 00:32:15 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Flash Objects
Message-ID: <>

For those who don't kno, I'm using Livewires. How can i make an object look like they are flashing?I was trying this code:

for i in range(10):
			circle(50, 60, 45, colour =, filled = 1)
			circle(50, 60, 30, colour = Colour.white, filled = 1)
			circle(50, 60, 45, colour =, filled = 1)
			circle(50, 60, 30, colour = Colour.white, filled = 1)

50 is the x point, 60 is the y point, and 45 and 30 is the radii . Time.sleep(0.5) makes python do nothing for 0.5 seconds. Well, it didn't work out as i thought it would. It simply did nothing for 10 seconds, and then show me a blue circle (with white cirlce inside).

使用 MSN Messenger,與朋友在線上聊天: 

From carroll at  Thu Dec  4 00:56:03 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu Dec  4 00:56:08 2003
Subject: [Tutor] isinstance() evil?
In-Reply-To: <004c01c3b9fe$32df90d0$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Alan Gauld wrote:

> Writing debug code is not a normal thing to do - it's why
> we have debuggers, so that you don't normally need to!

Well, this is playing with Chinese characters, so I can't just use print 
statements.  My routine basically gives me the equivalent of a print 
statement, only using Tkinter, so I can see the character along with the 
other data in a structure.

In addition to debugging, it also gives a quick and dirty way to give me 
output for a quick one-off program.  Just like in a one-off you might 

  [do lots of things to calculate a value for x]
  print x

I can do a lot of stuff to look up a certain character, and then print the 
character and its associated data (pinyin romanization, English 
equivalent, and Unicode value if it's encoded in one of the other systems 
like GB or Big5).

My main use for this is looking up a character and its pinyin equivalent 
when I have an MP3 with Chinese characters in the ID3 data, or an MP3 or 
video file with Chinese characters in the filename.

> Yep, that looks pretty reasonable for dumping a recursive data
> structure.


Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec  4 03:32:17 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec  4 03:31:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] curious
References: <>
Message-ID: <00e201c3ba41$2079a730$6401a8c0@xp>

> AutoCAD, the most popular CAD program, uses Lisp for
> scripting, so you may want to learn that later (but
> not first because Lisp is really hard). 

I'd disagree with that. Lisp is very easy to learn provided 
you've nebver programmed in any other language. The problem 
is it is superficially very diffrent to, say Basic or Python.
(But actually its really very similar to Python once you 
get beyond the parentheses...)

> don't think you should be concentrating on learning
> some programming language when you're not doing too
> well in school. If you're trying to get into a good
> college, they're only going to look at your GPA, 

And thats a good point.

> BTW AFAICT unless you want to go into management, you
> can't become that wealthly being an engineer.

Depending on the locality most senior managers in 
engineering companies started out as engineers. (Certainly 
true of CEOs in both continental Europe and Japan). 
And engineers earn a lot more than bricklayers and 
plumbers almost everywhere :-)

But equally most engineers resemble Dilbert more than 
they resemble Bill Gates or Larry Ellison...

Alan G.
(A "poor" electrical engineer)

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec  4 03:37:39 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec  4 03:36:42 2003
Subject: [Tutor] beginner
References: <008401c3ba10$96068a80$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <00ff01c3ba41$e07217c0$6401a8c0@xp>

> yes i have installed python. i have written 
> "hello world!" i am using win xp which every1 
> says suks, 

Actually although its a popular pastime to knock Microsoft, 
XP is by far the best operating system they have produced and
is far superior to things like MacOS 9, or CP/M. In many 
ways its better even than early Unix or VMS.

Its got lots wrong with it too, especially the "broken" 
Home edition, but it is without any doubt the best Windows 
OS available.

>... DOS its command prompt, and i know how to copy/rename 
> files using prompt. but still i dont know anythin.

You know enough to get started in Python.
Have patience and a little imagination and the rest will come.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec  4 03:44:24 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec  4 03:43:27 2003
Subject: [Tutor] command prompt ??
References: <00a101c3ba11$3b74da30$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <010701c3ba42$d1ac3e40$6401a8c0@xp>

> C:\> "rename c:\windows\*.pwl c:\windows\*.zzz"
> how come that doesn't work wit win xp and command prompt?

You are not allowed to specify a path for the second filename.
DOS would treat that as a COPY not a RENAME...

So your command should be:

C:\> rename c:\windows\*.pwl *.zzz


Alan g.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec  4 03:51:57 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec  4 03:51:00 2003
Subject: [Tutor] list with area calculation
References: <>
Message-ID: <010e01c3ba43$dfa0fa30$6401a8c0@xp>

> make it work. I am not surprise if it just some stupid mistake
but I
> can't figure it out.
> choice = "p"
> while choice != "q":
>     if choice == "s":
>         width = input("Type width:")
>         print "Area is: ", square(width)
>     elif choice == "r":
> ... code snipped ...
>     elif choice != "q":
>         print_options()
>     choice = raw_input("option: ")

You don't tell us what's going wrong!
My initial thoughts include the fact that the last
elif could just be an else, but otherwise, what is the problem?

Alan G.

From christoffer81 at  Thu Dec  4 04:28:33 2003
From: christoffer81 at (Christoffer Thomsen)
Date: Thu Dec  4 04:27:42 2003
Subject: [Tutor] list with area calculation
In-Reply-To: <010e01c3ba43$dfa0fa30$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <> <010e01c3ba43$dfa0fa30$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Well as Alfred Milgrom wrote, I had 2 entries of "p" defining something 
The Perimeter text is also changed to Length instead of Area. So yes 2 
stupid mistakes.

Alan Gauld wrote:

>>make it work. I am not surprise if it just some stupid mistake
>but I
>>can't figure it out.
>>choice = "p"
>>while choice != "q":
>>    if choice == "s":
>>        width = input("Type width:")
>>        print "Area is: ", square(width)
>>    elif choice == "r":
>>... code snipped ...
>>    elif choice != "q":
>>        print_options()
>>    choice = raw_input("option: ")
>You don't tell us what's going wrong!
>My initial thoughts include the fact that the last
>elif could just be an else, but otherwise, what is the problem?
>Alan G.

From python at  Thu Dec  4 06:12:58 2003
From: python at (Eddie Comber)
Date: Thu Dec  4 06:14:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Pydoc
Message-ID: <>

Is it possible to use pydoc easily as a module rather than a command line


From abc-100036 at  Thu Dec  4 12:00:02 2003
From: abc-100036 at (
Date: Thu Dec  4 12:00:18 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Raw_input Questions
Message-ID: <>

does anybody know the syntax for a raw_input wherein the typed input won't 
appear in the screen or the console.  
I specifically want to apply the syntax for a password entry. I dont want 
the typed password to be seen in the screen. Example, like typing a password 
in the password entry during login whenever linux starts...   
Angelo Cruz 
CSIT-Computer Network Engineer 
Asia Pacific College 


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From elh at  Thu Dec  4 12:20:17 2003
From: elh at (Eric L. Howard)
Date: Thu Dec  4 12:20:22 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Raw_input Questions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At a certain time, now past [Dec.04.2003-05:00:02PM -0000], spake thusly:
> does anybody know the syntax for a raw_input wherein the typed input won't 
> appear in the screen or the console.  
> I specifically want to apply the syntax for a password entry. I dont want 
> the typed password to be seen in the screen. Example, like typing a password 
> in the password entry during login whenever linux starts...


Eric L. Howard           e l h @ o u t r e a c h n e t w o r k s . c o m
------------------------------------------------------------------------                                    313.297.9900
JabberID:                 Advocate of the Theocratic Rule

From dyoo at  Thu Dec  4 12:54:48 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Dec  4 12:54:56 2003
Subject: [Tutor] program still doesnt work
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Udz wrote:

>  i tried what you said danny, and the program still doesnt work. any
> suggestions? i'd appreciate any help, thanks.

Hi Udz,

Hmmm... I have to admit, then, that I'm baffled!  Something must be
happening, since you've mentioned that you see a window momentarily open
and close up.  Do you know what happens if you just run the program
normally, without trying to make it an EXE?

If you don't mind, can you also post up the program you've written to the
mailing list, as well as the distutils script you've written?  One of us
here should then be able to duplicate the problem, and then be better able
to help you fix it.

My apologies!

From dyoo at  Thu Dec  4 13:05:40 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Dec  4 13:05:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Flash Objects
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Leung Cris wrote:

> For those who don't kno, I'm using Livewires. How can i make an object
> look like they are flashing?I was trying this code:
> for i in range(10):
> 			circle(50, 60, 45, colour =, filled = 1)
> 			circle(50, 60, 30, colour = Colour.white, filled = 1)
> 			time.sleep(0.5)
> 			circle(50, 60, 45, colour =, filled = 1)
> 			circle(50, 60, 30, colour = Colour.white, filled = 1)
> 			time.sleep(0.5)
> 50 is the x point, 60 is the y point, and 45 and 30 is the radii .
> Time.sleep(0.5) makes python do nothing for 0.5 seconds. Well, it didn't
> work out as i thought it would. It simply did nothing for 10 seconds,
> and then show me a blue circle (with white cirlce inside).

Hi Leung,

Ah!  Livewires itself has its own sleep() routine --- try:

for i in range(10):
    circle(50, 60, 45, colour =, filled = 1)
    circle(50, 60, 30, colour = Colour.white, filled = 1)
    circle(50, 60, 45, colour =, filled = 1)
    circle(50, 60, 30, colour = Colour.white, filled = 1)

I tried it on my end, and it looks good.

The reason you haven't been seeing any flashing with your original code is
because the official time.sleep() function actually puts everything in
Python to sleep --- including the graphic-updating part of the system!
*grin* So the Livewires folks cooked up their own version of sleep() that
still allows for the graphic subsystem to keep ticking.

You have a knack for running into tricky things with Livewires.  *grin*
Keep bringing up your questions: they are great ones!

For those who are interested in the internal working of Livewires, here's
what they are doing with Tkinter:

def sleep(secs):
    if _root_window == None:
        _root_window.after(int(1000*secs), _root_window.quit)

From venkatbabukr at  Thu Dec  4 13:12:24 2003
From: venkatbabukr at (Venkatesh Babu)
Date: Thu Dec  4 13:12:29 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Generating random numbers
In-Reply-To: <00ff01c3ba41$e07217c0$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>


I have a question related to generation of random
numbers based on some probability distribution

In my simulation program I have to generate random
numbers based on same kind of distribution, say normal
distribution, but for different independent purposes:
like determining number of agents in a place,
determination ages of each agent. So, there are more
than one normal distributions, each having its own
mean and variance. In such a situation I guess we
should create "Random" objects corresponding to each
purpose and call normalvariate function of these
objects with the corresponding mean and variance.

Is the above method proper or can we do away by just
calling the normalvariate function given in the random
module instead of creating "Random" objects.

Thank you,

Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now

From dyoo at  Thu Dec  4 13:16:35 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Dec  4 13:16:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Pydoc
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Eddie Comber wrote:

> Is it possible to use pydoc easily as a module rather than a command
> line script?

Hi Eddie,

It should be possible, as it's implemented as a pure Python module.  Out
of curiosity, how are you planning to use it as a module?

Talk to you later!

From dyoo at  Thu Dec  4 13:27:21 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Dec  4 13:27:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] curious
In-Reply-To: <00e201c3ba41$2079a730$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Alan Gauld wrote:

> > AutoCAD, the most popular CAD program, uses Lisp for scripting, so you
> > may want to learn that later (but not first because Lisp is really
> > hard).
> I'd disagree with that. Lisp is very easy to learn provided you've
> nebver programmed in any other language. The problem is it is
> superficially very diffrent to, say Basic or Python. (But actually its
> really very similar to Python once you get beyond the parentheses...)

Hi Alan,

I agree --- Lisp is actually quite nice!  There's one book, in particular,
that's really good:

(Of course, I'm somewhat biased, given my former academic affilation.

But seriously, if you get the chance, take a look at 'Simply Scheme':
it'll open your eyes to what a beginning computer programming course
really should cover.  The approach in Simply Scheme is simply excellent.

Talk to you later!

From magnus at  Thu Dec  4 14:04:58 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Dec  4 14:05:04 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gcHl0aG9uIHZzIHBocDU=?=
Message-ID: <>

Ali wrote:
> i've heard that php5 will include declaration of attributes which are 
> private,
> public and protected... aside from that interfaces which will be 
> implemented by
> a class can also be created...
> in line with OO principles, wouldnt these features be good if implemented 
> in python???

I must admit that I don't have a problem with the way 
Python works with variable access.

The subtle cues of _x and __y is simple, and good enough for me.


class X:
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.__private = x

x = X() can cheat Python and access the private variable
self.__private from the outside as x._X__private, but there
is no way that you will do that by mistake. If you do it
as a quick hack and later fail to notice it, you have very
poor code reviewing practices, and will probably fail to
see lots of semantic and structural problems that are far
more problematic than accessing a variable that you shouldn't.

It's my impression that some languages, such as Java and C++,
are designed to make it difficult for programmers to do "bad
things" on purpose, and at the same times have shortcomings
that repeatedly make programmers try to do these bad things
to work around the stupid language.

Python is rather designed to provide a flexibility that
reduces the need to to "bad things", and let the programmers
take responsibility for their own actions, and instead try
to prevent them from making common mistakes. Thus the block
structure by indenting and syntax error for "if a = 0:", while
peeking at private variables is permitted and simple but made
to stick out in the code.

Interfaces are interesting, but the problem is to design
them in such a way that we keep the flexibility of python.
This is not trivial, and few python programmers would be
satisfied with interfaces which was as restrictive as the
typical interfaces of more static languages such as C++ and

This has been discussed in the Python community for at least
five years, but obviously noone thought it was important 
enough to go ahead and make an implementation that was so
good that it was accepted. There is a Python Enhancement
Proposal under consideration for this. 


Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From at  Thu Dec  4 14:23:14 2003
From: at (Tim Peters)
Date: Thu Dec  4 14:23:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Generating random numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Venkatesh Babu]
> I have a question related to generation of random
> numbers based on some probability distribution
> In my simulation program I have to generate random
> numbers based on same kind of distribution, say normal
> distribution, but for different independent purposes:
> like determining number of agents in a place,
> determination ages of each agent. So, there are more
> than one normal distributions, each having its own
> mean and variance. In such a situation I guess we
> should create "Random" objects corresponding to each
> purpose and call normalvariate function of these
> objects with the corresponding mean and variance.
> Is the above method proper or can we do away by just
> calling the normalvariate function given in the random
> module instead of creating "Random" objects.

Calling random.normalvariate(mu, sigma) for all purposes is fine (although
calling random.gauss(mu, sigma) is faster -- gauss() was added after
normalvariate(), and normalvariate() sticks around so that older programs
using it can continue to get bit-for-bit identical results).

The only really good reason to create your own Random objects is if you're
running multiple threads, in which case having each thread use its own
Random object makes it very much easier to get exactly reproducible (across
distinct program runs) results.

From ATrautman at  Thu Dec  4 14:57:36 2003
From: ATrautman at (Alan Trautman)
Date: Thu Dec  4 14:57:40 2003
Subject: [Tutor] command prompt ??
Message-ID: <>


.pwl files are windows passwords access lists. I suspect either you do not
have the right permissions to rename them or windows does not allow them to
be renamed. 

By renaming them you can force some non-managed windows systems to switch
back to their default values and gain access. Your problems may come from


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacques []
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 8:49 PM
Subject: [Tutor] command prompt ??

"rename c:\windows\*.pwl
how come that doesn't work wit win xp and command prompt?every time i put
that in i get "The syntax of the command is incorrect."

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec  4 15:44:56 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec  4 15:43:51 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Raw_input Questions
References: <>
Message-ID: <013f01c3baa7$7a026d30$6401a8c0@xp>

> I specifically want to apply the syntax for a password entry. I
dont want
> the typed password to be seen in the screen. Example, like
typing a password
> in the password entry during login whenever linux starts...

Use the password module in Python.

Its called getpass or passwd or something not entirely obvious
its definitely there.

Alan G.

From dyoo at  Thu Dec  4 16:41:15 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Dec  4 16:41:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] popen's wierdness (on Win2K)
In-Reply-To: <33678E78A2DD4D418396703A750048D45E6969@RIKER>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 2 Dec 2003, Branimir Petrovic wrote:

> While attempting to get to know if and how can I run and preferably have
> control over stdin and stdout/sterr streams of external cmd line
> programs and utilities launched via Python's popen, I've stumbled on
> this:

Hi Branimir,

Sorry for the late reply; looks like we got a barrage of messages on the
list recently!  *grin*

It sounds like you may be running into some flow control issues. The
Python Library Documentation mentions them slightly:

If you're wondering why Python is doing things so weirdly, be assured that
it's not unique to Python.  Java programmers face similar pitfalls when
calling external programs:

and I think you're just running into similar issues, only in Python form.

Anyway, there's an entry in the official Python FAQ that should help:

That FAQ entry mentions that child processes won't get killed until you
call wait() on them; that probably explains why you're seeing those
invisible processes still.  It also provides a way to workaround the
wackiness in popen2, so we recommend that you try their approach first and
see if it fixes things.

Good luck to you!

From BranimirP at  Thu Dec  4 18:34:23 2003
From: BranimirP at (Branimir Petrovic)
Date: Thu Dec  4 18:34:30 2003
Subject: [Tutor] popen's wierdness (on Win2K)
Message-ID: <33678E78A2DD4D418396703A750048D45E697F@RIKER>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Danny Yoo []
> Sorry for the late reply; looks like we got a barrage of 
> messages on the
> list recently!  *grin*

Hi Danny, thanks for reply, "late" does not matter, answering counts!
List is busy lately, and my question was neither very straightforward,
nor was it appealing.
> It sounds like you may be running into some flow control issues. The
> Python Library Documentation mentions them slightly:

Python does have lots of documentation doesn't it, and not all
is in one place, nor is it where ("the fresh") one would expect
it to be. Had seen a lot of it, but this particular piece - I 
missed. Weird and interesting, sad also as it clearly indicates
that popen is not a proper scratch for my itch.

> Anyway, there's an entry in the official Python FAQ that should help:

Following this link leads right to Pexpect - exact the right thing I 
know I need, the "thing" I know I can not have as it does not run on 
Windows:(( How frustrating... And all I wanted to do is to run and 
control various third party applications through Python. Apparently 
not a trivial requirement, but quite appealing thought nevertheless.

Looks like Python wrapper for sql scripts and SQL*Plus will have to
be shelved until such a time I am able to switch platform.

> Good luck to you!

That's the fallback I've been counting on;) Thanks again Danny!


From arkamir at  Thu Dec  4 18:52:22 2003
From: arkamir at (Conrad Koziol)
Date: Thu Dec  4 18:52:27 2003
Subject: [Tutor] curious
Message-ID: <1070581941.6127.8.camel@quercus>

Thats what got me started.

and then this is some cool stuff.

then get yourself a better browser most notable

and go here: 


From joddo at  Thu Dec  4 20:16:27 2003
From: joddo at (Jeremy Oddo)
Date: Thu Dec  4 20:09:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Monitor CPU Usage and User Input
Message-ID: <>

First off, I really appreciate this list.  Finding Python info
can be a little challenging, but this list makes it easier. 

OK, now for my question :)

Is there a *cross-platform* routine for checking CPU usage and
user input?  I'd like to write an app that stays quiet until
the CPU usage drops really low and there's been no human typing
or mousing away.  I guess it's *similar* to a screen saver. 
Basically, I'd like my Python app to "spring into action" when
no one is using the computer.

Are there any modules that may help me out with this?


From xxjac88xx at  Thu Dec  4 20:36:14 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Thu Dec  4 20:36:11 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Morphix GNU/Linux/unix
Message-ID: <009001c3bad0$2bd1f5d0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>

i keep hearing i should run from unix or linux and i also heard about morphix. can someone give me a site i would be able to download any of these from??i would like to boot them up from a cd. If that isn't possible i would like to run them anyway i can, but still have my win xp. i am running windows xp home.
-------------- next part --------------
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From thomi at  Thu Dec  4 21:00:04 2003
From: thomi at (Thomi Richards)
Date: Thu Dec  4 21:00:15 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Morphix GNU/Linux/unix
In-Reply-To: <009001c3bad0$2bd1f5d0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
References: <009001c3bad0$2bd1f5d0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 05 Dec 2003 14:36, Jacques wrote:
> i keep hearing i should run from unix or linux and i also heard about
> morphix. can someone give me a site i would be able to download any of
> these from??i would like to boot them up from a cd. If that isn't possible
> i would like to run them anyway i can, but still have my win xp. i am
> running windows xp home.

every tried using google?

go to and search for "morphix". You'll find what you're looking 

- -- 
Thomi Richards,

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


From xxjac88xx at  Thu Dec  4 21:05:35 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Thu Dec  4 21:05:31 2003
Subject: [Tutor] morphix
Message-ID: <00c601c3bad4$4547eac0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>

Morphix ISO
Morphix Game
Morphix HeavyGUI
Morphix KDE
Morphix LightGUI

which should i download?^^
-------------- next part --------------
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From xxjac88xx at  Thu Dec  4 21:14:09 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Thu Dec  4 21:14:06 2003
Subject: [Tutor] morphix again...
Message-ID: <00e101c3bad5$77e8c610$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg> is that a good download...?
-------------- next part --------------
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From missive at  Thu Dec  4 21:35:24 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Thu Dec  4 21:35:29 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: recursion question
Message-ID: <>

>>def mult(m, n):
>>    if n < 0:
>>        return -mult(m, -n)
>>    elif n == 0:
>>        return 0
>>    elif n == 1:
>>        return m
>>    else:
>>        return m + mult(m, n-1)
>>Now all we need to do is write a docstring and some regression tests
>>and we're all set  :o)
>Hmm... , do you think my version would also pass your regression test?
> >>> def mult(m, n):
>       if n < 0:
>           return -mult(m, -n)
>       elif n == 0:
>           return 0
>       else:
>           return m + mult(m, n-1)

def mult(m, n):
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return m
    if n < 0:
        p = abs(n)
        result = -1 * (m + mult(m, p-1))
        return result
    return m + mult(m, n-1)

def mult2(m, n):
    if n < 0:
        return -mult(m, -n)
    elif n == 0:
        return 0
    elif n == 1:
        return m
        return m + mult(m, n-1)

def mult3(m, n):
      if n < 0:
          return -mult(m, -n)
      elif n == 0:
          return 0
          return m + mult(m, n-1)

import unittest

class TestMultFunction(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.this_mult = mult

    def test2positive(self):
        for n in range(1, 10):
            m = 20 - n
            self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(m, n), m*n)

    def test1positive1negative(self):
        for n in range(1, 10):
            m = -20 - n
            self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(m, n), m*n)

    def test2negative(self):
        for n in range(1, 10):
            m = -20 - n
            self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(m, -n), m*-n)

    def testmzero(self):
        m = 0
        for n in range(-10, 10):
            self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(m, n), m*n)

    def testnzero(self):
        n = 0
        for m in range(-10, 10):
            self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(m, n), m*n)

    def testlongs(self):
        for m in range(-10, 10):
            for n in range(-5, 5):
                lm = long(m)
                ln = long(n)
                self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(lm, ln), lm*ln)

            for n in range(5, -5, -1):
                lm = long(m)
                ln = long(n)
                self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(lm, ln), lm*ln)

# All 3 fail this one pretty miserably...
#     def testfloats(self):
#         for m in range(-100, 100):
#             for n in range(-50, 50):
#                 fm = float(m)/10
#                 fn = float(n)/10
#                 self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(fm, fn), fm*fn)
#             for n in range(50, -50, -1):
#                 fm = float(m)
#                 fn = float(n)
#                 self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(fm, fn), fm*fn)

# And this one too...
#     def testintfloat(self):
#         for m in range(-10, 10):
#             for n in range(-50, 50):
#                 fn = float(n)/10
#                 self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(m, fn), m*fn)
#             for n in range(50, -50, -1):
#                 fn = float(n)
#                 self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(m, fn), m*fn)

    # But this seems to be ok
    def testfloatint(self):
        for m in range(-100, 100):
            for n in range(-5, 5):
                fm = float(m)/10
                self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(fm, n), fm*n)

            for n in range(5, -5, -1):
                fm = float(m)
                self.assertEqual(self.this_mult(fm, n), fm*n)

class TestMult2Function(TestMultFunction):
    def setUp(self):
        self.this_mult = mult2

class TestMult3Function(TestMultFunction):
    def setUp(self):
        self.this_mult = mult3

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # you can use this simple style

    # or this style for more detail
    suite = unittest.TestSuite()

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

From christoffer81 at  Thu Dec  4 22:04:04 2003
From: christoffer81 at (Christoffer Thomsen)
Date: Thu Dec  4 22:03:08 2003
Subject: [Tutor] curious
In-Reply-To: <1070581941.6127.8.camel@quercus>
References: <1070581941.6127.8.camel@quercus>
Message-ID: <>

I have a question..
I have tried ie6, MozillaFirebird1.6a and Mozilla1.5, but non of them 
showed all the characters in
I use windows 98 se, Is there someone who now what I should to?

Conrad Koziol wrote:

>Thats what got me started.
>and then this is some cool stuff.
>then get yourself a better browser most notable 
>and go here: 
>Tutor maillist  -

From xxjac88xx at  Thu Dec  4 22:48:45 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Thu Dec  4 22:48:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] unix platform
Message-ID: <000a01c3bae2$aedd2690$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>

Does anyone know how to get a unix platform for free?
-------------- next part --------------
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From christoffer81 at  Thu Dec  4 23:32:02 2003
From: christoffer81 at (Christoffer Thomsen)
Date: Thu Dec  4 23:31:09 2003
Subject: [Tutor] unix platform
In-Reply-To: <000a01c3bae2$aedd2690$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
References: <000a01c3bae2$aedd2690$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <>

Well you can get linux distributions, which are based on unix here:

Jacques wrote:

> Does anyone know how to get a unix platform for free?
>Tutor maillist  -

From venkatbabukr at  Thu Dec  4 23:54:31 2003
From: venkatbabukr at (Venkatesh Babu)
Date: Thu Dec  4 23:54:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Generating random numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>


Just wanted to clarify my point once again.

So, do u mean to say that in a single thread, the
following sequence of calls are OK:

random.gauss(50, 5)
random.gauss(50, 5)
... Some code....
random.gauss(25, 4)
random.gauss(25, 4)
... Some more code....
random.gauss(50, 5)
random.gauss(50, 5)

Because till now I was thinking that generation of
random numbers following a probability distribution
should maintain some history information.

Thank you,

--- Tim Peters <> wrote:
> [Venkatesh Babu]
> > I have a question related to generation of random
> > numbers based on some probability distribution
> >
> > In my simulation program I have to generate random
> > numbers based on same kind of distribution, say
> normal
> > distribution, but for different independent
> purposes:
> > like determining number of agents in a place,
> > determination ages of each agent. So, there are
> more
> > than one normal distributions, each having its own
> > mean and variance. In such a situation I guess we
> > should create "Random" objects corresponding to
> each
> > purpose and call normalvariate function of these
> > objects with the corresponding mean and variance.
> >
> > Is the above method proper or can we do away by
> just
> > calling the normalvariate function given in the
> random
> > module instead of creating "Random" objects.
> Calling random.normalvariate(mu, sigma) for all
> purposes is fine (although
> calling random.gauss(mu, sigma) is faster -- gauss()
> was added after
> normalvariate(), and normalvariate() sticks around
> so that older programs
> using it can continue to get bit-for-bit identical
> results).
> The only really good reason to create your own
> Random objects is if you're
> running multiple threads, in which case having each
> thread use its own
> Random object makes it very much easier to get
> exactly reproducible (across
> distinct program runs) results.

Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now

From at  Fri Dec  5 00:36:22 2003
From: at (Tim Peters)
Date: Fri Dec  5 00:36:25 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Generating random numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Venkatesh Babu]
> Just wanted to clarify my point once again.
> So, do u mean to say that in a single thread, the
> following sequence of calls are OK:
> random.gauss(50, 5)
> random.gauss(50, 5)
> ... Some code....
> random.gauss(25, 4)
> random.gauss(25, 4)
> ... Some more code....
> random.gauss(50, 5)
> random.gauss(50, 5)

Yes, that's what I thought you meant, and it's fine.

> Because till now I was thinking that generation of
> random numbers following a probability distribution
> should maintain some history information.

Virtually all methods of generating random variates following a particular
distribution work by applying transformations to a uniform random float in
0.0 to 1.0.  For example, to generate a random float uniformly from 1 to 5,
take a random float uniformly from 0 to 1, multiply it by 4, then add 1.  It
doesn't need any history, it only needs to be given a uniform random float
in 0 to 1 to work with.

You can read the code in to see that almost all the methods work
"like that".  Some are very subtle, and require difficult correctness proofs
if you *really* want to know how they work.

The gauss() method used by Python is briefly but nicely described here:

That page shows how to generate random *unit* normal variates given a source
of random uniform variates in 0 to 1.  Dealing with arbitrary mu and sigma
is a trivial transformation beyond that (after you get it, multiply the
random unit normal variate by sigma, then add mu).  More detail can be found

As that page says <wink>,

    Finding transformations like the Box-Muller is a tedious process,
    and in the case of empirical distributions it is not possible.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Dec  5 02:58:07 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Dec  5 02:57:54 2003
Subject: [Tutor] unix platform
References: <000a01c3bae2$aedd2690$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <01a501c3bb05$8502f520$6401a8c0@xp>

> Does anyone know how to get a unix platform for free?

You can use any Linux distibution, or try OpenBSD, 
NetBSD or Darwin (Apple's MacOS X without the GUI.)

search google...

Alan G

From venkatbabukr at  Fri Dec  5 03:42:20 2003
From: venkatbabukr at (Venkatesh Babu)
Date: Fri Dec  5 03:42:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Generating random numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>


Thanks very much!!! I went thru the file and
those links. My doubt is cleared.


--- Tim Peters <> wrote:
> [Venkatesh Babu]
> > Just wanted to clarify my point once again.
> >
> > So, do u mean to say that in a single thread, the
> > following sequence of calls are OK:
> >
> > random.gauss(50, 5)
> > random.gauss(50, 5)
> > ... Some code....
> > random.gauss(25, 4)
> > random.gauss(25, 4)
> > ... Some more code....
> > random.gauss(50, 5)
> > random.gauss(50, 5)
> Yes, that's what I thought you meant, and it's fine.
> > Because till now I was thinking that generation of
> > random numbers following a probability
> distribution
> > should maintain some history information.
> Virtually all methods of generating random variates
> following a particular
> distribution work by applying transformations to a
> uniform random float in
> 0.0 to 1.0.  For example, to generate a random float
> uniformly from 1 to 5,
> take a random float uniformly from 0 to 1, multiply
> it by 4, then add 1.  It
> doesn't need any history, it only needs to be given
> a uniform random float
> in 0 to 1 to work with.
> You can read the code in to see that
> almost all the methods work
> "like that".  Some are very subtle, and require
> difficult correctness proofs
> if you *really* want to know how they work.
> The gauss() method used by Python is briefly but
> nicely described here:
> That page shows how to generate random *unit* normal
> variates given a source
> of random uniform variates in 0 to 1.  Dealing with
> arbitrary mu and sigma
> is a trivial transformation beyond that (after you
> get it, multiply the
> random unit normal variate by sigma, then add mu). 
> More detail can be found
> here:
> As that page says <wink>,
>     Finding transformations like the Box-Muller is a
> tedious process,
>     and in the case of empirical distributions it is
> not possible.

Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now

From dyoo at  Fri Dec  5 13:16:32 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri Dec  5 13:16:45 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Pydoc  [pydoc.writedoc()]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 5 Dec 2003, Edward Comber wrote:

> I just want to automatically generate HTML docs of my own modules.
> currently
> for item in targets:
>     args = pydoc_path + ' -w ' + target_dir + item
>     cmd = py_path + ' ' + args + ' > temp.txt'
>     print cmd
>     os.system(cmd)
> does the trick but os.system() opens a DOS box for each file it's
> processing. I would like to do it more smoothly.

Hi Edward,

As far as I know, there's yet no formal documentation on using pydoc as a
module --- I think it's intended usage was as a command line utility.
But we can still kludge it.  *grin*

pydoc provides a function called writedoc():

>>> import pydoc
>>> pydoc.writedoc('dir')
wrote dir.html

And like the command line utility, it should write the HTML into the
current directory.

It might be good to bring this up on the comp.lang.python newsgroups and
see people are using pydoc like this enough that it should be documented
and generalized.

The HTML that's emitted does look a little odd; it's full of a bunch of
HTML entities like '&nbsp'.  Curious!  I wonder why it does that.

For example:


is a small portion of what pydoc emits.

By the way, here's a quicky HTML parser to make it easier to see the
content in there:

>>> html = open('dir.html').read()
>>> import HTMLParser
>>> class MyParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
...     def handle_data(self, data):
...         print data,
>>> MyParser().feed(html)

Python: built-in function dir
TT { font-family: lucidatypewriter, lucida console, courier }
dir (...) dir([object]) - list of strings

Return an alphabetized list of names comprising (some of) the attributes
of the given object, and of attributes reachable from it:

No argument: the names in the current scope.
Module object: the module attributes.
Type or class object: its attributes, and recursively the attributes of
its bases.
Otherwise: its attributes, its class's attributes, and recursively the
attributes of its class's base classes.

Hope this helps!

From johnm at  Mon Dec  1 12:17:51 2003
From: johnm at (John Moylan)
Date: Fri Dec  5 19:00:33 2003
Subject: [Tutor] threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1070299071.29989.16.camel@localhost.localdomain>

I found the following somewhere on the web a while back. 
I don't know who to attribute it too, but it is the best
starting point I found for programming threads in Python.
here goes:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib, time
import threading

retrieveDoc = 1
numPings = 20
numThreads = 5

url = 'http://localhost/'

class ping ( threading.Thread ) :
    def __init__ ( self, url, numPings, retrieveDoc=1 ) :
        self.url = url
        self.numPings = numPings
        self.retrieveDoc = retrieveDoc

    def run ( self ) :
        StartTime = time.time()
        for i in range(self.numPings):
            page = urllib.urlopen ( self.url )
            if self.retrieveDoc:
        EndTime = time.time()
        self.TotalTime = EndTime - StartTime

if __name__ == '__main__' :
    threadList = []
    for i in range(numThreads) :
        thread = ping( url, numPings, retrieveDoc )
        threadList.append ( thread )

    StartTime = time.time()
    for thread in threadList :

    while threading.activeCount() > 1 :
        print ".",
    EndTime = time.time()
    TotalTime = EndTime - StartTime

    TotalPings = 0
    ThreadTime = 0
    for thread in threadList :
        TotalPings = TotalPings + thread.numPings
        ThreadTime = ThreadTime + thread.TotalTime

    PingAvg = TotalPings / TotalTime
    ResponseAvg = ThreadTime / TotalPings

    print "Threads: ", numThreads
    print "Pings:", TotalPings
    print "Total time:", TotalTime
    print "Pings per second:", PingAvg
    print "Average response time (secs):", ResponseAvg

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From John_Dutcher at  Fri Dec  5 10:56:34 2003
From: John_Dutcher at (Dutcher, John)
Date: Fri Dec  5 19:00:42 2003
Subject: [Tutor] using global variables with functions
Message-ID: <>

	Hello Tutor,

	Can you comment on this issue ?

	Using Python 2.3.1, I carefully import 'string' along with other

	The interpreter will NOT let me use any 'string' functions in the
	(i.e. upper(), lower(), capitalize() etc.)

	It indicates no 'global string' defined.

	In a couple other scripts I coaxed it to let me use 'string.rstrip'
	ONLY by doing away with a couple user functions I had positioned
	at the top of the script....and handling the same code 'inline'.

	I hate to be locked into that mode always. I assume there is some
	fundamental concept that relates to using your own 'defs', and how
	they confuse the interpreter and prevent it from recognizing the
	import of  'string'. The concept of having 'masked' it away in my
	own code arises I guess....but I have no variables named 'string'
	or named any of the 'string' functions either ?????

	Thanks,     John Dutcher 

From TTA at  Mon Dec  1 02:41:07 2003
From: TTA at (tt a)
Date: Fri Dec  5 19:00:51 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Interface
Message-ID: <>


Basically, i am a beginner. I was wondering if Pyton has a GUI 
interface like VB to develope applications rather than coding in 


accamail is a service for members and students of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

From thinkuknowme2007 at  Fri Dec  5 18:19:26 2003
From: thinkuknowme2007 at (Udz)
Date: Fri Dec  5 19:01:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] program still doesnt work
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

well, when i just click on the original .py file, the python command line window pops up, then an application error:
The instruction at "0x77fc9e82" referenced memory at "ox2049202c". The memory could not be "written". 
Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program
But if i click on the .pyc fleThis is wierd, because when i first started this program, i tried clicking on that file to see what would happen, and it came up in python command line just fine. i dont know what the problem is now. As Danny Yoo asked, i'll put up my code and my distutils script. I have to warn you though, this is not an advanced prgram, it basically does nothing. A friend was asking if she could see some of the writing pieces i've written (I write a lot), and i thought i would do it in a creative way. My goal is to make a little archive in which my friends can view my pieces. the program is not nearly finished. I just made the first part of it, which was to make sure the person knew me and to make them laugh a little as well. The program will ask you some questions, and you must answer accordingly. it's sorta stupid really. first of all, follow the simple instructions at the beggining, or this program will be a pain in the ass. It will ask your name, simply for
 retrieval purposes (i wanted to make the prgram a little more lifelike, and one way would be to address the user personally). It will ask you "You know what?", just answer "what?" it'll ask you that again. type what again. when it types it for the third time, u can either type "what" again, or type "shut up". (u wont get it, it's an inside joke). When it asks for my name, you can type in "Udz". When it asks for my birthday, type in 09/04/89. When it asks what 2 things I do best, put in "Computers, Writing". it will ask you to confirm your name. If you want, you can change what you typed earlier at this point. Thats as far as I have gotten. I was going to stat pasting essays and poems and stuff like that in, but i decided to try the py2exe because one of my friends wanted to see how far i had gotten. so here's the code:
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
def MultiLines ():

print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WHAT I DID WITH MY FREE TIME<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
print "Well, basicallly, I got bored, and started writing this program. Yeah, I'm a"
print "dork, but hey, the only other thing to do was hw, and that would just be"
print "retarded. But I warn you; you have to know me very well to be able to listen to what i have to say in this program. So Goof and Peanut Butter, you're already"
print "out. Actually,most people are. Actually, besides family, only 2 people get to do"
print "this...kinda sad, but oh well. This starting off dialouge was just to provide  "
print "information about the program. The first rule: NEVER use any quotations like"
print "commas, quotes, and ESPECIALLY exclamation marks. You can use question marks"
print "when appropriate, I have programmed those in. Oh yeah, and no periods either, "
print "those would just be a pain in the ass to program in.Also, I'll be talking to you"
print "a lot through this program, so you can expect a crapload of questions. I will ask some random questions and some important ones. If you dont know which "
print "questions to answer, notice that every question that i want you to answer is on a seperate line. Oh yeah, when you're answering a question, make sure that you"
print "hit Enter before replying, or you'll have to type your answer all over again."
print "Don't complain afterwards, I'v given you fair warning."
def understand ():
    name = raw_input ("OK? type 'OK' if you understand my directions, and type 'I'm an idiot' if you don't understand.")
    input = raw_input ()
    if input == "OK" or input == "ok" or input == "Ok":
        print "Good, now I know you can read!"
    elif input == "I'm an idiot":
        print "Well, duh, if you couldn't follow those instructions, you really are an idiot. Here, read it again:"
        print "Well, basicallly, I got bored, and started writing this program. Yeah, I'm a"
        print "dork, but hey, the only other thing to do was hw, and that would just be"
        print "retarded. But I warn you; you have to know me very well to be able to listen to what i have to say in this program. So Goof and Peanut Butter, you're already"
        print "out. Actually,most people are. Actually, besides family, only 2 people get to do"
        print "this...kinda sad, but oh well. This starting off dialouge was just to provide  "
        print "information about the program. The first rule: NEVER use any quotations like"
        print "commas, quotes, and ESPECIALLY exclamation marks. You can use question marks"
        print "when appropriate, I have programmed those in. Oh yeah, and no periods either, "
        print "those would just be a pain in the ass to program in.Also, I'll be talking to you"
        print "a lot through this program, so you can expect a crapload of questions. I will ask some random questions and some important ones. If you dont know which "
        print "questions to answer, notice that every question that i want you to answer is on a seperate line. Oh yeah, when you're answering a question, make sure that you"
        print "hit Enter before replying, or you'll have to type your answer all over again."
        print "Don't complain afterwards, I'v given you fair warning."
        understand ()
        print "[Sigh] How stupid can you people get? You can't even read. I'll ask you again."
        print "Well, basicallly, I got bored, and started writing this program. Yeah, I'm a"
        print "dork, but hey, the only other thing to do was hw, and that would just be"
        print "retarded. But I warn you; you have to know me very well to be able to listen to what i have to say in this program. So Goof and Peanut Butter, you're already"
        print "out. Actually,most people are. Actually, besides family, only 2 people get to do"
        print "this...kinda sad, but oh well. This starting off dialouge was just to provide  "
        print "information about the program. The first rule: NEVER use any quotations like"
        print "commas, quotes, and ESPECIALLY exclamation marks. You can use question marks"
        print "when appropriate, I have programmed those in. Oh yeah, and no periods either, "
        print "those would just be a pain in the ass to program in.Also, I'll be talking to you"
        print "a lot through this program, so you can expect a crapload of questions. I will ask some random questions and some important ones. If you dont know which "
        print "questions to answer, notice that every question that i want you to answer is on a seperate line. Oh yeah, when you're answering a question, make sure that you"
        print "hit Enter before replying, or you'll have to type your answer all over again."
        print "Don't complain afterwards, I'v given you fair warning."
        understand ()
understand ()
name = raw_input ("Press the Enter key twice.")
input = raw_input ()
print "Please Wait........"
name = raw_input ("Enter your Name(Please Capitalize):")
input = raw_input ()
urname = input
print "Please Wait........"
name = raw_input ("--------------Program Ready to Run--------------Press Enter 2 times again.")
input = raw_input ()
def countdown (s):
    if s == ".................................................................................":
        MultiLines ()
        print s
        countdown (s + ".")
countdown (".")
print "HAVE FUN!!!!"
print "Hey people, what's up? So I guess you were wondering what this thing is, cuz I"
print "never told you,and you were curious, right? yeah, and I was gonna say say "
print "something, but I forgot it, so oh well."
def newLine():
def UKW1 ():
    name = raw_input ("You know what?") 
    input = raw_input ()
    if input == "what?" or input == "WHAT?" or input == "What?" or input == "what" or input == "WHAT" or input == "What":                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
        print "I'm cold"
        print "That's the wrong answer!!!!"
        UKW1 ()
UKW1 ()
def UKW2 ():
    name = raw_input ("You know what?")
    input = raw_input ()
    if input == "what?" or input == "WHAT?" or input == "What?" or input == "what" or input == "WHAT":                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
        print "I'm still cold"
        print "That's the wrong answer!!!!"
        UKW2 ()
UKW2 ()
def UKW3 ():
    name = raw_input ("You know what?")
    input = raw_input ()
    if input == "what?" or input == "WHAT?" or input == "What?" or input == "what" or input == "WHAT":                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
        print "This is getting retarded, so i won't do it anymore."
    elif input == "shut up" or input == "SHUT UP" or input == "Shut up":
        print "OK, OK I'll shut up....geez, what a're like Captain 0"
        print "That's the wrong answer!!!!"
        UKW3 ()
UKW3 ()
print "Well, I guess I'm here because I have a story to tell. At least that's what"
print "I think. And the only story I know is my own. But before I start, I have to make sure youre allowed to read this."
def WhatMyName1 ():
    name = raw_input("Soooo......Whats my name?")
    input = raw_input ()
    if input == "Uddit" or input == "UDDIT" or input == "uddit" or input == "Udz" or input == "UDZ" or input == "udz":
        print "Alright, good job, on to the next question."
        print "OH MY GOD!!! You don't even know my name, and you were trying to play this game??"
        print "YOU LOSE!!!!!!!"
        closefunction ()
def closefunction ():
    name = raw_input("This window  will not close by itself, you have to hit close yourself. Sorry to all the lazy people out there")
    input = raw_input ()
    if input == None:
        closefunction ()
        closefunction ()
WhatMyName1 ()
def WhatBirthday1 ():
    name = raw_input ("What's my birthday? Answer in mm/dd/yy format.")
    input = raw_input ()
    if input == "09/04/89" or input == "9/4/89":
        print "Wow, maybe you do know me. But then again, maybe not...."
        print "See, you don't know me. But i understand, you could've just screwed up typing. I'll give you one more chance....."
        WhatBirthday2 ()
def WhatBirthday2 ():
    name = raw_input ("What's my birthday? Answer in mm/dd/yy format.")
    input = raw_input ()
    if input == "09/04/89" or input == "9/4/89":
        print "Wow, maybe you do know me. But then again, maybe not...."
        print "Sorry, you lost, and if you don't know me, I wouldn't try again. You'll never make it through."
        closefunction ()
WhatBirthday1 ()
def WhatBest1 ():
    name = raw_input ("OK, this is the last question. What do I do best? (answer this in categories like: Math, Writing, Computers. Not specific like: programming, poetry, prose, Algebra. You get the point) Give me 2 categories, written like this: Category1, Category2.")
    input = raw_input ()
    if input == "Music, Computers" or input == "MUSIC, COMPUTERS" or input == "music, computers" or input == "Computers, Music" or input == "COMPUTERS, MUSIC" or input == "computers, music" or input == "Writing, Music" or input == "WRITING, MUSIC" or input == "writing, music" or input == "Music, Writing" or input == "MUSIC, WRITING" or input == "music, writing" or input == "Writing, Computers" or input == "WRITING, COMPUTERS" or input == "writing, computers" or input == "Computers, Writing" or input == "COMPUTERS, WRITING" or input =="computers, writing":
        print "Wow, you are good. If you knew that, you obviously know me well. Nice, now you can experience whatever I wanted you to."
        print "Sorry, you got that question wrong, but since it's so hard, you have infinte times to get it right. Have fun!!"
        WhatBest2 ()
def WhatBest2 ():
    name = raw_input ("Alright, Last question, you've got infinite tries, good luck. What do I do best? (answer this in categories like: Math, Writing, Computers. Not specific like: programming, poetry, prose, Algebra. You get the point) Give me 2 categories, written like this: Category1, Category2.")
    input = raw_input ()
    if input == "Music, Computers" or input == "MUSIC, COMPUTERS" or input == "music, computers" or input == "Computers, Music" or input == "COMPUTERS, MUSIC" or input == "computers, music" or input == "Writing, Music" or input == "WRITING, MUSIC" or input == "writing, music" or input == "Music, Writing" or input == "MUSIC, WRITING" or input == "music, writing" or input == "Writing, Computers" or input == "WRITING, COMPUTERS" or input == "writing, computers" or input == "Computers, Writing" or input == "COMPUTERS, WRITING" or input =="computers, writing":
        print "Wow, you are good. If you knew that, you obviously know me well. Nice, now you can experience whatever I wanted you to."
        print "You got it wrong, try again, maybe you'll get it someday, and be able to play my game. If you get annoyed enough, I might just tell you :)."
        WhatBest2 ()
WhatBest1 ()

def ConfirmName1 ():
    print "Alright, now that you've gotten past that little hitch(shouldn't have taken that long, you can move on. So it's ", urname, ", right?(Yes or No)"
    name = raw_input ()
    input = raw_input ()
    if input == "Yes" or input == "yes" or input == "YES":
        print "Cool. You can call me Uddit or Houdat or George or Bob, but I think that's it."
    elif input == "No" or input == "no" or input == "NO":
        name = raw_input ("Oh ok, then what's your name? (Capitalize please)")
        input = raw_input ()
        urrealname = input
        ConfirmName2 ()
        print "Jesus christ, can u follow instructions? I asked you something!!"
        ConfirmName2 ()

def ConfirmName2 ():
    print "Alright, let's make sure we didn't screw up. It's ", urrealname, ", right?(Yes or No)"
    name= raw_input ()
    input = raw_input ()
    if input == "Yes" or input == "yes" or input == "YES":
        print "Cool. You can call me Uddit or Houdat or George or Bob, but I think that's it."
    elif input == "No" or input == "no" or input == "NO":
        name = raw_input ("Oh ok, then what's your name? (Capitalize please)")
        input = raw_input ()
        urrealname = input
        ConfirmName2 ()
        print "Jesus christ, can u follow instructions? I asked you something!!"
        ConfirmName2 ()
ConfirmName1 ()
#Here, I have to Put in the list of things to do. DONT FORGET UDZ!!!!!!!!

def WhatAboutGod ():
    print "WHAT ABOUT GOD?"
    print " By ME"

print "God. It𠏋 one of the most argued topics in the world at any given time, so I just thought that I鏆 add my argument to the pool. I think that God can㦙 really be explained. I myself have had conflicting views over the years. The idea of a God or 𦽳uperior� being has been around since the beginning of civilization. God is tied to us, and we to him. Instead of easing into the subject or trying to sneak up on it, I𠑥l just say it right out; I don㦙 believe that God exists. "
print "There are so many people that are willing to (and already have) argue with me on the subject. I sometimes ask people why they believe in God. Their answers are pretty much all the same. The stupidest I𠐔e ever gotten is 㜁hat do you mean, 𥜥hy do you believe in God?� I believe in God because God exists.� That𠏋 actually a common one. Another is, 㜁hy I believe in God? Well, it𠏋 been passed down in my religion for centuries, I have to carry on the belief.� It𠏋 like they don㦙 have a free mind of their own. They are following their religion. How can you possibly follow a religion if you𠆫e not sure that you even believe in it? The main reason I don㦙 believe in God is that there is no proof. If anyone can give me solid proof that clearly proves that God exists, I𠑥l readily believe it myself. But the fact is, no one can provide such proof. Most people in the world just believe because they were taught to do so, or because of religious obligations. I can relate to that. When I
 was little, I used to believe in God. I remember it. I also remember not ever having a reason to do so. I just believed because my parents and grandparents did. I went to religious ceremonies, participated in rituals and the like, but that was only because I was following everyone else; I wasn㦙 using my own brain to form my own conclusions and my own beliefs. "
print "Of the people that do believe of their own free will, none can really provide any proof. Many will claim that they believe because they experienced a traumatic experience through which God helped them. Others say that they feel clairvoyant vibrations, and can sense/talk to God. But when I ask for proof, there𠏋 no answer. One belief I find most interesting, and even most believable, is the belief that God exists only as an impartial judge of life. Most religions did start out with this belief at first, but then it got buried under the new religions. People came forward saying that they were the messengers of God, and started a new religion. This started occurring throughout the world. But the original idea was different. God is the creator of this world, the creator of life. He created all this, and is now watching us. He doesn㦙 answer anyone𠏋 prayers, he doesn㦙 appear at beckoning, and he only steps in to alter things when he sees fit. Of course, I don㦙 believe this
 theory either, but the belief that God is just an impartial judge makes much more sense than him being an 弌ll-powerful� figure whom we should all respect. Yet some people still see him as an entity that controls people𠏋 lives and destinies. "
print "I totally disagree. It𠏋 impossible to have our lives controlled by another figure. We move with our own wills. We make our own decisions. The outcome of our life isn㦙 in the hands of a superior being that decides if we𠆫e good human beings or bad. The only person that can decide what you want to be is you, not some guy sitting up in the sky. He can㦙 𢘫ake� our destinies for us; we can change what we want to do at any time. Our decisions could take us anywhere. One day we could be on our way to a high-class university like Yale, the next we could be out in the street smoking pot. It𠏋 our choice, not anyone else𠏋. To me, God is a legend, that𠏋 it. To you, he could be something much more. We all have our own beliefs, and all we can do is express them."

Well, that should give you some trouble. Now here is the distutil script that i wrote:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
setup(name = "thing",
      scripts = [""],
small and simple, what i prefer. and in command prompt, this is the command i used to use py2exe:
python py2exe
well, i think thats it. i hope some one can get back to me with this ting soon, cuz its driving me crazy. have fun all!
thanks in advance,

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From alan.gauld at  Fri Dec  5 19:16:07 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Dec  5 19:15:43 2003
Subject: [Tutor] using global variables with functions
References: <>
Message-ID: <003001c3bb8e$2534e700$6401a8c0@xp>

> Using Python 2.3.1, I carefully import 'string' along with
> modules.
> The interpreter will NOT let me use any 'string' functions

Can you show us an example. It seems OK for me with 2.3 on XP.

Maybe seeing some broken code will reveal the reason.

Alan g

From alan.gauld at  Fri Dec  5 19:20:29 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Dec  5 19:20:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Interface
References: <>
Message-ID: <003501c3bb8e$c0f66830$6401a8c0@xp>

> Basically, i am a beginner. I was wondering if Pyton has a GUI
> interface like VB to develope applications rather than coding
> IDLE??

There are several GUI interface builders but the code to make
it function still needs to be written in the same way as VB
event handlers are. However many(most?) Python programs are
not GUIs so the need for a GUI builder is less. Also the
Python GUI tooklits are higher level than the VB type one,
there is less dependence on physical locations and sizes so
its faster (albeit more challenging!) to build GUIs without
drag n drop type GUIs.

Some GUI builders you may like include Glade, BlackAdder,
pyCard(??), and another from ActiveState that I've forgotten!

There's also an old one for Tkinter called Specpy( an
adapted SpecTcl) which is not supported any more but still
worked last time I tried.

Alan G.

From dyoo at  Fri Dec  5 19:22:41 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri Dec  5 19:22:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] program still doesnt work
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 5 Dec 2003, Udz wrote:

> well, when i just click on the original .py file, the python command
> line window pops up, then an application error:
>  The instruction at "0x77fc9e82" referenced memory at "ox2049202c". The
> memory could not be "written".
> Click on OK to terminate the program
> Click on CANCEL to debug the program

Hi Udz,

Ok, that's the error message we needed to see.  There's something
seriously wrong here, as the error message is not coming from your
program, but from the Python runtime itself as it is interacting with

Here's the good news: your program itself is probably perfectly fine.
But here's the bad news: the problem is something else, and we'll have to
hunt it down.

A few possibilities include an out-of-control virus checker, or a corrupt
Python installation.

Let's first check to see if the Python installation is healthy.  Udz, can
you try reinstalling Python?  Uninstall the current version of Python on
your syste, and try using the "ActiveState" version of Python:

and see if it behaves better.  If you install ActivePython, you'll have to
reinstall Py2exe as well.  Afterwards, try out your program again and see
if you get a Windows error message.

These sort of issues are always frustrating, but I hope we can get them
fixed fast so you can share your program.  Good luck!

From krazie_mu_boi at  Fri Dec  5 20:54:04 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Fri Dec  5 20:54:09 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Executable
Message-ID: <>

How do I turn python in to something like an Executable? Right now, I' m only typing in commands...

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From littledanehren at  Fri Dec  5 21:02:27 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Fri Dec  5 21:02:31 2003
Subject: [Tutor] using global variables with functions
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Dutcher, John" wrote:
> 	Hello Tutor,
> 	Can you comment on this issue ?
> 	Using Python 2.3.1, I carefully import 'string'
> along with other
> modules.
> 	The interpreter will NOT let me use any 'string'
> functions in the
> code,
> 	(i.e. upper(), lower(), capitalize() etc.)
> 	It indicates no 'global string' defined.
> 	In a couple other scripts I coaxed it to let me use
> 'string.rstrip'
> but
> 	ONLY by doing away with a couple user functions I
> had positioned
> 	at the top of the script....and handling the same
> code 'inline'.
> 	I hate to be locked into that mode always. I assume
> there is some
> 	fundamental concept that relates to using your own
> 'defs', and how
> 	they confuse the interpreter and prevent it from
> recognizing the
> 	import of  'string'. The concept of having 'masked'
> it away in my
> 	own code arises I guess....but I have no variables
> named 'string'
> 	or named any of the 'string' functions either ?????
> 	Thanks,     John Dutcher 

The string module is obsolete, you shouldn't use it.
There are instead new string methods that can be used
by treating the string as an object. Here's some code
to demonstrate the string functions:

>>> test_string = '  thisIs a String'
>>> test_string.upper()
>>> test_string.lower()
'  this is a string'
>>> test_string.join(['a', 'b', 'c'])
'a  thisIs a Stringb  thisIs a Stringc'
>>> test_string.split(' ')
['', '', 'thisIs', 'a', 'String']
>>> test_string.strip() #does both sides
'thisIs a String'

and so on. Most of the methods in the string module
are still available in the string methods (except some
are at different names), but the constants, such as
string.printable, are not. See string.__doc__ for more

Daniel Ehrenberg

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From littledanehren at  Fri Dec  5 22:04:34 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Fri Dec  5 22:04:38 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python vs php5
In-Reply-To: <002501c3ba17$99e76a00$>
Message-ID: <>

ali wrote:
> i've heard that php5 will include declaration of
> attributes which are 
> private,
> public and protected... aside from that interfaces
> which will be 
> implemented by
> a class can also be created...
> in line with OO principles, wouldnt these features
> be good if implemented 
> in python???

In short, those principles are contrary to Python
philosophy (if you can call it that).

Most Python programmers believe that we should not
make artificial barriers between parts of a program.
Thre is no real reason to prevent programmers from
doing this type of thing; at the worst it could be
considered a small error. "We're all consenting adults
here" has been used to summarize this idea. There's
also the issue that in other languages that support
private variables and constants in order to protect
programmers, the limitations of the language often
make programmers want to bypass these limitations.

Nevertheless, it is still possible to create readonly
and private variables by defining __getattr__ and
__setattr__. There is probably some library out there
that can be used to do this more easily, but it is not
in the standard library.

Daniel Ehrenberg

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From mwagman at  Fri Dec  5 22:29:41 2003
From: mwagman at (Mike Wagman)
Date: Fri Dec  5 22:30:14 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Executable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Look up Py2exe for windows platforms or cxfreeze for Linux there is one
for Mac too but don't know what it is called.

On Fri, 2003-12-05 at 19:54, Leung Cris wrote:
> How do I turn python in to something like an Executable? Right now, I' m only typing in commands...
> _________________________________________________________________
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> Tutor maillist  -

From klappnase at  Fri Dec  5 22:30:04 2003
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Fri Dec  5 22:36:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Executable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 05 Dec 2003 17:54:04 -0800
"Leung Cris" <> wrote:

> How do I turn python in to something like an Executable? Right now, I' m only typing in commands...

If you are running linux or some other unix-like OS, store your code in a file "",
make this file executable with "chmod -v 755" and
run it with "python" from a shell.
If you put something like

#!/usr/bin/python  (of course this must point to your python executable) or
#!/usr/bin/env python

at the first line of your script you can run it like any other program without the "python" command.

If you are running windows you just need to double-click in the explorer to run it.
If you store your file with the ".pyw" extension instead of ".py" you can avoid the console
window pop up when running your file, if you don't like this.

If you meant to get a standalone executable for windows with no python install needed,
there is a tool "py2exe"; I don't know much about this, I don't even know where to get it,
but surely no problem to find it with google.
However it seems like it can make quite a big executable out of a tiny python script and I've
heard that it is not so easy to handle. Maybe it is worth to think about if you
want to distribute your programs.

I hope this helped

Best wishes


From christoffer81 at  Sat Dec  6 02:42:52 2003
From: christoffer81 at (Christoffer Thomsen)
Date: Sat Dec  6 02:42:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] save information in program
Message-ID: <>

I have made a few simple programs in python, but the problem is every 
time I add information in any program quit and restart the information 
is gone. For instance a program that saves tlf. numbers.
I want to know what I should to so that the information is saved, and 
if  I should wait until I have learned some more of python before I try 

From dyoo at  Sat Dec  6 03:52:25 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Dec  6 03:52:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] first program
In-Reply-To: <bqrt8d$jpc$>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 6 Dec 2003, RoT wrote:

> I have coded my first non toy application since studying python for
> about 2 months now. I would love to hear any comments or suggestions
> regarding my coding style, methods, or suggestions of what I may need to
> learn or brush up on, or what I may be doing completely wrong
> (unpythonic).

Hi Kris,

I'm reading through it now; very impressive so far!  I'll try giving
constructive criticism.

Small nitpick:  'retreive' should be 'retrieve'.  But I should be wary
about correcting the spelling of others.  There's some danger of the
kettle calling the pot black.  *grin*

In some places, the program uses the 'string' module.  For most purposes,
its use is deprecated because a lot of that functionality now lives within
each string as a string method.  But don't worry: it's fairly easy to fix
this.  For example:

    string.find(sub[message], word) != -1

can be translated as:

    sub[message].find(word) != -1

I see that you're using map() to do some string stripping.  I personally
like map().  *grin* Some folks may be more comfortable with list
comprehensions.  Concretely, an expression like:

    map(string.strip, ['   this ', '   is ', 'a    ', '   test'])

can be written as:

    [s.strip() for s in ['   this ', '   is ', 'a    ', '   test']]

Personally, I wouldn't change this in your program.  But it's good to know
about list comprehensions, just in case you see it in other people's

For the most part, your functions have pretty good names.  I want to focus
on some of the ones near the bottom as a style nitpick.

def addadd(lst): # add address
def rmadd(lst): # remove address
def pradd(lst): # print addresses

I'd bite the bullet and make the names just slightly longer, to lessen the
need for the comments.

def add_address(lst): # add address
def remove_address(lst): # remove address
def print_address(lst): # print addresses

I know, I'm being nitpicky!  But addadd(), rmadd(), and pradd() might be
potentially confusing because they can sound a lot like "add add", "remove
add", and "product add".  *grin*

The change-option function 'chopt()' can be simplified by using a
"dispatch" table technique.  Here's a quick example to demonstrate the

def add(x, y): return x + y
def sub(x, y): return x - y
dispatch_table = {'+' : add,
                  '-' : sub}
while 1:
    action = raw_input("choose action: ")
    if action in dispatch_table:
        print dispatch_table[action](1009, 2009)

getlist() is using the 'in' operator, but on a 1-tuple:

def getlist(): # get list of setup options
	lst = []
	while True:
		x = raw_input("\n>>> ")
		if x in ("",): continue
		if x in (".",): break
		else: lst.append(x)
	return lst

This works, but it's simpler to do the direct comparison:

def getlist(): # get list of setup options
	lst = []
	while True:
		x = raw_input("\n>>> ")
		if x == "": continue
		if x == ".": break
		else: lst.append(x)
	return lst

Then again, you may have been experimenting with allowing different
choices for ending or ignoring input.  But since you only have 1-tuples in
there now, it might be good to switch back to the direct comparisons.

Last comment for now: the last main() method might be a bit long; you may
want to decompose it as you have the rest of the program.

Anyway, I hope these comments help.  Good luck to you!

From intatia at  Sat Dec  6 04:35:57 2003
From: intatia at (Intatia)
Date: Sat Dec  6 04:37:50 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Executable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Lange wrote:
> On Fri, 05 Dec 2003 17:54:04 -0800
> "Leung Cris" <> wrote:
>>How do I turn python in to something like an Executable? Right now, I' m only typing in commands...
> If you are running linux or some other unix-like OS, store your code in a file "",
> make this file executable with "chmod -v 755" and

I find " chmod +x " does the job nicely.
Although I've never gotten into chmod, chown and permissions much so...:)

> run it with "python" from a shell.
> If you put something like
> #!/usr/bin/python  (of course this must point to your python executable) or
> #!/usr/bin/env python

Mine is here for some weird reason, perhaps cause I'm running mandrake?:)
#! /usr/local/bin/python

> at the first line of your script you can run it like any other program without the "python" command.
> If you are running windows you just need to double-click in the explorer to run it.
> If you store your file with the ".pyw" extension instead of ".py" you can avoid the console
> window pop up when running your file, if you don't like this.
> If you meant to get a standalone executable for windows with no python install needed,
> there is a tool "py2exe"; I don't know much about this, I don't even know where to get it,
> but surely no problem to find it with google.
> However it seems like it can make quite a big executable out of a tiny python script and I've
> heard that it is not so easy to handle. Maybe it is worth to think about if you
> want to distribute your programs.
> I hope this helped
> Best wishes
> Michael
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Sat Dec  6 04:57:20 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Dec  6 04:56:51 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Executable
References: <>
Message-ID: <005601c3bbdf$570da900$6401a8c0@xp>

> How do I turn python in to something like an Executable? Right
> I' m only typing in commands...

If you type the commands into a file ending in .py you can double
it in explorer to run it just like any other program.

You can give it to other people too if they have python

You can also use py2exe to bundle the python interpreter with
program and make it looke like a windows exe file, this meands
you can give it to folks without python installed. But py2exe is
trivial to use, as udz is currently discovering!

Alan g.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Dec  6 05:00:14 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Dec  6 04:59:42 2003
Subject: [Tutor] using global variables with functions
References: <>
Message-ID: <005b01c3bbdf$beb32b20$6401a8c0@xp>

> The string module is obsolete, you shouldn't use it.

Actually its not obsolete, not yet, but it is deprecated 
which means you should be using the string methods rather 
than the module. But the string module is still available 
and still provides features not in the string objects.

> and so on. Most of the methods in the string module
> are still available in the string methods (except some
> are at different names), but the constants, such as
> string.printable, are not. 

Just so, which is why there is still legitimate use 
for the module.

Alan g

From alan.gauld at  Sat Dec  6 05:04:36 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Dec  6 05:04:06 2003
Subject: [Tutor] save information in program
References: <>
Message-ID: <006801c3bbe0$5af6ad90$6401a8c0@xp>

> I have made a few simple programs in python, but the problem is
> time I add information in any program quit and restart the
> is gone. For instance a program that saves tlf. numbers.
> I want to know what I should to so that the information is

You need to write the data to a file and then when you start the
program read the data back from the file.

See the files topic in my tutor for a starter...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From project5 at  Sat Dec  6 07:07:46 2003
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Sat Dec  6 07:10:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: first program
References: <bqrt8d$jpc$>
Message-ID: <1m67xx4wyrxfm$>

RoT wrote on Sat, 06 Dec 2003 17:52:46 +0800:

> I wasn't aware of this. I found string.find in the 2.3 library reference so I didn't think it might
> be deprecated. Where are these new methods documented?

Paragraph of the Library raference (Built-in objects -> Built-in
types -> Sequence types -> String methods).

It's deprecated at least for the part that is duplicated by the string
methods. But it still contains some constants which are in no other spot.

>> The change-option function 'chopt()' can be simplified by using a
>> "dispatch" table technique.  Here's a quick example to demonstrate the
>> idea:
>> ###
>> def add(x, y): return x + y
>> def sub(x, y): return x - y
>> dispatch_table = {'+' : add,
>>                   '-' : sub}
> mmm nice work, I am going to have a play with this. I was thinking there must be a cleaner way of
> doing this but settled on this method to get the program up and running.

One of the nice things about Python is that you can put *anything* in
dictionaries, including functions :).

>> Last comment for now: the last main() method might be a bit long; you may
>> want to decompose it as you have the rest of the program.
> I actually tried , about half way through the program, to break it up into modules, but after a
> couple of wasted hours of chasing  variable errors I gave up, not wanting to have a mass of globals
> everywhere. Next time I should think about modular code at the begining of the process :)

He's not talking about modules I think, but about the stuff you write at
the bottom, after the __name__=='__main__'. The program is at 500 lines not
too long to live in a single file. It's just that it's probably better to
add some more functions split that stuff up. E.g. instead of asking "We
have the ability to retreive 'n' numb... etc", you could make a function
StoreTextFile() and you could have function GetUserLogin which gets
password and the likes, etc. It makes it easier to follow the program flow.

Btw, my eye fell on "if "y" in ans:". I don't think that's a very good
test, e.g. if someone writes "no neverever nononono noway", it would be
interpreted as "yes", while the user would obviously expect a no. Given the
hint you give (y/n), it suggests that only the first letter is used. So I
think you should do: if ans.strip().lower()[0]=="y" to test for a positive
response: it's case insensitive and allows the user to use spaces first.
But depending on how safe you want it to be, you might prefer to test for a
no, so that anything that isn't a "n" (like a typo) defaults to the safe
answer "y".
It's interesting that a bit lower you use if raw_input("Logout and save
changes? y/n\n>>> ") == "y": to test for yes, which is a very different
You could actually make this into a function too, and add error checking in
that function to make sure the user only is allowed to type "y/yes" or



Mail address in header catches spam. Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From missive at  Sat Dec  6 07:17:38 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Sat Dec  6 07:17:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: first program
Message-ID: <>

>>     string.find(sub[message], word) != -1
>>can be translated as:
>>     sub[message].find(word) != -1
>I wasn't aware of this. I found string.find in the 2.3 library reference so 
>I didn't think it mig
>be deprecated. Where are these new methods documented?

The next page about strings is nice too (c-style formatting)

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From david at  Sat Dec  6 09:44:11 2003
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Sat Dec  6 09:47:02 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Executable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Intatia <> [2003-12-06 22:35]:
> Michael Lange wrote:
> >On Fri, 05 Dec 2003 17:54:04 -0800
> >"Leung Cris" <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >run it with "python" from a shell.
> >If you put something like
> >
> >#!/usr/bin/python  (of course this must point to your python executable) or
> >#!/usr/bin/env python
> Mine is here for some weird reason, perhaps cause I'm running mandrake?:)
> #! /usr/local/bin/python

This is not so strange. /usr/local/bin is a common place for "user
added" applications. The main point is that the first line of the file
must contain the path, whatever it is.

This is also not specific to python. Any interpreter that you use can do
the same trick; ksh, bash, perl, awk, etc. 

David Rock
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From littledanehren at  Sat Dec  6 10:35:50 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sat Dec  6 10:35:55 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: first program
In-Reply-To: <bqslva$kro$>
Message-ID: <>

RoT wrote: 
> mmm, I worked through 'python for non-programmers'
> and then 'Learning Python' by Mark Lutz and David
> Ascher, which I now realise was updated last in
> 2000. I suppose I now need to locate some sort of
> changelog to study or a more up to date tutorial.
Try learning from the official PSF Python tutorial.
It's pretty good for beginners (I learned from it) and
it is updated for every release of Python.

> mmm, without any guidance on the matter I decided to
> write into functions code that was to be
> reused, and code that sort of stuck out on its own.
> In hindsite I could have put it all into
> functions and only have 10 or 20 'main()' lines but
> I was not sure this would aid the readibility,
> I presumed a more structural approach with a
> functional/oo approach when needed for code reuse,
> would be the way to go. Are you advocating putting
> as much code as possible into functions?
That would be a good solution. The main() function
often performs a narrow function within the range of
possible things that the script can do as a library.
The less is in the main function, the easier it is to
make new functionality for programs.

Daniel Ehrenberg

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New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From project5 at  Sat Dec  6 10:48:42 2003
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Sat Dec  6 10:51:23 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: first program
References: <bqrt8d$jpc$>
Message-ID: <9bpi50zziows.ra70vp4es6xz$>

RoT wrote on Sat, 06 Dec 2003 21:36:46 +0800:

>> Paragraph of the Library raference (Built-in objects -> Built-in
>> types -> Sequence types -> String methods).
> mmm, I worked through 'python for non-programmers' and then 'Learning Python' by Mark Lutz and David
> Ascher, which I now realise was updated last in 2000. I suppose I now need to locate some sort of
> changelog to study or a more up to date tutorial.

String methods were introduced in v 2.0:

Btw, you might also be interested in the Python Quick Reference
( It labels things with different colors based on
the version they were introduced in and is a very useful piece of info.

>>>> Last comment for now: the last main() method might be a bit long; you may
> mmm, without any guidance on the matter I decided to write into functions code that was to be
> reused, and code that sort of stuck out on its own. In hindsite I could have put it all into

That's a very good principle of course. But you really shouldn't have code
blocks of 100+ lines because it's hard to see what's going on - maintenance
problem. How long code blocks can maximally be depends on all kinds of
factors, but I think that the amount you can see on a single screen is a
useful rule of thumb - though obviously that depends on the size of the
screen, size of the font, etc :).

> functions and only have 10 or 20 'main()' lines but I was not sure this would aid the readibility,
> I presumed a more structural approach with a functional/oo approach when needed for code reuse,

It's not very hard to see that (to quote an example I gave in my previous
message) all code for getting the login info from the user is really a
piece that can stand on its own quite comfortably. I'm sure if you look at
your code critically you can find more such pieces.

> would be the way to go. Are you advocating putting as much code as possible into functions?

Yep, but obviously code inside a function should belong together, it
shouldn't be in a function just so that it's not written inside the main()
loop. Functions also make it easier to browse your code if you have an
editor which shows an outline of your classes/methods.
> The thing is, that its
> hard to find nice applications this size written in python to study, from what I have found they
> are either scraps of code/functions or large, overly (complex) modular frameworks using a variety
> of shell/languages

Have you looked at I can also point you to two of my own
programs: (almost
entirely procedural programming, about 1k lines) and (wxPython based, about 500
lines). I'm not claiming they're perfect - in fact Kiki contains a function
close to 100 lines long - but you can learn from mistakes just as well as
you can learn from perfection :).



Mail address in header catches spam. Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From krazie_mu_boi at  Sat Dec  6 13:37:39 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Sat Dec  6 13:37:43 2003
Subject: [Tutor] save information in program
Message-ID: <>

I was about to ask the same question too! I'm trying to make a high score thingy - similar to what you are talking 'bout.

>From: Christoffer Thomsen <>
>Subject: [Tutor] save information in program
>Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 08:42:52 +0100
>I have made a few simple programs in python, but the problem is 
>every time I add information in any program quit and restart the 
>information is gone. For instance a program that saves tlf. numbers.
>I want to know what I should to so that the information is saved, 
>and if  I should wait until I have learned some more of python 
>before I try this.
>Tutor maillist  -

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From xxjac88xx at  Sat Dec  6 15:17:23 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Sat Dec  6 15:17:27 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python beginner
Message-ID: <000c01c3bc35$f6506ba0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>

Does anyone know of any python programming site that could guide me to learn python in about a month? I also want to be able to write a program. Anyone have an ideas for a first program?
-------------- next part --------------
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From missive at  Sat Dec  6 15:31:10 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Sat Dec  6 15:32:36 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: python beginner
Message-ID: <>

Please send only plain text to the list.

>Does anyone know of any python programming site that could guide me to
>learn python in about a month? I also want to be able to write a
>program. Anyone have an ideas for a first program?

Please send only plain text to the list.

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From littledanehren at  Sat Dec  6 16:51:22 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sat Dec  6 16:51:27 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python beginner
In-Reply-To: <000c01c3bc35$f6506ba0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <>

Jacques wrote:
> Does anyone know of any python programming site that
> could guide me to learn python in about a month? I
> also want to be able to write a program. Anyone have
> an ideas for a first program?

A great tutorial that I learned from is at . Many
people have said that this tutorial is too hard for
beginners. A popular tutorial that's easier is at , but I
don't really like it because it jumps around between
Python, Basic, and Tcl. A good program to start out
with could be a program to calculate the area of
shapes. You could start out with a program to
calculate the area of a two-by-two square. Then you
could have the user input the value for the length of
a side of the square. Then you could seperate the
program into a function for finding the area of a
square and a main() section. Eventually, you could do
more advanced things such as other shapes (with
certain things using the math module), making an
option input from a file and then append the output to
the file, making a advancednum class to hold positive
floats and calculate things such as
advancednum(5).square() to find the area of a square
with a length of five, fitting the whole thing with a
GUI, etc.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From littledanehren at  Sat Dec  6 16:52:14 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sat Dec  6 16:52:19 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python beginner
Message-ID: <>

Jacques wrote:
> Does anyone know of any python programming site that
> could guide me to learn python in about a month? I
> also want to be able to write a program. Anyone have
> an ideas for a first program?

A great tutorial that I learned from is at . Many
people have said that this tutorial is too hard for
beginners. A popular tutorial that's easier is at , but I
don't really like it because it jumps around between
Python, Basic, and Tcl. A good program to start out
with could be a program to calculate the area of
shapes. You could start out with a program to
calculate the area of a two-by-two square. Then you
could have the user input the value for the length of
a side of the square. Then you could seperate the
program into a function for finding the area of a
square and a main() section. Eventually, you could do
more advanced things such as other shapes (with
certain things using the math module), making an
option input from a file and then append the output to
the file, making a advancednum class to hold positive
floats and calculate things such as
advancednum(5).square() to find the area of a square
with a length of five, fitting the whole thing with a
GUI, etc.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From xxjac88xx at  Sat Dec  6 17:11:43 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Sat Dec  6 17:12:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] abs(z) 
Message-ID: <>

>>> a=3.0+4.0j
>>> a.real
>>> a.imag
>>> abs(a)  # sqrt(a.real**2 + a.imag**2)

i understand why a.real = 3
and why a.imag = 4
but abs(a) MAKES NO SENSE...
im very good in math when i lookd at it i figured in # sqrt(a.real**2 + a.imag**2) the "**" must equal half AKA .5
but then i tried
>>> a=1.5+2j
>>> a.real
>>> a.imag
>>> abs(a) # sqrt(a.real**2 + a.imag**2)

2.5 makes no sense???
also what does sqrt stand for?
and correct me if im wrong but comment text after hash on same physical line doesn't do anythin to the program??

>>> a=3.5+5.0j
>>> a.real
>>> a.imag
>>> abs(a) # sqrt(a.real**2 + a.imag**2)

what is up with all those decimal point numbers?? 
it looks like anythin wit a floatin point AKA number after decimal point stays the same BUT
anythin witout a decimal point number or zero is divided by 2 plus the other number # if the other number has a decimal point in it.
Can someone please explain this whole thing better to me?

From xxjac88xx at  Sat Dec  6 17:27:55 2003
From: xxjac88xx at (Jacques)
Date: Sat Dec  6 17:28:00 2003
Subject: [Tutor] program?
Message-ID: <>

I dont know if you would call this a program. Please let me know if it 
qualifies to be a program. I just started with python and started 
programming. So, please bare with me.
 >>> # Perimeter of a rectangle equals sum of width times two, plus sum 
of lenth times 2.
 >>> width = 8 #inches
 >>> length = 1 #foot
 >>> (width * 2) + (length * 2)
 >>> # answer is incorrect, because inches and feet are not same unit.

How would I be able to fix that?

From at  Sat Dec  6 17:32:29 2003
From: at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat Dec  6 17:32:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] abs(z) 
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> >>> a=3.0+4.0j
> >>> a.real
> 3.0
> >>> a.imag
> 4.0
> >>> abs(a)  # sqrt(a.real**2 + a.imag**2)
> 5.0
> >>>

> i understand why a.real = 3 and why a.imag = 4
> but abs(a) MAKES NO SENSE...

abs(a_complex) is the magnitude of a_complex in polar form.  IOW, if you
view (a_complex.real, a_complex.imag) as a point in the plane, abs is the
distance from the origin (point (0, 0)) to a_complex.

> im very good in math when i lookd at it i figured in #
> sqrt(a.real**2 + a.imag**2) the "**" must equal half AKA .5
> but then i tried
> >>> a=1.5+2j
> >>> a.real
> 1.5
> >>> a.imag
> 2.0
> >>> abs(a) # sqrt(a.real**2 + a.imag**2)
> 2.5
> 2.5 makes no sense???

Sure it does.  1.5**2 = 2.25, and 2**2 = 4.  The sum is 6.25.  The square
root of 6.25 is 2.5.

> also what does sqrt stand for?

square root

> and correct me if im wrong but comment text after hash on same
> physical line doesn't do anythin to the program??

Indeed, it's the hash that *makes* the text after it a comment <wink>.
You're right, it (and the hash) have no effect on what the program does.

> >>> a=3.5+5.0j
> >>> a.real
> 3.5
> >>> a.imag
> 5.0
> >>> abs(a) # sqrt(a.real**2 + a.imag**2) 6.103277807866851
> what is up with all those decimal point numbers??

It's the square root of 37.25, to the precision of your machine's
floating-point hardware.

From amonroe at  Sat Dec  6 17:44:44 2003
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Sat Dec  6 17:35:42 2003
Subject: [Tutor] program?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>  >>> # Perimeter of a rectangle equals sum of width times two, plus sum
> of lenth times 2.
>  >>> width = 8 #inches
>  >>> length = 1 #foot
>  >>> (width * 2) + (length * 2)
> 18
>  >>> # answer is incorrect, because inches and feet are not same unit.

> How would I be able to fix that?

The easy way:
length = 12 #inches

The hard way:
Have the user enter the length as "1f", then attempt to detect whether
or not their input has an "f" at the end of it - if it does, multiply
it by 12...


From project5 at  Sat Dec  6 19:21:58 2003
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Sat Dec  6 19:24:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: program?
References: <>
Message-ID: <17vzhf56gj1qj$>

Jacques wrote on Sat, 06 Dec 2003 17:27:55 -0500:

> I dont know if you would call this a program. Please let me know if it 

Any piece of code qualifies as a program. Just a file containing "pass" is
a program. It's just not particularly useful.

> qualifies to be a program. I just started with python and started 
> programming. So, please bare with me.
>  >>> # Perimeter of a rectangle equals sum of width times two, plus sum 
> of lenth times 2.
>  >>> width = 8 #inches
>  >>> length = 1 #foot
>  >>> (width * 2) + (length * 2)
> 18
>  >>> # answer is incorrect, because inches and feet are not same unit.

Python doesn't know units. If you tell it to add 3 #pears to 4 #apples and
give you the result in #strawberries, it will happily say 7; #something is
just a comment, not a unit. You have to implement code for unit conversion
on your own. 

> How would I be able to fix that?

You could do this quite easily by just picking one standard value (e.g. the
meter since using SI units internally is the only sane thing to do if you
don't want to end up shooting yourself in the foot - no pun intended) and
defining constants like this (I don't define them very accurately, you
might want to pull more decimals in there):

>>> inch = 0.025 # 1 in is about 2.5 cm
>>> foot = 0.30 # 1 ft is about 30 cm

This way you could convert quite easily between archaic units, where
in-memory everything is stored in a standard unit:

>>> width = 8*inch # just write the unit as you'd usually do, 
                   # but add "*". 8 times one inch, which is really
                   # what "8 in" means anyway.
>>> length = 1*foot
>>> perimeter = 2*(width+length) # in memory stored as meters
>>> print "perimeter is", perimeter/foot, "ft" # give perimeter in ft
perimeter is 3.33333333333 ft
>>> 8*inch/foot # convert 8 in to ft; "/" works like "convert to"
>>> 8*foot/inch # convert 8 ft to in
>>> 9.81/inch # gravity as in/s^2

There's also at least one Python module which can work with units, but I
don't remember what it's called - anyway, it would be overkill for such
simple cases.



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From darnold02 at  Sat Dec  6 20:42:30 2003
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Sat Dec  6 20:41:03 2003
Subject: [Tutor] save information in program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

One relatively easy way to manage persistent data is to use the 
'shelve' module. It allows you create a database file that you can use 
just like a regular dictionary:

import shelve

mydata ='/Users/donarnold/temp/mydata')
if mydata.has_key('highScore'):
   mydata['highScore'] += 100
   mydata['highScore'] = 0

print 'current high score is', mydata['highScore']


Running this a couple times shows:

Don-Arnolds-Computer:~ donarnold$ python
current high score is 0
Don-Arnolds-Computer:~ donarnold$ python
current high score is 100
Don-Arnolds-Computer:~ donarnold$ python
current high score is 200
Don-Arnolds-Computer:~ donarnold$ python
current high score is 300
Don-Arnolds-Computer:~ donarnold$ python
current high score is 400


On Dec 6, 2003, at 12:37 PM, Leung Cris wrote:

> I was about to ask the same question too! I'm trying to make a high 
> score thingy - similar to what you are talking 'bout.
>> From: Christoffer Thomsen <>
>> To:
>> Subject: [Tutor] save information in program
>> Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 08:42:52 +0100
>> I have made a few simple programs in python, but the problem is every 
>> time I add information in any program quit and restart the 
>> information is gone. For instance a program that saves tlf. numbers.
>> I want to know what I should to so that the information is saved, and 
>> if  I should wait until I have learned some more of python before I 
>> try this.
>> _______________________________________________
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From littledanehren at  Sat Dec  6 22:46:51 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sat Dec  6 22:46:55 2003
Subject: [Tutor] save information in program
Message-ID: <>

Christoffer Thomsen wrote:
> I have made a few simple programs in python, but the
> problem is every 
> time I add information in any program quit and
> restart the information 
> is gone. For instance a program that saves tlf.
> numbers.
> I want to know what I should to so that the
> information is saved, and 
> if  I should wait until I have learned some more of
> python before I try 
> this.

There are two ways that information can be saved: by
"pickling" data, and by putting a few simple values in
a text file seperated by commas or newlines. Let's
take the first one: pickling. Say you have the script

print 'Last time, you wrote', lasttime
thistime = raw_input('What will the variable be next
time? ')
print 'You wrote', thistime
lasttime = thistime

except you want it to save the data. What you do is
use the cPickle module. In the following replacement
script, the data is saved in data.dat.

import cPickle as p
    data = file('data.dat') #opens file data.dat
except IOError:
    lasttime = '' #defaults to ''
    lasttime = d.load(data) #loads stuff from data.dat
print 'Last time, you wrote', lasttime
thistime = raw_input('What will the variable be next
time? ')
print 'You wrote', thistime
datasave = file('data.dat', 'w')
d.dump(thistime, datasave)

If you want to just add to an existing thing that's
saved, you can make a list holding stuff instead of a

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From christoffer81 at  Sat Dec  6 23:42:59 2003
From: christoffer81 at (Christoffer Thomsen)
Date: Sat Dec  6 23:42:21 2003
Subject: [Tutor] save information in program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tnx for all the answers.
I  understand it now :-)

From christoffer81 at  Sat Dec  6 23:47:50 2003
From: christoffer81 at (Christoffer Thomsen)
Date: Sat Dec  6 23:47:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python beginner
In-Reply-To: <000c01c3bc35$f6506ba0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
References: <000c01c3bc35$f6506ba0$b5422444@yourw92p4bhlzg>
Message-ID: <>

I think this one is good:

Jacques wrote:

> Does anyone know of any python programming site that could guide me to 
> learn python in about a month? I also want to be able to write a 
> program. Anyone have an ideas for a first program?
>Tutor maillist  -

From krier115 at  Sun Dec  7 06:50:14 2003
From: krier115 at (Kristoffer Erlandsson)
Date: Sun Dec  7 06:50:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Monitor CPU Usage and User Input
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jeremy Oddo wrote:
> First off, I really appreciate this list.  Finding Python info
> can be a little challenging, but this list makes it easier. 
> Thanks!
> OK, now for my question :)
> Is there a *cross-platform* routine for checking CPU usage and
> user input?  I'd like to write an app that stays quiet until
> the CPU usage drops really low and there's been no human typing
> or mousing away.  I guess it's *similar* to a screen saver. 
> Basically, I'd like my Python app to "spring into action" when
> no one is using the computer.
> Are there any modules that may help me out with this?

I had this very same problem a while back. The short and discouraging 
answer I came up with was 'no' (I even tried asking in c.l.python 
without success). I ended up making the app only work on systems who had 
/proc file systems. Checking the information in /proc/stat and 
calculating usage is very simple and done in a few lines of code. 
However it gets complicated if you are interested in doing this for 
systems without a /proc file system. In some operating systems you have 
to call some C routines and so on. The easiest way is probably to find a 
c program which does this monitoring and make a wrapper around that code 
so you can use it in your Python program.

I hope this helps a bit at least!


Kristoffer Erlandsson                     

From abli at  Sun Dec  7 13:04:54 2003
From: abli at (Abel Daniel)
Date: Sun Dec  7 13:04:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: program?
In-Reply-To: <17vzhf56gj1qj$>
	message of "Sun, 7 Dec 2003 01:21:58 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <E1AT3H4-0000Cp-00@hooloovoo>

Andrei  writes:

> There's also at least one Python module which can work with units, but I
> don't remember what it's called - anyway, it would be overkill for such
> simple cases.

Unum is one:

Abel Daniel

From dyoo at  Sun Dec  7 13:13:46 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun Dec  7 13:13:52 2003
Subject: [Tutor] program?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 6 Dec 2003, Jacques wrote:

> I dont know if you would call this a program. Please let me know if it
> qualifies to be a program. I just started with python and started
> programming. So, please bare with me.

No problem!  This looks fine.

>  >>> # Perimeter of a rectangle equals sum of width times two, plus sum
> of lenth times 2.
>  >>> width = 8 #inches
>  >>> length = 1 #foot
>  >>> (width * 2) + (length * 2)
> 18
>  >>> # answer is incorrect, because inches and feet are not same unit.
> How would I be able to fix that?

The last computation:

    width * 2 + length * 2

assumes that 'width' and 'length' are both using the same units.  If
they're different, we're going to get a wacky answer.

One way to fix this is to make sure you're working in the same units all
the time.  Can you convert the feet to inches first?

Good luck!

From alan.gauld at  Sun Dec  7 18:30:04 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Dec  7 18:30:08 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: first program
References: <bqrt8d$jpc$><><bqs8ra$2ln$><1m67xx4wyrxfm$>
Message-ID: <005501c3bd1a$0ad2eaa0$6401a8c0@xp>

> Ascher, which I now realise was updated last in 2000. I suppose
> I now need to locate some sort of
> changelog to study or a more up to date tutorial.

The best and most up to date tutorial, which everyone should read
regardless of other books, is the one that comes with Python! It
is updated with each release so includes new features as they
become available. The Python documentation guys are the great
unsung heros of the Python community IMHO!

Any time a new feature is introduced in Python I go to the
tutorial first then the PEP...

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sun Dec  7 18:38:15 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Dec  7 18:38:19 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python beginner
References: <>
Message-ID: <007c01c3bd1b$2fc5e190$6401a8c0@xp>

> A great tutorial that I learned from is at
> . Many
> people have said that this tutorial is too hard for
> beginners. 

It is almost incomprehensible for people who have never 
programmed before, but it is excellent for beginners 
to Python.

> A popular tutorial that's easier is at
> , but I
> don't really like it because it jumps around between
> Python, Basic, and Tcl. 

Important point here. I am trying to teach programming not 
Python. Python is just one language that I use because, 
I am trying to emphasise the point that the same concepts 
exist in all programming languages. Don't worry about the 
syntax, think about the structure and concepts.

Once you finish my tutor you really should go through the 
official Python tutor(or Tcl one, or Basic one, or C, 
or Java or etc etc...)

If you just want to learn to program in Python Josh C's 
tutor is better suited. But it will leave you with some 
jargon and concepts etc that you won't understand later.

And a half way house which tries to teach Python and 
programming concepts is the 'How to Think like a CS' 

All are linked fom the non prog part of the Python 
web site. All serve slightly different purposes.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Sun Dec  7 18:46:42 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Dec  7 18:46:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] abs(z) 
References: <>
Message-ID: <008c01c3bd1c$5e0585a0$6401a8c0@xp>

> >>> a=3.0+4.0j

First you are working with "complex numbers" or "imaginary
THere are used to represent(among other things) 2D vectors.
The first number is the real part and represents the vector
segment in one dimension and the imaginary part(with a j)
represents the segment in a perpendicular plane

> >>> a.real
> 3.0
> >>> a.imag
> 4.0

> >>> abs(a)  # sqrt(a.real**2 + a.imag**2)
> 5.0

So abs() gets the absolute length of the vector which,
using Pythagorus' theorem, is the square root(sqrt())
of the sum of the squares(**2) of the other two sides.

[ In case you are curious about what imaginary numbers are
used for, they crop up a lot in engineering and scientific
calculations. For example they can be used to represent the
electrical current and/or voltage in a complex electronic
circuit. ]

> comment text after hash on same physical line doesn't
> do anythin to the program??

The interpreter doesn't do anything with it, it is literally
just a comment to you and other programmers to explain what's
going on.


Alan G.

From littledanehren at  Sun Dec  7 19:01:06 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sun Dec  7 19:01:10 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Python vs. Lua
Message-ID: <>

I just heard about Lua, a scripting language with a
minimalistic but highly extendable procedural syntax.
It has only one number type that works as ints and
floats, one type called a table that basically unifies
dicts and lists, easily (but not necessarily)
anonymous functions, and just normal strings. Pretty
much anything can be used inline if it would make
sense. Even though it's procedural, it can easily be
used for object orientation using functions or tables
(or both), and the lack of built-in object orientation
actually makes it possible for it to be used in more
ways than in Python. The only bad thing I can think of
about Lua is the lack of many libraries, but there are
still enough libraries to do anything I'd want to do.
Are there any reasons why Python is better and I
shouldn't use Lua instead? I think I might be missing
some major flaw in the language.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From krazie_mu_boi at  Sun Dec  7 20:20:16 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Sun Dec  7 20:20:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] keys_pressed()
Message-ID: <>

Okay, there's some stupid problems in livewires ' function keys_pressed(). Both the button Esc and back space appears in the function even though I have only pressed it once. How do I access the real key function without using livewires?

使用 MSN Messenger,與朋友在線上聊天: 

From magnus at  Sun Dec  7 21:30:30 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Sun Dec  7 21:28:10 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Python vs. Lua
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 16:01 2003-12-07 -0800, Daniel Ehrenberg wrote:
>I just heard about Lua, a scripting language with a
>minimalistic but highly extendable procedural syntax.
>It has only one number type that works as ints and
>floats, one type called a table that basically unifies
>dicts and lists, easily (but not necessarily)
>anonymous functions, and just normal strings. Pretty
>much anything can be used inline if it would make
>sense. Even though it's procedural, it can easily be
>used for object orientation using functions or tables
>(or both), and the lack of built-in object orientation
>actually makes it possible for it to be used in more
>ways than in Python.

I didn't get this part. How can it be used in more ways
because it lacks OO? You don't have to use OO in Python.

>The only bad thing I can think of
>about Lua is the lack of many libraries, but there are
>still enough libraries to do anything I'd want to do.

I'm pretty sure you will soon run into situations where
you'll be missing some nice Python library. I know I would.
This autumn I've come to appreciate difflib, zipfile and
a few other libs I never used before.

>Are there any reasons why Python is better and I
>shouldn't use Lua instead?

There is no programming language which is best in every
situation. As far as I understand, the strength of Lua
is that it has a small footprint. It probably works better
than Python in an embedded device with little RAM. Besides
that, I don't know of any real Lua sweetspot.

It's not very widely used it seems. Googling for "Python
programming" I get about 1.5 million hits. Googling for
"Lua programming" I get 13 000 hits, less than 1%. Looking
at Freshmeat, I find 1276 Python projects and 19 Lua projects.

>I think I might be missing
>some major flaw in the language.

OO? Wealth of libraries? Broad acceptance outside Brazil? ;)

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From littledanehren at  Sun Dec  7 22:00:47 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sun Dec  7 22:00:51 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Python vs. Lua
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Magnus Lyck� wrote:
> I didn't get this part. How can it be used in more
> ways
> because it lacks OO? You don't have to use OO in
> Python.
It's more flexible than a builtin OO because it
doesn't force you to do one thing in particular. For
example, it is much easier to use prototypes (as in
the Self programming language) in Lua than in Python. 

> There is no programming language which is best in
> every
> situation. As far as I understand, the strength of
> Lua
> is that it has a small footprint. It probably works
> better
> than Python in an embedded device with little RAM.
> Besides
> that, I don't know of any real Lua sweetspot.
> It's not very widely used it seems. Googling for
> "Python
> programming" I get about 1.5 million hits. Googling
> for
> "Lua programming" I get 13 000 hits, less than 1%.
> Looking
> at Freshmeat, I find 1276 Python projects and 19 Lua
> projects.
> OO? Wealth of libraries? Broad acceptance outside
> Brazil? ;)

There are far more projects that use C++ than Python,
yet we're using Python.

I forgot to mention that that Lua programs tend to be
"flatter" than Python programs, something recommended
by import this. The standard Lua distribution is
written in pure ANSI C (like Python) with no real
dependencies (unlike Python), so it is extremely
portable and compiles anywhere tested without

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From kalle at  Sun Dec  7 23:04:05 2003
From: kalle at (Kalle Svensson)
Date: Sun Dec  7 23:04:11 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Python vs. Lua
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Daniel Ehrenberg]
> Are there any reasons why Python is better and I shouldn't use Lua
> instead?

I think you can only answer this yourself.  Go ahead, learn Lua and
use it.  After a while, you'll see which language you prefer and maybe
even why.

Kalle Svensson,
Student, root and saint in the Church of Emacs.

From tim at  Sun Dec  7 23:45:03 2003
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Sun Dec  7 23:37:07 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Python vs. Lua
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Kalle Svensson <> [031207 19:19]:
> [Daniel Ehrenberg]
> > Are there any reasons why Python is better and I shouldn't use Lua
> > instead?

 Disclaimer: Speaking of my own experiences and
             viewpoint -
 I program about equally in python and rebol. 

 Rebol is more productive line for line than python,
   perhaps a factor of  3 / 2 ?
 Python has more resources than rebol.
   so I do less of 'rolling my own'

 Also, programming in both gives me a better perspective.
 Sometimes I work out a problem in python and
 then translate it to rebol, sometimes I work out
 a problem in python and translate it to rebol.

 And sometimes I think python developers are looking
 at Haskell and getting ideas....

> Student, root and saint in the Church of Emacs.
  Hahaha! They'll take away my vim when they pry
  it from my cold dead fingers!
  I'm learning emacs ....
    same thing only different

Tim Johnson <>

From dyoo at  Mon Dec  8 03:02:38 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec  8 03:02:45 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Python vs. Lua
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 7 Dec 2003, Daniel Ehrenberg wrote:

> Are there any reasons why Python is better and I shouldn't use Lua
> instead? I think I might be missing some major flaw in the language.

Hi Daniel,

When we think about programming languages, we should avoid an XOR
mentality.  *grin*

Why assume there's a flaw in Lua, or that one language has to be supreme
over another?  From what you've summarized, it sounds like a reasonable
programming language.  By all means try it out!

It's perfectly fine to learn and use other programming languages.  Other
ones you may want to look at include Perl (, OCaml
(, and Scheme (  If you
compare how they work with what you know about Python
(, you'll be a better programmer for it.  There's a
lot more commonalities with these languages than there are differences.

But just please promise us you won't stray off the civilized path and
learn something barbaric like INTERCAL (

Good luck to you!

From carroll at  Mon Dec  8 03:45:28 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Mon Dec  8 03:45:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] iterating over a urllib.urlopen().read() object 
Message-ID: <>

I was looking at a sample program from the P in a Nutshell book, which had 
essentially this code:

 f = urllib.urlopen(source_url)
 BUFSIZE = 8192

 while True:
     data =
     if not data: break

I didn't like the "while True:" construct, and too smart for my own good, 
tried this instead:

 for data in

I'd expected this to be like "for line in file:", where "file" is an 
opened file.

It didn't work (I think it only went through once, leaving the parts of 
the addressed URL past byte 8191 unread).  I don't *quite* understand why.

I went back to the Nutshell code, which, as expected, works.  But is there
a cleaner construct, more like my two-liner?  There's just something
unaesthetic to me about breaking out of a "while True" loop.

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From carroll at  Mon Dec  8 03:50:34 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Mon Dec  8 03:50:38 2003
Subject: [Tutor] program doesnt work
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, Udz wrote:

>  >at the very end of your program?  I suspect that Windows is closing your
> >program down automatically.  t's a common issue for console-based programs
> >on Windows, that your program may actually be running fine, but may simply
> >be finishing too quickly for you to see it.
>  I hardly doubt that is the case, since my program requires input from
> the user at various points throughout execution, but i'll try it
> anyways. thanks!!

You may have a syntax or other error that prevents it from running 
correctly, and then when Python ends with an error, the console window 
automatically closes, as it should.

I usually do all my Python development by opening a command window, and 
running the programs from the command prompt, to avoid this.

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From alan.gauld at  Mon Dec  8 04:23:48 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Dec  8 04:23:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Python vs. Lua
References: <>
Message-ID: <00d901c3bd6c$fcc48100$6401a8c0@xp>

> Are there any reasons why Python is better and I
> shouldn't use Lua instead? I think I might be missing
> some major flaw in the language.

All languages are good for something - otherwise they 
wouldn't have been written! Learning Lua as well as 
Python is almost certainly a good thing to do. You 
might even learn some new tricks with Python by doing so.

As to whether you should learn Lua *instead* of Python, 
thats a different story. Python does several things 
better than Lua - including having built in support 
for multiple programming paradigms, and having 
batteries included. Its also more widely used so you 
have a higher chance of coming across Python elsewhere.

But any "Turing complete" programming language can 
be used to solve any computing problem as well as 
any other language. The differences are in ease of 
doing so, performance of the final result etc.

There is no universally perfect language

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Dec  8 04:31:49 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Dec  8 04:31:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] iterating over a urllib.urlopen().read() object 
References: <>
Message-ID: <00ea01c3bd6e$1b375850$6401a8c0@xp>

>  f = urllib.urlopen(source_url)
>  BUFSIZE = 8192
>  while True:
>      data =
>      if not data: break
>      p.feed(data)
> I didn't like the "while True:" construct, and too smart for my
own good,
> tried this instead:
>  for data in
>       p.feed(data)

The while loop keeps reading until nothing comes back.
The for vesion reads once then loops for each item in
the chunk read. They are quite different concepts.

"While" is the correct loop in this case because we don't
know in advance how many iterations we need to go through.
Although personally I'd prefer

data =
while data:
   data =

But that's just me...

Alan G.

From magnus at  Mon Dec  8 10:07:38 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Mon Dec  8 10:07:44 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gUHl0aG9uIHZzLiBMdWE=?=
Message-ID: <>

Daniel Ehrenberg wrote:
> Magnus Lyck? wrote:
> > I didn't get this part. How can it be used in more ways
> > because it lacks OO? You don't have to use OO in Python.
> > 
> It's more flexible than a builtin OO because it
> doesn't force you to do one thing in particular. For
> example, it is much easier to use prototypes (as in
> the Self programming language) in Lua than in Python. 

Ok, so it seems a  bit like Tcl in the respect that it's
more "half-cooked" and open-ended. You can make it into
something different...

Assuming I understood you right, I think this is a mixed 
blessing. I suppose it might be a good quality for an embedded 
macro language, where the user is expected to be able to make 
some specialized macros, and might not even know that he's 
actually programming Lua (or whatever). Then it would be a
good thing to fit the syntax for the particular needs of
the application.

In most cases, I think Python has a very good mix of rigidity
and flexibility. While it's very flexible concerning data
handling, it's fairly rigid in its syntax, and that helps
people read code they haven't written (or forgot what they
wrote :). I think the mantra "There should be one-- and 
preferably only one --obvious way to do it" is one of the
strengths of Python, but naturally, there is not one tool 
which is best at everything.

> There are far more projects that use C++ than Python,
> yet we're using Python.

Sure (although I use C++ as well).

There is far, far more substance in the Python standard
library than in the C++ standard library though. Most of the
C++ standard library consists of convoluted ways of doing what
Python very easily does with lists, strings, tuples and
dictionaries. How much code there is, and what other projects 
use isn't very important for me. What *I* can use from other 
projects is important. How much value does a module add? 

Python comes with most of what I need, and the few remaining 
gaps can be downloaded from some nearby site on the net. I 
think it's much easier to build a new app by glueing a few 
different Python modules together than to do something like 
that in C++, how ever many C++ libraries there are out there.

Both Python and Lua can make use of C++ libraries though,
by turning them into extension modules, so the wealth of
C++ code is a resource for both Python and Lua. But since
Python has so many more users, there is much higher likelyhood
that someone else have already written a Python wrapper for
that nice C or C++ library I need. For Lua I'd probably have
to do it myself. Programming Python is very convenient.

C, C++, Java and Visual Basic are very widely used, and everybody
have heard of them, it's easy to find books, training etc. Python 
is in the second league, most people I talk to never heard about 
it, but it's still possible to find Python training in little 
Sweden, there are about 40 Python programming books at Amazon 
etc. I never met a Lua programmer in the flesh (not that I 
know) and the only printed Lua book I heard of is "Game 
Programming With Python, Lua, and Ruby", which has sales rank 
1,157,473 at Amazon... These sorts of things matter if you
try to convince your boss to use Python or Lua in a project.

And while there might ten times more C++ than Python code 
freely available on the net, the amount of Python code seems
to be hundreds of times larger than the amount of Lua code.

It all depends on what you are trying to do. I use Python a
lot for testing, for data cleaning and transformation etc,
for system and database administration tasks, for web site 
development, business administration, document production
etc. I usually run the code on Windows or Linux. I don't
see that Lua would buy me anything here. Quite contrary, I
would miss things like ReportLab, wxPython etc.

On the other hand, if I were to write a game for a Palm
handheld, I would certainly prefer Lua.

> I forgot to mention that that Lua programs tend to be
> "flatter" than Python programs, something recommended
> by import this. The standard Lua distribution is
> written in pure ANSI C (like Python) with no real
> dependencies (unlike Python), so it is extremely
> portable and compiles anywhere tested without
> modification.

I assume less dependencies also mean fewer features. If
you could make good use of these features, you will miss
them, if you wouldn't, you might be happier with a smaller

Python is obviously fairly portable as well, but as I said, 
I think Lua would be better in e.g. embedded devices. As
far as I understand the Lua core and standard library uses
around 64kB of RAM, and of course, that's much, much less
than Python. I imagine Lua is a much more reasonable language
if you are developing applications for a mobile phone or a
handheld. (But in a few years, I imagine running Python will
be less of a problem, also on cheap handhelds.)

Actually, I've been thinking of getting a Palm, and I
guess Lua would be a good programming language for that.
See Hm... maybe I
should give myself a christmas gift and learn a new language?

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Mon Dec  8 12:11:44 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Mon Dec  8 12:11:56 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gcHJvZ3JhbSBkb2VzbnQgd29yaw==?=
Message-ID: <>

Terry Carroll wrote:
> You may have a syntax or other error that prevents it from running 
> correctly, and then when Python ends with an error, the console window 
> automatically closes, as it should.
> I usually do all my Python development by opening a command window, and 
> running the programs from the command prompt, to avoid this.

A way to prevent the command window from closing is to write 
the program roughly like this:

def main():
        # Your code goes here (and in the functions/classes you call).

if __name__ == '__main__':
        import traceback
        raw_input('\n\tPress ENTER to exit program.')

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From python at  Mon Dec  8 03:48:03 2003
From: python at (Shantanoo Mahajan)
Date: Mon Dec  8 12:44:02 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Python script to automatically send mails (running as
	a	cron job in cygwin/linux)
In-Reply-To: <000a01c3af41$1d382660$bb07a8c0@midnapore>
References: <000a01c3af41$1d382660$bb07a8c0@midnapore>
Message-ID: <>

+++ Alok Rai [20-11-03 14:04 +0530]:
| Hi, 
|     I need to write a python script which would run through a cron job in cygwin/linux. I need the script to authenticate itself and send the mail. The script needs to read my account info(host, login and password) from some encrypted file. Please provide pointers regarding this, especially how I can store my login information in a secure, encrypted format and have my script read it.
| Regards,
| Alok.

import md5

From thomi at  Sun Dec  7 21:41:42 2003
From: thomi at (Thomi Richards)
Date: Mon Dec  8 13:17:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Python vs. Lua
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 7 Dec 2003 16:01:06 -0800 (PST)
Daniel Ehrenberg <> wrote:

> I just heard about Lua, a scripting language with a
> minimalistic but highly extendable procedural syntax.

> Are there any reasons why Python is better and I
> shouldn't use Lua instead? I think I might be missing
> some major flaw in the language.

While I'm a devoted python follower, I'm on a project which required a scripting language to controll AI's on a server. We were trying to decide between python and Lua. I'm sorry to say that python lost; namely because you can't easily restrict which system calls the python interpreter can make. I.e.- it can't be easily "sandboxed".

I'm still using python, but I'm learning lua at the same time ;)


Thomi Richards

From philip at  Mon Dec  8 09:44:13 2003
From: philip at (philip gilchrist)
Date: Mon Dec  8 13:17:45 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python beginner
Message-ID: <598B5E93DCDC614C9C1FE22406A0F5BE35B6@pacer-server.pacer.local>

I think a problem for most wannabee programmers, is that they don't know
WHAT to program.

If we ask someone who has been programming for a while, the professional
programmer thinks that an answer like ">>> bases = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'] 
>>> bases 
['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'] 
>>> bases.append('U') 
>>> bases 
['A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'U'] 
>>> bases.reverse() 
>>> bases 
['U', 'T', 'G', 'C', 'A'] 
>>> bases[0] 
>>> bases[1] 
>>> bases.remove('U') 
>>> bases 
['T', 'G', 'C', 'A'] 
>>> bases.sort() 
>>> bases 
['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']" is the answer that we are looking for, but in all
honesty it just scares the cr*p out of us:-)

Does someone have a very entry level program that does more than "hello
world"? Everyone has done "hello world" and then if they are like me,
can't think of anything else to do.

Could one of the programmers guide us with a program that simulates a
traffic light for example? (red, green and yellow lights on a framework
with different timing)

This would enable us beginner to begin with a clear picture of the end
in mind and make it something that we are able to see results from.

Philip Gilchrist-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Christoffer Thomsen
Sent: 07 December 2003 07:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] python beginner

I think this one is good:

Jacques wrote:

> Does anyone know of any python programming site that could guide me to

> learn python in about a month? I also want to be able to write a 
> program. Anyone have an ideas for a first program?
>Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

From rob at  Mon Dec  8 06:45:33 2003
From: rob at (Rob Andrews)
Date: Mon Dec  8 13:35:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python beginner
In-Reply-To: <598B5E93DCDC614C9C1FE22406A0F5BE35B6@pacer-server.pacer.local>
References: <598B5E93DCDC614C9C1FE22406A0F5BE35B6@pacer-server.pacer.local>
Message-ID: <>

Feel free to snoop around at for a variety of 

(The site's about a third of the way through renovation, BTW, so Useless 
Python 2.0 should be launched soon.)

On Monday 08 December 2003 03:44 pm, philip gilchrist wrote:
> Does someone have a very entry level program that does more than "hello
> world"? Everyone has done "hello world" and then if they are like me,
> can't think of anything else to do.
> Could one of the programmers guide us with a program that simulates a
> traffic light for example? (red, green and yellow lights on a framework
> with different timing)

From dyoo at  Mon Dec  8 13:36:39 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec  8 13:36:53 2003
Subject: [Tutor] iterating over a urllib.urlopen().read() object 
In-Reply-To: <00ea01c3bd6e$1b375850$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Alan Gauld wrote:

> >  f = urllib.urlopen(source_url)
> >  BUFSIZE = 8192
> >
> >  while True:
> >      data =
> >      if not data: break
> >      p.feed(data)
> >

> > I didn't like the "while True:" construct, and too smart for my own
> > good, tried this instead:
> >
> >  for data in
> >       p.feed(data)

Hi Terry,

The difference between:

    for line in file: ...


    for data in ...

is one of values on the right side of the 'for data in...'.

In the first case, we take 'file', and and ask our loop to iterate across
it.  But in the second case, we first take the value of:

And we know this is a string of maximum length BUFSIZE.  Once we have that
value, we ask our loop to go across it.  Strings do support iteration:

>>> for character in "hello world":
...     print character,
h e l l o   w o r l d

So the second case does go across some of the data in the file, but only a
character at a time, and only at most BUFSIZE characters of it!

So the problem is one of getting the right iterator to go across the whole
file.  It is possible to make this work with an auxillary tool.  Here's a
small function that may help:

def readIter(f, blocksize=8192):
    """Given a file 'f', returns an iterator that returns bytes of
    size 'blocksize' from the file, using read()."""
    while True:
        data =
        if not data: break
        yield data

The above code defines an iterator for files, using Python's "generator"
support.  Parts of it should look vaguely familiar.  *grin*

Ok, so this just shifts the 'while True' stuff around into readIter().
But this relocation does help, because it lets us say this now:

for block in readIter(f, BUFSIZE):

Hope this helps!

From learning.python at  Mon Dec  8 14:42:08 2003
From: learning.python at (Ole Jensen)
Date: Mon Dec  8 14:42:39 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python beginner
References: <598B5E93DCDC614C9C1FE22406A0F5BE35B6@pacer-server.pacer.local>
Message-ID: <001b01c3bdc3$5e75d9c0$934c73d5@BAERBAR>

Feel free to snoop around at for a variety of

(The site's about a third of the way through renovation, BTW, so Useless
Python 2.0 should be launched soon.)

Thats good to know, Rob. As I was beginning to think the site had been
canned: "Useless Python 2.0 is Under Development: Last edited on ... March
21, 2003"

Do you have an estimate on when it'll be finished; January, Febuary,

But rest assured I'll be checking back from time to time.

From trypticon at  Mon Dec  8 17:09:35 2003
From: trypticon at (
Date: Mon Dec  8 17:09:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python question
Message-ID: <>

   i have a simple question. here is the code:

import string

num_str=raw_input('Enter a number:')


print "BEFORE:", `fac_list`


while i < len(fac_list):
      if num_num % fac_list[i]==0:
              del fac_list[i]
print "AFTER:", `fac_list`

there is a bug in this program. i know what the bug is(doesn't work correctly when you enter an even number), but i'm not sure how to solve it. Can anybody give me a few hints? Thanks!

From ATrautman at  Mon Dec  8 17:28:23 2003
From: ATrautman at (Alan Trautman)
Date: Mon Dec  8 17:28:28 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python question
Message-ID: <>


I wasn't sure what you were trying to do so I played with your program. I
now prints all factor of a number entered. You problem stemmed from the used
of the delete command. When you deleted the number you still incremented the
counter. There would then be nothing to compare when the loop got to the end
and it would appear to skip numbers. I commented where I made the change. 

import string

num_str=raw_input('Enter a number:')


print "BEFORE:", `fac_list`


while i < len(fac_list):
    #print "During:  ", num_num % fac_list[i], num_num, fac_list[i]
    if num_num % fac_list[i] <> 0:
        del fac_list[i]
# This is the new section ensure the counter is not incremented 
# when an item is deleted

print "AFTER:", `fac_list`

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 4:10 PM
Subject: [Tutor] python question

   i have a simple question. here is the code:

import string

num_str=raw_input('Enter a number:')


print "BEFORE:", `fac_list`


while i < len(fac_list):
      if num_num % fac_list[i]==0:
              del fac_list[i]
print "AFTER:", `fac_list`

there is a bug in this program. i know what the bug is(doesn't work
correctly when you enter an even number), but i'm not sure how to solve it.
Can anybody give me a few hints? Thanks!

Tutor maillist  -

From guillermo.fernandez at  Mon Dec  8 17:28:37 2003
From: guillermo.fernandez at (Guillermo Fernandez)
Date: Mon Dec  8 17:28:48 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Writing to file
Message-ID: <>


I'm trying to making Octave (later will be Matlab...) and one of my programs 
communicate together. For that, I create a file that's similar to the one that 
Octave creates to save his variables (with the 'save' command). This look like 
# Created by Octave 2.1.42, Mon Dec 08 18:57:00 2003 RST <guille@Guille>
# name: a
# type: matrix
# rows: 2
# columns: 2
  1 2
  3 4

I did the program and the file is correctly created. Still, while loading my 
file, I've got this error:
octave:1> load wireless
' found in file `wireless'ier `daysmac

I'm almost sure the difference between the files he creates and I create is the 
$ file wireless
wireless: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
$ file save
save: ASCII text

I don't really get what's those CRLF line terminators (maybe the '\r\n' of 
windows?) but I would apreciate to get rid of them to have standard ASCII file 
And as the newlines attribute of a file is not writable, I can not set it to 
'\n' (seems to be set to None for the moment).

Hereafter is my code.



Matlab test and plot functions. it takes information from the database
and translates it to files understandable by Matlab and Octave.

For any comment, criticism, or whatever, feel free to contact me:

import begohandler # That's one library of mine that returns
                    # lists of dictionaries and so on.
import time

def mat_apmaclist(aplist,data,conditions=None):
     data.write('# name: mac\n')
     data.write('# type: matrix\n')
     data.write('# rows: '+str(len(result))+'\n')
     data.write('# columns: 1\n')
     for key in result:
         data.write(' '+str(len(result[key]))+'\n')

def mat_macaplist(maclist,data,conditions=None):
     data.write('# name: ap\n')
     data.write('# type: matrix\n')
     data.write('# rows: '+str(len(result))+'\n')
     data.write('# columns: 1\n')
     for key in result:
         data.write(' '+str(len(result[key]))+'\n')

def mat_daysmacstat(data,conditions=None):
     data.write('# name: daysmac\n')
     data.write('# type: matrix\n')
     data.write('# rows: '+str(len(result))+'\n')
     data.write('# columns: 2\n')
     for key in result:
         data.write(' '+str(key)+' '+str(result[key])+'\n')

#--- Main function
if __name__=='__main__':
     data.write('# Created by BEGO, '+time.strftime('%a %m %d %H:%M:%S %Y 
     # mat_apmaclist(['%'],data)
     # mat_macaplist(['%'],data)

From littledanehren at  Mon Dec  8 17:43:28 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Mon Dec  8 17:43:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Writing to file
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guillermo Fernandez wrote:
> hi,
> I'm trying to making Octave (later will be
> Matlab...) and one of my programs 
> communicate together. For that, I create a file
> that's similar to the one that 
> Octave creates to save his variables (with the
> 'save' command). This look like 
> this:
> # Created by Octave 2.1.42, Mon Dec 08 18:57:00 2003
> RST <guille@Guille>
> # name: a
> # type: matrix
> # rows: 2
> # columns: 2
>   1 2
>   3 4
> I did the program and the file is correctly created.
> Still, while loading my 
> file, I've got this error:
> octave:1> load wireless
> ' found in file `wireless'ier `daysmac
> I'm almost sure the difference between the files he
> creates and I create is the 
> following:
> $ file wireless
> wireless: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
> $ file save
> save: ASCII text
> I don't really get what's those CRLF line
> terminators (maybe the '\r\n' of 
> windows?) but I would apreciate to get rid of them
> to have standard ASCII file 
> And as the newlines attribute of a file is not
> writable, I can not set it to 
> '\n' (seems to be set to None for the moment).
> Hereafter is my code.
> Thanks,
> Guille

Just open the file in binary mode. This is done by
putting 'b' in the string that determines the mode of
the file. For example, you opened the file with mode
'w'. If you want to open it in binary mode, just use
'wb' instead. This basically makes it so that Python
writes directly to the file without doing its fancy
cross-platform stuff. It can also be used for reading
files (in mode 'rb').

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From sigurd at  Mon Dec  8 17:55:56 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Mon Dec  8 17:57:06 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python question
In-Reply-To: <> ('s message
	of "Mon, 8 Dec 2003 17:09:35 -0500")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

An unnamed person wrote:

> import string

> num_str=raw_input('Enter a number:')

> num_num=string.atoi(num_str)

> fac_list=range(1,num_num+1)
> print "BEFORE:", `fac_list`

> i=0

> while i < len(fac_list):
>       if num_num % fac_list[i]==0:
>               del fac_list[i]

>        i=i+1
> print "AFTER:", `fac_list`

> there is a bug in this program. i know what the bug is(doesn't work correctly
> when you enter an even number), but i'm not sure how to solve it. Can anybody
> give me a few hints? Thanks!

First to the bug.

import string

num_str=raw_input('Enter a number:')


print "BEFORE:", `fac_list`


while i < len(fac_list):
    if num_num % fac_list[i]==0:
        del fac_list[i]
        i =- 1

print "AFTER:", `fac_list`

That would be a correct version of your programm (but not a nice one).
If you delete a item you mustn't increment your index.

But now to the programm.

First: don't use string.atoi
Second: you filter a list so use either filter() or a list
comprehension.  Then you programm becomes:

num_num=int(raw_input('Enter a number:'))

print "BEFORE:", `fac_list`

print "AFTER:", filter(lambda x: num_num % x != 0, fac_list)


print "AFTER:", [x for x in fac_list if num_num % x != 0]

IMO that's much more readable.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From tim at  Mon Dec  8 18:19:05 2003
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Mon Dec  8 18:11:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Python vs. Lua/or rebol
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Magnus Lycka <> [031208 06:18]:
> Daniel Ehrenberg wrote:
> > Magnus Lyck? wrote:
> > > I didn't get this part. How can it be used in more ways
> > > because it lacks OO? You don't have to use OO in Python.
> > > 
> > It's more flexible than a builtin OO because it
> > doesn't force you to do one thing in particular. For
> > example, it is much easier to use prototypes (as in
> > the Self programming language) in Lua than in Python. 
> In most cases, I think Python has a very good mix of rigidity
> and flexibility. While it's very flexible concerning data
> handling, it's fairly rigid in its syntax, and that helps
> people read code they haven't written (or forgot what they
> wrote :). I think the mantra "There should be one-- and 
> preferably only one --obvious way to do it" is one of the
> strengths of Python, but naturally, there is not one tool 
> which is best at everything.
  Magnus is making an important observation here: 
  In my case, rebol is more flexible than python, for instance
  there is no immmutable language syntax for control
  constructs - control constructs are subroutines and
  you can 'roll you own'. Rebol HTML rendering via CGI is
  less code-intensive than HtmlGen (as an example).
  for my own needs, python 'scales' better than rebol 
  (or perl, IMHO, for that matter),
  because python is more 'disciplined' - a synonym for
  'regidity'. Thus python takes a front seat in my larger

> > There are far more projects that use C++ than Python,
> > yet we're using Python.
> Sure (although I use C++ as well).
> There is far, far more substance in the Python standard
> library than in the C++ standard library though. Most of the
> C++ standard library consists of convoluted ways of doing what
> Python very easily does with lists, strings, tuples and
> dictionaries. How much code there is, and what other projects 
> use isn't very important for me. What *I* can use from other 
> projects is important. How much value does a module add? 
 I've been programming in C and C++ for 14 years and have
 done many large projects with either. No more - python
 is *way* more productive. I can see using C or C++ to
 extend python for performance or customized syntax or
 for mission-critical system-level stuff. With C/C++, you
 can get faster speed, but you spend more time coding.

> Python comes with most of what I need, and the few remaining 
> gaps can be downloaded from some nearby site on the net. 

  And that is what makes it tough for these up-and-coming
  languages like lua or rebol. Python (or perl's) resources
  are deeply valuable and appealing in terms of over-all
  productivity. I keep hammering the rebol community
  to put together a structured, resource-rich distribution
  such as python and perl offer.

Tim Johnson <>

From alan.gauld at  Mon Dec  8 18:50:48 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Dec  8 18:50:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Python vs. Lua
References: <>
Message-ID: <010f01c3bde6$1ada7cc0$6401a8c0@xp>

> Actually, I've been thinking of getting a Palm, and I
> guess Lua would be a good programming language for that.

You can of course get Python for the Palm, although not 
sure how up to date it is...

> See Hm... maybe I
> should give myself a christmas gift and learn a new language?

But that's always a fun thing to do! :-)

One important consideration is how easy is it to use the 
language using Palms graffiti. Lots of funny symbols is 
bad news for the programmer on a Palm...

Alan G.

From pieter.lust at  Tue Dec  9 05:55:18 2003
From: pieter.lust at (Pieter Lust)
Date: Tue Dec  9 05:54:48 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences
Message-ID: <005d01c3be42$f736f980$ac01085a@pcpwo>


Recently I wrote a function to count the matching elements in two tuples. It
looked like this:

def matches(s1, s2):
    """matches: count the number of matching elements in 2 sequences of
identical length (c-style)"""
    matches = 0
    for i in range(0, len(s1)):
        if s1[i] == s2[i]:
            matches += 1
    return matches

Then today I saw a post from Karl Pflaesterer, which inspired another

def matches2(s1, s2):
    """matches2: count the number of matching elements in 2 sequences of
identical length (lambda)"""
    return len(filter(lambda t: t[0] == t[1], zip(s1, s2)))

And then I tried to extend it for an arbitrary number of input sequences:

def matches3(*seqlist):
    """matches3: count the number of matching elements in sequences of
identical length (lambda)"""
    return len(filter(lambda t: list(t).count(t[0]) == len(t),

To my novice eye,  matches3 does look quite complex. How would a seasoned
Python programmer write it? Am I missing a more obvious solution?

Thanks for any comment,

Pieter Lust

From jboone01 at  Tue Dec  9 06:54:12 2003
From: jboone01 at (Jim Boone)
Date: Tue Dec  9 06:54:29 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Incrementing a line?
Message-ID: <>

Howdy all, i hope this is the right list for my query, pythons a bit new 
to me, and I'm trying dto something that I can't figure out:

for s in userlog.readlines():
            for word in s.split():
                if word == ("19(Constraint"):
                    constraintlog.write(s + "\n")
                    print "\n\n*****Constraint Violations exist!!*****\n\n"

Is a section of code i have, it reads a log file and cranks out a log 
file on a certain condition, I can get it to write out the same line 
which is in the original log file, which is useful, but, what would be 
much more useful is if i could write out the line thats 10 lines after 
the "19(Constraint", because it's more pertinent, but of course s+10 is 
stupidly wrong.

Any help appreciated, Thanks!

Jim Boone
Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
R&D Manager - Information and Communication Technologies
Tel: 01494 522141 ext 3569

The myth that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armor to lead all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly ignores the fact that it was he who, by peddling second-rate technology, led them into it in the first place, and continues to do so today.

~Douglas Adams~

From darnold02 at  Tue Dec  9 07:14:32 2003
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Tue Dec  9 07:13:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Incrementing a line?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


targetLineNum = 0
lineNum = 0

for s in userlog.readlines():
     if lineNum == targetLineNum:
         print 'found violation info at line', lineNum
         constraintlog.write(s + '\n')
         targetLineNum = 0
     for word in s.split():
         if word == '19(Constraint':
             targetLineNum = lineNum + 10
             constraintlog.write(s + '\n')


Barring my not actually being awake yet, that might be close.


On Dec 9, 2003, at 5:54 AM, Jim Boone wrote:

> Howdy all, i hope this is the right list for my query, pythons a bit 
> new to me, and I'm trying dto something that I can't figure out:
> for s in userlog.readlines():
>            for word in s.split():
>                if word == ("19(Constraint"):
>                    constraintlog.write(s + "\n")
>                    print "\n\n*****Constraint Violations 
> exist!!*****\n\n"
>        constraintlog.close()
> Is a section of code i have, it reads a log file and cranks out a log 
> file on a certain condition, I can get it to write out the same line 
> which is in the original log file, which is useful, but, what would be 
> much more useful is if i could write out the line thats 10 lines after 
> the "19(Constraint", because it's more pertinent, but of course s+10 
> is stupidly wrong.
> Any help appreciated, Thanks!
> -- 
> Jim Boone
> --------------------------------------------
> Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
> R&D Manager - Information and Communication Technologies
> Tel: 01494 522141 ext 3569
> The myth that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armor 
> to lead all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly 
> ignores the fact that it was he who, by peddling second-rate 
> technology, led them into it in the first place, and continues to do 
> so today.
> ~Douglas Adams~
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From project5 at  Tue Dec  9 07:25:07 2003
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Tue Dec  9 07:27:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Incrementing a line?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Boone wrote on Tue, 09 Dec 2003 11:54:12 +0000:

> Howdy all, i hope this is the right list for my query, pythons a bit new 
> to me, and I'm trying dto something that I can't figure out:
> for s in userlog.readlines():

How about (with userlog being a file open for reading):

for line in userlog:
    #code here using line (you may use s instead of line if you like)

The code Don Arnold posted should help you with the rest of your question,
at least as long as you don't get more than one constraint violation every
ten lines. If that may happen, you could keep a list of targetLineNums and
test if lineNum is in targetLineNums in order to print "violation info at
line...". Oh, "lineNum++" in that code should be "lineNum+=1" or "lineNum =
lineNum + 1".



Mail address in header catches spam. Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From darnold02 at  Tue Dec  9 07:30:31 2003
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Tue Dec  9 07:29:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Incrementing a line?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

And since you only process each line once, you don't really need the 
"targetLineNum = 0" line.

Need more coffee,

On Dec 9, 2003, at 6:14 AM, Don Arnold wrote:

> Untested:
> targetLineNum = 0
> lineNum = 0
> for s in userlog.readlines():
>     lineNum++;
>     if lineNum == targetLineNum:
>         print 'found violation info at line', lineNum
>         constraintlog.write(s + '\n')
>         targetLineNum = 0
>     for word in s.split():
>         if word == '19(Constraint':
>             targetLineNum = lineNum + 10
>             constraintlog.write(s + '\n')
> constraintlog.close()
> Barring my not actually being awake yet, that might be close.
> HTH,
> Don
> On Dec 9, 2003, at 5:54 AM, Jim Boone wrote:
>> Howdy all, i hope this is the right list for my query, pythons a bit 
>> new to me, and I'm trying dto something that I can't figure out:
>> for s in userlog.readlines():
>>            for word in s.split():
>>                if word == ("19(Constraint"):
>>                    constraintlog.write(s + "\n")
>>                    print "\n\n*****Constraint Violations 
>> exist!!*****\n\n"
>>        constraintlog.close()
>> Is a section of code i have, it reads a log file and cranks out a log 
>> file on a certain condition, I can get it to write out the same line 
>> which is in the original log file, which is useful, but, what would 
>> be much more useful is if i could write out the line thats 10 lines 
>> after the "19(Constraint", because it's more pertinent, but of course 
>> s+10 is stupidly wrong.
>> Any help appreciated, Thanks!
>> -- 
>> Jim Boone
>> --------------------------------------------
>> Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
>> R&D Manager - Information and Communication Technologies
>> Tel: 01494 522141 ext 3569
>> The myth that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armor 
>> to lead all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly 
>> ignores the fact that it was he who, by peddling second-rate 
>> technology, led them into it in the first place, and continues to do 
>> so today.
>> ~Douglas Adams~
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From darnold02 at  Tue Dec  9 07:33:02 2003
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Tue Dec  9 07:31:28 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Incrementing a line?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Shame on me for "lineNum++". Oh well, even Danny makes silly mistakes, 


On Dec 9, 2003, at 6:25 AM, Andrei wrote:

> Jim Boone wrote on Tue, 09 Dec 2003 11:54:12 +0000:
>> Howdy all, i hope this is the right list for my query, pythons a bit 
>> new
>> to me, and I'm trying dto something that I can't figure out:
>> for s in userlog.readlines():
> How about (with userlog being a file open for reading):
> for line in userlog:
>     #code here using line (you may use s instead of line if you like)
> The code Don Arnold posted should help you with the rest of your 
> question,
> at least as long as you don't get more than one constraint violation 
> every
> ten lines. If that may happen, you could keep a list of targetLineNums 
> and
> test if lineNum is in targetLineNums in order to print "violation info 
> at
> line...". Oh, "lineNum++" in that code should be "lineNum+=1" or 
> "lineNum =
> lineNum + 1".
> -- 
> Yours,
> Andrei
> =====
> Mail address in header catches spam. Real contact info (decode with 
> rot13):
> cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V 
> ernq
> gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From jboone01 at  Tue Dec  9 08:41:17 2003
From: jboone01 at (Jim Boone)
Date: Tue Dec  9 08:41:33 2003
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [Tutor] Re: Incrementing a line?]
Message-ID: <>

oops, and for the rest of the list...

oh yeah, is this what this list is about then?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Tutor] Re: Incrementing a line?
Date: 	Tue, 09 Dec 2003 13:39:51 +0000
From: 	Jim Boone <>
To: 	Don Arnold <>
References: 	<> 

Don Arnold wrote:

> Shame on me for "lineNum++". Oh well, even Danny makes silly mistakes, 
> sometimes.
> Don

Yeah, I'm not actually awake either, which isnt helping matters, well, 
the code works, once I'd pulled the deliberate mistake ;-) Oddly though 
it reports the wrong line number, but does throw out the correct  error 
line, cheers for that, I'll have a tinker after more coffee, and try and 
figure what its doing!

Jim Boone
Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
R&D Manager - Information and Communication Technologies
Tel: 01494 522141 ext 3569

The myth that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armor to lead all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly ignores the fact that it was he who, by peddling second-rate technology, led them into it in the first place, and continues to do so today.

~Douglas Adams~

Jim Boone
Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
R&D Manager - Information and Communication Technologies
Tel: 01494 522141 ext 3569

The myth that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armor to lead all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly ignores the fact that it was he who, by peddling second-rate technology, led them into it in the first place, and continues to do so today.

~Douglas Adams~

From SlaybaughLJ at  Tue Dec  9 10:28:53 2003
From: SlaybaughLJ at (Slaybaugh Laura J IHMD)
Date: Tue Dec  9 10:29:29 2003
Subject: [Tutor] ping question...
Message-ID: <>


I'm still somewhat new to python, and I'm writing a program that
periodically pings several computers on my network to figure out whether
they're responding.

My first stab was a simple x=os.system('ping -n 1 <ipaddress>'),
unfortunately whether or not I run this line against a computer with a
request timed out response, x equals 0.  Which helps me not at all.  

I tried downloading Jeremy Hyleton's ping implementation, but was unable to
unzip it (Winzip).  

I'm looking over the socket class now to see if it'll provide anything that
could be helpful, but I was curious is anyone here had any suggestions I
should look into.

Laura Slaybaugh	

From chris at  Tue Dec  9 11:18:22 2003
From: chris at (Chris Heisel)
Date: Tue Dec  9 11:18:45 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Document URI?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I had previously wrote a scrip that accessed a document's URI by getting

Our server admin recently upgrade to Python2.3 and now Python is saying 
that there is no 'DOCUMENT_URI' key.

I did some googling but I couldn't find a way to access a documents URI 
in python...

FYI, the script is called via a SSI ala:
File called /foo/index.html:
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/" -->

Previously the os.environ['DOCUMENT_URI'] would return /foo/index.html 
but now its saying there's no value...

Thanks in advance,


From sigurd at  Tue Dec  9 11:24:39 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Tue Dec  9 11:25:15 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences
In-Reply-To: <005d01c3be42$f736f980$ac01085a@pcpwo> (Pieter Lust's message
	of "Tue, 9 Dec 2003 11:55:18 +0100")
References: <005d01c3be42$f736f980$ac01085a@pcpwo>
Message-ID: <>

On  9 Dec 2003, Pieter Lust <- wrote:

> Recently I wrote a function to count the matching elements in two tuples. It
> looked like this:

> def matches(s1, s2):
>     """matches: count the number of matching elements in 2 sequences of
> identical length (c-style)"""
>     matches = 0
>     for i in range(0, len(s1)):
>         if s1[i] == s2[i]:
>             matches += 1
>     return matches
> And then I tried to extend it for an arbitrary number of input sequences:

> def matches3(*seqlist):
>     """matches3: count the number of matching elements in sequences of
> identical length (lambda)"""
>     return len(filter(lambda t: list(t).count(t[0]) == len(t),
> zip(*seqlist)))

> To my novice eye,  matches3 does look quite complex. How would a seasoned

It is complex (and len() is expensive since you always have to traverse
the whole list); furthermore you build up lists only to throw them away
and use their length as value.

> Python programmer write it? Am I missing a more obvious solution?

I don't know if it's very obvious but I would write it a bit different.

First you need a function which tells you if all elements of a sequence
are equal.

There are some solutions.

First the straightforward one:

def alleq(seq):
    k = seq[0]
    for i in seq:
        if i == k:
            return False
        return True

Then a more compact one (which will be slower, since the sequence will
always completely be traversed):

def alleq(seq):
    return seq[0] == reduce(lambda s, t: s==t and t, seq)

What's happening here? reduce() takes a function with two arguments and
a sequence.  It applies the function to the first two elements (not
always true see later) of the sequence returns the result and applies
the function to the resukt and the third element of the sequence etc.

The function `lambda s, t: s==t and t' returns t if s is equal t.  So if
you have the sequence [1,1,2] the function compares 1 and 1 and returns
1; then it compares 1 and 2 and returns 2.

Finally the result is compared to the first element of the list and the
function returns True (which is equal to 1) if they are equal.

Then you apply that function to all your tuples.

First the straightforward way to write it (which will be in Python also
the faster one I think):

def match3(*seqs):
    match = 0
    for tup in zip(*seqs):
        match += alleq(tup)
    return match

Then another more functional solution with reduce again:

def match3(*seqs):
    return reduce(lambda num_of_match, tup: num_of_match + alleq(tup),
                  zip(*seqs), 0)

Here you see the full functionality of reduce.  It can take an start
element as third argument.  That argument is used as first value for the
function and the *first* element of the sequence is used as second value
for the function.  That's an alternative solution (if you know a bit
functional programming it will look common) but perhaps not the best
with Python (sadly).

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From sigurd at  Tue Dec  9 11:33:46 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Tue Dec  9 11:34:42 2003
Subject: [Tutor] ping question...
In-Reply-To: <>
	Laura J. IHMD's message of "Tue, 9 Dec 2003 10:28:53 -0500")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Slaybaugh Laura J IHMD <- wrote:

> My first stab was a simple x=os.system('ping -n 1 <ipaddress>'),
> unfortunately whether or not I run this line against a computer with a
> request timed out response, x equals 0.  Which helps me not at all.  

os.system does only the return value of the command you run; but you
want the output of ping.  So you look for os.popen() (and friends there
are some popen functions).

If you wanted to see the output of ping it could be:
for line in os.popen(''ping -n 1 <ipaddress>'):
    print line,

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From magnus at  Tue Dec  9 11:40:44 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue Dec  9 11:41:07 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gcGluZyBxdWVzdGlvbi4uLg==?=
Message-ID: <>

Hi Laura,

Slaybaugh Laura J IHMD wrote:
> My first stab was a simple x=os.system('ping -n 1 <ipaddress>'),
> unfortunately whether or not I run this line against a computer with a
> request timed out response, x equals 0.  Which helps me not at all.  

Yes, the  return code will be 0 for ping regardless of
responses, unless you make a syntax error in your command etc.
You need to get the output from the ping command into Python
for analysis, rather than its return code.

Maybe this interactive example can give you some hints...

>>> import os
>>> ip = raw_input('IP? ')
IP? <something>
>>> result = os.popen('ping %s' % ip).read()
>>> print result
>>> print "time-out" in result

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Tue Dec  9 11:48:56 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue Dec  9 11:49:08 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gRG9jdW1lbnQgVVJJPw==?=
Message-ID: <>

Chris Heisel wrote:
> Our server admin recently upgrade to Python2.3 and now Python is saying 
> that there is no 'DOCUMENT_URI' key.

Ok, but I'm not so sure those things are related... Whatever
version of Python you use, you are just reading the environment
variables provided by the operating system. The operating
system won't make different environment variables available
to a process depending on what version of Python you use.

If a change in the python installation caused a difference here,
it's a difference in how Python scripts are executed, not simply
a version change. Are you running the Python scripts as CGI scripts?
What else changed? OS? Web server? Configuration?
> Previously the os.environ['DOCUMENT_URI'] would return /foo/index.html 
> but now its saying there's no value...

Try printing out all the os.environ items from a CGI script.
I think I showed an example of how to do this here a week
or two ago...

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Tue Dec  9 12:03:25 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue Dec  9 12:03:35 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gSW5jcmVtZW50aW5nIGEgbGluZT8=?=
Message-ID: <>

Hi Jim!

Jim Boone wrote:
> Howdy all, i hope this is the right list for my query, pythons a bit new 
> to me, and I'm trying dto something that I can't figure out:

You have come to the right place!
> for s in userlog.readlines():
>             for word in s.split():
>                 if word == ("19(Constraint"):
>                     constraintlog.write(s + "\n")
>                     print "\n\n*****Constraint Violations exist!!*****\n\n"
>         constraintlog.close()
> Is a section of code i have, it reads a log file and cranks out a log 
> file on a certain condition, I can get it to write out the same line 
> which is in the original log file, which is useful, but, what would be 
> much more useful is if i could write out the line thats 10 lines after 
> the "19(Constraint", because it's more pertinent, but of course s+10 is 
> stupidly wrong.

In recent Python versions, there is a nice thingie called "enumerate()"
which will turn something like ['a', 'b', 'c'] into [(0,'a'), (1,'b'), 
(2,'c')] That's helpful here, right? In addition to this, you should 
assign the result of userlog.readlines() (which is a list object) to a 
variable name, so that you can access the element 10 steps further down, 
just as easily as the current element, right?

You just change your code to something like...

lines = userlog.readlines()
for i, s in lines:
        if ...
            print lines[i+10]

Note that this might cause an IndexError if lines don't extend that
far. (You can handle that with "if len(lines) > i+10:", or with

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Tue Dec  9 12:28:31 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue Dec  9 12:28:51 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gQ291bnRpbmcgbWF0Y2hpbmcgZWxlbWVudHMgaW4gc2VxdWVuY2Vz?=
Message-ID: <>

Pieter Lust write:
> def matches3(*seqlist):
>     """matches3: count the number of matching elements in sequences of
> identical length (lambda)"""
>     return len(filter(lambda t: list(t).count(t[0]) == len(t),
> zip(*seqlist)))
> To my novice eye,  matches3 does look quite complex. How would a seasoned
> Python programmer write it? Am I missing a more obvious solution?

To me, this feels less confusing.

import operator

def matches4(*seqlist):
    allSame = 0
    for elements in zip(*seqlist):
        allSame += reduce(operator.eq, elements)
    return allSame 

or if you prefer lambda to importing operator...

def matches4(*seqlist):
    allSame = 0
    for elements in zip(*seqlist):
        allSame += reduce(lambda x,y: x==y, elements)
    return allSame 

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Tue Dec  9 12:42:48 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue Dec  9 12:43:11 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gaXRlcmF0aW5nIG92ZXIgYSB1cmxsaWIudXJsb3BlbigpLnJlYWQoKSBvYmplY3Qg?=
Message-ID: <>

Terry Carroll wrote:
> > I didn't like the "while True:" construct, 

But "while True:" with an "if x: break" in it is such a common
Python idiom that you'd better get used to it.

Alan Gauld responded:
> "While" is the correct loop in this case because we don't
> know in advance how many iterations we need to go through.
> Although personally I'd prefer
> data =
> while data:
>    p.feed(data)
>    data =

The disadvantage with this is obviously that it breaks the
"Do It Only Once" principle. Of course, in this tiny code
it doesn't matter, but in many real time situations it might
be a chunk of lines, of at least a much more complicated
expression, and you might end up modifying it in one place,
and not in the other. :(

This would all be solved if Python had a "repeat - until"
kind of loop, but the problem is that nobody has ever
managed to create a good looking syntax for a loop in
Python with a test in the end.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From trypticon at  Tue Dec  9 14:05:32 2003
From: trypticon at (
Date: Tue Dec  9 14:05:40 2003
Subject: [Tutor] strings
Message-ID: <>

     i'm having a little trouble with this exercise problem. We're supposed to create a function called findchr(string,char) which will look for character char in string and return the index of the first occurrence of char, or -1 if char is not part of string. you can't use string.*find() or string.*index() functions or methods. The part where i'm having trouble is returning the index of the first occurrence of char. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

From sigurd at  Tue Dec  9 14:12:12 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Tue Dec  9 14:16:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences
In-Reply-To: <> (Magnus Lycka's
	message of "Tue,  9 Dec 2003 18:28:31 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On  9 Dec 2003, Magnus Lycka <- wrote:

> import operator

> def matches4(*seqlist):
>     allSame = 0
>     for elements in zip(*seqlist):
>         allSame += reduce(operator.eq, elements)
>     return allSame 

That won't work (I first thought of the same solution) because x == y
returns True or False not x or y (with two elemenstit works, with three
it breaks).

> or if you prefer lambda to importing operator...

> def matches4(*seqlist):
>     allSame = 0
>     for elements in zip(*seqlist):
>         allSame += reduce(lambda x,y: x==y, elements)
>     return allSame 

Try the simple 

>>> reduce(operator.eq, [2,2,2])

So you need a function like alleq

def alleq(seq):
    return seq[0] == reduce(lambda s, t: s==t and t, seq)

>>> alleq([2,2,2])

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I read the list

From pythontutor at  Tue Dec  9 14:21:52 2003
From: pythontutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Tue Dec  9 14:21:57 2003
Subject: [Tutor] strings
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sounds like homework...

Let me just suggest a plausible definition for
"index of first occurrence of character".
The index is a count of the characters before the character you are
trying to locate.  If your character is the very first character of the
string, then (from the definition) the index is 0.

Hope this helps. wrote:

> Hi,
>      i'm having a little trouble with this exercise problem. We're supposed to create a function called findchr(string,char) which will look for character char in string and return the index of the first occurrence of char, or -1 if char is not part of string. you can't use string.*find() or string.*index() functions or methods. The part where i'm having trouble is returning the index of the first occurrence of char. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From zak at  Tue Dec  9 14:23:34 2003
From: zak at (Zak Arntson)
Date: Tue Dec  9 14:23:42 2003
Subject: [Tutor] strings
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Hi,
>      i'm having a little trouble with this exercise problem. We're
> supposed to create a function called findchr(string,char) which will
> look for character char in string and return the index of the first
> occurrence of char, or -1 if char is not part of string. you can't
> use string.*find() or string.*index() functions or methods. The part
> where i'm having trouble is returning the index of the first
> occurrence of char. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Take a peek at the for loop documentation in the Python tutorial.

Zak Arntson - Games - Lots of 'em

From magnus at  Tue Dec  9 14:35:41 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue Dec  9 14:35:52 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gQ291bnRpbmcgbWF0Y2hpbmcgZWxlbWVudHMgaW4gc2VxdWVuY2Vz?=
Message-ID: <>

Karl Pfl?sterer wrote:
> That won't work (I first thought of the same solution) because x == y
> returns True or False not x or y (with two elemenstit works, with three
> it breaks).

> So you need a function like alleq
> def alleq(seq):
>     return seq[0] == reduce(lambda s, t: s==t and t, seq)

That doesn't work either! :)

>>> def alleq(seq): 
    return seq[0] == reduce(lambda s, t: s==t and t, seq) 

>>> alleq([0,2,0])

Perhaps it's best to skip the "clever" lambda and reduce
tricks completely! This works (I think):

def alleq(seq):
    for item in seq[1:]:
        if item != seq[0]:
            return False
    return True

It also works correctly with 0 or 1 elements in the
sequence (assuming that we consider an empty list to
have all elements equal--at least there are no 

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Tue Dec  9 14:51:56 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue Dec  9 14:53:31 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gc3RyaW5ncw==?=
Message-ID: <>

>      i'm having a little trouble with this exercise problem. We're supposed to create a function called findchr(string,char) which will look for character char in string and return the index of the first occurrence of char, or -1 if char is not part of string. you can't use string.*find() or string.*index() functions or methods. The part where i'm having trouble is returning the index of the first occurrence of char. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Hi there, we try not to spoil education on this list by doing
peoples school work. (It's so easy to just provide an answer,
but it's probably not very educational...)

This exercise is really so small that it's difficult to give 
a hint without solving it entirely. I guess you're either just 
stuck, or haven't still grasped how to combine the elements of 
a programming language to solve a problem. 

A good way of solving problems is usually to solve a little piece
at a time...

Could you write a program that can compare two values (numbers
or strings or whatever) to see if they are equal?

Could you write a program that would give the right answer just
in the case that your char is in the first position of the string?

Could you write a program that would give the right answer just
in the case that your char is in the second position of the string?

Can you think of any way of generalizing such a program?

If you read chapters 3 and 4 in the Python tutorial, you will
certainly have all the tools you need to do this. Just take one
step at a time. Good luck!

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From glingl at  Tue Dec  9 15:13:06 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Tue Dec  9 15:12:09 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>Perhaps it's best to skip the "clever" lambda and reduce
>tricks completely! This works (I think):
>def alleq(seq):
>    for item in seq[1:]:
>        if item != seq[0]:
>            return False
>    return True
>It also works correctly with 0 or 1 elements in the
>sequence (assuming that we consider an empty list to
>have all elements equal--at least there are no 

What do you think about:

 >>> def alleq(seq):
...     return seq == seq[:1]*len(seq)
 >>> alleq("")
 >>> alleq((1,))
 >>> alleq([1,1])
 >>> alleq((1,2))


From dyoo at  Tue Dec  9 15:28:55 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Dec  9 15:29:09 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gc3RyaW5ncw==?=
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> i'm having a little trouble with this exercise problem. We're supposed
> to create a function called findchr(string,char)

[some text cut]

> The part where i'm having trouble is returning the index of the first
> occurrence of char. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Hi trypticon,

Please don't take this the wrong way, but you do understand that that
"part" that you're having trouble with is the point of the whole exercise,

One way to get a better understanding of a problem is to try a simpler
version of it.  This is one of the problem-solving strategies that G.
Polya talks about in his book "How to Solve It":

Can you think of simpler versions of the problem?

The original problem allows us to pass strings of any length, and maybe
you're running into problem trying to account for this.  If so, here's one
way to simplify the problem: what if you're only working with strings of
three characters only?

Say that you're writing a version of the code called findchr3() that takes
a three-character string, and a character to search for.  It'd work
something like this:

>>> findchr3("abc", "a")
>>> findchr3("abc", "c")
>>> findchr3("abc", "z")

findchr3() can assume that the first argument is always a string of three
characters.  Would you be able to write findchr3()?  If not, then that's
something you may want to try doing first, before tackling the more
general problem.

Also, you may want to try browsing through one of the tutorials on:

In particular:

is a good tutorial to try out.  If you understand the concept of "loops",
you should know enough to solve your original problem.

Good luck to you!

From sigurd at  Tue Dec  9 15:36:12 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Tue Dec  9 15:37:23 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences
In-Reply-To: <> (Magnus Lycka's
	message of "Tue,  9 Dec 2003 20:35:41 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On  9 Dec 2003, Magnus Lycka <- wrote:

> Karl Pfl?sterer wrote:
>> That won't work (I first thought of the same solution) because x == y
>> returns True or False not x or y (with two elemenstit works, with three
>> it breaks).

> True!

>> So you need a function like alleq

>> def alleq(seq):
>>     return seq[0] == reduce(lambda s, t: s==t and t, seq)

> That doesn't work either! :)

Yep I noticed it later; here the equality of True and 1 and False and 0

>>>> def alleq(seq): 
>     return seq[0] == reduce(lambda s, t: s==t and t, seq) 

>>>> alleq([0,2,0])
> True

> Perhaps it's best to skip the "clever" lambda and reduce
> tricks completely! This works (I think):

> def alleq(seq):
>     for item in seq[1:]:
>         if item != seq[0]:
>             return False
>     return True

I came up with nearly the same one.

def alleq(seq):
    k = seq[0]
    for i in seq:
        if i != k:
            return 0
    return 1

Sadly reduce might break if you have zero as first element.

> It also works correctly with 0 or 1 elements in the
> sequence (assuming that we consider an empty list to
> have all elements equal--at least there are no 
> differences).


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I read the list

From sigurd at  Tue Dec  9 15:42:09 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Tue Dec  9 15:42:43 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences
In-Reply-To: <> (Gregor Lingl's message of "Tue, 09
	Dec 2003 21:13:06 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On  9 Dec 2003, Gregor Lingl <- wrote:

> What do you think about:

>  >>> def alleq(seq):
> ...     return seq == seq[:1]*len(seq)
> ...

Cool.  But the for loop is the best one I think since you only traverse
the sequence until you find a difference and since you don't have to
build a second list and have to use len() on the original sequence.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From glingl at  Tue Dec  9 16:00:31 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Tue Dec  9 15:59:33 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>def alleq(seq):
>>    for item in seq[1:]:
>>        if item != seq[0]:
>>            return False
>>    return True
>I came up with nearly the same one.
>def alleq(seq):
>    k = seq[0]
>    for i in seq:
>        if i != k:
>            return 0
>    return 1
Actually, if you wanted to avoid copying seq and at
the same time make the function work for empty
sequences you had to write something like:

def alleq(seq):
    if len(seq) > 0:
        k = seq[0]
        for i in seq:
            if i!=k:
                return 0
    return 1

or, how would you avoid
"using len on the original sequence"?


From sigurd at  Tue Dec  9 16:31:40 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Tue Dec  9 16:34:50 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences
In-Reply-To: <> (Gregor Lingl's message of "Tue, 09
	Dec 2003 22:00:31 +0100")
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On  9 Dec 2003, Gregor Lingl <- wrote:

>>>def alleq(seq):
>>>    for item in seq[1:]:
>>>        if item != seq[0]:
>>>            return False
>>>    return True

>>I came up with nearly the same one.

>>def alleq(seq):
>>    k = seq[0]
>>    for i in seq:
>>        if i != k:
>>            return 0
>>    return 1

> Actually, if you wanted to avoid copying seq and at
> the same time make the function work for empty
> sequences you had to write something like:

> def alleq(seq):
>     if len(seq) > 0:
>         k = seq[0]
>         for i in seq:
>             if i!=k:
>                 return 0
>     return 1

or simply:

def alleq(seq):
    if seq:
        k = seq[0]
        for i in seq:
            if i != k:
                return 0
    return 1

if we define empty sequences to be equal.

> or, how would you avoid
> "using len on the original sequence"?

see the above.

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I read the list

From chris at  Tue Dec  9 16:54:24 2003
From: chris at (Chris Heisel)
Date: Tue Dec  9 16:54:29 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Document URI?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks, I checked with the sysadmin he made some changes that broke the 
script but he fixed it and all is well...

Thanks again,


Magnus Lycka wrote:
> Chris Heisel wrote:
>>Our server admin recently upgrade to Python2.3 and now Python is saying 
>>that there is no 'DOCUMENT_URI' key.
> Ok, but I'm not so sure those things are related... Whatever
> version of Python you use, you are just reading the environment
> variables provided by the operating system. The operating
> system won't make different environment variables available
> to a process depending on what version of Python you use.
> If a change in the python installation caused a difference here,
> it's a difference in how Python scripts are executed, not simply
> a version change. Are you running the Python scripts as CGI scripts?
> What else changed? OS? Web server? Configuration?
>>Previously the os.environ['DOCUMENT_URI'] would return /foo/index.html 
>>but now its saying there's no value...
> Try printing out all the os.environ items from a CGI script.
> I think I showed an example of how to do this here a week
> or two ago...

From alan.gauld at  Tue Dec  9 19:01:51 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Dec  9 19:01:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Incrementing a line?
References: <><>
Message-ID: <016201c3beb0$d08c19f0$6401a8c0@xp>

> On Dec 9, 2003, at 6:14 AM, Don Arnold wrote:
> > Untested:
> >
> > targetLineNum = 0
> > lineNum = 0
> >
> > for s in userlog.readlines():
> >     lineNum++;

Huh? Someones been overdoing the Java... :-)

In Python that's
        lineNum += 1

++ isn't available in Python - at least not in my 2.3.2 version.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Tue Dec  9 19:02:46 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Dec  9 19:02:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Incrementing a line?
References: <><>
Message-ID: <016701c3beb0$f155cf00$6401a8c0@xp>

> Shame on me for "lineNum++". Oh well, even Danny makes silly
> sometimes.
> Don

Ah, too fast on the reply key, you already caught it...
Still at least I gave the += alternative...

Alan G.

From absmythe at  Tue Dec  9 19:03:13 2003
From: absmythe at (ashleigh smythe)
Date: Tue Dec  9 19:03:19 2003
Subject: [Tutor] make code less ugly/more pythonic?
Message-ID: <>

Greetings!  I've written a little script to process a text file.  It
does exactly what I want it to do but as I'm a newbie I'm sure it's very
ugly and brute force - I wondered if anyone had a moment to please take
a look and tell me how to improve it?  For instance I have a function
that calls a function that calls a function!  Is that awkard and
unpythonic?  Should the whole thing be in a class - how would I do that?

The program simply parses a file that has 10,000 iterations of the

Strict consensus of 1 tree:

Statistics derived from consensus tree:

     Component information (consensus fork) = 185 (normalized = 0.964)
     Nelson-Platnick term information = 3855
     Nelson-Platnick total information = 4040
     Mickevich's consensus information = 0.183
     Colless weighted consensus fork (proportion max. information) =
     Schuh-Farris levels sum = 0 (normalized = 0.000)
     Rohlf's CI(1) = 0.989
     Rohlf's -ln CI(2) = 948.111 (CI(2) = 0.00)

I want to extract that Component information (consensus fork) value (185
in this instance) from each of the 10,000 "paragraphs" of data in the
file and get an average of that value.

Below is the code I hacked together- please don't laugh!!!  :-)

Thanks for any imput,


import re
import sys
import string

def make_int(mylist):                     #turns the list of consensus 
    an_int_list=[int(n) for n in mylist]  #fork values from strings to
    return an_int_list                    #integers so I can average
def add_up(mylist):                       #calls function to turn
    int_list=make_int(mylist)             #strings into          
    asum=0                                #integers.
    for x in int_list:                    #sums up all the values
        asum +=x
    return asum

def average(mylist):                      #takes the sum of consensus
    sum=add_up(mylist)                    #fork values and finds their  
    length=len(mylist)                    #average.
    return average_confork

mainlist=[]                               #initialize the list of 
                                          #consensus fork values.
def search(file_to_search):               
    infile=open(file_to_search, 'r')
    for line in infile:
        if'Component', line):  #searches the input file for
            confork=line[45:49]           #line containing cons. fork,
            mainlist.append(confork)      #removes the value and puts 
    return mainlist                       #it into a list.

def aveconfork(file_to_search):           #this executes the whole thing
    thelist=search(file_to_search)        #so I start the program with 
    finalaverage=average(mainlist)        #aveconfork.aveconfork
    return finalaverage                   #('file_to_search')

From alan.gauld at  Tue Dec  9 19:05:46 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Dec  9 19:05:27 2003
Subject: [Tutor] ping question...
References: <>
Message-ID: <017801c3beb1$5c6b71a0$6401a8c0@xp>

> My first stab was a simple x=os.system('ping -n 1
> unfortunately whether or not I run this line against a computer
with a
> request timed out response, x equals 0.  Which helps me not at

a zero return means it worked!
Try using os.popen() to read the results back.

> I'm looking over the socket class now to see if it'll provide
> anything that could be helpful,

You can do but remember that Ping doesn't work over TCP/IP
it uses a different protocol (ICMP from memory).

Alan G

From alan.gauld at  Tue Dec  9 19:13:44 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Dec  9 19:13:14 2003
Subject: [Tutor] strings
References: <>
Message-ID: <019801c3beb2$795a19f0$6401a8c0@xp>

>      i'm having a little trouble with this exercise problem.
We're supposed to create a function called findchr(string,char)
which will look for character char in string and return the index
of the first occurrence of char, or -1 if char is not part of
string. you can't use string.*find() or string.*index() functions
or methods. The part where i'm having trouble is returning the
index of the first occurrence of char. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks

OK, Without actually doing the homework for you here are some

To find the chr you need to loop over the string.
To return the index you need to keep track of where you are
in the string, which means you'll need to create a local
variable in your function starting at zero(the first char).
Add one to that each time through the loop to keep track
of the current position.

When you find the chr break out of the loop and return the
index counter or -1 if you gort to the end of the string
without finding chr - you might need another variable to
determine whether you did or not, or maybe you could use
some smart branching...

And that should be enough to be going on with.


Alan G.

From krazie_mu_boi at  Tue Dec  9 19:50:26 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Tue Dec  9 19:50:31 2003
Subject: [Tutor] the 'or' attribute
Message-ID: <>

How do i use 'or' ? for e.g , i tried

 x = 1 or 2
print x

it would always print 1, and never two. Why is that?

使用 MSN Messenger,與朋友在線上聊天: 

From tpc at  Tue Dec  9 19:58:36 2003
From: tpc at (
Date: Tue Dec  9 19:58:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] the 'or' attribute
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

hi Cris, the Python 'or' operator returns y if x is false,

w =3D x or y
print w

will yield x if x is true.  For Python truth value testing check out:

and for more on the 'or' operator:

I hope that helps you.

 On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, Leung Cris wrote:

> How do i use 'or' ? for e.g , i tried
>  x =3D 1 or 2
> print x
> it would always print 1, and never two. Why is that?
> _________________________________________________________________
> =A8=CF=A5=CE MSN Messenger=A1A=BBP=AAB=A4=CD=A6b=BDu=A4W=B2=E1=A4=D1: htt=
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From littledanehren at  Tue Dec  9 20:33:01 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Tue Dec  9 20:33:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] strings
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <> wrote:
> Hi,
>      i'm having a little trouble with this exercise
> problem. We're supposed to create a function called
> findchr(string,char) which will look for character
> char in string and return the index of the first
> occurrence of char, or -1 if char is not part of
> string. you can't use string.*find() or
> string.*index() functions or methods. The part where
> i'm having trouble is returning the index of the
> first occurrence of char. Any help would be
> appreciated. Thanks

As just about everyone else on this list said, this is
probably a homework assignment, so I won't give you
the answer. I'll only give you a hint. Try using list
comprehensions. These are fairly advanced, so I'll
walk you through how to use them.

>>> this_list = [5, 3, 6, 2, 5] #should be obvious
>>> [x for x in this_list] #goes through each item of
#this_list, calling it x, then returns x into a new
[5, 3, 6, 2, 5]
>>> [x**2 for x in this_list] #gets x squared for each
x in this_list
[25, 9, 36, 4, 25]
>>> [x for x in this_list if x!=5] #takes each x for
each x in this_list, but only if it doesn't equal 5
[3, 6, 2]
>>> [x for x in 'hello' if x!='l'] #strings can be
treated as lists, but it still returns a list
['h', 'e', 'o']
>>> enumerate(this_list) #makes an enumerator iterator
<enumerate object at 0x01651580>
>>> [(index, object) for index, object in
enumerate(this_list)] #each thing in enumerate(x) is a
tuple of the index and the thing in the list
[(0, 5), (1, 3), (2, 6), (3, 2), (4, 5)]
>>> [index for index, object in enumerate(this_list)
if object==5] #I don't want to give it away
[0, 4]

If you followed all of that, you can use similar
techniques to solve your problem.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From krazie_mu_boi at  Tue Dec  9 20:41:50 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Tue Dec  9 20:41:55 2003
Subject: [Tutor] the 'or' attribute
Message-ID: <>

Umm....okay , I get it. So, how can i have a variable that stores ' this number, or that number' ?

>From: <>
>To: Leung Cris <>
>CC: <>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] the 'or' attribute
>Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 16:58:36 -0800 (PST)
>hi Cris, the Python 'or' operator returns y if x is false,
>w = x or y
>print w
>will yield x if x is true.  For Python truth value testing check out:
>and for more on the 'or' operator:
>I hope that helps you.
>  On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, Leung Cris wrote:
> > How do i use 'or' ? for e.g , i tried
> >
> >  x = 1 or 2
> > print x
> >
> > it would always print 1, and never two. Why is that?
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
> > 使用 MSN Messenger,與朋友在線上聊天:
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >

使用 MSN Messenger,與朋友在線上聊天: 

From zak at  Tue Dec  9 20:58:12 2003
From: zak at (Zak Arntson)
Date: Tue Dec  9 20:58:19 2003
Subject: [Tutor] the 'or' attribute
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Umm....okay , I get it. So, how can i have a variable that stores ' this
> number, or that number' ?

You have to be more specific. That's like telling the person behind the
counter you want "vanilla or chocolate ice cream." That person won't be
able to hand you your ice cream until you've made a definite decision.

Python is standing behind the counter, and you've got to tell it which
number you want.

Variables can only store one value at a time.

>>> a = 1
>>> a
>>> a = 2
>>> a

Zak Arntson - Games - Lots of 'em

From tayi177 at  Tue Dec  9 21:27:35 2003
From: tayi177 at (Tadey)
Date: Tue Dec  9 21:27:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Fw: capturing crashing application (application running
	under windows environment) - now sending with right adress ...
Message-ID: <>

Hello again ...

I have two questions in general about Python ...

One is, I thought lots of times, about how great it would be, to have program, sort of "monitoring application", which would save crashing apllication data. I do not mean logging crashing process instructions before crash, like some memory dump, but capturing any event, and unsaved user data going on just before crash occur, only some last important sequenceses (in case of capturing whole program memory from time to time), and not like logging user input all the time. 
In this case (logging user input all the time) the program should be sort of logging all output and user input data from all programs during current session, so if crash would occur in any other program, for example all that was written in Wordpad before crash, would be recovered (and data from all other programs too). Or maybe even logging important changes made to program configuration (changes in registry) before crash.

Of course, I am no computer nor programming expert, so I can not even imagine what kind of programming language would be the most convenient, and what kind of instructions author should use, so how code would look like, and as the most important - if this is possible at all. But I just mention it as my personal craving ...

But, if Python is capable of doing something like that, please, tell me, it would become my personal goal, to write something even near that. And I would be glad for any assistance. Of course after some years or so, when I will know how to program well ...

Second is kind of releated to first, since all applications I would like to monitor are running under Windows. 

It is about Python code to be executed in Windows without Python installed. I read here on Tutor something about making some somefile.py2exe executable, but could you tell some more about this, how it looks, how Python code must be written (or just modified) to work under Windows environment. I suppose that kind of programming is much more complicated ...

Thanks for any answer, Tadey

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From littledanehren at  Tue Dec  9 21:36:11 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Tue Dec  9 21:36:16 2003
Subject: [Tutor] the 'or' attribute
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Leung Cris wrote:
> Umm....okay , I get it. So, how can i have a
> variable that stores ' this number, or that number'
> ?

That's not really how it works. Something like 'x or
y' will evaluate to one value, not two. Here's an
>>> 1 or 2
1 evaluated to True, so 'or' (you can kinda think of
it as a function) returned 2, the second thing. To
test if, for example, x is either 1 or two, you have
to counterintuitively do:
>>> x == 1 or x == 2
becaise otherwise, Python will just interpret x == 1
or 2 as x == 2. If you still want to make one variable
hold more than one thing, there's a way, but it uses
different syntax. Consider the example below:
>>> 1, 2 #makes a tuple, or an immutable list
(1, 2)
>>> x = 1, 2 #sets x to that tuple
>>> x
(1, 2)
>>> 1 == x #doesn't work because 1 is not the same as
the tuple (1, 2)
>>> 1 in x #tests to see if 1 is a member of the tuple
>>> 1 in 1, 2 #wrong syntax, must use parenthesis
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: iterable argument required
>>> 1 in (1, 2)
>>> 3 in x #tests if 3 is a member of x
>>> 3 in (1, 2)

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From littledanehren at  Tue Dec  9 21:36:56 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Tue Dec  9 21:37:02 2003
Subject: [Tutor] the 'or' attribute
Message-ID: <>

Leung Cris wrote:
> Umm....okay , I get it. So, how can i have a
> variable that stores ' this number, or that number'
> ?

That's not really how it works. Something like 'x or
y' will evaluate to one value, not two. Here's an
>>> 1 or 2
1 evaluated to True, so 'or' (you can kinda think of
it as a function) returned 2, the second thing. To
test if, for example, x is either 1 or two, you have
to counterintuitively do:
>>> x == 1 or x == 2
becaise otherwise, Python will just interpret x == 1
or 2 as x == 2. If you still want to make one variable
hold more than one thing, there's a way, but it uses
different syntax. Consider the example below:
>>> 1, 2 #makes a tuple, or an immutable list
(1, 2)
>>> x = 1, 2 #sets x to that tuple
>>> x
(1, 2)
>>> 1 == x #doesn't work because 1 is not the same as
the tuple (1, 2)
>>> 1 in x #tests to see if 1 is a member of the tuple
>>> 1 in 1, 2 #wrong syntax, must use parenthesis
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: iterable argument required
>>> 1 in (1, 2)
>>> 3 in x #tests if 3 is a member of x
>>> 3 in (1, 2)

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From littledanehren at  Tue Dec  9 22:22:09 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Tue Dec  9 22:22:14 2003
Subject: [Tutor] make code less ugly/more pythonic?
Message-ID: <>

ashleigh smythe wrote:
> Greetings!  I've written a little script to process
> a text file.  It
> does exactly what I want it to do but as I'm a
> newbie I'm sure it's very
> ugly and brute force - I wondered if anyone had a
> moment to please take
> a look and tell me how to improve it?  For instance
> I have a function
> that calls a function that calls a function!  Is
> that awkard and
> unpythonic?  Should the whole thing be in a class -
> how would I do that?
> The program simply parses a file that has 10,000
> iterations of the
> following:
> Strict consensus of 1 tree:
> Statistics derived from consensus tree:
>      Component information (consensus fork) = 185
> (normalized = 0.964)
>      Nelson-Platnick term information = 3855
>      Nelson-Platnick total information = 4040
>      Mickevich's consensus information = 0.183
>      Colless weighted consensus fork (proportion
> max. information) =
> 0.216
>      Schuh-Farris levels sum = 0 (normalized =
> 0.000)
>      Rohlf's CI(1) = 0.989
>      Rohlf's -ln CI(2) = 948.111 (CI(2) = 0.00)
> I want to extract that Component information
> (consensus fork) value (185
> in this instance) from each of the 10,000
> "paragraphs" of data in the
> file and get an average of that value.
> Below is the code I hacked together- please don't
> laugh!!!  :-)
> Thanks for any imput,
> Ashleigh
> import re
> import sys
> import string
> def make_int(mylist):                     #turns the
> list of consensus 
>     an_int_list=[int(n) for n in mylist]  #fork
> values from strings to
>     return an_int_list                    #integers
> so I can average
>                                           #them.
> def add_up(mylist):                       #calls
> function to turn
>     int_list=make_int(mylist)             #strings
> into          
>     asum=0                                #integers.
>     for x in int_list:                    #sums up
> all the values
>         asum +=x
>     return asum
> def average(mylist):                      #takes the
> sum of consensus
>     sum=add_up(mylist)                    #fork
> values and finds their  
>     length=len(mylist)                    #average.
>     average_confork=sum/length
>     return average_confork
> mainlist=[]                              
> #initialize the list of 
>                                           #consensus
> fork values.
> def search(file_to_search):               
>     infile=open(file_to_search, 'r')
>     for line in infile:
>         if'Component', line):  #searches
> the input file for
>             confork=line[45:49]           #line
> containing cons. fork,
>             mainlist.append(confork)      #removes
> the value and puts 
>     return mainlist                       #it into a
> list.
> def aveconfork(file_to_search):           #this
> executes the whole thing
>     thelist=search(file_to_search)        #so I
> start the program with 
>     finalaverage=average(mainlist)       
> #aveconfork.aveconfork
>     return finalaverage                  
> #('file_to_search')

Your program is good. It does what it is supposed to
do. I do have a few changes to it, though. Here's my
edited version:

def avg_str_list(L):
    newlist = [int(x) for x in L]
    return sum(newlist) #sum adds up everything in

def find_comp_if_there(string):
    if string.startswith('Component'):
        return string[45:49]

def go_through_file(filename):
    thisfile = file(filename) #mode 'r' implied
    mainlist = []
    for line in thisfile:
        cur_comp = find_comp_if_there(line)
        if cur_comp: mainlist.append(cur_comp)
    return mainlist

This uses the same underlying algorithm as your
program does.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From pan at  Wed Dec 10 00:48:48 2003
From: pan at (
Date: Wed Dec 10 00:48:53 2003
Subject: [Tutor] mxTextTools help: find the deepest in nest lists
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I am learning how to use mxTextTools. I need help with
the following ... 

I wanna match the deepest lists in a nested list tree.
For example:

The [2, 2a] and [3, 3b] in :

   [[[1,[2, 2a]],[[3,3b],4]],6]

The [a.1,b_2] and [d.3,e] in :


The [a1,a2], [d.1, d.2] and [o3,o4] in :

   [[[[[a1,a2],out],[d.1, d.2]],o2],[[o3,o4],o5]]

How can I setup a tagtable for matching them ??

What I got so far --- after painful trial and error --- is :

tagTable=((None, SubTable,
        (   (None, AllIn, '[', Fail),
            ('text',AllIn,allowed, Fail),
            (None,AllIn,']', MatchOk, +0)
        ), -1, +0

which is still very terrible:

-- It only matches one set of the deepest lists (for example, 
only match [a1,a2] in the case 3);

-- it also returns something I dont' want (for example,  'c,' in the case-2)

-- it can't match entries starting with a number (for example, 
   [2, 2a])


From krazie_mu_boi at  Wed Dec 10 01:28:30 2003
From: krazie_mu_boi at (Leung Cris)
Date: Wed Dec 10 01:28:34 2003
Subject: [Tutor] coordinates of a circle
Message-ID: <>

Can someone tell me how the circle() in LIVEWIRES is constructed? Becuz I would like to know the coordinates of the perimeter of the circle. Thx.

MSN 相簿提供您最簡單的方式分享並列印您的相片,請移至 : 

From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec 10 04:18:24 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec 10 04:17:49 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences
References: <><>
Message-ID: <01c901c3befe$8fee0fe0$6401a8c0@xp>

> On  9 Dec 2003, Gregor Lingl <- wrote:
> > What do you think about:
> >  >>> def alleq(seq):
> > ...     return seq == seq[:1]*len(seq)
> > ...

Gregor, I assume you had a reason to use seq[:1]
instead of seq[0]? But I can't think of any.

OK, I just did while typing this, seq[0] returns an 
element, seq[:1] returns a single element *list*.

I'll send the mail in case anyone else was confused,
(although probably not!)

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec 10 04:34:19 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec 10 04:33:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] the 'or' attribute
References: <>
Message-ID: <01da01c3bf00$c9639e00$6401a8c0@xp>

> How do i use 'or' ? for e.g , i tried
>  x = 1 or 2
> print x
> it would always print 1, and never two. Why is that?

'or' is a boolean test. It applies a boolean or to both arguments
and returns the boolean result. Boolean values can only be
True or False(which python often represents by non-zero or 0)

Thus "x = 1 or 2" says to python:

If 1 or 2 is true then store 1 in x, if neither 1 or 2 is true
store zero in x.
But since both 1 and 2 are greater than zero python will allways
see '1 or 2' as being true. Thus x always holds 1.

Taking it one step further, Python actually uses something called
short-circuit evaluation of logical (boolean) or. Thus in

A or B

because if any one value is true the whole expression is true
Python will first evaluate A and if true it returns A, only if A
false does it evaluate B and return B.

So in your case, if you had written

x = 2 or 1

You would find x always had value 2!

We can translate the way Python evaluates an or test into a
function like this:

def or_test(A,B):
    if A: return A
    else: return B

If you want to randomly assign either 1 or 2 to x (which seems to
what you expected 'or' to do) you would need to use a function
the random module, probably randint()

x = random.randint(1,2)


Alan G

From jboone01 at  Wed Dec 10 04:49:00 2003
From: jboone01 at (Jim Boone)
Date: Wed Dec 10 04:49:15 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Incrementing a line?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hejsan Magnus!

Thanks for that I'll look into it, I've got it working at the moment 
with Dons snippet of code, but I'll look into these other bits, it's 
literally been years since I've done any coding, and while I'm aware of 
what can be done, I can't recollect how to do things!  What you're 
saying makes sense, now I just have to 'own' it if you like.  Looks like 
a good list, probably would have helped to have joined earlier before 
writing the bulk of my little app!



Magnus Lycka wrote:

>Hi Jim!
>Jim Boone wrote:
>>Howdy all, i hope this is the right list for my query, pythons a bit new 
>>to me, and I'm trying dto something that I can't figure out:
>You have come to the right place!
>>for s in userlog.readlines():
>>            for word in s.split():
>>                if word == ("19(Constraint"):
>>                    constraintlog.write(s + "\n")
>>                    print "\n\n*****Constraint Violations exist!!*****\n\n"
>>        constraintlog.close()
>>Is a section of code i have, it reads a log file and cranks out a log 
>>file on a certain condition, I can get it to write out the same line 
>>which is in the original log file, which is useful, but, what would be 
>>much more useful is if i could write out the line thats 10 lines after 
>>the "19(Constraint", because it's more pertinent, but of course s+10 is 
>>stupidly wrong.
>In recent Python versions, there is a nice thingie called "enumerate()"
>which will turn something like ['a', 'b', 'c'] into [(0,'a'), (1,'b'), 
>(2,'c')] That's helpful here, right? In addition to this, you should 
>assign the result of userlog.readlines() (which is a list object) to a 
>variable name, so that you can access the element 10 steps further down, 
>just as easily as the current element, right?
>You just change your code to something like...
>lines = userlog.readlines()
>for i, s in lines:
>    ...
>        if ...
>            ...
>            print lines[i+10]
>Note that this might cause an IndexError if lines don't extend that
>far. (You can handle that with "if len(lines) > i+10:", or with

Jim Boone
Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
R&D Manager - Information and Communication Technologies
Tel: 01494 522141 ext 3569

The myth that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armor to lead all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly ignores the fact that it was he who, by peddling second-rate technology, led them into it in the first place, and continues to do so today.

~Douglas Adams~

From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec 10 04:55:59 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec 10 04:55:21 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Fw: capturing crashing application (application
	runningunder windows environment) - now sending with right adress ...
References: <>
Message-ID: <020201c3bf03$d06a9980$6401a8c0@xp>

> which would save crashing apllication data.

Thats really quite difficult since you dont know in advance when
a program will crash! So you don;t know when to start saving the
One technique oftenn used on industrial mainframe programs is to
save the data in a "circular list", that is a list that has a
fixed number
of items and when you reach the end starts from the top again,
overwriting what used to be there. Even that has problems since
you need to know which item was last written after the crash, so
a separate item containing the position also needs to be saved.

All this constant saving of data slows the system down so most
programs don't do that.

> It is about Python code to be executed in Windows without
> installed. I read here on Tutor something about making some
> somefile.py2exe executable, but could you tell some more about

The Python interpreter needs to be there (along with any modules
you use) to run your program. py2exe is a program that will take
your Python script and bundle it along with your modules and the
python interpreter into a single file and then make that file
like a normal Windows exectutable (an .exe file). So the end user
gets what looks like a noral program, but actually it just runs
and your script together. The problem with this approach is that
the exe file is quite big so if you give out lots of these your
winds up with multiple Pythons installed!

So if you give out lots of little programs its better to get the
user to
install Python (maybe as part of an installation script). This is
Java approach. On the other hand, if you only want to give out 1
program py2exe might be the best way. (this is the C++ approach)

Alan G.

From pieter.lust at  Wed Dec 10 05:23:21 2003
From: pieter.lust at (Pieter Lust)
Date: Wed Dec 10 05:22:43 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences: thanks
Message-ID: <00b801c3bf07$a7ba8140$ac01085a@pcpwo>

Thank you all who replied. I learned a lot.

Pieter Lust.

From fitz at  Wed Dec 10 06:48:19 2003
From: fitz at (Tom Fitz)
Date: Wed Dec 10 07:03:55 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Where is Jon Whitener
Message-ID: <>

If anyone has an e-mail address for Jon Whitener please pass this on to him.
I just worked through your New Zoo.  It is super and really makes things 
You have obviously organized all the bits and pieces perfectly for 
reuse.  Very logical.
Ironically it is the only chapter on TAL in the Book that actually 
functions and is not loaded with errors too.
You gave me a complete web site. 

Tom Snell
Magdeburg, Germany
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From cybersamurai at  Wed Dec 10 08:29:50 2003
From: cybersamurai at (Luiz Siqueira Neto)
Date: Wed Dec 10 07:31:52 2003
Subject: [Tutor] reference to main module
Message-ID: <>

How can I make a reference to main module to use getattr( main, 
'function') on the fly?

From desiderata at  Wed Dec 10 14:53:01 2003
From: desiderata at (
Date: Wed Dec 10 07:50:08 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Using Linux commands
Message-ID: <20031210195301.GA3587@Valhalla>


Is there a module that I could import so that I could use linux commands? 

the os modules seems limited because I wanted to use some commands for
my script.. 

Elijah A.

From vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM  Wed Dec 10 09:26:06 2003
From: vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM (Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis})
Date: Wed Dec 10 09:26:28 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Explanation of how to set DTR and RTS with pySerial
Message-ID: <>

I need to be able to change the DTR and RTS settings for a serial port
between TRUE and FALSE. I see this on the pySerial site:

setRTS(level=1) #set RTS line to specified logic level
setDTR(level=1) #set DTR line to specified logic level

but I can't find any other reference to setting these values. Can I
assume that level 1 is TRUE and level 0 is false? Is there some
reference that I am missing?

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From pan at  Wed Dec 10 09:33:59 2003
From: pan at (
Date: Wed Dec 10 09:34:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Class inheritance: is the kid calling? or the mom ??
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I have a class which needs calling itself in a function:

class Mom(object):                   
   def __init__(self):
   def oldfunc(self):                 # line [1]
       self.someAttr = Mom()

Now, I make a new class out of it, added some new functions:

class Kid(Mom):
    def __init__(self):
    def newfunc(self):


mom = Mom()
mom.oldfunc()      # this will asign a new Mom() to mom.someAttr
mom.someAttr.oldfunc()    # ok


kid = Kid()
kid.newfunc()    # ok
kid.oldfunc()    # this will asign Mom() to kid.someAttr
kid.someAttr.oldfunc()   # ok

kid.someAttr.newfunc()   # not ok ... because kid.someAttr is a Mom,
                         # which doesn't have newfunc().

To make this works, the oldfunc() is recoded as:

class Mom(object):                   
   def __init__(self):
   def oldfunc(self):                 # line [1]
       self.someAttr = self.copy()    # line [2] (copy() is pre-defined)

But this slows down the operation by ~ 10 fold.

Is there anyway that a class method can know who is calling it ---
the kid or the mom ? If yes, then we can do :

class Mom(object):                   
   def __init__(self):
   def oldfunc(self):               # line [1]
      if called_by_Mom:
          self.someAttr = Mom ()    # line [3] 
          self.someAttr = Kid()     # line [4]

or even better, in generalized manner:

class Mom(object):                   
   def __init__(self):
   def oldfunc(self):                        # line [1]
       self.someAttr = any_class_that_is_calling_me()    # line [5] 

Is this possible ????



From Christian.Wyglendowski at  Wed Dec 10 10:04:09 2003
From: Christian.Wyglendowski at (Christian Wyglendowski)
Date: Wed Dec 10 10:04:15 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Fw: capturing crashing application (application running
	under windows environment) - now sending with right adress ...
Message-ID: <>

For any sort of Windows programming, you will definitely want to pick up
the win32all package written by Mark Hammond.

The win32all package gives you access to the win32 api and COM via
Python, amongst other useful things.  I have just started looking into
WMI scripting with Python which gives you the ability to manage many
aspects of a Windows 2000/XP based system, including starting and
stopping processes, managing disks, etc.  Here is a good link for Python
specific WMI stuff.

The scope of your program is beyond what I can offer specific advice
about though!  You might try looking at the Python-Win32 archives or
subscribing to that list for Windows specific help when it comes to


From pythontutor at  Wed Dec 10 10:08:20 2003
From: pythontutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Wed Dec 10 10:08:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Class inheritance: is the kid calling? or the mom ??
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

self.__class__ will return a reference to its class,
Kid or Mom in this case.

So you could consider writing:
	self.someAttr = self.__class__()

self.__class__.__name__ references the name of the class,
"Mom" or "Kid".

The documentation index should help in finding all of the
"magic" class attributes.  They are marked with the double
underscores. wrote:

> I have a class which needs calling itself in a function:
> class Mom(object):                   
>    def __init__(self):
>        ...
>    def oldfunc(self):                 # line [1]
>        ...
>        self.someAttr = Mom()
> Now, I make a new class out of it, added some new functions:
> class Kid(Mom):
>     def __init__(self):
>         Mom.__init__(self)
>         ...
>     def newfunc(self):
>         ...
> Then:
> mom = Mom()
> mom.oldfunc()      # this will asign a new Mom() to mom.someAttr
> mom.someAttr.oldfunc()    # ok
> Now:
> kid = Kid()
> kid.newfunc()    # ok
> kid.oldfunc()    # this will asign Mom() to kid.someAttr
> kid.someAttr.oldfunc()   # ok
> kid.someAttr.newfunc()   # not ok ... because kid.someAttr is a Mom,
>                          # which doesn't have newfunc().
> To make this works, the oldfunc() is recoded as:
> class Mom(object):                   
>    def __init__(self):
>        ...
>    def oldfunc(self):                 # line [1]
>        ...
>        self.someAttr = self.copy()    # line [2] (copy() is pre-defined)
> But this slows down the operation by ~ 10 fold.
> Is there anyway that a class method can know who is calling it ---
> the kid or the mom ? If yes, then we can do :
> class Mom(object):                   
>    def __init__(self):
>        ...
>    def oldfunc(self):               # line [1]
>        ...
>       if called_by_Mom:
>           self.someAttr = Mom ()    # line [3] 
>       else:  
>           self.someAttr = Kid()     # line [4]
> or even better, in generalized manner:
> class Mom(object):                   
>    def __init__(self):
>        ...
>    def oldfunc(self):                        # line [1]
>        ...
>        self.someAttr = any_class_that_is_calling_me()    # line [5] 
> Is this possible ????
> thx.
> pan
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From tpc at  Wed Dec 10 10:26:49 2003
From: tpc at (
Date: Wed Dec 10 10:26:57 2003
Subject: [Tutor] the 'or' attribute
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

hi Daniel, I was looking at your reply to Cris, and I couldn't figure out
how you got 'or' to return '2' when you typed in '1 or 2'.  The only way
to do that as far as I can see is to type '2 or 1':

>>> 1 or 2
>>> 1 or 2
>>> 2 or 1

On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, Daniel Ehrenberg wrote:

> Leung Cris wrote:
> > Umm....okay , I get it. So, how can i have a
> > variable that stores ' this number, or that number'
> > ?
> That's not really how it works. Something like 'x or
> y' will evaluate to one value, not two. Here's an
> example:
> >>> 1 or 2
> 2
> 1 evaluated to True, so 'or' (you can kinda think of
> it as a function) returned 2, the second thing. To
> test if, for example, x is either 1 or two, you have
> to counterintuitively do:
> >>> x == 1 or x == 2
> becaise otherwise, Python will just interpret x == 1
> or 2 as x == 2. If you still want to make one variable
> hold more than one thing, there's a way, but it uses
> different syntax. Consider the example below:
> >>> 1, 2 #makes a tuple, or an immutable list
> (1, 2)
> >>> x = 1, 2 #sets x to that tuple
> >>> x
> (1, 2)
> >>> 1 == x #doesn't work because 1 is not the same as
> the tuple (1, 2)
> False
> >>> 1 in x #tests to see if 1 is a member of the tuple
> x
> True
> >>> 1 in 1, 2 #wrong syntax, must use parenthesis
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<input>", line 1, in ?
> TypeError: iterable argument required
> >>> 1 in (1, 2)
> True
> >>> 3 in x #tests if 3 is a member of x
> False
> >>> 3 in (1, 2)
> False
> Daniel Ehrenberg
> __________________________________
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> New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From hec.villafuerte at  Wed Dec 10 12:34:26 2003
From: hec.villafuerte at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22H=E9ctor_Villafuerte_D=2E=22?=)
Date: Wed Dec 10 10:33:28 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Installing RPy in Windows
Message-ID: <>

Hi all!
I'm trying to install RPy in WinXP. This are my programs' versions:
R 1.8.0
Python 2.3

After tweaking a bit RPy's (just added RHOME = "c:/Program 
I got this strange error message (what does Visual Studio has to do with 

E:\to_do\rpy-0.3.1>python install
running install
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build\lib.win32-2.3
copying -> build\lib.win32-2.3
copying -> build\lib.win32-2.3
copying -> build\lib.win32-2.3
running build_ext
error: Python was built with version 6 of Visual Studio, and extensions 
need to be built
with the same version of the compiler, but it isn't installed.

Thanks for your help!

From david at  Wed Dec 10 11:12:14 2003
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Wed Dec 10 11:15:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Using Linux commands
In-Reply-To: <20031210195301.GA3587@Valhalla>
References: <20031210195301.GA3587@Valhalla>
Message-ID: <>

* <> [2003-12-11 03:53]:
> Hi,
> Is there a module that I could import so that I could use linux commands? 

   will let you run any command available on the system
   will let you collect stdout from a system command that you run

> the os modules seems limited because I wanted to use some commands for
> my script.. 

Limited in what way? What type of commands are you trying to use and
what are you using them for?

David Rock
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From BranimirP at  Wed Dec 10 11:27:03 2003
From: BranimirP at (Branimir Petrovic)
Date: Wed Dec 10 11:27:09 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Is there any standard module for "pretty printing" to
Message-ID: <33678E78A2DD4D418396703A750048D45E698B@RIKER>

I have a need for tabular and rather fancy printing to stdout. What
I dream of - would give me control over setting rules on column width, 
cell padding and/or truncation, justification, etc. Intention is to 
allow running script connect its hooks into 'tabular thingy 4 fancy 
printing', run it and let the 'thingy' take care of appying printing 
rules to the output stream as it happens (as the stream is being 

Rather than re-inventing the wheel, is there something in Python's 
standard library that is close enough for the task? If not - then
which Python's standard modules would be good candidates (need to 
know of/good to consider) for parts an/or building blocks before 
I jump blindly into DIY mode?


From desiderata at  Wed Dec 10 18:30:57 2003
From: desiderata at (
Date: Wed Dec 10 11:28:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Using Linux commands
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20031210195301.GA3587@Valhalla>
Message-ID: <20031210233057.GA3626@Valhalla>

Thanks for the reply,

Hmm.. from that link you gave me I found something useful os.system()
, Sorry I couldn't get the open2/popopen/execlp to work right. 

>>> os.system('slapadd -l ldif-file.txt')

It works! Thanks a lot!


On 07:51 Wed 10 Dec?, David Dorgan wrote:
> Sure, check out os.popen, or os.open2[0], which means you can use input and
> output with commands, rather than just execute the command
> blindly and let it go to the terminal.
> David.
> [0]:

From hec.villafuerte at  Wed Dec 10 14:08:04 2003
From: hec.villafuerte at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22H=E9ctor_Villafuerte_D=2E=22?=)
Date: Wed Dec 10 12:06:48 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Installing RPy in Windows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

H?ctor Villafuerte D. wrote:

> Hi all!
> I'm trying to install RPy in WinXP. This are my programs' versions:
> RPy-0.3.1
> R 1.8.0
> Python 2.3
> After tweaking a bit RPy's (just added RHOME = "c:/Program 
> Files/R/rw1080")
> I got this strange error message (what does Visual Studio has to do 
> with it?!)
> E:\to_do\rpy-0.3.1>python install
> running install
> running build
> running build_py
> creating build
> creating build\lib.win32-2.3
> copying -> build\lib.win32-2.3
> copying -> build\lib.win32-2.3
> copying -> build\lib.win32-2.3
> running build_ext
> error: Python was built with version 6 of Visual Studio, and 
> extensions need to be built
> with the same version of the compiler, but it isn't installed.
> Thanks for your help!

Just reporting my progress (after googling for a while):

E:\to_do\rpy-0.3.1>python build --compiler=mingw32-gcc 
running build
running build_py
running build_ext
error: don't know how to compile C/C++ code on platform 'nt' with 
'mingw32-gcc' compiler

Any suggestions? Thanks again.

From Christian.Wyglendowski at  Wed Dec 10 12:31:10 2003
From: Christian.Wyglendowski at (Christian Wyglendowski)
Date: Wed Dec 10 12:31:15 2003
Subject: [Tutor] the 'or' attribute
Message-ID: <>

I think this would suit your purposes:

>>>import random
Help on method choice in module random:

choice(self, seq) method of random.Random instance
    Choose a random element from a non-empty sequence.
>>>options = (1,2)
>>>x = random.choice(options)

x will contain 1 or 2.


Original Message:
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2003 17:41:50 -0800
From: "Leung Cris" <>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] the 'or' attribute
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=big5; format=flowed
Umm....okay , I get it. So, how can i have a variable that stores ' this
number, or that number' ?

From sigurd at  Wed Dec 10 13:47:18 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Wed Dec 10 13:51:22 2003
Subject: [Tutor] make code less ugly/more pythonic?
In-Reply-To: <> (ashleigh
	smythe's message of "09 Dec 2003 16:03:13 -0800")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 10 Dec 2003, ashleigh smythe <- wrote:

> Greetings!  I've written a little script to process a text file.  It

Daniel wrote something about your script; there's nothing more to say so
let me just show you an alternative way.

> The program simply parses a file that has 10,000 iterations of the
> following:

> Strict consensus of 1 tree:

> Statistics derived from consensus tree:

>      Component information (consensus fork) = 185 (normalized = 0.964)
>      Nelson-Platnick term information = 3855
>      Nelson-Platnick total information = 4040
>      Mickevich's consensus information = 0.183
>      Colless weighted consensus fork (proportion max. information) =
> 0.216
>      Schuh-Farris levels sum = 0 (normalized = 0.000)
>      Rohlf's CI(1) = 0.989
>      Rohlf's -ln CI(2) = 948.111 (CI(2) = 0.00)

> I want to extract that Component information (consensus fork) value (185
> in this instance) from each of the 10,000 "paragraphs" of data in the
> file and get an average of that value.


To extract the information I would like you use a regexp.  Then if a
match is found the number should be returned and it is added to an
accumulator (you added it to a list; I see no need to do that, as you
don't need the numbers if you only want to compute the average
(arithmetic mean)).  You just have to know how much numbers have been

I'll show you two solutions.  They are similar but the second one is
nicer IMO.

import sre

reg = sre.compile(r'Component information \(consensus fork\) = (\d+)')
fil = file_to_search

def extract_number(fil, reg):
    acc = 0
    freq = 0
    f = open(fil)
    r = sre.compile(reg)
    for line in f:
        m =
        if m:
            acc += int(
            freq += 1
    return (acc, freq)

summ = extract_number(fil, reg)

print 'Average is %s' % (float(summ[0])/summ[1])

Now the second one; it uses a feature called generator.  I'm not sure if
you already know about them; you use them always if you iterate over a
file.  Here it's used to obtain the numbers from the file.

import sre

reg = sre.compile(r'Component information \(consensus fork\) = (\d+)')
fil = file_to_search

def extract_number(fil, reg):
    f = open(fil)
    r = sre.compile(reg)
    acc = 0
    for line in f:
        m =
        if m:
            acc += int( 
            yield acc

summ = freq = 0

for frq, num in enumerate(extract_number(fil, re)):
    summ = num
    freq = frq

print 'Average is %s' % (float(summ)/(freq+1))

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From magnus at  Wed Dec 10 13:59:49 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec 10 13:59:56 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gQ291bnRpbmcgbWF0Y2hpbmcgZWxlbWVudHMgaW4gc2VxdWVuY2Vz?=
Message-ID: <>

I wrote:
> >def alleq(seq):
> >    for item in seq[1:]:
> >        if item != seq[0]:
> >            return False
> >    return True

Gregor wrote: 
> What do you think about:
>  >>> def alleq(seq):
> ...     return seq == seq[:1]*len(seq)

I think that if I had come up with either one
I would leave the subject and consider the problem
to be solved unless there was a performance problem.

If there was a performance problem, I'd use the
profiler or the new timeit module to measure which
is faster. With very big sequences, there might be
a memory issue as well, since "seq[:1]*len(seq)"
makes an extra list, but that would probably lead
to a performance problem if it caused swapping etc,
so the profiler would probably give the same answer
as a memory measurement.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Wed Dec 10 14:00:20 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec 10 14:00:27 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gQ291bnRpbmcgbWF0Y2hpbmcgZWxlbWVudHMgaW4gc2VxdWVuY2Vz?=
Message-ID: <>

> > def alleq(seq):
> >     for item in seq[1:]:
> >         if item != seq[0]:
> >             return False
> >     return True
> I came up with nearly the same one.
> def alleq(seq):
>     k = seq[0]
>     for i in seq:
>         if i != k:
>             return 0
>     return 1

The reason I didn't write it like that was to
avoid the IndexError you get in "k = seq[0]"
if seq is empty. 

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From dyoo at  Wed Dec 10 14:03:55 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 10 14:04:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] the 'or' attribute
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, Leung Cris wrote:

> Umm....okay , I get it. So, how can i have a variable that stores ' this
> number, or that number' ?

It depends.

We can store multiple values by collecting them in a "container".  One
example of a container is a "List":

>>> x = ['apple', 'orange']
>>> x
['apple', 'orange']

With a list, we can keep both choices grouped together, and extract each
one by just pointing to it with an "index":

>>> x[0]
>>> x[1]

So this would be one way of storing several values in a group.

The usage of "or" in Python is not the one you're familiar with in
English. In Python, 'or' is not really meant to present value
alternatives.  Instead, 'or' is most used for "logical" (true/false)
comparisons, within an 'if' or 'while' conditional statement.

if sun_is_shining or rain_is_falling:

To see if a value is in one of several alternatives, you might be tempted
to say something like this:

if fruit == 'apple' or 'orange' or 'pineapple':

But don't do this!  *grin* It's not doing what you think it's doing.

One way to express this idea, to check if fruit is either an apple, an
orange, or a pineapple, in Python is:

if fruit in ['apple', 'orange', 'pineapple']:

Another way to say this does involve 'or', but it looks more verbose than
you'd expect:

if fruit == 'apple' or fruit == 'orange' or fruit == 'pineapple':

'or' is tricky because we use 'or' in two different senses in English.
Python uses 'or' in one particular way --- in the boolean 'true/false'

I hope this clears up some confusion!

From kalle at  Wed Dec 10 14:13:59 2003
From: kalle at (Kalle Svensson)
Date: Wed Dec 10 14:14:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Magnus Lycka]
> > >def alleq(seq):
> > >    for item in seq[1:]:
> > >        if item != seq[0]:
> > >            return False
> > >    return True
> Gregor wrote: 
> >  >>> def alleq(seq):
> >  ...     return seq == seq[:1]*len(seq)
> With very big sequences, there might be
> a memory issue as well, since "seq[:1]*len(seq)"
> makes an extra list[.]

But so does "for item in seq[1:]:".  I think that the cost of the
extra comparison caused by removing the slice would often be smaller
than the cost of copying the list.  Haven't done any profiling,

Kalle Svensson,
Student, root and saint in the Church of Emacs.

From magnus at  Wed Dec 10 14:22:18 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec 10 14:22:23 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gQ291bnRpbmcgbWF0Y2hpbmcgZWxlbWVudHMgaW4gc2VxdWVuY2Vz?=
Message-ID: <>

Kalle Svensson wrote:
> [Magnus Lycka]
> > > >def alleq(seq):
> > > >    for item in seq[1:]:
> > > >        if item != seq[0]:
> > > >            return False
> > > >    return True
> > 
> > Gregor wrote: 
> > >  >>> def alleq(seq):
> > >  ...     return seq == seq[:1]*len(seq)
> [...]
> > With very big sequences, there might be
> > a memory issue as well, since "seq[:1]*len(seq)"
> > makes an extra list[.]
> But so does "for item in seq[1:]:".  I think that the cost of the
> extra comparison caused by removing the slice would often be smaller
> than the cost of copying the list.  Haven't done any profiling,
> though.

Oops! So change it to "for item in seq:". It will mean
that we compare seq[0] with seq[0], which is pointless,
but I guess it will save both memory and time in almost
all cases anyway.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From dyoo at  Wed Dec 10 14:28:55 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 10 14:29:16 2003
Subject: [Tutor] mxTextTools help: find the deepest in nest lists
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 9 Dec 2003 wrote:

> I am learning how to use mxTextTools. I need help with
> the following ...
> I wanna match the deepest lists in a nested list tree.
> For example:
> The [2, 2a] and [3, 3b] in :
>    [[[1,[2, 2a]],[[3,3b],4]],6]
> The [a.1,b_2] and [d.3,e] in :
>    [[a.1,b_2],[[c,[d.3,e]],f]]
> The [a1,a2], [d.1, d.2] and [o3,o4] in :
>    [[[[[a1,a2],out],[d.1, d.2]],o2],[[o3,o4],o5]]
> How can I setup a tagtable for matching them ??

Hi Pan,

I'm not familiar enough with mxTextTools's tag table stuff.  Just to make
sure though: are you sure that a text-handling approach is best for this
problem?  Is your input a originally a data structure, or a string?

One way to approach this with regular expressions might be something like

>>> import re
>>> def find_innermost_nodes(tree_string):
...     regex = re.compile(r"""\[        ## literal open brace
...                            [^\[]+    ## one or more non-brace
...                                      ## characters
...                            \]        ## literal close brace
...                       """, re.VERBOSE)
...     return regex.findall(tree_string)
>>> find_innermost_nodes("[[[1,[2, 2a]],[[3,3b],4]],6]")
['[2, 2a]]', '[3,3b],4]],6]']

Ooops!  Forgot to make the search nongreedy:

>>> def find_innermost_nodes(tree_string):
...     regex = re.compile(r"""\[        ## literal open brace
...                            [^\[]+?   ## one or more non-brace
...                                      ## characters, nongreedily
...                            \]        ## literal close brace
...                       """, re.VERBOSE)
...     return regex.findall(tree_string)
>>> find_innermost_nodes("[[[1,[2, 2a]],[[3,3b],4]],6]")
['[2, 2a]', '[3,3b]']

That's better.  *grin* Aren't the tag tables similar to regular

That being said, I think this approach is approaching the problem in a way
that doesn't generalize well.  If we had some tree structure, I'd approach
this with something like:

def is_innermost_node(node):
    if is_leaf(node): return false
    return is_leaf(left(node)) and is_leaf(right(node))

def find_innermost_nodes(node):
    if is_leaf(node):
        return []
    if is_innermost_node(node):
        return [node]
    return (find_innermost_nodes(left(node)) +

assuming that we have some functions for seeing if a node is a leaf
(is_leaf()), and well as ways of getting the left() and right() children
of a tree node.

Good luck to you!

From gerrit at  Wed Dec 10 14:37:44 2003
From: gerrit at (Gerrit Holl)
Date: Wed Dec 10 14:38:39 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Is there any standard module for "pretty printing" to
In-Reply-To: <33678E78A2DD4D418396703A750048D45E698B@RIKER>
References: <33678E78A2DD4D418396703A750048D45E698B@RIKER>
Message-ID: <>

Branimir Petrovic wrote:
> Subject: [Tutor] Is there any standard module for "pretty printing" to stdout?

There is indeed - it is called: pprint, after prettyprint. It does
exactly what you want:

20:37:11:232:5  >>> pprint.pprint(dict(locals()))
 'Prompt': <class '__main__.Prompt'>,
 '__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>,
 '__doc__': None,
 '__file__': '/home/gerrit/.pythonrc',
 '__name__': '__main__',
 'datetime': <module 'datetime' from
 'division': _Feature((2, 2, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0),
 'pprint': <module 'pprint' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.3/pprint.pyc'>,
 'readline': <module 'readline' from
 'rlcompleter': <module 'rlcompleter' from
 'sys': <module 'sys' (built-in)>}

It is documented at:


249. If any one hire an ox, and God strike it that it die, the man who
hired it shall swear by God and be considered guiltless.
          -- 1780 BC, Hammurabi, Code of Law
Asperger's Syndrome - a personal approach:

From sigurd at  Wed Dec 10 15:10:34 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Wed Dec 10 15:11:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences
In-Reply-To: <> (Magnus Lycka's
	message of "Wed, 10 Dec 2003 20:00:20 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 10 Dec 2003, Magnus Lycka <- wrote:

>> > def alleq(seq):
>> >     for item in seq[1:]:
>> >         if item != seq[0]:
>> >             return False
>> >     return True

>> I came up with nearly the same one.

>> def alleq(seq):
>>     k = seq[0]
>>     for i in seq:
>>         if i != k:
>>             return 0
>>     return 1

> The reason I didn't write it like that was to
> avoid the IndexError you get in "k = seq[0]"
> if seq is empty. 

Right.  And I wanted to avoid the lookup in the sequence every cycle in
the loop.  But if we enclose it i a `If seq: ...' then everything is

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From glingl at  Wed Dec 10 15:18:58 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Wed Dec 10 15:18:02 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Counting matching elements in sequences
In-Reply-To: <01c901c3befe$8fee0fe0$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <><>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld schrieb:

>>On  9 Dec 2003, Gregor Lingl <- wrote:
>>>What do you think about:
>>> >>> def alleq(seq):
>>>...     return seq == seq[:1]*len(seq)
>Gregor, I assume you had a reason to use seq[:1]
>instead of seq[0]? But I can't think of any.
Hi Alan,
I could have used [seq[0]] instead of seq[:1], but the latter works also
if seq is empty, in which case the first would cause an error. Magnus argued
about empty lists having "all equal" elements.

From pan at  Wed Dec 10 16:41:27 2003
From: pan at (
Date: Wed Dec 10 16:41:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] mxTextTools help: find the deepest in nest lists
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Danny,

I did try the re approach earlier, but I got an "maximum recursion" 
error when the list gets complicated. I guess it is not good for 
large nested list. 

So I turned to mxTextTools, which I failed to finish learning it 
MANY MANY times before. But this time I decided to twist my brain 
a lot further to see if I can finally learn how it works. 

I am so interested because first of all it was said to be very fast,
which might be critical if I wanna make some programs to work in 
gene/genome analysis; and secondly, it uses the state machine concept, 
which is quite alian for a people like me with major in biology. I can 
sense it is powerful in the future application on our field, but i need 
to learn before I can decide how right (or wrong) I am.

The tagtable concept is quite different from re. Basically it is a
collection of 'states'. When parsing, the core engine reads through
the target text, check if the read text match a state. Defined in 
each state is a decision tree, which directs which state will become 
the next state when matched and which when failed. 

The mxTextTools itself is quite a briliant work, but the 
documentation --- IMHO ---- doesn't mean to let someone who doesn't 
already know about the concept understand. So it is almost impossible
to learn, especially for a beginner like me. 

And, so far, I can't find any tutorial detailed enough. Provided in
the chapter 4 of David Mertz's 'Text processing in Python' is a much
better documentation but a brief glance seems to get me an impression that 
the example given is too complicated for a beginner. But, this might change
after I have time to go over the entire mxTextTools part back and forth 
several times.

Anyway, thx for the help. If in the end I finally "twist my head" 
successfully and learn how it works, I might write a tutorial on


Quoting Danny Yoo <>:

> On Tue, 9 Dec 2003 wrote:
> > I am learning how to use mxTextTools. I need help with
> > the following ...
> >
> > I wanna match the deepest lists in a nested list tree.
> > For example:
> >
> > The [2, 2a] and [3, 3b] in :
> >
> >    [[[1,[2, 2a]],[[3,3b],4]],6]
> >
> > The [a.1,b_2] and [d.3,e] in :
> >
> >    [[a.1,b_2],[[c,[d.3,e]],f]]
> >
> > The [a1,a2], [d.1, d.2] and [o3,o4] in :
> >
> >    [[[[[a1,a2],out],[d.1, d.2]],o2],[[o3,o4],o5]]
> >
> > How can I setup a tagtable for matching them ??
> Hi Pan,
> I'm not familiar enough with mxTextTools's tag table stuff.  Just to make
> sure though: are you sure that a text-handling approach is best for this
> problem?  Is your input a originally a data structure, or a string?
> One way to approach this with regular expressions might be something like
> this:
> ###
> >>> import re
> >>> def find_innermost_nodes(tree_string):
> ...     regex = re.compile(r"""\[        ## literal open brace
> ...                            [^\[]+    ## one or more non-brace
> ...                                      ## characters
> ...                            \]        ## literal close brace
> ...                       """, re.VERBOSE)
> ...     return regex.findall(tree_string)
> ...
> >>> find_innermost_nodes("[[[1,[2, 2a]],[[3,3b],4]],6]")
> ['[2, 2a]]', '[3,3b],4]],6]']
> ###
> Ooops!  Forgot to make the search nongreedy:
> ###
> >>> def find_innermost_nodes(tree_string):
> ...     regex = re.compile(r"""\[        ## literal open brace
> ...                            [^\[]+?   ## one or more non-brace
> ...                                      ## characters, nongreedily
> ...                            \]        ## literal close brace
> ...                       """, re.VERBOSE)
> ...     return regex.findall(tree_string)
> ...
> >>> find_innermost_nodes("[[[1,[2, 2a]],[[3,3b],4]],6]")
> ['[2, 2a]', '[3,3b]']
> ###
> That's better.  *grin* Aren't the tag tables similar to regular
> expressions?
> That being said, I think this approach is approaching the problem in a way
> that doesn't generalize well.  If we had some tree structure, I'd approach
> this with something like:
> ###
> def is_innermost_node(node):
>     if is_leaf(node): return false
>     return is_leaf(left(node)) and is_leaf(right(node))
> def find_innermost_nodes(node):
>     if is_leaf(node):
>         return []
>     if is_innermost_node(node):
>         return [node]
>     return (find_innermost_nodes(left(node)) +
>             find_innermost_nodes(right(node)))
> ###
> assuming that we have some functions for seeing if a node is a leaf
> (is_leaf()), and well as ways of getting the left() and right() children
> of a tree node.
> Good luck to you!

From dyoo at  Wed Dec 10 17:41:40 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 10 17:41:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] mxTextTools help: find the deepest in nest lists
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 wrote:

> I did try the re approach earlier, but I got an "maximum recursion"
> error when the list gets complicated. I guess it is not good for large
> nested list.

Hi Pan,

Ah!  That problem is due to the nongreediness (?) in the regex.  But
Python 2.3's regex engine is supposed to have added a few special cases
for nongreedy matches to avoid the recursion problem.  Do you still get
the maximum recursion error with 2.3?

Anyway, it turns out that we can rewrite the regex to make it work without
the nongreediness; it should perform a lot better for you.  Try:

def find_innermost_nodes(tree_string):
    regex = re.compile(r"""\[          ## literal open brace
                           [^\[\]]+    ## one or more non-brace
                                       ## characters
                           \]          ## literal close brace
                      """, re.VERBOSE)
    return regex.findall(tree_string)

It works correctly for those cases that you've given us:

>>> find_innermost_nodes("[[[1,[2, 2a]],[[3,3b],4]],6]")
['[2, 2a]', '[3,3b]']
>>> find_innermost_nodes("[[a.1,b_2],[[c,[d.3,e]],f]]")
['[a.1,b_2]', '[d.3,e]']
>>> find_innermost_nodes("[[[[[a1,a2],out],[d.1, d.2]],o2],[[o3,o4],o5]]")
['[a1,a2]', '[d.1, d.2]', '[o3,o4]']

and avoids the problems with recursion --- it should work a lot better on
complex binary trees strings.

What's the data format here that you're working with?  The example that
you've given us looks similar to the "newick" tree format,

which is used in applications like phylogenetic trees.  The traditional
approach for processing these structures is to use a module to do the
parsing for us, maybe something like:

Most people do not use regular expressions to directly process structured
data, but use an auxillary parser to let them take advantage of the data

Just as we try to discourage folks from doing HTML parsing with regular
expressions alone, we're trying to discourage you from doing tree
processing with regular expressions alone.  *grin* Tell us more about the
format, and we can look for a parser for it.

> The tagtable concept is quite different from re. Basically it is a
> collection of 'states'.

Regular expressions are, in fact, state machines.  There's a direct
equivalence between the two.  If you want to learn more, there's a very
nice introduction in the book "Introduction to the Theory of Computation":

As a concrete example, the regular expression:


can be represented as a finite state machine with three states and three

                    / | a
                    V /
    +-----+   a    +--+    b    +------+
    |START|------->|  |-------->|FINISH|
    +-----+        +--+         +------+

The second arrow loops the second state to itself, and is responsible for
the repetition of the '*' regex.

> When parsing, the core engine reads through the target text, check if
> the read text match a state. Defined in each state is a decision tree,
> which directs which state will become the next state when matched and
> which when failed.

Hmmm... Ok, I will definitely have to read:

closely; I'll take a look later tonight and see why your tag table isn't
working the way you expect.

I'm sure mxTextTools can handle this problem, but it does seem like a very
low level approach.  mxTextTools allows us to manually construct the state
machine table, but 're' does this for us on a larger scale, handling the
states and table details for us.

Talk to you later!

From magnus at  Wed Dec 10 17:41:40 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec 10 17:41:52 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gRnc6IGNhcHR1cmluZyBjcmFzaGluZyBhcHBsaWNhdGlvbiAoYXBwbGljYXRpb24gcnVubmluZyB1bmRlciB3aW5kb3dzIGVudmlyb25tZW50KSAtIG5vdyBzZW5kaW5nIHdpdGggcmlnaHQgYWRyZXNzIC4uLg==?=
Message-ID: <>

> One is, I thought lots of times, about how great it would be, to have program, sort of "monitoring application", which would save crashing apllication data. I do not mean logging crashing process instructions before crash, like some memory dump, but capturing any event, and unsaved user data going on just before crash occur, only some last important sequenceses (in case of capturing whole program memory from time to time), and not like logging user input all the time. 
> Second is kind of releated to first, since all applications I would like to monitor are running under Windows. 

We could have guessed, and this is where the problem lies.
The only reasonable solution to those crash problems is to
give up on Microsoft and get a real operating system, and
real software tools. The simple Unix editor vi has been
excellent at crash recovery for decades. And the need for
this isn't that the OS is unstable, or that processes kill
each other, but because people were editing over unreliable
connections to the computer. The price for using Windows is
high, and Python can only compensate that to a limited degree.

> It is about Python code to be executed in Windows without Python installed. I read here on Tutor something about making some somefile.py2exe executable, but could you tell some more about this, how it looks, how Python code must be written (or just modified) to work under Windows environment. I suppose that kind of programming is much more complicated ...

Here I can provide a simpler solution!

You can make an executable file that bundles python.exe
with your .py-files, and the ones you need to import.

There are several such tools, such as py2exe and the McMillan
installer. Recently I've come to favour cx_Freeze. It works
when the others fail with MemoryError. You can find it with

You don't write your Python code any differently--although
there are some library modules that will have problems
cooperating with these freezers.

If I have written a program that I would normally start
by running, I will run:

FreezePython.exe --base-binary ConsoleBase.exe --install-dir .

and I'll end up with my_prog.exe and a few .dll and
pyd-files that I need, in the current directory.
ConsoleBase.exe (part of cx_Freeze) and
must be in the same directory, and FreezePython.exe
needs to be in my path (unless I specify it on the
command line). Not very hard, is it?

Anyone who has the new "my_prog.exe" and the .dll- and
pyd-files in a directory, can start the Python program
by double-clicking on my_prog.exe. They don't need to
install Python.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Wed Dec 10 17:49:26 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec 10 17:49:34 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gVXNpbmcgTGludXggY29tbWFuZHM=?=
Message-ID: <>

> >>> os.system('slapadd -l ldif-file.txt')
> It works! Thanks a lot!

But that won't transfer the ouput from your 
command into the python script.

if you do:

import os
file_list = os.popen('ls').readlines()

you will get the result of 'ls' into the
variable file_list, and can work with that
in Python.

If you need access to stdin and stderr as
well as stdout, it gets a little more
complicated, but it's certainly doable.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Wed Dec 10 18:00:14 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec 10 18:00:22 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gSXMgdGhlcmUgYW55IHN0YW5kYXJkIG1vZHVsZSBmb3IgInByZXR0eSBwcmludGluZyIgdG8gc3Rkb3V0Pw==?=
Message-ID: <>

> I have a need for tabular and rather fancy printing to stdout. What
> I dream of - would give me control over setting rules on column width, 
> cell padding and/or truncation, justification, etc. Intention is to 
> allow running script connect its hooks into 'tabular thingy 4 fancy 
> printing', run it and let the 'thingy' take care of appying printing 
> rules to the output stream as it happens (as the stream is being 
> genereated).

You might want to have a look at the textwrap module. As I
understand you, you need to write some kind of stream class
that replaces sys.sdtout with your code that uses (maybe)
textwrap, but that's not so difficult. I think there are
examples of roughly that at the ActiveState Python Cookbook.

For really pretty python based printing look at!

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec 10 18:02:16 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec 10 18:01:30 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Class inheritance: is the kid calling? or the mom ??
References: <>
Message-ID: <025201c3bf71$a81a9570$6401a8c0@xp>

> Is there anyway that a class method can know who is calling
it ---
> the kid or the mom ? If yes, then we can do :

Yes, pass it in as an argument. Just add a caller parameter to
the method:

> class Mom(object):
>    def __init__(self):
>        ...
>    def oldfunc(self, caller):               # line [1]
>        ...
>       if isinstance(caller,Mom) == type(self):
>           self.someAttr = Mom ()    # line [3]
>       elif isinstance(caller,Kid):
>           self.someAttr = Kid()     # line [4]

But that's bad OO design, Moms shouldn't know about Kids.

Better would be to override the method in Kid:

class Kid(Mom):
   def oldfunc(self,caller):
         if isinstance(caller,Kid):
            self.someAttr = Kid()
         else: Mom.oldfunc(self,caller)

That way you can keep adding new classes without changing
Mom and it's ok for Kids to know about Moms because they
already do ( as part of  the class declaration).

Also you can now extend Kid to GrandKid in the same way:

class grandKid(Kid):
   def oldfunc(self,caller):
         if isinstance(caller,GrandKid):
            self.someAttr = GrandKid()
         else: Kid.oldfunc(self,caller)

Which is much easier to maintain.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec 10 18:05:29 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec 10 18:04:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Is there any standard module for "pretty printing" to
References: <33678E78A2DD4D418396703A750048D45E698B@RIKER>
Message-ID: <027301c3bf72$1b7f4b50$6401a8c0@xp>

> I have a need for tabular and rather fancy printing to stdout.
> I dream of - would give me control over setting rules on column
> cell padding and/or truncation, justification, etc. Intention
is to
> allow running script connect its hooks into 'tabular thingy 4
> printing', run it and let the 'thingy' take care of appying
> rules to the output stream as it happens (as the stream is
> genereated).

Have you looked at the % string formatting operator.
That allows setting of column width, justification etc.

Alan G.

From missive at  Wed Dec 10 18:07:05 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Wed Dec 10 18:07:11 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Document URI?
Message-ID: <>

>I had previously wrote a scrip that accessed a document's URI by getting
>Our server admin recently upgrade to Python2.3 and now Python is saying
>that there is no 'DOCUMENT_URI' key.
>I did some googling but I couldn't find a way to access a documents URI
>in python...
>FYI, the script is called via a SSI ala:
>File called /foo/index.html:
><!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/" -->
>Previously the os.environ['DOCUMENT_URI'] would return /foo/index.html
>but now its saying there's no value...

This is probably not a problem with the new python version, but with some
other change that occurred during the upgrade.

Where and how was that environment variable being set?

It could have been in the .login or .bashrc of the user owning the web
server process...

Or maybe you are using a web framework that sets that variable when it
receives a web request. Which web server / framework are you using?

Have you tried seeing what exactly is in os.environ? It is just a dict, you
should be able to print it or return it to the browser and read which
values are set.

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

From abc-100036 at  Wed Dec 10 18:12:43 2003
From: abc-100036 at (
Date: Wed Dec 10 18:12:49 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Password Input
Message-ID: <>


- I would like to hide the password being typed by the user in the console.  
What syntax should i use.

- My script goes like these:

  uname = raw_input('Enter your username: ')
  pname = raw_input('Enter your password: ')

- I like to hide the password the user would be typing in...


Angelo Cruz
CSIT-Computer Network Engineer
Asia Pacific College


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From magnus at  Wed Dec 10 18:43:47 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec 10 18:43:54 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gUGFzc3dvcmQgSW5wdXQ=?=
Message-ID: <>

I thought I replied to this just a few days ago!

import getpass

pname = getpass.getpass('Enter your password: ')

> - I would like to hide the password being typed by the user in the console.  
> What syntax should i use.
> - My script goes like these:
>   uname = raw_input('Enter your username: ')
>   pname = raw_input('Enter your password: ')

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Wed Dec 10 18:49:29 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec 10 18:49:35 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gcmVmZXJlbmNlIHRvIG1haW4gbW9kdWxl?=
Message-ID: <>

Luiz Siqueira Neto wrote:
> How can I make a reference to main module to use getattr( main, 
> 'function') on the fly?

I don't think anyone quite understood your question.
Can you tell us what you are trying to achieve?

What do you mean by "main module"? 

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From BranimirP at  Wed Dec 10 21:06:28 2003
From: BranimirP at (Branimir Petrovic)
Date: Wed Dec 10 21:06:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Is there any standard module for "pretty printing" to
Message-ID: <33678E78A2DD4D418396703A750048D45E698E@RIKER>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Magnus Lycka []
> You might want to have a look at the textwrap module. As I
> understand you, you need to write some kind of stream class
> that replaces sys.sdtout with your code that uses (maybe)
> textwrap, but that's not so difficult. 

Textwrap module looks useful, thanks for the tip. 

My goal with this is to be able to replace sys.stdout with 
a piece of code that "knows" how to print stream or pieces 
of stream sent to stdout in a table-like manner. 

Easier of two scenarios I need to find solution for has to 
do with emulating table formatting capabilities of SQL*Plus.
Thanks to cx_Oracle module I can connect to the database 
and retrieve records, but over and above getting the raw 
data I'd also like to be able to see query result echoed to 
stdout (or redirected to log file) in as close to "original" 
form (as would be seen from within SQL*Plus) as possible. 
For this I guess I'll need to construct class that can 
de-spool recordsets in easy to set up, easy to control 
and above all - in eye appealing manner.

Tougher scenario for which I seek solution has to do with
replacing stdout with a piece of code that behaves like 
stdout, but is applying formatting on fly and getting end 
result in nice looking table-like "printout". The trick here 
would lie in ability to "wire" different spots in main script 
to proper "cells" (columns) in the output stream, provide 
means for one (any) particular place in code to always write 
to one particular column in (whatever) current row, then 
provide easy and dynamic way to define table, row, and cell 
properties (indenting, formatting, padding, truncating, 
wrapping, printing column titles, defining rules for 
advancing to next row etc), and provide easy (logical?) way 
for integrating and reusing such a monster in number of 
planned future console based scripts.

Thanks to all who responded, now I know that if I want to
reach one or both of the above goals, I'll have to make 
custom module(s), as Python by itself does not come with 
such "battery" (of unstandard size AAA+3/21).


From magnus at  Wed Dec 10 15:04:03 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec 10 22:47:59 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gbWFrZSBjb2RlIGxlc3MgdWdseS9tb3JlIHB5dGhvbmljPw==?=
Message-ID: <>

ashleigh smythe wrote:
> Is that awkard and unpythonic?  

You've mainly missed a few conveniences in Python that
would make your code a little more convenient. Using
some more features would remove the need for some of
your functions, but in general it's quite normal that
functions call functions that call functions. This is
a normal way of solving problems. Divide the problem
in smaller problems and postpone the solution of those 
smaller problems by making them separate functions or
classes or modules or whatever.

Learning the features of the builtins and standard
library takes some time, and before we do that, we
are bound to reinvent the wheel... (That's why it's
reccomended that you keep the library manual handy.)

> Should the whole thing be in a class - how would I do that?

I see no compelling reason in this case, but it would
be a small change.
> The program simply parses a file that has 10,000 iterations of the
> following:

Ok. In that case it's obviously correct to work through
the file in chunks. (They could be more than one line at
a time though.) If it had been convenient to read the
whole file into memory, I would have used re.findall which
is my favourite in the re module. :)

Something like (not really tested):

import re

data = file(file_name).read()
pat = re.compile(r'Component information \(consensus fork\) = (\d+) ')
nums = [float(n) for n in pat.findall(data)]
print sum(nums)/len(nums)

(By using float() instead of int(), I avoid the problem
of having to fix the fact that int / int => int, but other
solutions would be

from __future__ import division
import re

data = file(file_name).read()
pat = re.compile(r'Component information \(consensus fork\) = (\d+) ')
nums = [int(n) for n in pat.findall(data)]
print sum(nums)/len(nums)


import re

data = file(file_name).read()
pat = re.compile(r'Component information \(consensus fork\) = (\d+) ')
nums = [int(n) for n in pat.findall(data)]
print sum(nums)/float(len(nums))

I don't know if there is any performance difference. But either
way, this isn't really suitable with a big file. I'll return to
your code, but I'll skip the re module (you don't need that for
such simple needs) and simplify some other things.

> def make_int(mylist):                     #turns the list of consensus 
>     an_int_list=[int(n) for n in mylist]  #fork values from strings to
>     return an_int_list                    #integers so I can average
>                                           #them.

I'd convert each item to int (or float as suggested above) before
I appended it to the list. Then this step can be skipped.

> def add_up(mylist):                       #calls function to turn
>     int_list=make_int(mylist)             #strings into          
>     asum=0                                #integers.
>     for x in int_list:                    #sums up all the values
>         asum +=x
>     return asum

Use the sum() builtin function.
> def average(mylist):                      #takes the sum of consensus
>     sum=add_up(mylist)                    #fork values and finds their  
>     length=len(mylist)                    #average.
>     average_confork=sum/length
>     return average_confork

With the advice above, this turns into:

def average(mylist):
    return sum(mylist)/len(mylist)

or possibly

def average(mylist):
    return sum(mylist)/float(len(mylist))

That's hardly worth putting in a separate function.
> mainlist=[]                               #initialize the list of 
>                                           #consensus fork values.

Global variables should be avoided!!!

> def search(file_to_search):               
>     infile=open(file_to_search, 'r')
>     for line in infile:
>         if'Component', line):  #searches the input file for
>             confork=line[45:49]           #line containing cons. fork,
>             mainlist.append(confork)      #removes the value and puts 
>     return mainlist                       #it into a list.

And since you return mainlist, you could have defined it inside your
search function instead.
> def aveconfork(file_to_search):           #this executes the whole thing
>     thelist=search(file_to_search)        #so I start the program with 

But you never use that return value! (You could have used
"thelist" instead of "mainlist" in the next line of code.)

>     finalaverage=average(mainlist) <= HERE!        #aveconfork.aveconfork
>     return finalaverage                   #('file_to_search')

Maybe something like this would be an improvement?

from __future__ import division # Get new style division: int / int => float

def search(file_to_search):
    infile = file(file_to_search)
    mainlist = []
    for line in infile:
        if 'Component' in line:
            confork = int(line[45:49])
    return mainlist

def aveconf(file_to_search):
    list_of_numbers = search(file_to_search)
    final_average = sum(list_of_numbers)/len(list_of_numbers)
    return final_average 

There is one thing I still don't like. The search function
would be more generic if it worked with any sequence. I'd
rather open the file in "aveconf". That brings us to:

from __future__ import division 

def search(lines):
    mainlist = []
    for line in lines:
        if 'Component' in line:
            confork = int(line[45:49])
    return mainlist

def aveconf(file_to_search):
    my_lines = file(file_to_search)
    list_of_numbers = search(my_lines)
    final_average = sum(list_of_numbers)/len(list_of_numbers)
    return final_average 

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From KniftonTF at  Thu Dec 11 00:18:22 2003
From: KniftonTF at (Knifton Cpl Timothy F)
Date: Thu Dec 11 00:20:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Programming Classes
Message-ID: <>

Does anyone know of a really good web site to read up on python classes and
how they work? Thanks.


From rmangaliag at  Thu Dec 11 02:18:59 2003
From: rmangaliag at (ali)
Date: Thu Dec 11 02:14:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] about pythonwin
Message-ID: <00a201c3bfb7$0cbdedc0$>

of all the ide's available, i like pythonwin the most... because of it's simplicity... unfortunately it runs only in windows... :)...

has anyone tried to run it successfully in linux (wine)???
-------------- next part --------------
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From rmangaliag at  Thu Dec 11 02:19:48 2003
From: rmangaliag at (ali)
Date: Thu Dec 11 02:14:51 2003
Subject: [Tutor] creating text files
Message-ID: <00ab01c3bfb7$28edcf60$>

am a newbie and was wondering how to create a new text file in python...


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From glingl at  Thu Dec 11 02:39:26 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Thu Dec 11 02:38:27 2003
Subject: [Tutor] a list comp
In-Reply-To: <br8njm$96p$>
References: <br8njm$96p$>
Message-ID: <>

RoT schrieb:

>Hi list,
>why is this valid:
>def merge_list(): 
>        newlist = []
>        [newlist.append(index) for index in del_list if index not in keep_list]
>        return newlist
>and this is not:
>def merge_list(): 
>        newlist = []
>        return [newlist.append(index) for index in del_list if index not in keep_list]
>shouldn't the list comp' be evaluated and then returned?    
Hi RoT! You're right! And it does! But your second version has two
different misunderstandings:
(1) the append method for lists invariably returns the None object, so
your list comprehension collects as many None-s as you expected
indices to be therein. It doesn't return the altered list, it only 
alters it!
(2) however even if it returned the (now extended) newlist, the list comp
consisted of a list of growing list, each one one element longer than
the previous one and this also would not be what you expected. Right?

Basically you can observe this here:

 >>> newlist = []
 >>> print newlist.append(3)
 >>> newlist
 >>> print newlist.append(5)
 >>> newlist
[3, 5]
 >>> newlist = []
 >>> print [newlist.append(x) for x in 1,3,5]
[None, None, None]
 >>> newlist
[1, 3, 5]

What you wanted is, I assume, to collect the indices
themselves. Using the fact, that the list comprehension
itself constructs a new list, it goes simply like this:

 >>> del_list = range(0,10,2)
 >>> keep_list = range(0,10,3)
 >>> del_list
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
 >>> keep_list
[0, 3, 6, 9]
 >>> [index for index in del_list if index not in keep_list]
[2, 4, 8]

HTH, Gregor


From exnihilo at  Thu Dec 11 05:11:31 2003
From: exnihilo at (nihilo)
Date: Thu Dec 11 05:11:40 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python photo gallery software???
Message-ID: <>


Can anybody recommend software for organizing, creating thumbnails, 
providing web access to (etc...) a photo gallery, written in Python, or 
have you heard of such a thing? There are plenty of software out there 
for doing this sort of thing, but I haven't found anything in python -- 
just php and perl, usually with mysql. It's only for personal use, so it 
doesn't have to be heavy duty, but i'd like it to be in python so that i 
can easily modify it for my own use.



From clay at  Thu Dec 11 06:47:23 2003
From: clay at (Clay Shirky)
Date: Thu Dec 11 06:47:29 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: a list comp
In-Reply-To: <br9eav$k9a$>
Message-ID: <>

> mmm, ok I sort of get it, though its not exactly intuitive though is it. I
> mean, even though newlist.append(x) returns None, the list comp 'does'
> evaluate to a new list doesn't it

It doesn't evaluate to a new list, it produces a series of discrete results
that can be captured as a list.

A better way to understand Gregor's description -- "the list comprehension
itself constructs a new list" -- is that it produces the expected elements,
in the expected order, but deciding to assign those elements to a list
variable (or print them etc) is up to you.


From darnold02 at  Thu Dec 11 07:04:34 2003
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Thu Dec 11 07:03:24 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: a list comp
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm going to beg to differ on that one. A list comprehension most 
definitely creates and returns a list:

 >>> [i for i in range(10)]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Without the brackets, it isn't even valid python:

 >>> i for i in range(10)
   File "<stdin>", line 1
     i for i in range(10)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Maybe you're thinking of a generator?


On Dec 11, 2003, at 5:47 AM, Clay Shirky wrote:

>> mmm, ok I sort of get it, though its not exactly intuitive though is 
>> it. I
>> mean, even though newlist.append(x) returns None, the list comp 'does'
>> evaluate to a new list doesn't it
> It doesn't evaluate to a new list, it produces a series of discrete 
> results
> that can be captured as a list.
> A better way to understand Gregor's description -- "the list 
> comprehension
> itself constructs a new list" -- is that it produces the expected 
> elements,
> in the expected order, but deciding to assign those elements to a list
> variable (or print them etc) is up to you.
> -clay
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From cybersamurai at  Thu Dec 11 08:25:40 2003
From: cybersamurai at (Luiz Siqueira Neto)
Date: Thu Dec 11 07:27:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] reference to main module
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I discovery the answer, take a look:

import sys

main = sys.modules['__main__']

# now I can call some function on the fly
# Ex:

def test():
    print 'yessss'

def testStart(funct):

# Example using it


This make me create a lot of functions by demand and use
polimorphism to call some function using some parameter
------------------  Now you can  understand :) --------------------

 >>> If you know another way please tell me. <<<

Magnus Lycka wrote:

>Luiz Siqueira Neto wrote:
>>How can I make a reference to main module to use getattr( main, 
>>'function') on the fly?
>I don't think anyone quite understood your question.
>Can you tell us what you are trying to achieve?
>What do you mean by "main module"? 

From Janssen at  Thu Dec 11 07:45:43 2003
From: Janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Thu Dec 11 07:45:58 2003
Subject: [Tutor] creating text files
In-Reply-To: <00ab01c3bfb7$28edcf60$>
References: <00ab01c3bfb7$28edcf60$>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, ali wrote:

> am a newbie and was wondering how to create a new text file in python...

Hello Ali,

you need to open a new file and then write to it:

file_object = open("file-name", "w") # "w" means open in write mode

file_object.write("Write some text\n") # "\n" is a newline

file_object.close() # after work is done close the file

Best is to compare the Tutorial:

for details. Section 7.2 . Make some tests with the mode argument (like
"w", "a", "r") and with read, readlines and writelines methods of file
objects. Under Windows you might want to use modes like "wb" (check the
tutorial for this).


From magnus at  Thu Dec 11 09:26:35 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Dec 11 09:26:41 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gcmVmZXJlbmNlIHRvIG1haW4gbW9kdWxl?=
Message-ID: <>

Luiz Siqueira Neto wrote:
> I discovery the answer, take a look:
> import sys
> main = sys.modules['__main__']
> # now I can call some function on the fly
> # Ex:
> def test():
>     print 'yessss'
> def testStart(funct):
>     getattrib(funct)()
> # Example using it
> testStart('test')

Here I get "NameError: global name 'getattrib' is not defined"

If you are in the same scope, you can do:

>>> def x():
	print 'Hello'

>>> vars()['x']()

If your idea is to access code in the main module from
a submodule imported directly or indirectly by __main__,
I advice against it. Creating mutual dependencies between
modules like that is a bad practice, and a programmer of
one module does not expect that an *imported* module
expects to find certain functions, or calls code, in the 
*importing* module. 

If the submodule need something from the main module, 
the main module should pass it in as a parameter in a
call, or possibly set a variable in the submodule.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From michael.grabietz at  Thu Dec 11 10:13:35 2003
From: michael.grabietz at (Michael Grabietz)
Date: Thu Dec 11 10:14:59 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Detecting different list elements and counting them
Message-ID: <>


I have a list like the following:

my_list = [ 'ABC', 'E', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'HJ', 'HJ' ]

It would be nice to have the information which elements are in the list 
and how many times these elements appear in the list.

A dictionary as the result like the following would be fine.

my_dict = {'ABC':3, 'E':1, 'HJ':2}

Thank you for any ideas or hints.


From python at  Thu Dec 11 10:22:05 2003
From: python at (Eddie Comber)
Date: Thu Dec 11 10:54:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] do_it()
Message-ID: <>

I see that often when people write OO code they have a main() something

obj = myObject(param, param, param)
obj.do_it()  #or obj.action() etc

Are there any commanding advantages to making this sort of functionality
into an object?

The above example is easier written and used as:

myfunc(param, param, param)

I ask because I have just written a MAKE utility, and having started off as
an object I really don't know what the advantages are above a simple


From project5 at  Thu Dec 11 11:14:44 2003
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Thu Dec 11 11:17:24 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: python photo gallery software???
References: <>
Message-ID: <1n26pjudx2odi.195lqo9c5ppud$>

nihilo wrote on Thu, 11 Dec 2003 02:11:31 -0800:

> hi,
> Can anybody recommend software for organizing, creating thumbnails, 
> providing web access to (etc...) a photo gallery, written in Python, or 
> have you heard of such a thing? There are plenty of software out there 

Cornice ( is an image viewer. I
don't know if it creates thumbnails and webpages, but if it doesn't, you
could probably extend it.

If that's not good enough, a quick search on the Vaults of Parnassus for
"thumbnail" also reveals three results:

Have a look at them, there's bound to be something in there which suits
your needs :).



Mail address in header catches spam. Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
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From python at  Thu Dec 11 11:38:59 2003
From: python at (Eddie Comber)
Date: Thu Dec 11 11:42:49 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Detecting different list elements and counting them
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bugger. This works..

my_list = [ 'ABC', 'E', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'HJ', 'HJ' ]

my_dict = {}
for item in my_list:
	if my_dict.has_key(item):
		my_dict[item] = my_dict[item] + 1
		my_dict[item] = 1

print my_dict

-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Comber []
Sent: 11 December 2003 16:00
To: Michael Grabietz;
Subject: RE: [Tutor] Detecting different list elements and counting them

I would imagine something like

my_dict = {}
for item in my_list:
	if my_dict.haskey(item):
		my_dict[item] = my_dict[item] + 1
		my_dict[item] = 0

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Michael Grabietz
Sent: 11 December 2003 15:14
Subject: [Tutor] Detecting different list elements and counting them


I have a list like the following:

my_list = [ 'ABC', 'E', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'HJ', 'HJ' ]

It would be nice to have the information which elements are in the list 
and how many times these elements appear in the list.

A dictionary as the result like the following would be fine.

my_dict = {'ABC':3, 'E':1, 'HJ':2}

Thank you for any ideas or hints.


Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec 11 11:46:25 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec 11 11:45:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] a list comp
References: <br8njm$96p$>
Message-ID: <005901c3c006$511c1ec0$6401a8c0@xp>

> def merge_list():
>         newlist = []
>         [newlist.append(index) for index in del_list if index
not in keep_list]

What this does is build a list of return codes from [].append()
Probably all Nones. But as a side effect it populates newlist

>         return newlist

So this works...

> and this is not:
> def merge_list():
>         newlist = []
>         return [newlist.append(index) for index in del_list if
index not in keep_list]

This returns the list of return values - not very useful.
Try this:

def merge_list(del_list, keep_list):
  return [index for index in del_list if index not in keep_list]

The comprehension creates a list you don't need to initialise
one separately. Also its good to pass in the del and keep lists
to avoid risk of side effects and make the function reusable
with other names....


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec 11 11:50:26 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec 11 11:49:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Programming Classes
References: <>
Message-ID: <006001c3c006$e0b98fe0$6401a8c0@xp>

> Does anyone know of a really good web site to read up 
> on python classes and how they work? Thanks.

Do you know OOP already and want to know the mechanics of 
how Python does OOP internally? If so the Python language 
reference is a good start.

Or do you know how to do OOP in another language but want 
to know how to do it in Python?

In which case the Python tutor is a good place to look.

Or do you not know OOP and want to learn itr, using 
Python as a language?

In which case I think my OOP tutor is a good start, enough 
to let you read the official Python tutor with undersanding.

Finally for a general intro to OOP visit the 
web site, where lots of tutorials and papers await.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec 11 11:54:43 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec 11 11:53:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] creating text files
References: <00ab01c3bfb7$28edcf60$>
Message-ID: <006a01c3c007$79ab7650$6401a8c0@xp>

> am a newbie and was wondering how to create a new text file in

Check out the files and text page in my tutorial.

Basically you open it with

myfile = open("foo.txt", "r")  # to read
myfile2 = open("foo2.txt", "w") # to create a new file for
myfile3 = open("foo3.txt","a")  # to write at the end of an
existing file

IN more odern versions of Python (v2.x?) you can substitute
file() for open():

myfile = file("foo.txt","r")

The tutor explains how to read and write data with those files.

Finally its a good idea to close the file when done:



Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec 11 11:57:05 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec 11 11:56:06 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: a list comp
References: <br8njm$96p$> <>
Message-ID: <007101c3c007$ce9d8680$6401a8c0@xp>

> >  >>> [index for index in del_list if index not in keep_list]
> > [2, 4, 8]
> so I still would have expected it to be returned. You said it
> quote:
> > Using the fact, that the list comprehension
> > itself constructs a new list, it goes simply like this:
> i.e were not asking newlist.append to return our newlist, were
asking the [result of the list comp]
> to be returned, which we both agree is our newlist :)

And a list will be returned. But it is a list full of 'None's,
one for each append operation.

Alan G.

From vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM  Thu Dec 11 11:59:06 2003
From: vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM (Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis})
Date: Thu Dec 11 12:00:28 2003
Subject: [Tutor] creating text files
Message-ID: <>

A follow-up question if you don't mind....

I open a log file while my program is running, but sometimes the program
crashes and leaves no log file. Is there any way to write the file prior
to when I actually close it. I guess I could close it and reopen it, but
I'd rather just flush the output to the file.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Alan Gauld
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 11:55 AM
To: ali;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] creating text files

> am a newbie and was wondering how to create a new text file in

Check out the files and text page in my tutorial.

Basically you open it with

myfile = open("foo.txt", "r")  # to read
myfile2 = open("foo2.txt", "w") # to create a new file for writing
myfile3 = open("foo3.txt","a")  # to write at the end of an existing

IN more odern versions of Python (v2.x?) you can substitute
file() for open():

myfile = file("foo.txt","r")

The tutor explains how to read and write data with those files.

Finally its a good idea to close the file when done:



Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -

From john at  Thu Dec 11 12:03:12 2003
From: john at (John Duarte)
Date: Thu Dec 11 12:05:49 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Programming Classes
In-Reply-To: <006001c3c006$e0b98fe0$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday 11 December 2003 8:50 am, Alan Gauld wrote:
> > Does anyone know of a really good web site to read up
> > on python classes and how they work? Thanks.
> Or do you not know OOP and want to learn itr, using
> Python as a language?
> In which case I think my OOP tutor is a good start, enough
> to let you read the official Python tutor with undersanding.
> Finally for a general intro to OOP visit the
> web site, where lots of tutorials and papers await.

IMHO, one of the best introductions to the concept of objects is Chapter 1 of 
Bruce Eckel's "Thinking in Java".


From hec.villafuerte at  Thu Dec 11 14:07:51 2003
From: hec.villafuerte at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22H=E9ctor_Villafuerte_D=2E=22?=)
Date: Thu Dec 11 12:06:30 2003
Subject: [Tutor] How to define a callback
Message-ID: <>

Hi all!

I'm using the ftplib module and need to look for certain
files. I'm planning on using string.find on the output of
LIST. The question is: how to define a callback for the
ftplib function retrlines? i.e. I don't want to print to
sys.stdout, I want to print to a string.

retrlines(command[, callback])
   Retrieve a file or directory listing in ASCII transfer mode.
   command should be an appropriate "RETR" command (see retrbinary())
   or a "LIST" command (usually just the string 'LIST').
   The callback function is called for each line, with the trailing
   CRLF stripped. The default callback prints the line to sys.stdout.

Thanks for your help.

From bwinton at  Thu Dec 11 12:11:39 2003
From: bwinton at (Blake Winton)
Date: Thu Dec 11 12:11:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: python photo gallery software???
In-Reply-To: <1n26pjudx2odi.195lqo9c5ppud$>
Message-ID: <015f01c3c009$d76a9170$>

(Sorry about the duplicate message, Andrei, I hit the wrong key
 by accident!)

> > Can anybody recommend software for organizing, creating
> > thumbnails, providing web access to (etc...) a photo gallery,
> > written in Python, or have you heard of such a thing? There
> > are plenty of software out there 
> Cornice ( is an 
> image viewer. I don't know if it creates thumbnails and
> webpages, but if it doesn't, you could probably extend it.
> If that's not good enough, a quick search on the Vaults of 
> Parnassus for "thumbnail" also reveals three results:
> Have a look at them, there's bound to be something in there 
> which suits your needs :).

I also kept a copy of the following message from the Daily Python
Url, which might be what you're looking for:
> Per Jensen: [" is a small utility which
>  creates galleries from pictures. It includes a little Tkinter-
> based GUI."]


From hec.villafuerte at  Thu Dec 11 14:23:27 2003
From: hec.villafuerte at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22H=E9ctor_Villafuerte_D=2E=22?=)
Date: Thu Dec 11 12:22:06 2003
Subject: [Tutor] How to define a callback
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

H?ctor Villafuerte D. wrote:

> Hi all!
> I'm using the ftplib module and need to look for certain
> files. I'm planning on using string.find on the output of
> LIST. The question is: how to define a callback for the
> ftplib function retrlines? i.e. I don't want to print to
> sys.stdout, I want to print to a string.
> retrlines(command[, callback])
>   Retrieve a file or directory listing in ASCII transfer mode.
>   command should be an appropriate "RETR" command (see retrbinary())
>   or a "LIST" command (usually just the string 'LIST').
>   The callback function is called for each line, with the trailing
>   CRLF stripped. The default callback prints the line to sys.stdout.
> Thanks for your help.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
Ok, I worked around the callback problem using the 'nlst'
functions instead of 'retrlines'.
I'm still curious about that callback thing though :)

str_list = ''
    LIST = ftp.nlst('*.' + day)
    print 'not found'

for x in range(len(LIST)):
    str_list = str_list + LIST[x]

From tpc at  Thu Dec 11 12:23:37 2003
From: tpc at (
Date: Thu Dec 11 12:23:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] do_it()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

hi Eddie,

I was mulling this over recently, and while it is true the overhead is
much higher with OOP, the payoff is easier to read and more functional
code.  Let me give you an example.  I recently wrote a search engine that
takes as user input a query and returns results from an audio and video
archive.  One of the things I needed to do was filter common, or stop,
words (e.g., who, is, what, the, of) from go words that would be used in
other functions to look up and return results in the index.  I also
wanted to print out the words filtered to the user, so I had to either
duplicate the body of code for a function to return both, or I could
write a class called Filter and have two methods in it,
getUserGoWords(self) and getUserStopWords(self) using the same logic.  The
non-OOP way of doing this would be:

def getUserGoWords(terms):
	stop_words_list = ['a', 'about', 'all', 'an', 'and', 'any', 'are',
'as', 'at', 'be', 'because', 'can', 'did', 'do', 'does', 'for', 'from',
'he', 'how', 'i', 'if', 'in', 'is', 'it', 'may', 'no', 'not', 'of', 'on',
'or', 'that', 'the', 'then', 'these', 'this', 'those', 'to', 'was', 'we',
'what', 'when', 'where', 'which', 'who', 'why', 'with']
	terms_list = terms.split()
	user_go_words = []
	for word in terms_list:
		if word.lower() not in stop_words_list:
	return user_go_words

def getUserStopWords(terms):
	stop_words_list = ['a', 'about', 'all', 'an', 'and', 'any', 'are',
'as', 'at', 'be', 'because', 'can', 'did', 'do', 'does', 'for', 'from',
'he', 'how', 'i', 'if', 'in', 'is', 'it', 'may', 'no', 'not', 'of', 'on',
'or', 'that', 'the', 'then', 'these', 'this', 'those', 'to', 'was', 'we',
'what', 'when', 'where', 'which', 'who', 'why', 'with']
	terms_list = terms.split()
	user_stop_words = []
	for word in terms_list:
		if word.lower() in stop_words_list:
	return user_stop_words

and the OOP way of doing this would be:

class Filter:
	def __init__(self, terms):
		# replace ' with '' for MySQL INSERT
		terms = terms.replace("'", "''")
		# this is currently how I handle context searches in Audio Video Archive
		terms = terms.replace('"', "")
		stop_words_list = ['&', 'a', 'about', 'all', 'an', 'and',
'any', 'are', 'as', 'at', 'be', 'because', 'can', 'do', 'does', 'for',
'from', 'he', 'how', 'i', 'if', 'in', 'is', 'it', 'may', 'no', 'not',
'of', 'on', 'or', 'that', 'the', 'then', 'these', 'this', 'those', 'to',
'was', 'we', 'what', 'when', 'where', 'which', 'who', 'why', 'with']
	        terms_list = terms.split()
		self.user_go_words = []
		self.user_stop_words = []
        	for word in terms_list:
        		if word.lower() not in stop_words_list:

	def getUserGoWords(self):
	        return self.user_go_words

	def getUserStopWords(self):
	        return self.user_stop_words

Maybe there is another way of doing this so that one function can return
two values, but as far as I know there is no doubt in my mind which makes
more sense with respect to future readers of my code and the holy mantra
of programming, Keep It Short and Simple.

I hope that helps you.

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Eddie Comber wrote:

> I see that often when people write OO code they have a main() something
> like:
> obj = myObject(param, param, param)
> obj.do_it()  #or obj.action() etc
> Are there any commanding advantages to making this sort of functionality
> into an object?
> The above example is easier written and used as:
> myfunc(param, param, param)
> I ask because I have just written a MAKE utility, and having started off as
> an object I really don't know what the advantages are above a simple
> function.
> Best,
> Eddie.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From python at  Thu Dec 11 08:26:35 2003
From: python at (Shantanoo Mahajan)
Date: Thu Dec 11 12:42:36 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Incrementing a line?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

+++ Jim Boone [09-12-03 11:54 +0000]:
| Howdy all, i hope this is the right list for my query, pythons a bit new 
| to me, and I'm trying dto something that I can't figure out:
| for s in userlog.readlines():
|            for word in s.split():
|                if word == ("19(Constraint"):
|                    constraintlog.write(s + "\n")
|                    print "\n\n*****Constraint Violations exist!!*****\n\n"
|        constraintlog.close()
| Is a section of code i have, it reads a log file and cranks out a log 
| file on a certain condition, I can get it to write out the same line 
| which is in the original log file, which is useful, but, what would be 
| much more useful is if i could write out the line thats 10 lines after 
| the "19(Constraint", because it's more pertinent, but of course s+10 is 
| stupidly wrong.
| Any help appreciated, Thanks!
| -- 
| Jim Boone

Well, if you are using *nix, then

grep -A no_of_lines_after_match word_to_be_matched logfile > contraintlog


From Janssen at  Thu Dec 11 13:04:34 2003
From: Janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Thu Dec 11 13:04:42 2003
Subject: [Tutor] creating text files
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis} wrote:

> A follow-up question if you don't mind....
> I open a log file while my program is running, but sometimes the program
> crashes and leaves no log file. Is there any way to write the file prior
> to when I actually close it. I guess I could close it and reopen it, but
> I'd rather just flush the output to the file.

file_object.flush() # writes immediatly back to disk

you might notice a performance impact when you do it very often (e.g.
several/ many times per second)


From paul at  Thu Dec 11 12:59:34 2003
From: paul at (
Date: Thu Dec 11 13:15:19 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Photo gallery
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <3FD8B086.28474.F6AB685@localhost>



Paul Butler

From dyoo at  Thu Dec 11 13:35:18 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Dec 11 13:35:28 2003
Subject: [Tutor] ANN: BayPIGies meeting for Thursday, December 11, 2003
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

(My apologies for the late announcement!)

When: Thursday, December 11, 2003
Where: Carnegie Institute of Washington
       at Stanford University; Palo Alto
Agenda: pyNMS features
Speaker: Keith Dart

About the talk

Keith Dart will talk about pyNMS, a project he has hosted on SourceForge.
pyNMS allows one to develop network management applications. There will be
discussion of the project, as well as discussion about a distributed
Python software repository (ala CPAN or Gentoo).

For driving directions to Carnegie, as well as information about
BayPIGgies, please visit:

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec 11 14:33:53 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec 11 14:32:53 2003
Subject: [Tutor] reference to main module
References: <>
Message-ID: <009101c3c01d$b5f65470$6401a8c0@xp>

> I discovery the answer, take a look:

Sorry I'm still confused.

> import sys
> main = sys.modules['__main__']

This assigns to main whatever is the current main module, 
ie the one you passed to the python interpreter.

> # now I can call some function on the fly
> # Ex:
> def test():
>     print 'yessss'
> def testStart(funct):
>     getattrib(funct)()
> # Example using it
> testStart('test')

But none of this uses the main module anywhere?!
test is defined in your local scope and the getattrib('test')
just pulls it from the local namespace.
You might as well just have called test() directly.

What your main variable does allow is for you to do some 
wacky stuff like this(in pseudo code):

for name in dir(main):
   if type(name) == type(lambda : pass):
   except ParameterError:
       print 'oops it needed args but I duinno what!'

In other words you could attempt to find out the functions 
in the main module and call them, hoping they worked with 
no arguments...

I have no idea why you might want to do that, but you could...

But its not what you seem to be trying to do?

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec 11 14:39:05 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec 11 14:38:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Detecting different list elements and counting them
References: <>
Message-ID: <009a01c3c01e$7070fa30$6401a8c0@xp>

> my_list = [ 'ABC', 'E', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'HJ', 'HJ' ]
> It would be nice to have the information which elements are in
the list
> and how many times these elements appear in the list.
> A dictionary as the result like the following would be fine.
> my_dict = {'ABC':3, 'E':1, 'HJ':2}

You just answered your own question, coz that's exactly what to

my_dict = {}
for item in my_list:
    if item in my_dict:
       my_dict[item] += 1
    else: my_dict[item] = 1

There might be a slightly cleverer way to do it using
but I can't be bothered thinking about it... :-)

Alan g.

From tpc at  Thu Dec 11 14:39:17 2003
From: tpc at (
Date: Thu Dec 11 14:39:29 2003
Subject: [Tutor] do_it()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

hi Eddie,

Wow you are right, I had no idea a function could return two
lists.  So yes, you could then reduce everything to just one function
instead of writing a class.  From what I've read though, OO is superior to
writing functions because you are then able to:

1) model your problem better
2) reuse code
3) ultimately spend less time finding the best solution

I hope that helps you.

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Edward Comber wrote:

> Fair enough, but you could have kept the list of words external to the
> functions and used by both.
> Also you can return two lists like...
> def stop_n_go_words(terms):
> 	blah
> 	return stop_list, go_list
> a_stop_list, a_go_list = stop_n_go_words(terms)

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec 11 14:48:18 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec 11 14:47:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] do_it()
References: <>
Message-ID: <009f01c3c01f$b9f05380$6401a8c0@xp>

> obj = myObject(param, param, param)
> obj.do_it()  #or obj.action() etc
> Are there any commanding advantages to making this sort of
> into an object?

No, but there some minor advantages.

> The above example is easier written and used as:
> myfunc(param, param, param)

Only easier used if you never change the program.
Making do_it a method allows you to subclass the entire
program and change the way it starts by overriding the
do_it() method.

You can then have another object use your program as
a sub-application by calling the do_it method. So far
the function approach works fine too, but...

You can in fact can have a list of such applets and
call each in turn, or in random order or from a menu
system etc, by using a single bit of common code:

for applet in app_list:

And in fact your applet launcher doesn't need to be
changed when you create another variation of your applet

Its not compelling, but can be handy.

The real reason for doing it is that its just folowing
the OO paradigm to its logical conclusion. Everything
in the application is an object, including the application

> I ask because I have just written a MAKE utility, and having
started off as
> an object I really don't know what the advantages are above a
> function.

If its a single object with a single function, probably none.
I would expect a Make program to have classes representing files,
commands, rules, dependencies etc...

The Make application object then binds those together with
attributes containing lists of rules, and files and the
rules in turn containing commands, file-patterns etc.

But maybe thats what you have?

Alan G

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec 11 14:51:14 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec 11 14:50:19 2003
Subject: [Tutor] creating text files
References: <>
Message-ID: <00b401c3c020$22d22630$6401a8c0@xp>

> crashes and leaves no log file. Is there any way to write 
> the file prior to when I actually close it. I guess I could 
> close it and reopen it, but I'd rather just flush the output 
> to the file.

So why not use the flush() method... :-)

Alan G.

From at  Thu Dec 11 14:54:32 2003
From: at (Tim Peters)
Date: Thu Dec 11 14:54:28 2003
Subject: [Tutor] do_it()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> hi Eddie,
> Wow you are right, I had no idea a function could return two
> lists.

It really can't, but a Python function can return any object, and, e.g.,

    return a, b

returns a tuple object with two elements (a and b).  Same thing here:

>> Also you can return two lists like...
>> def stop_n_go_words(terms):
>> 	blah
>> 	return stop_list, go_list

That returns a (single) tuple containing two lists, and

>> a_stop_list, a_go_list = stop_n_go_words(terms)

unpacks the tuple's two elements and binds them to two names.  It's really
the same thing mechanism as when you do, e.g.:

    x, y = y, x

to "swap" two values.  That is, there's nothing special about functions or
"return" in this, the mechanism underlying all of these is that the syntax

    a, b, ..., z

in an expression constructs a tuple object (you can parentheses around that

    (a, b, ..., z)

and sometimes that can be clearer).

>>> def f():
...     return 1, 2
>>> a = f()
>>> type(a)
<type 'tuple'>
>>> len(a)
>>> a
(1, 2)
>>> x, y = a
>>> x
>>> y
>>> x, y, z = a
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: unpack tuple of wrong size

From sigurd at  Thu Dec 11 15:20:20 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Thu Dec 11 15:25:07 2003
Subject: [Tutor] do_it()
In-Reply-To: <>
	message of "Thu, 11 Dec 2003 11:39:17 -0800 (PST)")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

An unnamed person wrote:

> Wow you are right, I had no idea a function could return two
> lists.  So yes, you could then reduce everything to just one function
> instead of writing a class.  From what I've read though, OO is superior to
> writing functions because you are then able to:

You don't write functions if you write OO style?  What are methods then?
 Or do you mean functional style compared with object orienttated style?

> 1) model your problem better

Why?  IMO it depends on the problem.

> 2) reuse code

That's also perfectly possible with eg. code written in a functional
style or imperative style (what are the libs in C? clearly code reuse).

> 3) ultimately spend less time finding the best solution

I think that's true for every programming style you have a lot of
practice in.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From chris at  Thu Dec 11 16:12:56 2003
From: chris at (Chris Heisel)
Date: Thu Dec 11 16:13:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Parsing HTML file
Message-ID: <>


I'm working on a Python script that will go through a series of 
directories and parse some HTML files.

I'd like to be able to read the HTML and extract certain components and 
put them into a MySQL database.

For instance, in these files there will be a document title like this:
<h2 class="header">This is the documents header</h2>

There would be content marked like this:
<p>Some content</p>
<p>Some more content</p>
<h4>A sub head</h4>

I'm wondering what the best way to approach this problem is?

I was reading up on htmllib and HTMLParser. Should I use them or do some 
regexp searches of the files for "<h2 class="header">*</h2>"?

If I should use htmllib and HTMLParser any suggestions on their use?

I gather than I can set event handlers for say, an <h2>, tag, but can I 
set event handlers for classes, like <h2 class="header">, or for blocks 
of commments like <!--START CONTENT--> and <!--END CONTENT-->

In a perferct world I would have gotten all this data in an XML format, 
that would make my life easier, but the files are already there in HTML 
and I've got to figure out how to extract some of the semantic content 
and stuff it into a MySQL DB...

Many, many thanks in advance for your help,


From jfrench at  Thu Dec 11 16:45:41 2003
From: jfrench at (Joshua French)
Date: Thu Dec 11 16:45:51 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Extending Library
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1071179140.15385.102.camel@tomservo>

I want to extend the telnetlib, and essentially rewrite interact().  Is
there a clean/modular way to do this, or would it be easier to just
recreate it, and modify it for my own purposes?


From littledanehren at  Thu Dec 11 17:14:14 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Thu Dec 11 17:14:18 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Extending Library
In-Reply-To: <1071179140.15385.102.camel@tomservo>
Message-ID: <>

Joshua French wrote:
> I want to extend the telnetlib, and essentially
> rewrite interact().  Is
> there a clean/modular way to do this, or would it be
> easier to just
> recreate it, and modify it for my own purposes?
> Thanks,
> -Josh

Telnetlib is written in pure Python, so you could
always just edit it, but you probably don't want to do
that. You should probably instead just subclass the
Telnet class instead. Assuming you don't use any of
the constants defined in telnetlib, your module could
look something like this:

from telnetlib import Telnet as dumbtelnet

class Telnet(dumbtelnet):
    def interact(self):
        print "This is where your code goes"

but if you use the constants, you should probably just
do from telnetlib import *.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From dyoo at  Thu Dec 11 17:21:50 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Dec 11 17:21:54 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Parsing HTML file
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Chris Heisel wrote:

> I'm working on a Python script that will go through a series of
> directories and parse some HTML files.

[some text cut]

> I'm wondering what the best way to approach this problem is?
> I was reading up on htmllib and HTMLParser. Should I use them or do some
> regexp searches of the files for "<h2 class="header">*</h2>"?

Hi Chris,

Avoid processing HTML with regular expressions if you can.  *grin* There
are quite a few HTML parsers in Python, and 'HTMLParser' from the Standard
Library is a fine one:

> I gather than I can set event handlers for say, an <h2>, tag, but can I
> set event handlers for classes, like <h2 class="header">, or for blocks
> of commments like <!--START CONTENT--> and <!--END CONTENT-->

HTMLParser handles comments through the 'handle_comment()' event handler.
For example, here's a class that extracts comments from HTML text:

>>> import HTMLParser
>>> class CommentExtractor(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
...     def __init__(self):
...         HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self)
...         self.comments = []
...     def handle_comment(self, data):
...         self.comments.append(data)
...     def get_comments(self):
...         return self.comments
>>> extractor = CommentExtractor()
>>> extractor.feed("""<!--START CONTENT-->
... <p>Some content</p>
... <p>Some more content</p>
... <h4>A sub head</h4>
... <p>Again</p>
... <!--END CONTENT-->""")
>>> extractor.get_comments()

HTMLParser doesn't, by itself, support handlers by the HTML 'class'
attribute , but that functionality is something that we can add on top of
HTMLParser.  It will probably involve adding handle_starttag() and
handle_endtag() handlers, since that's where we can check for that 'class'

If you're parsing XHTML, your program should be even nicer, because then
you can use one of the Document Object Model (DOM) modules.

> In a perferct world I would have gotten all this data in an XML format,
> that would make my life easier, but the files are already there in HTML
> and I've got to figure out how to extract some of the semantic content
> and stuff it into a MySQL DB...

Ah.  Ok.  No XHTML then, I guess.  *grin*

But if you can use something like HTML-Tidy:

to transform messy HTML into XHTML, then we might be able to use something
dom-ish.  The minidom and pulldom modules are especially nice:

because they have a method called 'getElementsByTagName()'.  That function
provides a nice way to dive into the tree structure:

>>> text = '''<html>
... <!--START CONTENT-->
... ... <p>Some content</p>
... ... <p>Some more content</p>
... ... <h4>A sub head</h4>
... ... <p>Again</p>
... ... <!--END CONTENT-->
... </html>'''
>>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
>>> dom = parseString(text)
>>> for paragraph in dom.getElementsByTagName('p'):
...     for textNode in paragraph.childNodes:
...         print
Some content
Some more content

I hope these examples help.  Good luck to you!

From carroll at  Thu Dec 11 18:07:01 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu Dec 11 18:07:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Detecting different list elements and counting them
In-Reply-To: <009a01c3c01e$7070fa30$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Alan Gauld wrote:

> my_dict = {}
> for item in my_list:
>     if item in my_dict:
>        my_dict[item] += 1
>     else: my_dict[item] = 1

What I've done is:

my_dict = {}
for item in my_list:
    my_dict[item] = my_dict.get(item,0) + 1

my_dict.get returns the value of my_dict[item], if it exists, or zero if 
it does not; then you add one.

> There might be a slightly cleverer way to do it using
> my_dict(get)

This is probably what you had in mind.

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From littledanehren at  Thu Dec 11 18:11:09 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Thu Dec 11 18:11:14 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Parsing HTML file
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Chris Heisel wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on a Python script that will go through
> a series of 
> directories and parse some HTML files.
> I'd like to be able to read the HTML and extract
> certain components and 
> put them into a MySQL database.
> For instance, in these files there will be a
> document title like this:
> <h2 class="header">This is the documents header</h2>
> There would be content marked like this:
> <p>Some content</p>
> <p>Some more content</p>
> <h4>A sub head</h4>
> <p>Again</p>
> <!--END CONTENT-->
> I'm wondering what the best way to approach this
> problem is?
> I was reading up on htmllib and HTMLParser. Should I
> use them or do some 
> regexp searches of the files for "<h2
> class="header">*</h2>"?
> If I should use htmllib and HTMLParser any
> suggestions on their use?
> I gather than I can set event handlers for say, an
> <h2>, tag, but can I 
> set event handlers for classes, like <h2
> class="header">, or for blocks 
> of commments like <!--START CONTENT--> and <!--END
> In a perferct world I would have gotten all this
> data in an XML format, 
> that would make my life easier, but the files are
> already there in HTML 
> and I've got to figure out how to extract some of
> the semantic content 
> and stuff it into a MySQL DB...
> Many, many thanks in advance for your help,
> Chris

I think htmllib or HTMLParser would be overkill. They
both go through the whole document and send all of the
tags into user-defined functions. This would make a
much slower program for it to have to go through all
of those tags. It would be much faster to just search
for it with regexps. Use the re, not regex, module.
The regexp you gave didn't do what you wanted it to,
so here's what it should have been:
(?s)<h2 class="header">(.*?)</h2>

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From zak at  Thu Dec 11 18:25:41 2003
From: zak at (Zak Arntson)
Date: Thu Dec 11 18:25:49 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Detecting different list elements and counting them
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <009a01c3c01e$7070fa30$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Hey! And this solves the "count number of matching items in two lists"

def count(alist, blist):
	clist = alist + blist
	adict = {}
	for key in clist:
                if key not in adict: adict[key] = 0
		else: adict[key] += 1
	return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, adict.values())

Zak Arntson - Games - Lots of 'em

From carroll at  Thu Dec 11 18:41:03 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu Dec 11 18:41:11 2003
Subject: [Tutor] How to define a callback
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, "H?ctor Villafuerte D." wrote:

> I'm using the ftplib module and need to look for certain
> files. I'm planning on using string.find on the output of
> LIST. The question is: how to define a callback for the
> ftplib function retrlines? i.e. I don't want to print to
> sys.stdout, I want to print to a string.

Here's an example of using a callback w/ftplib.  I used this as a 
proof-of-concept for an approach I never went through on on a particular 

import ftplib

server = ""
remote_dir = "/pub/misc/movies/database/"
local_dir = "./IMDB-gzfiles/"
filename = "ratings.list.gz"

def mycallback(parm):
#    print "rec'ved ", len(parm), "bytes."

outfile = open(local_dir+filename,"wb")

f = ftplib.FTP(server)
resp = f.login()
print resp
resp = f.cwd(remote_dir)
print resp
resp = f.retrbinary("RETR "+filename, mycallback)
print resp
resp = f.quit()
print resp


(You can delete the "print resp" statements, they just make me feel 
bette as I watch.)

Basically, when you call f.retrbinary, it will call the routine mycallback 
every time it receives data.  In my routine, I simply write that data out 
to the file; but you can do something else, like append it to a string, if 
you want.

This is a binary call, but it's basically the same idea for a non-binary 
calll (your retrlines).

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From cybersamurai at  Thu Dec 11 18:57:56 2003
From: cybersamurai at (Luiz Siqueira)
Date: Thu Dec 11 18:53:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] reference to main module
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ops...  sorry.

change getattrib to getattr.   :)

And thanks about your help.

Magnus Lycka wrote:

>Luiz Siqueira Neto wrote:
>>I discovery the answer, take a look:
>>import sys
>>main = sys.modules['__main__']
>># now I can call some function on the fly
>># Ex:
>>def test():
>>    print 'yessss'
>>def testStart(funct):
>>    getattrib(funct)()
>># Example using it
>Here I get "NameError: global name 'getattrib' is not defined"
>If you are in the same scope, you can do:
>>>>def x():
>	print 'Hello'
>If your idea is to access code in the main module from
>a submodule imported directly or indirectly by __main__,
>I advice against it. Creating mutual dependencies between
>modules like that is a bad practice, and a programmer of
>one module does not expect that an *imported* module
>expects to find certain functions, or calls code, in the 
>*importing* module. 
>If the submodule need something from the main module, 
>the main module should pass it in as a parameter in a
>call, or possibly set a variable in the submodule.

From jhansmn at  Thu Dec 11 19:13:37 2003
From: jhansmn at (j hansen)
Date: Thu Dec 11 19:13:42 2003
Subject: [Tutor] newbie evalpostfix
Message-ID: <>

How do I modify evalpostfix to parse from left to right so that it follows 
the order of operations?

Shop online for kids� toys by age group, price range, and toy category at 
MSN Shopping. No waiting for a clerk to help you!

From dyoo at  Thu Dec 11 19:31:56 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Dec 11 19:32:00 2003
Subject: [Tutor] newbie evalpostfix  [writing a infix parser in Python]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, j hansen wrote:

> How do I modify evalpostfix to parse from left to right so that it
> follows the order of operations?

Hi j,

Are you referring to the 'evalpostfix' from 'How To Think Like a Computer

Please don't force us to guess.  *grin* Try to make it easier for people
to help you with your question.

It sounds like you'd like to try writing an 'infix' parser.  Infix parsers
are actually a little bit harder to do than a postfix parser, because of
the whole issue of operator precedence (as well as parenthesized
expressions).  If you don't need to handle parenthesized expressions, then
it won't be so difficult.

Will you try to handle things like:

   (a + b) * c

as well as

   a + b * c


If you do try to handle the parenthesized expressions, then you're in for
some work.  *grin* Tell us more about the problem.

Good luck to you!

From carroll at  Thu Dec 11 20:43:27 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu Dec 11 20:43:31 2003
Subject: [Tutor] and Sample9.pyc & seting path to Python open
	files ...
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Danny Yoo wrote:

> >>> import dis
> >>> dis.dis(hello)

I love this list.  I never knew about the dis module.

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From chris at  Thu Dec 11 22:15:34 2003
From: chris at (Chris Heisel)
Date: Thu Dec 11 22:15:40 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Parsing HTML file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Actually, the HTML might very well be XHTML. The files I've examined 
have been valid XHTML, however the files were hand coded by a variety of 
folks so some of them might not be valid, would that cause the dom 
handler to spaz out?



Danny Yoo wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Chris Heisel wrote:
>>I'm working on a Python script that will go through a series of
>>directories and parse some HTML files.
> [some text cut]
>>I'm wondering what the best way to approach this problem is?
>>I was reading up on htmllib and HTMLParser. Should I use them or do some
>>regexp searches of the files for "<h2 class="header">*</h2>"?
> Hi Chris,
> Avoid processing HTML with regular expressions if you can.  *grin* There
> are quite a few HTML parsers in Python, and 'HTMLParser' from the Standard
> Library is a fine one:
>>I gather than I can set event handlers for say, an <h2>, tag, but can I
>>set event handlers for classes, like <h2 class="header">, or for blocks
>>of commments like <!--START CONTENT--> and <!--END CONTENT-->
> HTMLParser handles comments through the 'handle_comment()' event handler.
> For example, here's a class that extracts comments from HTML text:
> ###
>>>>import HTMLParser
>>>>class CommentExtractor(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
> ...     def __init__(self):
> ...         HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self)
> ...         self.comments = []
> ...     def handle_comment(self, data):
> ...         self.comments.append(data)
> ...     def get_comments(self):
> ...         return self.comments
> ...
>>>>extractor = CommentExtractor()
>>>>extractor.feed("""<!--START CONTENT-->
> ... <p>Some content</p>
> ... <p>Some more content</p>
> ... <h4>A sub head</h4>
> ... <p>Again</p>
> ... <!--END CONTENT-->""")
> ###
> HTMLParser doesn't, by itself, support handlers by the HTML 'class'
> attribute , but that functionality is something that we can add on top of
> HTMLParser.  It will probably involve adding handle_starttag() and
> handle_endtag() handlers, since that's where we can check for that 'class'
> attribute.
> If you're parsing XHTML, your program should be even nicer, because then
> you can use one of the Document Object Model (DOM) modules.
>>In a perferct world I would have gotten all this data in an XML format,
>>that would make my life easier, but the files are already there in HTML
>>and I've got to figure out how to extract some of the semantic content
>>and stuff it into a MySQL DB...
> Ah.  Ok.  No XHTML then, I guess.  *grin*
> But if you can use something like HTML-Tidy:
> to transform messy HTML into XHTML, then we might be able to use something
> dom-ish.  The minidom and pulldom modules are especially nice:
> because they have a method called 'getElementsByTagName()'.  That function
> provides a nice way to dive into the tree structure:
> ###
>>>>text = '''<html>
> ... <!--START CONTENT-->
> ... ... <p>Some content</p>
> ... ... <p>Some more content</p>
> ... ... <h4>A sub head</h4>
> ... ... <p>Again</p>
> ... ... <!--END CONTENT-->
> ... </html>'''
>>>>from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
>>>>dom = parseString(text)
>>>>for paragraph in dom.getElementsByTagName('p'):
> ...     for textNode in paragraph.childNodes:
> ...         print
> ...
> Some content
> Some more content
> Again
> ###
> I hope these examples help.  Good luck to you!

From python at  Thu Dec 11 13:04:23 2003
From: python at (Shantanoo Mahajan)
Date: Fri Dec 12 00:46:13 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: creating text files
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

+++ Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis} [11-12-03 11:59 -0500]:
| A follow-up question if you don't mind....
| I open a log file while my program is running, but sometimes the program
| crashes and leaves no log file. Is there any way to write the file prior
| to when I actually close it. I guess I could close it and reopen it, but
| I'd rather just flush the output to the file.
| --vicki

f.write('this is a test')

f.flush() will write the files to HDD. It flushes the I/O buffer.


From Harm_Kirchhoff at  Fri Dec 12 00:51:26 2003
From: Harm_Kirchhoff at (
Date: Fri Dec 12 00:51:31 2003
Subject: [Tutor] round() yields in-expected results/commercial rounding
Message-ID: <>

I have the following problem:

>>> float(8.7)
>>> float(870)/100
>>> 8.7 * 100
>>> round(8.7,2)
>>> math.modf(8.7)
(0.69999999999999929, 8.0)
>>> int(float(8.7*100))

especially anoying is:
>>> n = float(8.7*100) ; print n
>>> n

How can I ensure that 8.7 stays 8.7, so that
8.7 * 100 = 870 and not 869.9999...

The way I came up with is:
>>> f = float(8.7*100)   ;  i = int(f)   ; i,f
(869, 869.99999999999989)
>>> if f>=(i+.5): i += 1 ;  i


I am writing a commercial sales database. To save memory I use integers 
internally, rather than floats.
This means that an amount of 8.70 is converted to 870 internally.
if it is converted to 869 I loose 1/10.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Dec 12 03:49:13 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Dec 12 03:48:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] reference to main module
References: <>
	<> <009101c3c01d$b5f65470$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <004e01c3c08c$d1417bf0$6401a8c0@xp>


I'm adding the tutor list to the reply because someone 
there might have a better idea.

My response is below...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Luiz Siqueira" <>
To: "Alan Gauld" <>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] reference to main module

> Sorry, I am not very good with words.  : )
> I make a mistake,
> please change getattrib to getattr.
> My idea is use a name of some data in XML
> to call the correct function in current module
> without needed of make a declaration for all
> function. In this way I can grow the number of
> functions easily.

To use a function you must declare it somewhere, 
or more accurately you must define it somewhere.

Now what I think you mean here is that you want 
to read the name of a function from an XML file
(the creator of which would need to know the 
function name in advance?) and execute it?

The normal way to do this is to use a dictionary.
You can either create your own, or use the module's 
internal dictionary. Personally I prefer to 
create my own and leave Python to mess with its 
own internals.

Something like:

def foo(): pass
def bar(): pass

my_funcs = {
"foo" : foo,
"bar" : bar

Then I can process the file(pseudo code warning!):

for line in xmlmsg:
    if line in my_funcs:

Is that what you mean?
And of course you could map any name to the functions, 
the dictionary key does not need to match the function name.

> suppose I have a data type Carnaval.
> Than I use the type name to call the
> correct function, and if inside of this
> data I have another like Samba, simple I
> repeat the same cycle.
> ---
> Tell me if you now can understand. :)

I think so, but if what I described above isn't what you 
mean, then sorry, no.

Alan G.

From python at  Fri Dec 12 03:25:32 2003
From: python at (Eddie Comber)
Date: Fri Dec 12 04:03:56 2003
Subject: [Tutor] do_it()
In-Reply-To: <009f01c3c01f$b9f05380$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Alan, that's clear. I suppose that it's best to OO it to later solve
problems still unknown, IYSWIM.

My rules and dependencies can at the moment be in dict, but who knows?


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld []
Sent: 11 December 2003 19:48
To: Eddie Comber;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] do_it()

> obj = myObject(param, param, param)
> obj.do_it()  #or obj.action() etc
> Are there any commanding advantages to making this sort of
> into an object?

No, but there some minor advantages.

> The above example is easier written and used as:
> myfunc(param, param, param)

Only easier used if you never change the program.
Making do_it a method allows you to subclass the entire
program and change the way it starts by overriding the
do_it() method.

You can then have another object use your program as
a sub-application by calling the do_it method. So far
the function approach works fine too, but...

You can in fact can have a list of such applets and
call each in turn, or in random order or from a menu
system etc, by using a single bit of common code:

for applet in app_list:

And in fact your applet launcher doesn't need to be
changed when you create another variation of your applet

Its not compelling, but can be handy.

The real reason for doing it is that its just folowing
the OO paradigm to its logical conclusion. Everything
in the application is an object, including the application

> I ask because I have just written a MAKE utility, and having
started off as
> an object I really don't know what the advantages are above a
> function.

If its a single object with a single function, probably none.
I would expect a Make program to have classes representing files,
commands, rules, dependencies etc...

The Make application object then binds those together with
attributes containing lists of rules, and files and the
rules in turn containing commands, file-patterns etc.

But maybe thats what you have?

Alan G

From magnus at  Fri Dec 12 04:23:22 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Fri Dec 12 04:23:36 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gUGFyc2luZyBIVE1MIGZpbGU=?=
Message-ID: <>

Chris Heisel <> wrote:
> Actually, the HTML might very well be XHTML. The files I've examined 
> have been valid XHTML, however the files were hand coded by a variety of 
> folks so some of them might not be valid, would that cause the dom 
> handler to spaz out?

It might, but so might any RE-based program you
write. I'd suggest using a tried and tested parser
or dom as you have been discussing. If you have
problems with data, I suggest adding a step to
check and fix data before the processing.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From Janssen at  Fri Dec 12 05:21:09 2003
From: Janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Fri Dec 12 05:24:14 2003
Subject: [Tutor] round() yields in-expected results/commercial rounding
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 12 Dec 2003 wrote:

> I have the following problem:
> >>> float(8.7)
> 8.6999999999999993
> >>> float(870)/100
> 8.6999999999999993
> >>> 8.7 * 100
> 869.99999999999989
> >>> round(8.7,2)
> 8.6999999999999993
> >>> math.modf(8.7)
> (0.69999999999999929, 8.0)
> >>> int(float(8.7*100))
> 869

This is what int is suppose to do. As lib/built-in-funcs.html states:
"Conversion of floating point numbers to integers truncates (towards


[user@host]# wget

[user@host]# python

>>> import FixedPoint
>>> dir(FixedPoint)
['DEFAULT_PRECISION', 'FixedPoint', '__builtins__', '__doc__',
'__file__', '__name__', '__version__', '_mkFP', '_norm', '_parser',
'_roundquotient', '_string2exact', '_tento', '_test']
>>> f = FixedPoint.FixedPoint(8.7)
>>> f
FixedPoint('8.70', 2)
>>> f * 100
FixedPoint('870.00', 2)
>>> int(f * 100)

---> a simple programming-language arithmetic isn't good enough for
Money Application. You will loose some money when you use it (or
gain some ;-).

So you should look out for solutions made for this problem (google for
"python+money"). FixedPoint seems for me like a very good starting
point to write your programm correctly. Perhaps FixedPoint offers
allready everything you need.

But you might also want support different types of commercial
rounding conventions (Shall $4.225 be rounded up or down?). I've heard
some people work on a Money class to solve exactly these type of things
but it is still in progress. There was a python-dev thread not long ago:

This was a "prePEP" (which stands for Python Enhancemeent Proposal) as
you notice but it (and the further discussion) might give you some very
valueable informations.


From cybersamurai at  Fri Dec 12 06:49:19 2003
From: cybersamurai at (Luiz Siqueira Neto)
Date: Fri Dec 12 05:51:25 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Tutor Digest, Vol 5, Issue 39
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I send to you my unfinished code, here you can see the idea more clear.

If you pay attention you see the dictionary implicit inside of module,
I use this to make a reference to the correct function declared on end of
the code.

The general idea of this algorithim is simulate a biological tree 
growing, with this I can
map easyli some data in layout mode (like bits in memory) on a XML model 
-------------- next part --------------
# Internode and seed
# a set of functions to make a tree grow
Author Luiz Siqueira Neto
from xml.dom.ext.reader.Sax2 import FromXmlFile
from xml import xpath
import sys

self_module = sys.modules[__name__]

def seed(XMLmodel, fontFile):
  seed(XMLmodel_file_name, Font_file_name) -> XML DOM tree
  a seed to start the new tree
  XMLmodel = FromXmlFile(XMLmodel)
  self_module.tecniquie = xpath.Evaluate('/layout/tecniquie',
  internode( XMLmodel.documentElement, open(fontFile).read() )

  return XMLmodel

class internode:
  def __init__(self, node, data):
    x.__init__(XML_node, font_string_data)
    start the growth of the current node if needed.
    for child in node.childNodes:
      self.data_list = getattr(self_module,
          'load_' + node.nodeName)(child, data)
      for data_part in self.data_list:
        i = 1 + node.childNodes.index(child)
        node.childNodes.insert( i, child.cloneNode(True) )
        if child.nodeName == u'celula':
          if not child.getAttribute('key'):
        else internode(node.childNodes[i], data_part)

def load_layout(node, data):
  load and separe all groups in a list
  groups = None

  if self_module.tecniquie == u'layout':
    startFlag = node.getAttribute('startFlag')
    groups = map( lambda x: startFlag + x, data.split('\x00\n' + startFlag) )

  return groups

def load_group(node, data):
  load and separe all dataSets in a list

def load_dataSet(node, data):
  load and separe all celulas in a list
From vicki at  Fri Dec 12 13:15:14 2003
From: vicki at (Vicki Stanfield)
Date: Fri Dec 12 13:20:53 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Reuse of callback
Message-ID: <>

I have a function which is called via a button callback. I would like to
reuse this function based on the setting of a radio box button. The
existing function is like this:

    def Pass2ME(self,event):

and it is called by this:

    self.pass2mebutton = wxButton(self, 32, label= "Pass to ME",
                            style = wxBU_BOTTOM ,size=(150,20),
                            name = "Pass2ME")
    EVT_BUTTON(self, 32, self.Pass2ME)

now I want to call the same Pass2ME function from a toggle button if the
setting is ME. I have the code to create the radio box coded like this:

    self.MyController=wxRadioBox(self, 35, majorDimension = 1,
                                      style= wxSUNKEN_BORDER |
    EVT_RADIOBOX(self, 35, self.SetMyController)

self.SetMyController looks like this:

    def SetMyController(self,event):
        if event.GetString() == 'ME':
            Pass2ME(self, event)

I am getting an error due to the number of parameters passed to the
Pass2ME function.

The error is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "F:\", line 2109, in ?
    frame=MyFrame(NULL, -1, "Communication Tool")
  File "F:\", line 2083, in __init__
    panel1 = ComboBoxPanel(self,-1, wxDefaultSize, style=wxSUNKEN_BORDER)
  File "F:\", line 98, in __init__
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\wxPython\", line 969, in
    self.this = controlsc.new_wxRadioBox(*_args,**_kwargs)
TypeError: new_wxRadioBox() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)
13:18:13: Debug: e:\Projects\wx2.4\src\msw\app.cpp(439):
)' failed with error 0x00000584 (class still has open windows.).

Any help is greatly appreciated.


From dyoo at  Fri Dec 12 14:10:45 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri Dec 12 14:10:56 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Parsing HTML file  [using HTML-Tidy]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Chris Heisel wrote:

> Actually, the HTML might very well be XHTML. The files I've examined
> have been valid XHTML, however the files were hand coded by a variety of
> folks so some of them might not be valid, would that cause the dom
> handler to spaz out?

Hi Chris,

Yeah, things would probably break without some validation --- the DOM
modules require "well-formed" xml.  The program HTML-Tidy is meant to take
messy HTML, though, and output a variety of well-formed outputs.

M.A. Lemburg has written a Python module that exposes HTML-Tidy nicely:

Here's a quicky example of it in action:

>>> from mx.Tidy import tidy
>>> results = tidy('<p>hello<p>paragraph 2', output_xhtml=1)
>>> print results[2]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">

<p>paragraph 2</p>

So one way to approach the problem is to pass all HTML through HTML-Tidy,
force it into a nicer structure, and then do your extraction on that
well-formed data.

And even if you don't take a XML-parsing approach, it's still probably a
good idea to use HTML-Tidy as a first curation step, since it'll make the
HTML more regular and easier to process.  You have to assume that any
hand-written HTML has the possiblity of being really wacky --- better for
HTML-Tidy to try to figure it out than us.  *grin*

From vicki at  Fri Dec 12 14:43:24 2003
From: vicki at (Vicki Stanfield)
Date: Fri Dec 12 14:49:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Reuse of callback
Message-ID: <>

> I have a function which is called via a button callback. I would like to
reuse this function based on the setting of a radio box button. The
existing function is like this:

While I am still continually confused by callback functions which require
a different number of parameters than I expect, I did manage to figure
this one out. Thanks.


From piir at  Fri Dec 12 15:08:08 2003
From: piir at (Todd G. Gardner)
Date: Fri Dec 12 15:08:14 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Python used in Data Acquisition systems?
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

I would like to use python in my data acquisition system.  I have been using
LabVIEW which is built around easy DAQ programming.

Any suggestions on where to get started.

Platform: Windows XP and Linux



From alan.gauld at  Fri Dec 12 15:15:23 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Dec 12 15:24:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Tutor Digest, Vol 5, Issue 39
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <001a01c3c0ec$ace94750$6401a8c0@xp>

> If you pay attention you see the dictionary implicit inside of
> I use this to make a reference to the correct function declared
on end of
> the code.


> self_module = sys.modules[__name__]

This just gets you a reference to your own module.

> def seed(XMLmodel, fontFile):
>   self_module.tecniquie = xpath.Evaluate('/layout/tecniquie',

And this creates a new module scope variable called tecniquie.
Which you could have done with an initialisation to None outside
(or by using the global specifier in the function).

> class internode:
>   def __init__(self, node, data):
>     for child in node.childNodes:
>       self.data_list = getattr(self_module,
>                             'load_' + node.nodeName)(child,

Now this bit is more interesting because here you are getting
one of two possible functions ddepending on the data.
However you could have domne that by declaring an explicit

loadFuncs = {
"load_group"  : load_group,
"load_dataSet" : load_dataSet

And then referencing the dictionary:
>       self.data_list = loadFuncs['load_' +
node.nodeName'](child, data)

> def load_layout(node, data):
>   if self_module.tecniquie == u'layout':

And this just needs to be a variable reference, no need even
for the global qualifier.

> def load_group(node, data):
> def load_dataSet(node, data):

These would need to be defined before the dictionary.

At least I think that's how it would work. Its how I would try
coding it because I think its easier to see the intent.

Alan G.

From piir at  Fri Dec 12 23:48:11 2003
From: piir at (Todd G. Gardner)
Date: Fri Dec 12 23:48:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Accessing hardware drivers written in "C"?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hello Daniel,

I do need to learn more of the basics in Python so thank you for the
suggestions!  I would like to use a more robust language and Python seems
like an excellent choice.  The obstacle to using Python is primarily
interfacing to the various Data Acquisition hardware.

Most data acquisition boards have drivers written in "C" for Windows and
Comedi for Linux.  If there are no previous experiences with specific
manufactures I guess I will need to learn how Python can access the drivers
for the cards that I currently use in LabVIEW.  For now I'll specify the
National Instruments DAQCard 6062E.  Now the question becomes more specific.
How to access National Instruments DAQCard 6062E via Ni-DAQ or how to
communicate with a program written in "C".

I can currently write simple GUIs in Python using wxPython and make simple
2D plots using wxPyPlot.  I would like too also do some basic Fourier and
statistical analysis, processing and data basing.  I would like to output
analog and digital signals based on this analysis.  I would like to write,
distribute <2 Mb applications and that can be prohibitively expensive or
completely impossible in LabVIEW.  Also, LabVIEW is a great language but as
my programs grow more and more complex I find that maintenance can sometimes
become cumbersome given the data flow design paradigm.

Thank you for any pointers as to how to get started accessing these or any
drivers to DAQ or GPIB hardware.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Ehrenberg []
> Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 10:52 PM
> To: Todd G. Gardner
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python used in Data Acquisition systems?
> "Todd G. Gardner" wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I would like to use python in my data acquisition
> > system.  I have been using
> > LabVIEW which is built around easy DAQ programming.
> >
> > Any suggestions on where to get started.
> >
> > Platform: Windows XP and Linux
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Todd
> What, specifically, do you want Python to do in this
> system? Do you want Python to be just doing rote data
> acquisition without much processing? In that case, you
> should probably stick with LabVIEW.

I would like to write and distribute applications and that is prohibitively
expensive in LabVIEW.

> Do you want Python
> to get the data and do some complex processing with
> it? Do you want Python to interact with an existing
> LabVIEW program to process data?

I would like to write simple GUIs do some basic Fourier and statistical
analysis, processing and data basing.

I would like to output analog and digital signals based on this analysis.

> In those two cases,
> you should probably start with learning Python.\

I can currently write simple GUIs in Python using wxPython and make simple
2D plots using wxPyPlot.

> Whether you know nothing about Python or you're
> already good on most of the basics, the How To Think
> Like a Computer Scientist (in Python) tutorial at
> would be
> beneficial.
> Daniel Ehrenberg
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From littledanehren at  Sat Dec 13 09:47:06 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sat Dec 13 09:47:11 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Accessing hardware drivers written in "C"?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Todd G. Gardner" wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
> I do need to learn more of the basics in Python so
> thank you for the
> suggestions!  I would like to use a more robust
> language and Python seems
> like an excellent choice.  The obstacle to using
> Python is primarily
> interfacing to the various Data Acquisition
> hardware.
> Most data acquisition boards have drivers written in
> "C" for Windows and
> Comedi for Linux.  If there are no previous
> experiences with specific
> manufactures I guess I will need to learn how Python
> can access the drivers
> for the cards that I currently use in LabVIEW.  For
> now I'll specify the
> National Instruments DAQCard 6062E.  Now the
> question becomes more specific.
> How to access National Instruments DAQCard 6062E via
> Ni-DAQ or how to
> communicate with a program written in "C".

There are several ways to interface with C code, but
unless you want to write in C or write cumbersome
configuration files, both of which require the source
of the driver, your best bet is ctypes. Ctypes can
interface with any existing code that's compiled into
a library without having to leave Python. There's
probably no existing library to interface with that
device as there is with other things like printers.
> I can currently write simple GUIs in Python using
> wxPython and make simple
> 2D plots using wxPyPlot.  I would like too also do
> some basic Fourier and
> statistical analysis, processing and data basing.  I
> would like to output
> analog and digital signals based on this analysis. 
> I would like to write,
> distribute <2 Mb applications and that can be
> prohibitively expensive or
> completely impossible in LabVIEW.  Also, LabVIEW is
> a great language but as
> my programs grow more and more complex I find that
> maintenance can sometimes
> become cumbersome given the data flow design
> paradigm.
> Thank you for any pointers as to how to get started
> accessing these or any
> drivers to DAQ or GPIB hardware.
> Todd

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New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From littledanehren at  Sat Dec 13 11:57:51 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sat Dec 13 11:57:55 2003
Subject: [Tutor] round() yields in-expected results/commercial rounding
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <> wrote:
> I have the following problem:
> >>> float(8.7)
> 8.6999999999999993
> >>> float(870)/100
> 8.6999999999999993
> >>> 8.7 * 100
> 869.99999999999989
> >>> round(8.7,2)
> 8.6999999999999993
> >>> math.modf(8.7)
> (0.69999999999999929, 8.0)
> >>> int(float(8.7*100))
> 869
> especially anoying is:
> >>> n = float(8.7*100) ; print n
> 870.0
> >>> n
> 869.99999999999989
> >>> 
> How can I ensure that 8.7 stays 8.7, so that
> 8.7 * 100 = 870 and not 869.9999...
> The way I came up with is:
> >>> f = float(8.7*100)   ;  i = int(f)   ; i,f
> (869, 869.99999999999989)
> >>> if f>=(i+.5): i += 1 ;  i
> 870
> I am writing a commercial sales database. To save
> memory I use integers 
> internally, rather than floats.
> This means that an amount of 8.70 is converted to
> 870 internally.
> if it is converted to 869 I loose 1/10.

This is annoying, but the only way short of using a
library to perform this simple task that I can thing
of is to convert the float into a string and then into
an integer. Here's a simple function that does that:

>>> convert = lambda x: int(str(x*100)[:-2])
>>> convert(8.7)

You need the [:-2] to truncate the last two letters
because otherwise it would be in the form '870.0',
which it can't handle.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From justinstraube at  Sat Dec 13 13:49:50 2003
From: justinstraube at (
Date: Sat Dec 13 13:50:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [newb] ascii questions
Message-ID: <>

Hello Tutors,

Sorry folks I hit the Send button on accident. I will resend when I 
finish the mail.



From justinstraube at  Sat Dec 13 13:48:39 2003
From: justinstraube at (
Date: Sat Dec 13 13:50:14 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [newb] ascii questions
Message-ID: <>

Hello Tutors,

Im working on this and am running into a couple problems I can't figure 
out. Can anyone offer any hints or anything?

My questions follow this little bit

import random
def process(val):
    r = val + random.randint(n, amnt)
    if r < 0:
        r = r + 26
    elif r > 26:
        r = r - 26
    return r
count = 0
name = Uname = raw_input('What is your name? ')
while 1:
    #user # as an int and verifies its in range
    amnt = int(raw_input('Number 1 to 26? '))
    if amnt > 26:
        print 'That number is out of range'
        #negetive user #
        n = -amnt
#processes the users name 5 times
while count < 6:
    #assigns the values of names
    name = Uname
    xname = ''
    #gets 1st characters value
    for x in name:
        name_x = ord(name[0])
        if name_x >= 65 and name_x <= 90:
            name_x = name_x - 65
            x = process(name_x) + 65
        elif name_x >= 97 and name_x <= 122:
            name_x = name_x - 96
            x = process(name_x) + 96
        #if name[0] is a [space]
        elif name_x == 32:
            x = 32
        name = name[0:]
        #adds the values character to the processed name
        xname = xname + chr(x)
    count = count + 1
    print xname
    if count == 6:
        print 'Hit Enter for more'
        print 'Or ctrl-c to quit'
        count = 0

Im not sure where the problem is in here. When I enter a name with all 
lower case and a lower number for amnt I get back the results I am 

From littledanehren at  Sat Dec 13 15:50:42 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sat Dec 13 15:50:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] How to define a callback
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- "H嶰tor_Villafuerte_D." wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm using the ftplib module and need to look for
> certain
> files. I'm planning on using string.find on the
> output of
> LIST. The question is: how to define a callback for
> the
> ftplib function retrlines? i.e. I don't want to
> print to
> sys.stdout, I want to print to a string.
> retrlines(command[, callback])
>    Retrieve a file or directory listing in ASCII
> transfer mode.
>    command should be an appropriate "RETR" command
> (see retrbinary())
>    or a "LIST" command (usually just the string
> 'LIST').
>    The callback function is called for each line,
> with the trailing
>    CRLF stripped. The default callback prints the
> line to sys.stdout.
> Thanks for your help.

What you need to do is make a class that emulates
sys.stdout but then change the .write() function to
use a string instead. Here's a minimalistic example of
how to do that:

>>> class strout(object):
...     def __init__(self, string=''):
...         self.string = string
...     def write(self, newstring):
...         self.string += newstring
...     __str__ = lambda self: self.string

You can also have it go to a list, which I think would
be more convienent:

>>> class listout(object):
...     def __init__(self, string=''):
...         self.list = []
...     def write(self, newstring):
...         self.list.append(newstring)
...     __str__ = lambda self: str(self.list)

I can't figure out how to make these inherit from the
str or list classes, which would make it much more

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From bgailer at  Sat Dec 13 20:36:58 2003
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Sat Dec 13 20:37:12 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [newb] ascii questions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 11:48 AM 12/13/2003, wrote:

>Hello Tutors,
>Im working on this and am running into a couple problems I can't figure
>out. Can anyone offer any hints or anything?

Unfortunately I don' t know the objective of the program or the problems 
you are having, so I can't help. However there is opportunity to comment a 
bit about the program.

>My questions follow this little bit
>import random
>def process(val):

The function would be easier to read and understand if n and amnt were also 
passed as parameters

>     r = val + random.randint(n, amnt)
>     if r < 0:
>         r = r + 26
>     elif r > 26:

This will never happen!

>         r = r - 26
>     return r
>count = 0
>name = Uname = raw_input('What is your name? ')
>while 1:
>     #user # as an int and verifies its in range
>     amnt = int(raw_input('Number 1 to 26? '))

Consider exception handlers here for user canceling or not entering a number:
        amnt =raw_input('Number 1 to 26? ')
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        amnt = int(amnt)
    except ValueError:
        print 'That is not a number'

>     if amnt > 26:

Do you mean:
      if amnt > 26 or amnt < 1:

>         print 'That number is out of range'
>         continue

continue here is superfluous.

>     else:
>         #negetive user #

do you mean NEGATE?

>         n = -amnt
>         break
>#processes the users name 5 times
>while count < 6:
>     #assigns the values of names
>     name = Uname
>     xname = ''
>     #gets 1st characters value
>     for x in name:

x is not used; in fact it is overridden at x = process....

>         name_x = ord(name[0])

You could take advantage of the fact that x takes on successive characters 
in name:
           name_x = ord(x)
Then you would not need name = name[0:]

>         #uppercase
>         if name_x >= 65 and name_x <= 90:
>             name_x = name_x - 65
>             x = process(name_x) + 65
>         #lowercase
>         elif name_x >= 97 and name_x <= 122:
>             name_x = name_x - 96
>             x = process(name_x) + 96
>         #if name[0] is a [space]
>         elif name_x == 32:
>             x = 32
>         name = name[0:]
>         #adds the values character to the processed name
>         xname = xname + chr(x)
>     count = count + 1
>     print xname
>     if count == 6:
>         print
>         print 'Hit Enter for more'
>         print 'Or ctrl-c to quit'
>         raw_input()
>         count = 0
>Im not sure where the problem is in here. When I enter a name with all
>lower case and a lower number for amnt I get back the results I am

Here is an alternate version, in which I've packaged the input processing 
in a new function getInput() that handles all the exceptions, put all the 
character handling in process(), avoided the upper/lower issue by getting a 
random number in (n, amnt), testing for negative, then adding the ord, and 
used list comprehension to construct xname, and used some other Python 
shortcuts. If we knew the purpose of the program there might be some more 
suggestions. See what you think.

import random, string
def getInput(prompt, low, high):
         r = raw_input(prompt)
     except KeyboardInterrupt:
         return None
     if valueRange:
             r = int(r)
         except ValueError:
             print 'That is not a number'
             r = None
         if not low <= r <= high:
             print 'That number is out of range'
             r =  None
     return r
def process(nameChar, numericLimit):
     r = random.randint(-numericLimit, numericLimit)
     if r < 0:
         r += 26
     return chr(r + ord(nameChar))
name = getInput('What is your name? ')
while 1:
     amnt = getInput('Number 1 to 26? ', 1, 26)
     if amnt:
for y in xrange(1,999999):
     xname = ''.join([process(x, amnt) for x in name])
     print xname
     if not y % 6:
         if not getInput('\nHit Enter for more\nOr ctrl-c to quit'):

Bob Gailer
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720 938 2625 cell 
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From justinstraube at  Sun Dec 14 06:08:48 2003
From: justinstraube at (
Date: Sun Dec 14 06:10:09 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [newb] ascii questions
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 13 Dec 2003 18:36:58 -0700, bgailer@alum.rp... wrote:

>>Im working on this and am running into a couple problems I can't 
>>out. Can anyone offer any hints or anything?
>Unfortunately I don' t know the objective of the program or the 
>you are having, so I can't help. However there is opportunity to 
comment a
>bit about the program.

Thank you, Bob for still taking the time to reply. I accidentally hit 
send as I went to save the message.

My objective is to adjust the users name by a random # of steps either 
up or down. Within a range of the user given number and its opposite. 
Then return 5 variations and the option for more. This is similar to an 
"extrapolate word" feature I had seen in a random word generator 

I was able to do this with dictionaries, name.lower(), and no [space] 
characters allowed. But am trying to use ord() and chr() to allow for 
upper and lowercase and the [space] characters. Im trying to filter out 
non-alpha ascii characters and when 'z' or 'a' are reached it would 
countinue its steps from the other end.

>>import random
>>def process(val):
>The function would be easier to read and understand if n and amnt were 
>passed as parameters

I had thought about this but thought in a smaller program I could get 
away with this. Though you do make a good point about readability for 

>>     r = val + random.randint(n, amnt)
>>     if r < 0:
>>         r = r + 26
>>     elif r > 26:
>This will never happen!

Im not sure I understand why not. What Im thinking happens here is that 
say name[0] = 's' which is 19th in the alphabet, and say the random 
integer was 9 I would count to 26 and start back at zero and continue 
until 2 for 'b'.

>>         r = r - 26
>>     return r
>>count = 0
>>name = Uname = raw_input('What is your name? ')
>>while 1:
>>     #user # as an int and verifies its in range
>>     amnt = int(raw_input('Number 1 to 26? '))
>Consider exception handlers here for user canceling or not entering a 
>    try:
>        amnt =raw_input('Number 1 to 26? ')
>    except KeyboardInterrupt:
>        sys.exit(0)
>    try:
>        amnt = int(amnt)
>    except ValueError:
>        print 'That is not a number'
>        continue

Ive seen exception handlers in my book but havent read up to it yet. Im 
still tripping over some of the earlier things.

>>     if amnt > 26:
>Do you mean:
>      if amnt > 26 or amnt < 1:

Yes, thanks.

>>         print 'That number is out of range'
>>         continue
>continue here is superfluous.

I read again about countinues and breaks and I think Ive got it now.

>>     else:
>>        #negetive user #
>do you mean NEGATE?

yes, thanks

>>         n = -amnt
>>         break
>>#processes the users name 5 times
>>while count < 6:
>>     #assigns the values of names
>>     name = Uname
>>     xname = ''
>>     #gets 1st characters value
>>     for x in name:
>x is not used; in fact it is overridden at x = process....

ok I see now. Ive to try my ideas to be sure though.

>>         name_x = ord(name[0])
>You could take advantage of the fact that x takes on successive 
>in name:
>           name_x = ord(x)
>Then you would not need name = name[0:]
>>         #uppercase
>>         if name_x >= 65 and name_x <= 90:
>>             name_x = name_x - 65
>>             x = process(name_x) + 65
>>         #lowercase
>>         elif name_x >= 97 and name_x <= 122:
>>             name_x = name_x - 96
>>             x = process(name_x) + 96
>>         #if name[0] is a [space]
>>         elif name_x == 32:
>>             x = 32
>>         name = name[0:]
>>         #adds the values character to the processed name
>>         xname = xname + chr(x)
>>     count = count + 1
>>     print xname
>>     if count == 6:
>>         print
>>         print 'Hit Enter for more'
>>         print 'Or ctrl-c to quit'
>>         raw_input()
>>         count = 0

>Here is an alternate version, in which I've packaged the input 
>in a new function getInput() that handles all the exceptions, put all 
>character handling in process(), avoided the upper/lower issue by 
getting a
>random number in (n, amnt), testing for negative, then adding the ord, 
>used list comprehension to construct xname, and used some other Python
>shortcuts. If we knew the purpose of the program there might be some 
>suggestions. See what you think.

Im reading over your other pointers and comments and also the alternate 
version. I havent tested this yet but from what Ive read already, I see 
a few things which help. Ill work on this some more and hopefully be a 
bit more gracefull when composing further messages. :)



>import random, string
>def getInput(prompt, low, high):
>     try:
>         r = raw_input(prompt)
>     except KeyboardInterrupt:
>         return None
>     if valueRange:
>         try:
>             r = int(r)
>         except ValueError:
>             print 'That is not a number'
>             r = None
>         if not low <= r <= high:
>             print 'That number is out of range'
>             r =  None
>     return r
>def process(nameChar, numericLimit):
>     r = random.randint(-numericLimit, numericLimit)
>     if r < 0:
>         r += 26
>     return chr(r + ord(nameChar))
>name = getInput('What is your name? ')
>while 1:
>     amnt = getInput('Number 1 to 26? ', 1, 26)
>     if amnt:
>         break
>for y in xrange(1,999999):
>     xname = ''.join([process(x, amnt) for x in name])
>     print xname
>     if not y % 6:
>         if not getInput('\nHit Enter for more\nOr ctrl-c to quit'):
>             break
>Bob Gailer

From pythontutor at  Sun Dec 14 14:47:54 2003
From: pythontutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Sun Dec 14 14:47:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] How to define a callback
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The StringIO class (in the StringIO module) probably does what you want.
It supports file operations with a buffer that's held in memory.  Besides
read(), it also supports a method, getvalue() for retrieving the buffer
contents as a string.

There's also a variant cStringIO that is similar but less flexible with
higher performance.

Daniel Ehrenberg wrote:
> --- "H?ctor_Villafuerte_D." wrote:
>>Hi all!
>>I'm using the ftplib module and need to look for
>>files. I'm planning on using string.find on the
>>output of
>>LIST. The question is: how to define a callback for
>>ftplib function retrlines? i.e. I don't want to
>>print to
>>sys.stdout, I want to print to a string.
>>retrlines(command[, callback])
>>   Retrieve a file or directory listing in ASCII
>>transfer mode.
>>   command should be an appropriate "RETR" command
>>(see retrbinary())
>>   or a "LIST" command (usually just the string
>>   The callback function is called for each line,
>>with the trailing
>>   CRLF stripped. The default callback prints the
>>line to sys.stdout.
>>Thanks for your help.
> What you need to do is make a class that emulates
> sys.stdout but then change the .write() function to
> use a string instead. Here's a minimalistic example of
> how to do that:
>>>>class strout(object):
> ...     def __init__(self, string=''):
> ...         self.string = string
> ...     def write(self, newstring):
> ...         self.string += newstring
> ...     __str__ = lambda self: self.string
> You can also have it go to a list, which I think would
> be more convienent:
>>>>class listout(object):
> ...     def __init__(self, string=''):
> ...         self.list = []
> ...     def write(self, newstring):
> ...         self.list.append(newstring)
> ...     __str__ = lambda self: str(self.list)
> I can't figure out how to make these inherit from the
> str or list classes, which would make it much more
> convienent.
> Daniel Ehrenberg
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From barnabydscott at  Sun Dec 14 19:09:25 2003
From: barnabydscott at (Barnaby Scott)
Date: Sun Dec 14 19:09:30 2003
Subject: [Tutor] returning a web page (and also path to web root)
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to write a cgi script in which under rare
circumstances I want the user to see a particular web
page (from the same server).

I am not very experienced and would be very grateful
for help on the right way to tackle this - without
knowing a sensible direction to go in I am likely to
waste huge amounts of time developing a stupid or
overly-complex solution!

Presumably if I just read the page in and spat it back
out to the user, all the relative links, image sources
etc would be wrong.

However I was a little reluctant to start messing with
the SimpleHTTPServer module - a. because I find it
daunting and b. I wondered if there was something
altogether simple and obvious I could do.

One more quick question: is there an easy way of
returning the actual path of the webserver's web root?
(Forgive my terminology if it's not right - I mean the
root directory as far as the someone accessing the
site is concerned).

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From alan.gauld at  Sun Dec 14 19:42:05 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Dec 14 19:42:33 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [newb] ascii questions
References: <>
Message-ID: <006c01c3c2a4$4381c8f0$6401a8c0@xp>

I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to achieve but
nonetheless here are some comments and opinions...

> def process(val):
>     r = val + random.randint(n, amnt)
>     if r < 0:
>         r = r + 26
>     elif r > 26:
>         r = r - 26
>     return r

You use n and amnt in the function so you would be better
to pass n and amnt in as parameters rather than rely on
global variables.

> count = 0
> name = Uname = raw_input('What is your name? ')
> while 1:
>     #user # as an int and verifies its in range
>     amnt = int(raw_input('Number 1 to 26? '))
>     if amnt > 26:
>         print 'That number is out of range'
>         continue
>     else:
>         #negetive user #
>         n = -amnt
>         break

If the user types a "correct" value then n is set
to the negative. Even if amnt is itself negative?
Shouldn't the check for invalid also test for <=0?
That is:

if 0 >= amnt < 26:
    n = -amnt

If the user types zero as it is then process(val)
will return val when val is between 0 and 26, is that
correct behaviour?

> #processes the users name 5 times
> while count < 6:

Using a while count when you know you want to do it
5 times is both counter intuitive and less readable
- especially with count intialised many lines above.
Better to use

for count in range(5)

>     #assigns the values of names
>     name = Uname
>     xname = ''
>     #gets 1st characters value
>     for x in name:
>         name_x = ord(name[0])
>         #uppercase
>         if name_x >= 65 and name_x <= 90:
>             name_x = name_x - 65
>             x = process(name_x) + 65

Why write assembler in Python? Why not just compare
to 'A' etc? Or even the isupper and islower string methods.
It might be marginally slower but it's much more readable.

We could rewrite it like this:

for c in name:
   if c.isupper():
      name_x = ord(c) - 65
      x = process(name_x) + 65

>         #lowercase
>         elif name_x >= 97 and name_x <= 122:
>             name_x = name_x - 96
>             x = process(name_x) + 96

   elif c.islower():
       name_x = ord(c) - 96
       x = process(name_x) + 96

and shouldn't 96 be 97??

>         #if name[0] is a [space]
>         elif name_x == 32:
>             x = 32

    elif c = ' ':
       x = 32

>         name = name[0:]

This line does nothing at all! Or more accurately it
assigns name to a new copy of itself...

>         #adds the values character to the processed name
>         xname = xname + chr(x)

Now we repeat for as many characters are in name, but
always processing the first letter? Assuming you wanted
to process each letter in turn then you could have
done it more simply without doing the extraction and
reassignment. I'm not really sure whether you mean to
repeatedly process the first letter or to process each
letter in turn?

>     count = count + 1
>     print xname
>     if count == 6:
>         print
>         print 'Hit Enter for more'
>         print 'Or ctrl-c to quit'
>         raw_input()
>         count = 0

This test could be rewritten:

again = raw_input("Repeat [y/n]? ")
if again in 'nN': break
else : count = 0

Asking users to hit control keys etc is a bit unfriendly IMHO.

Of course this test is why you used the while lop and not a 'for'
as suggested above. But if you use a test as I've shown you can
use a more radable while, like

repeat = ''
while repeat not in 'nN':
    ...for loop here...
    repeat = raw_input("Repeat [y/n]? ")

> Im not sure where the problem is in here. When I enter a name
with all
> lower case and a lower number for amnt I get back the results I
> expecting.

I'm not sure what you get back at other times, but make your
code easier to read and it will be easier to debug too...

Alan g.

From littledanehren at  Sun Dec 14 20:48:15 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sun Dec 14 20:48:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] returning a web page (and also path to web root)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Barnaby Scott wrote:
> I am trying to write a cgi script in which under
> rare
> circumstances I want the user to see a particular
> web
> page (from the same server).
> I am not very experienced and would be very grateful
> for help on the right way to tackle this - without
> knowing a sensible direction to go in I am likely to
> waste huge amounts of time developing a stupid or
> overly-complex solution!
> Presumably if I just read the page in and spat it
> back
> out to the user, all the relative links, image
> sources
> etc would be wrong.
> However I was a little reluctant to start messing
> with
> the SimpleHTTPServer module - a. because I find it
> daunting and b. I wondered if there was something
> altogether simple and obvious I could do.
Try using the Twisted framework. Among several other
protocalls, Twisted can act as a web server. It is
written completely in Python so it's very portable.
With Twisted's web server, you can use static websites
or traditional CGI, but it's much more efficient to
use Twisted's own persistent framework with all of
these great templating and distributed object tools.

> One more quick question: is there an easy way of
> returning the actual path of the webserver's web
> root?
> (Forgive my terminology if it's not right - I mean
> the
> root directory as far as the someone accessing the
> site is concerned).

I'm not really sure what you mean. Don't you have to
define that on the web server software itself and it
isn't some kind of underlying thing available from
every program? This might be possible with something
like mod_python, but not in a more general way.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From dyoo at  Mon Dec 15 04:22:28 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec 15 04:22:34 2003
Subject: [Tutor] newbie evalpostfix [writing a infix parser in Python]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, j hansen wrote:

> You raise some good points.  I need the evalpostfix (from ch.18) to
> evaluate "5*4+300/(5-2)*(6+4)+4".  So far, I'm able to tokenize this
> expression and to convert it to a polish post order format.
> Unfortunately, the evalpostfix does not operate correctly because it
> uses "*" before "/".


(Please keep in CC; this makes sure that someone can
continue the discussion, even if I get negligent in checking my email...)

Both multiplication and division should have the same order of precedence.
Something like:


should be transformed into:

        [+ [* 5 4]
            [* [/ 300
                  [- 5 2]]
               [+ 6 4]]]

in "prefix" notation.  I'm just using prefix notation because I'm more
used to it, but going from this "prefix" notation to "postfix" notation
just involves a little reordering of things.

>  Thus, it does not evaluate according to the order of precedence.

Can you show us how your program translates the original string?

Writing an infix parser is not exactly a trivial thing to do.  It's
actually a classic exercise for people who are learning how to build
programming language compilers!  But I'll sketch some of the steps that a
person would use to write this parser from scratch.

Actually, the easy approach would be to not try to write things from
scratch, but to use one of the automatic "parser-generator" modules.  For

provides a tools called Yapps that automatically generates a program,
given a specification of the "grammar".  And Amit Patel already has a
parser for arithmetic expressions:

so you may just want to swipe his code.  *grin*

One of the first steps for parsing a string is to design a grammar for the
language that interests us.  For stuff like arithmetic expressions, we can
design a "grammar"  for a language of arithmetic.  It might look something
like this:

    expression ::=  factor
                  | factor '+' factor
                  | factor '-' factor

    factor     ::=  term
                  | term '*' term
                  | term '/' term

    term       ::= NUMBER
                  | '(' expression ')'

This grammar is still non-executable at the moment, but let's use it for a
moment.  In a "grammar", we define the names of "rules" on the left side
of the '::=' symbol, and their expansions on the right side.  In the above
grammar, we say that an 'expression' can be a single factor, or it can be
expanded out as two factors that are being added or subtracted.  For

    5 * 6 + 7

can be seen as two 'factors' being added together.  The first factor
itself is a product of two 'terms'.  Let me draw it more graphically:

              /    |   \
             /     |    \
          factor  '+'   factor
          / | \            |
         /  |  \          term
     term  '*' term        |
      |         |       NUMBER(7)

It's not obvious at first, but these rules are designed in a way so that
the 'precedence' of an expression is built in --- multiplication binds
more tightly because of the relationship between 'terms' and 'factors', so
something like '5 + 6 * 7' will have a parse tree that reflects the
precedences that we'd expect from multiplication and addition.

Another way to represent a parse tree like the above is with nested lists.
Something like:

    ['+', ['*', 5, 6], 7]

captures the structure of the parse tree above, if we assume that the
operator is the first element of each list, and the operands are the rest
of the list.

If we can take a string and break it down into a nested list structure
like this, then it becomes easier to generate a 'postfix' representation,
because all that's involved is a bit of list manipulation, although you
will probably need to write something recursive.

Anyway, for convenience, here's some very rough Python code that can
translate arithmetic strings into parsed expression lists.

"""A small parser for arithmetic expressions.  Demonstration of
recursive descent parsing.  Transforms expressions into prefix form,
using nested lists.  For example, we expect something like:


to be parsed into the nested list:

['+', ['+', ['*', 5, 4], ['*', ['/', 300, ['-', 5, 2]], ['+', 6, 4]]], 4]

Each nested list represents a subexpression, and has three components:

    [operator, left_subexpression, right_subexpression]

For reference, the grammar that we parse is:

    expression ::=  factor
                  | factor '+' factor
                  | factor '-' factor

    factor     ::=  term
                  | term '*' term
                  | term '/' term

    term       ::= NUMBER
                  | '(' expression ')'

(We use a small trick with 'while' loops to avoid doing explicit

"""Here are the symbolic tokens that we'll process:"""
PLUS = '+'
MINUS = '-'
TIMES = '*'
DIVIDE = '/'
LPAREN = '('
RPAREN = ')'

def main():
    """Some test code."""
    ## test of parsing: "5*4+300/(5-2)*(6+4)+4"
    print ArithmeticParser([
        5, TIMES, 4, PLUS, 300, DIVIDE,
        LPAREN, 5, MINUS, 2, RPAREN,
        TIMES, LPAREN, 6, PLUS, 4, RPAREN,
        PLUS, 4, EOF]).parse_expression()

class ArithmeticParser:
    """Parses a token list and returns a nested expression structure in
    prefix form."""
    def __init__(self, tokens):
        self.tokens = tokens

    def peek_token(self):
        """Looks at the next token in our token stream."""
        return self.tokens[0]

    def consume_token(self):
        """Pops off the next token in our token stream."""
        next_token = self.tokens[0]
        del self.tokens[0]
        return next_token

    def parse_expression(self):
        """Returns a parsed expression.  An expression may consist of a
        bunch of chained factors."""
        expression = self.parse_factor()
        while True:
            if self.peek_token() in (PLUS, MINUS):
                operation = self.consume_token()
                factor = self.parse_factor()
                expression= [operation, expression, factor]
            else: break
        return expression

    def parse_factor(self):
        """Returns a parsed factor.   A factor may consist of a bunch of
        chained terms."""
        factor = self.parse_term()
        while True:
            if self.peek_token() in (TIMES, DIVIDE):
                operation = self.consume_token()
                term = self.parse_term()
                factor = [operation, factor, term]
            else: break
        return factor

    def parse_term(self):
        """Returns a parsed term.  A term may consist of a number, or a
        parenthesized expression."""
        if self.peek_token() != LPAREN:
            return int(self.consume_token())
            self.consume_token() ## eat up the lparen
            expression = self.parse_expression()
            self.consume_token() ## eat up the rparen
            return expression

if __name__ == '__main__':

The main() function shows a really minimal test of the system --- it
parses a list of tokens that represents the string

I took a lot of shortcuts here --- I'm not doing any error trapping here,
and I'm sure there's still some bugs in there somewhere.  Since this code
is only meant to be a minimal example of a parser, I hope you don't mind.
*grin* Does this help?

Good luck to you!

From hameedkhaan at  Mon Dec 15 06:13:58 2003
From: hameedkhaan at (Hameed Khan)
Date: Mon Dec 15 06:14:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] strange difference between two functions
Message-ID: <>

  i was reading the tutorial comes with python
documentation. i found 2 example functions in it. but
i cant understand these functions because of their
different output. so if any one of you out there can
tell me why there are giving different outputs just
because of a if check. that will be very nice of you.
below is the output directly copied from interactive
python prompt.

# function one #
>>> # function one
... def f(a, L=[]):
...     L.append(a)
...     return L
>>> f(1)
>>> f(2)
[1, 2]
>>> f(3)
[1, 2, 3]

# function two #
>>> # function two
... def f2(a, L=[]):
...     if not L:
...             L = []
...     L.append(a)
...     return L
>>> f2(1)
>>> f2(2)
>>> f2(3)

Thanks in advance.
Hameed Khaan

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From barnabydscott at  Mon Dec 15 09:02:15 2003
From: barnabydscott at (Barnaby Scott)
Date: Mon Dec 15 09:02:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] returning a web page (and also path to web root)
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for your reply, but I am still unclear. I know
nothing about the Twisted framework, and I feel it is
likely to be way over the top for what I want - I was
after 2 or lines of code! I just want to serve up an
exisitng page if certain conditions are met - mostly
the script is not in the business of being a
webserver, as it is running on a 'proper' one anyway.

As to the path to the web root, I suspect I am not
being clear. What I am after is the actual path as far
as the machine is concerned, to the root directory as
far as the http host is concerned. I feel sure there
must be a way of returning it, in much the same way as
you can get at the actual path to the script with
os.getenv('SCRIPT_FILENAME') or
os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]). I mean, I know what the
path is, but if the configuration of the server was to
change, or I wanted to install the script elsewhere, I
don't want to have to rewrite it.

> Barnaby Scott wrote:
> > I am trying to write a cgi script in which under
> > rare
> > circumstances I want the user to see a particular
> > web
> > page (from the same server).
> > 
> > I am not very experienced and would be very
> > for help on the right way to tackle this - without
> > knowing a sensible direction to go in I am likely
> > waste huge amounts of time developing a stupid or
> > overly-complex solution!
> > 
> > Presumably if I just read the page in and spat it
> > back
> > out to the user, all the relative links, image
> > sources
> etc would be wrong.
> > 
> > However I was a little reluctant to start messing
> > with
> > the SimpleHTTPServer module - a. because I find it
> > daunting and b. I wondered if there was something
> > altogether simple and obvious I could do.
> > 
> Try using the Twisted framework. Among several other
> protocalls, Twisted can act as a web server. It is
> written completely in Python so it's very portable.
> With Twisted's web server, you can use static
> or traditional CGI, but it's much more efficient to
> use Twisted's own persistent framework with all of
> these great templating and distributed object tools.
> > One more quick question: is there an easy way of
> > returning the actual path of the webserver's web
> > root?
> > (Forgive my terminology if it's not right - I mean
> > the
> > root directory as far as the someone accessing the
> > site is concerned).
> I'm not really sure what you mean. Don't you have to
> define that on the web server software itself and it
> isn't some kind of underlying thing available from
> every program? This might be possible with something
> like mod_python, but not in a more general way.
> Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From magnus at  Mon Dec 15 10:15:07 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Mon Dec 15 10:15:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] returning a web page (and also path to web root)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 16:09 2003-12-14 -0800, Barnaby Scott wrote:
>I am trying to write a cgi script in which under rare
>circumstances I want the user to see a particular web
>page (from the same server).

That's easy. Just return the location of the page
from the CGI script:

print "Location:\n\n"

The web browser will then fetch that page.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From pythontutor at  Mon Dec 15 10:22:43 2003
From: pythontutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Mon Dec 15 10:22:48 2003
Subject: [Tutor] returning a web page (and also path to web root)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I believe that a simpler approach would be to use a Location
HTTP header to force the client browser to load the desired page.

A standalone script like this should work:

#! /usr/local/bin/python
print "Location:\n"

Point your browser to:

Your browser should switch to the alternative web page.

NOTE the \n at the end of the Location: header line.  The headers are
spearated from the body of the output stream by a blank line.  print
will automatically append a newline.  The "\n" forces an additional
line which will be blank.

Prove that this simple script works for you.  Then update the logic
of your CGI script to output this header when appropriate.

Daniel Ehrenberg wrote:
> Barnaby Scott wrote:
>>I am trying to write a cgi script in which under
>>circumstances I want the user to see a particular
>>page (from the same server).
>>I am not very experienced and would be very grateful
>>for help on the right way to tackle this - without
>>knowing a sensible direction to go in I am likely to
>>waste huge amounts of time developing a stupid or
>>overly-complex solution!
>>Presumably if I just read the page in and spat it
>>out to the user, all the relative links, image
>>etc would be wrong.
>>However I was a little reluctant to start messing
>>the SimpleHTTPServer module - a. because I find it
>>daunting and b. I wondered if there was something
>>altogether simple and obvious I could do.
> Try using the Twisted framework. Among several other
> protocalls, Twisted can act as a web server. It is
> written completely in Python so it's very portable.
> With Twisted's web server, you can use static websites
> or traditional CGI, but it's much more efficient to
> use Twisted's own persistent framework with all of
> these great templating and distributed object tools.
>>One more quick question: is there an easy way of
>>returning the actual path of the webserver's web
>>(Forgive my terminology if it's not right - I mean
>>root directory as far as the someone accessing the
>>site is concerned).
> I'm not really sure what you mean. Don't you have to
> define that on the web server software itself and it
> isn't some kind of underlying thing available from
> every program? This might be possible with something
> like mod_python, but not in a more general way.
> Daniel Ehrenberg
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From pythontutor at  Mon Dec 15 10:44:16 2003
From: pythontutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Mon Dec 15 10:44:22 2003
Subject: [Tutor] returning a web page (and also path to web root)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

(I already suggested using the Location: HTTP header, but decided to
add more.)
Barnaby Scott wrote:
> I am trying to write a cgi script in which under rare
> circumstances I want the user to see a particular web
> page (from the same server).
> I am not very experienced and would be very grateful
> for help on the right way to tackle this - without
> knowing a sensible direction to go in I am likely to
> waste huge amounts of time developing a stupid or
> overly-complex solution!
> Presumably if I just read the page in and spat it back
> out to the user, all the relative links, image sources
> etc would be wrong.
Not true.  Your script will operate relative to the cgi-bin directory.
However, if you simply copy a page of HTML back to the browser, the
browser will not know that your CGI sent the HTML as opposed to the
regular HTTPD server.  It will simply process the HTML it receives.
Your script would have trouble resolving the image tags and relative
links, but it does not have to resolve anything within the HTML.
> However I was a little reluctant to start messing with
> the SimpleHTTPServer module - a. because I find it
> daunting and b. I wondered if there was something
> altogether simple and obvious I could do.
> One more quick question: is there an easy way of
> returning the actual path of the webserver's web root?
> (Forgive my terminology if it's not right - I mean the
> root directory as far as the someone accessing the
> site is concerned).
Shell Environment:


The os.environment() method should give you the DOCUMENT_ROOT.
The test method of the cgi module will show the environment provided
by your web server along with any parameters.
To see it yourself, this is all you need:

import cgi

Fix the shebang for your situation.
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From Michael.Dunn at  Mon Dec 15 11:04:55 2003
From: Michael.Dunn at (Michael Dunn)
Date: Mon Dec 15 11:05:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] problem importing module
Message-ID: <>

Dear Tutor,

I'm struggling with installing cx_Oracle (a module to let me talk to our
Oracle db using python). It builds and (apparently) installs alright, but
when I try to run anything that imports the cx_Oracle modulem, I get an
import error:

ImportError: python: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory

In the README to my python installation (I have a python installed
locally), it says:

	When the dynamic loader complains about errors finding shared
	libraries, such as ./python: fatal: open failed:
	No such file or directory

	you need to first make sure that the library is available on
	your system. Then, you need to instruct the dynamic loader how
	to find it. You can choose any of the following strategies:

	1. When compiling Python, set LD_RUN_PATH to the directories
	   containing missing libraries.
	2. When running Python, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to these directories.
	3. Use crle(8) to extend the search path of the loader.
	4. Modify the installed GCC specs file, adding -R options into the
	   *link: section.

I chose option 2, and added /usr/lib and /etc/lib to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH in
my personal login script (this is indeed where is located and the
path wasn't right before).

[sun02:~] micdunn% echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

However, when I check this from python, the path is still the old one

>>> import os
>>> os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH')
>>> ^D

Does anyone know what the problem is? I have been googling like mad, and I
have discovered I really don't understand how python works with

Thanks, Michael

From Janssen at  Mon Dec 15 11:16:08 2003
From: Janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Mon Dec 15 11:16:18 2003
Subject: [Tutor] strange difference between two functions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003, Hameed Khan wrote:

> hi,
>   i was reading the tutorial comes with python
> documentation. i found 2 example functions in it. but
> i cant understand these functions because of their
> different output. so if any one of you out there can
> tell me why there are giving different outputs just
> because of a if check. that will be very nice of you.
> below is the output directly copied from interactive
> python prompt.
> # function one #
> >>> # function one
> ... def f(a, L=[]):
> ...     L.append(a)
> ...     return L
> ...
> >>> f(1)
> [1]
> >>> f(2)
> [1, 2]
> >>> f(3)
> [1, 2, 3]
> # function two #
> >>> # function two
> ... def f2(a, L=[]):
> ...     if not L:
> ...             L = []
> ...     L.append(a)
> ...     return L
> ...
> >>> f2(1)
> [1]
> >>> f2(2)
> [2]
> >>> f2(3)
> [3]
> >>>

The python tutorial (setcion 4.71) claims "The default value is
evaluated only once" and continues with the much more astonishing story
about python mutuable types like lists. "evaluated only once" is
probably better shown this way:

>>> import time
>>> def yet(t=time.time()):
...  return t
>>> yet()
>>> yet()

--> the current time is evaluated when defining the function and won't
change with subsequents calls of "yet" ("t" doesn't get reevaluated
every time). Further:

>>> yet(111)
>>> yet()

---> "yet" will "remember" the original value of "t" (this is what a
function is suppose to do with keyword-arguments...). But where has
this value been remembered? My answere (as a non expert) to this
question is "somewhere deep in machines memory".

Now look at "f" version1:

def f(a, L=[]):
...     L.append(a)
...     return L

---> "L" is remembered "somewhere deep - and so on". Any call of "f"
*without* an explicit value for "L" will use the value from "somewhere
deep". It will use it and it will append "a" to this value. That's the

How does it work? Python uses (at least it does so in my understanding)
references to object. References are the names like "L", "f" or "yet".
Objects can be lists, functions, strings, anything. One practical reason
for this is: You can rename hugh list by creating another reference (and
not by copiing several MB's in machines memory):

>>> name1 = ["hugh", "...." ,"possibly really hugh"]
>>> name2 = name1 # make a reference from name2 to target of name1
>>> id(name1);id(name2) # both aims to identicall data

The flipside is, that "name1.append('more stuff')" will show effect on
name2 also (you know already why: name1 and name2 are references to the
same data)

now back to question:

> >>> # function one
> ... def f(a, L=[]):
> ...     L.append(a)
> ...     return L
> ...
> >>> f(1)
> [1]
> >>> f(2)
> [1, 2]
> >>> f(3)
> [1, 2, 3]

---> this shows both: "evaluated only once" and "mutuable types might
change while references stay". It's problably a little hard to
understand, but the good thing is it's very important to understand ;-)
(Feel free to ask further)

But what does f2 do different?

> >>> # function two
> ... def f2(a, L=[]):
> ...     if not L:
> ...             L = []
> ...     L.append(a)
> ...     return L

In case "L" is empty the if-condition is true and "L" gets assigned to a
brand new list: "L = []" creates a new (empty) list and set "L" as a
reference (overwriting old "L"). This way "f2(1)", "f2(2)", and "f2(3)"
starts all with their own brand new list.


From sigurd at  Mon Dec 15 12:04:58 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Mon Dec 15 12:08:37 2003
Subject: [Tutor] strange difference between two functions
In-Reply-To: <> (Hameed
	Khan's message of "Mon, 15 Dec 2003 03:13:58 -0800 (PST)")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 15 Dec 2003, Hameed Khan <- wrote:

>   i was reading the tutorial comes with python
> documentation. i found 2 example functions in it. but
> i cant understand these functions because of their
> different output. so if any one of you out there can

> # function one #
>>>> # function one
> ... def f(a, L=[]):
> ...     L.append(a)
> ...     return L
> ...
> # function two #
>>>> # function two
> ... def f2(a, L=[]):
> ...     if not L:
> ...             L = []
> ...     L.append(a)
> ...     return L
> ...

The explaination is in the paragraph above these functions in the
I'll cite it here:
| *Important warning:*  The default value is evaluated only once.  This
| makes a difference when the default is a mutable object such as a list,
| dictionary, or instances of most classes.  For example, the following
| function accumulates the arguments passed to it on subsequent calls:

So what happens if you call f? 

As we can read the default value is only once evaluated; this means that
every time we call that function without explicitly giving an value for
L the default value is taken which happens to be the same object (the
identic object). We can see that if we change the definition a bit. 
Python has the function `id()' which returns a number (an adrress). if
two objects have the same id value they are the same object (also in
memory; they exist only once).

So change the above definition of to:

def f(a, L=[]):
     print 'ID= ', id(L)
     return L

Now at the repl we see:

In [26]: f(1)
ID=  11974284
Out[26]: [1]

In [27]: f(2)
ID=  11974284
Out[27]: [1, 2]

So you see the very same list is used at every function call.

Now change f2 the same way and you get:

def f2(a, L=[]):
     print 'ID1= ', id(L)
     if not L:
             L = []
     print 'ID2= ', id(L)
     return L

In [29]: f2(1)
ID1=  11976588
ID2=  11976652
Out[29]: [1]

In [30]: f2(2)
ID1=  11976588
ID2=  12013612
Out[30]: [2]

You see the default value is also evaluated only once but that list
isn't used when the appending happens but the (every function call)
newly created list L.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From barnabydscott at  Mon Dec 15 17:07:21 2003
From: barnabydscott at (Barnaby Scott)
Date: Mon Dec 15 17:07:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] returning a web page (and also path to web root)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks very much. In fact I like the look of your
first idea the best - the Location: thing. Even
shorter and more concise than I had hoped for!

I think both my problems in fact stem from more lack
of knowledge of http and webservers than Python, so
forgive me if this is all slightly off-topic.

The problem I feared does in fact occur - I used
urllib to get a page and display it, and sure enough
the images sources and some links failed to work.
Because they are relative references, they went from
the wrong starting point - i.e. not the web directory
of the page, but cgi-bin where the script lives.

As for the web root thing: I can get the DOCUMENT_ROOT
to display, but this appears to be a totally different
directory to the one I am interested in! My situation
is that I have rented space on a server for 3 domains.
The path I want returned takes the following form:


The DOCUMENT_ROOT returns instead:


When I look there, the stuff is nothing to do with me
at all! 

--- Lloyd Kvam <> wrote:
> (I already suggested using the Location: HTTP
> header, but decided to
> add more.)
> Barnaby Scott wrote:
> > I am trying to write a cgi script in which under
> rare
> > circumstances I want the user to see a particular
> web
> > page (from the same server).
> > 
> > I am not very experienced and would be very
> grateful
> > for help on the right way to tackle this - without
> > knowing a sensible direction to go in I am likely
> to
> > waste huge amounts of time developing a stupid or
> > overly-complex solution!
> > 
> > Presumably if I just read the page in and spat it
> back
> > out to the user, all the relative links, image
> sources
> > etc would be wrong.
> Not true.  Your script will operate relative to the
> cgi-bin directory.
> However, if you simply copy a page of HTML back to
> the browser, the
> browser will not know that your CGI sent the HTML as
> opposed to the
> regular HTTPD server.  It will simply process the
> HTML it receives.
> Your script would have trouble resolving the image
> tags and relative
> links, but it does not have to resolve anything
> within the HTML.
> > 
> > However I was a little reluctant to start messing
> with
> > the SimpleHTTPServer module - a. because I find it
> > daunting and b. I wondered if there was something
> > altogether simple and obvious I could do.
> > 
> > One more quick question: is there an easy way of
> > returning the actual path of the webserver's web
> root?
> > (Forgive my terminology if it's not right - I mean
> the
> > root directory as far as the someone accessing the
> > site is concerned).
> Shell Environment:
>      /var/www/html
> The os.environment() method should give you the
> The test method of the cgi module will show the
> environment provided
> by your web server along with any parameters.
> To see it yourself, this is all you need:
> #!/usr/local/bin/python
> import cgi
> cgi.test()
> Fix the shebang for your situation.
> > 
> > __________________________________
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.
> >
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> > 
> -- 
> Lloyd Kvam
> Venix Corp.
> 1 Court Street, Suite 378
> Lebanon, NH 03766-1358
> voice:	603-653-8139
> fax:	801-459-9582

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From pythontutor at  Mon Dec 15 19:14:27 2003
From: pythontutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Mon Dec 15 19:14:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] returning a web page (and also path to web root)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Barnaby Scott wrote:

> Thanks very much. In fact I like the look of your
> first idea the best - the Location: thing. Even
> shorter and more concise than I had hoped for!
> I think both my problems in fact stem from more lack
> of knowledge of http and webservers than Python, so
> forgive me if this is all slightly off-topic.
> The problem I feared does in fact occur - I used
> urllib to get a page and display it, and sure enough
> the images sources and some links failed to work.
> Because they are relative references, they went from
> the wrong starting point - i.e. not the web directory
> of the page, but cgi-bin where the script lives.

Below is the function I normally use to output an existing HTML file
through a cgi script.  Note that it is all done using normal file IO
and avoids processing the HTML.  urllib is probably "too smart" for
what you are trying to do.  This function should work for HTML files
on your server.

def copy_snippet( filename, out_file=None):
	if out_file is None:
		out_file = sys.stdout
	if os.path.exists( filename):
		snip = open( filename, 'r')
		shutil.copyfileobj( snip, out_file)

The variable name snip was used because these are usually snippets of
HTML.  (Server side includes may have been a better way to go.)

> As for the web root thing: I can get the DOCUMENT_ROOT
> to display, but this appears to be a totally different
> directory to the one I am interested in! My situation
> is that I have rented space on a server for 3 domains.
> The path I want returned takes the following form:
> /home/myaccountname/webs/
> The DOCUMENT_ROOT returns instead:
> /usr/local/www/data
> When I look there, the stuff is nothing to do with me
> at all! 

I'm not sure what to tell you.  If you run cgi.test() you'll get
a list of all of the environment variables.  Perhaps there is a
better one to use.  Could you have mis-tested in looking up
DOCUMENT_ROOT?  I only have Apache running anywhere that I can check.
All of those locations report the correct DOCUMENT_ROOT for the sites.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From Michael.Dunn at  Tue Dec 16 05:15:06 2003
From: Michael.Dunn at (Michael Dunn)
Date: Tue Dec 16 05:15:18 2003
Subject: [Tutor] problem importing data is solved!
Message-ID: <>

Hi everyone,

Vicki suggested ldconfig, but this doesn't exist on my machine (sunos5).
Since I asked this question yesterday I've learnt a bit more about unix
than I knew before. The disappearing variables were not the problem -- I
didn't know the difference between shell variables and environment
variables. When I set the (environment) variables properly, using setenv
rather than set, python could see them fine. The sad news is that setting
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the path for didn't fix the problem, nor did
setting LD_RUN_PATH and recompiling python. I still get:

ImportError: python: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory

The file is in $ORACLE_HOME/lib -- could this be the
problem? Well of course it is! Between writing that sentence and this I
tried adding $ORACLE_HOME/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable,
and now everything works fine. Sorry for exposing you all to my fumbling
discovery procedure. Maybe somebody will find it useful none the less.

Since I've broken silence, I'd just like to add that tutor@python is
absolutely brilliant -- thanks everybody who makes it so!


From tayi177 at  Tue Dec 16 05:25:10 2003
From: tayi177 at (TADEY)
Date: Tue Dec 16 05:26:43 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Pinging some requested IP with Python - usefull or not &
	some really basic examples needed ...
Message-ID: <>

Hello again ...

- I realized, that the bigest barrier, when having basic knowledge (after reading, and making examples from one or two tutorials), knowing at least elementary commands, functions, etc., ... is starting to make (write own code for) programs on your own ...

So I would be more than happy, if any of "moderators" (those, who has their own tutorials written and post here on mailing list), or anyone else here, reading tutor-mail list, would post some examples here, or probably better - send me them on my mail adress. I just need really basic, (but a little bit more complex - on a litle bit higher level), but still completely basic program examples.

- Like, I have an idea (got it from one guy posting his question here - so it is actually his idea then) of writting some code, simple as possible, in Python, to ping my ISP from time to time (somewhere between 5 - 10 minutes). I am downloading music a lot, and having problems, that after there is no other activity (browsers, mail, etc.) for some time, ISP sometimes disconnect me. And I really don' want to install any program for this as they called it: "stay connected" option. Of course, if this is possible by Python, but I suppose it is. 

Actually, I would use those programs only, if someone here, who knows a lot about Python, would tell me, that in this case (running Python code for pinging some IP), Python would consume much more RAM, and other resources, than having some Pinging-type "stay connected" program running during intenet connection.

Thanks, and please I would be happy to get as much examples you can send (of really simple code as possible, but on slightly higher level, than tutorials are written) ...

Tadey -

-------------- next part --------------
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From amonroe at  Tue Dec 16 07:07:06 2003
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Tue Dec 16 06:57:43 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Pinging some requested IP with Python - usefull or not &
	some really basic examples needed ...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> here - so it is actually his idea then) of writting some code,
> simple as possible, in Python, to ping my ISP from time to time
> (somewhere between 5 - 10 minutes). I am downloading music a lot,
> and having problems, that after there is no other activity

Haven't tried it myself, but you could probably write a small program
to wait a random amount of time, and then telnet to port 80 of a
randomly chosen list of 4 or 5 of your favorite websites. Send a "GET
/" and then just discard whatever comes back.


From pythontutor at  Tue Dec 16 08:52:52 2003
From: pythontutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Tue Dec 16 08:52:58 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Pinging some requested IP with Python - usefull or not
	&	some really basic examples needed ...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

TADEY wrote:
> Hello again ...
> - I realized, that the bigest barrier, when having basic knowledge 
> (after reading, and making examples from one or two tutorials), knowing 
> at least elementary commands, functions, etc., .. is starting to make 
> (write own code for) programs on your own ..
> So I would be more than happy, if any of "moderators" (those, who has 
> their own tutorials written and post here on mailing list), or anyone 
> else here, reading tutor-mail list, would post some examples here, or 
> probably better - send me them on my mail adress. I just need 
> really basic, (but a little bit more complex - on a litle bit higher 
> level), but still completely basic program examples.
> (snipped)  
> Thanks, and please I would be happy to get as much examples you can send 
> (of really simple code as possible, but on slightly higher level, than 
> tutorials are written) ...

A couple of sites with examples of short python programs:
ActiveState O'Reilly Python cookbook code samples ratings review
(there is also a book with explaining many of the coding examples)
Useless Python!
(anything but useless)

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From rob at  Tue Dec 16 09:03:38 2003
From: rob at (Rob Andrews)
Date: Tue Dec 16 09:04:13 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Pinging some requested IP with Python - usefull or not
	&	some really basic examples needed ...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I guess this will be the informal announcement. The planned official 
site upgrade for Useless Python is 12/31/03 or 1/1/04, which will mark 
the 3rd anniversary of the date the site was initially suggested on the 
Tutor list.

Anyone who wants to see the current progress can check out the (up to 
now, Top Secret):

New features include the removal of email address links for contributors 
(thanks to spammers) and source code contributions sorted by category.

Obligatory warning: Use of the search feature may turn up all sorts of 
odd side projects temporarily tucked away on the site. Pages not related 
to Useless Python will be removed at or around the time of the official 
site upgrade.


> A couple of sites with examples of short python programs:
> ActiveState O'Reilly Python cookbook code samples ratings review
> (there is also a book with explaining many of the coding examples)
> Useless Python!
> (anything but useless)

From vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM  Tue Dec 16 12:44:32 2003
From: vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM (Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis})
Date: Tue Dec 16 12:45:49 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Changes to wxTextCtrl get repeated
Message-ID: <>

I have a gui that I am working with which contains, among other things,
two wxTextCtrls. When I change the style of the first one, the second
one exhibits behavior consistent with the change even though I don't
actually change the code that creates it. Is there some kind of
on-the-fly inheritance that I am not aware of? Specifically, I am
changing the style from  wxTE_READONLY to
wxTE_READONLY|wxTE_WORDWRAP|wxTE_MULTILINE for the first box and want to
leave the second box as wxTE_READONLY. If there were a wxTE_SINGLELINE,
I could simply add that to the second one, but I'd rather understand the
behavior I am seeing. Anyone?

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From magnus at  Tue Dec 16 13:07:43 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Tue Dec 16 13:04:52 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Changes to wxTextCtrl get repeated
In-Reply-To: <CA3458C84C976E45B6372A6C14724C9F355EAB@ridmsem02.nala.roch>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:44 2003-12-16 -0500, Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis} wrote:
>I have a gui that I am working with which contains, among other things, 
>two wxTextCtrls. When I change the style of the first one, the second one 
>exhibits behavior consistent with the change even though I don't actually 
>change the code that creates it. Is there some kind of on-the-fly 
>inheritance that I am not aware of? Specifically, I am changing the style 
>first box and want to leave the second box as wxTE_READONLY. If there were 
>a wxTE_SINGLELINE, I could simply add that to the second one, but I'd 
>rather understand the behavior I am seeing. Anyone?

I'd guess you've made something odd to make this
happen. It doesn't sound like normal wxPython

Perhaps you can put together a small program
that shows the behaviour, and mail that to the
list? (If nothing else, you might figure out
what you did to cause this in the process. :^)

For starters, you could post the lines of code
where you define your two wxTextCtrls.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM  Tue Dec 16 13:14:25 2003
From: vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM (Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis})
Date: Tue Dec 16 13:15:50 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Changes to wxTextCtrl get repeated
Message-ID: <>

Okay, here are the two lines:

        #Create a box to which to write output        
        self.outputbox = wxTextCtrl(self,-1,"",size=wxDefaultSize,style=wxTE_READONLY|wxTE_WORDWRAP|wxTE_MULTILINE )

	  #Create a box where parameters can be entered
	  self.parameters=wxTextCtrl(self,44,"", size=wxDefaultSize,style=wxTE_READONLY)

I'm working on deleting a bunch of stuff to create a simple program to post.


-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Lyck? [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 1:08 PM
To: Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis};
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Changes to wxTextCtrl get repeated

At 12:44 2003-12-16 -0500, Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis} wrote:
>I have a gui that I am working with which contains, among other things,
>two wxTextCtrls. When I change the style of the first one, the second one 
>exhibits behavior consistent with the change even though I don't actually 
>change the code that creates it. Is there some kind of on-the-fly 
>inheritance that I am not aware of? Specifically, I am changing the style 
>first box and want to leave the second box as wxTE_READONLY. If there were 
>a wxTE_SINGLELINE, I could simply add that to the second one, but I'd 
>rather understand the behavior I am seeing. Anyone?

I'd guess you've made something odd to make this
happen. It doesn't sound like normal wxPython

Perhaps you can put together a small program
that shows the behaviour, and mail that to the
list? (If nothing else, you might figure out
what you did to cause this in the process. :^)

For starters, you could post the lines of code
where you define your two wxTextCtrls.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;), Thinkware AB, Sweden, I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From aon.912502367 at  Thu Dec 11 05:11:53 2003
From: aon.912502367 at (
Date: Tue Dec 16 14:10:38 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: a list comp
In-Reply-To: <br9eav$k9a$>
References: <br8njm$96p$> <>
Message-ID: <>

----- Original von:  RoT <>:

> Basically you can observe this here:
>  >>> newlist = []
>  >>> print newlist.append(3)
> None
>  >>> newlist
> [3]
>  >>> print newlist.append(5)
> None
>  >>> newlist
> [3, 5]
>  >>> newlist = []
>  >>> print [newlist.append(x) for x in 1,3,5]
> [None, None, None]
 even though
newlist.append(x) returns None, the list comp 'does' evaluate to a new list doesn,t it

>  >>> [index for index in del_list if index not in keep_list]
> [2, 4, 8]

so I still would have expected it to be returned. 

It's shown in the above example: the list comprehension
returned [None, None, None] because each call of the
append-method returns None-

Versendet durch AonWebmail (

From philip at  Thu Dec 11 06:16:28 2003
From: philip at (philip gilchrist)
Date: Tue Dec 16 14:11:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Timing errors
Message-ID: <598B5E93DCDC614C9C1FE22406A0F5BE35EC@pacer-server.pacer.local>

Hi all


Could someone please educate me why this simple interface waits 10
seconds and then draws the rectangle??


>From livewires import *

Import time


move (500,100)

draw (550,100)

draw (550,250)

draw (500,250)

draw (500,100)







Philip Gilchrist

Pacer Computers

Cell 0824589733


-------------- next part --------------
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From philip at  Thu Dec 11 06:13:40 2003
From: philip at (philip gilchrist)
Date: Tue Dec 16 14:11:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] python photo gallery software???
Message-ID: <598B5E93DCDC614C9C1FE22406A0F5BE35EB@pacer-server.pacer.local>

Philip Gilchrist
Pacer Computers
Cell 0824589733

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of nihilo
Sent: 11 December 2003 12:15 PM
To: Tutor
Subject: [Tutor] python photo gallery software???


Can anybody recommend software for organizing, creating thumbnails, 
providing web access to (etc...) a photo gallery, written in Python, or 
have you heard of such a thing? There are plenty of software out there 
for doing this sort of thing, but I haven't found anything in python -- 
just php and perl, usually with mysql. It's only for personal use, so it

doesn't have to be heavy duty, but i'd like it to be in python so that i

can easily modify it for my own use.



Tutor maillist  -

From comber at  Thu Dec 11 10:59:54 2003
From: comber at (Edward Comber)
Date: Tue Dec 16 14:11:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Detecting different list elements and counting them
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

I would imagine something like

my_dict = {}
for item in my_list:
	if my_dict.haskey(item):
		my_dict[item] = my_dict[item] + 1
		my_dict[item] = 0

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Michael Grabietz
Sent: 11 December 2003 15:14
Subject: [Tutor] Detecting different list elements and counting them


I have a list like the following:

my_list = [ 'ABC', 'E', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'HJ', 'HJ' ]

It would be nice to have the information which elements are in the list 
and how many times these elements appear in the list.

A dictionary as the result like the following would be fine.

my_dict = {'ABC':3, 'E':1, 'HJ':2}

Thank you for any ideas or hints.


Tutor maillist  -

From comber at  Thu Dec 11 11:21:54 2003
From: comber at (Edward Comber)
Date: Tue Dec 16 14:11:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Detecting different list elements and counting them
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bugger. This works..

my_list = [ 'ABC', 'E', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'HJ', 'HJ' ]

my_dict = {}
for item in my_list:
	if my_dict.has_key(item):
		my_dict[item] = my_dict[item] + 1
		my_dict[item] = 1

print my_dict

-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Comber []
Sent: 11 December 2003 16:00
To: Michael Grabietz;
Subject: RE: [Tutor] Detecting different list elements and counting them

I would imagine something like

my_dict = {}
for item in my_list:
	if my_dict.haskey(item):
		my_dict[item] = my_dict[item] + 1
		my_dict[item] = 0

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Michael Grabietz
Sent: 11 December 2003 15:14
Subject: [Tutor] Detecting different list elements and counting them


I have a list like the following:

my_list = [ 'ABC', 'E', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'HJ', 'HJ' ]

It would be nice to have the information which elements are in the list 
and how many times these elements appear in the list.

A dictionary as the result like the following would be fine.

my_dict = {'ABC':3, 'E':1, 'HJ':2}

Thank you for any ideas or hints.


Tutor maillist  -

From comber at  Thu Dec 11 13:02:27 2003
From: comber at (Edward Comber)
Date: Tue Dec 16 14:11:49 2003
Subject: [Tutor] do_it()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Fair enough, but you could have kept the list of words external to the
functions and used by both.

Also you can return two lists like...

def stop_n_go_words(terms):
	return stop_list, go_list

a_stop_list, a_go_list = stop_n_go_words(terms)

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 11 December 2003 17:24
To: Eddie Comber
Subject: Re: [Tutor] do_it()

hi Eddie,

I was mulling this over recently, and while it is true the overhead is
much higher with OOP, the payoff is easier to read and more functional
code.  Let me give you an example.  I recently wrote a search engine that
takes as user input a query and returns results from an audio and video
archive.  One of the things I needed to do was filter common, or stop,
words (e.g., who, is, what, the, of) from go words that would be used in
other functions to look up and return results in the index.  I also
wanted to print out the words filtered to the user, so I had to either
duplicate the body of code for a function to return both, or I could
write a class called Filter and have two methods in it,
getUserGoWords(self) and getUserStopWords(self) using the same logic.  The
non-OOP way of doing this would be:

def getUserGoWords(terms):
	stop_words_list = ['a', 'about', 'all', 'an', 'and', 'any', 'are',
'as', 'at', 'be', 'because', 'can', 'did', 'do', 'does', 'for', 'from',
'he', 'how', 'i', 'if', 'in', 'is', 'it', 'may', 'no', 'not', 'of', 'on',
'or', 'that', 'the', 'then', 'these', 'this', 'those', 'to', 'was', 'we',
'what', 'when', 'where', 'which', 'who', 'why', 'with']
	terms_list = terms.split()
	user_go_words = []
	for word in terms_list:
		if word.lower() not in stop_words_list:
	return user_go_words

def getUserStopWords(terms):
	stop_words_list = ['a', 'about', 'all', 'an', 'and', 'any', 'are',
'as', 'at', 'be', 'because', 'can', 'did', 'do', 'does', 'for', 'from',
'he', 'how', 'i', 'if', 'in', 'is', 'it', 'may', 'no', 'not', 'of', 'on',
'or', 'that', 'the', 'then', 'these', 'this', 'those', 'to', 'was', 'we',
'what', 'when', 'where', 'which', 'who', 'why', 'with']
	terms_list = terms.split()
	user_stop_words = []
	for word in terms_list:
		if word.lower() in stop_words_list:
	return user_stop_words

and the OOP way of doing this would be:

class Filter:
	def __init__(self, terms):
		# replace ' with '' for MySQL INSERT
		terms = terms.replace("'", "''")
		# this is currently how I handle context searches in Audio Video Archive
		terms = terms.replace('"', "")
		stop_words_list = ['&', 'a', 'about', 'all', 'an', 'and',
'any', 'are', 'as', 'at', 'be', 'because', 'can', 'do', 'does', 'for',
'from', 'he', 'how', 'i', 'if', 'in', 'is', 'it', 'may', 'no', 'not',
'of', 'on', 'or', 'that', 'the', 'then', 'these', 'this', 'those', 'to',
'was', 'we', 'what', 'when', 'where', 'which', 'who', 'why', 'with']
	        terms_list = terms.split()
		self.user_go_words = []
		self.user_stop_words = []
        	for word in terms_list:
        		if word.lower() not in stop_words_list:

	def getUserGoWords(self):
	        return self.user_go_words

	def getUserStopWords(self):
	        return self.user_stop_words

Maybe there is another way of doing this so that one function can return
two values, but as far as I know there is no doubt in my mind which makes
more sense with respect to future readers of my code and the holy mantra
of programming, Keep It Short and Simple.

I hope that helps you.

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Eddie Comber wrote:

> I see that often when people write OO code they have a main() something
> like:
> obj = myObject(param, param, param)
> obj.do_it()  #or obj.action() etc
> Are there any commanding advantages to making this sort of functionality
> into an object?
> The above example is easier written and used as:
> myfunc(param, param, param)
> I ask because I have just written a MAKE utility, and having started off
> an object I really don't know what the advantages are above a simple
> function.
> Best,
> Eddie.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From chouyiyu at  Sun Dec 14 15:37:34 2003
From: chouyiyu at (Yi-Yu Chou)
Date: Tue Dec 16 14:11:55 2003
Subject: [Tutor] How to integrate python, vtk and C++ ?
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,

I want to integrate python, vtk and my own C++ object.
Is it possible to do it by using python/C API ?
Where can I find the examples ?
Thanks in advance !!!


想戀愛?交朋友?MSN 線上交友:由 提供,全世界最受歡迎的線上交友服

From mhansen at  Tue Dec 16 14:51:43 2003
From: mhansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Tue Dec 16 14:51:27 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Useless Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hmmm...looks bluerobot( influenced.(Looks at source. 
Yep!) I like it a lot! A great look for a great site.


> Subject:
> Re: [Tutor] Pinging some requested IP with Python - usefull or not & 
> some really basic examples needed ...
> From:
> Rob Andrews <>
> Date:
> Tue, 16 Dec 2003 08:03:38 -0600
> To:
> To:
> I guess this will be the informal announcement. The planned official 
> site upgrade for Useless Python is 12/31/03 or 1/1/04, which will mark 
> the 3rd anniversary of the date the site was initially suggested on 
> the Tutor list.
> Anyone who wants to see the current progress can check out the (up to 
> now, Top Secret):
> New features include the removal of email address links for 
> contributors (thanks to spammers) and source code contributions sorted 
> by category.
> Obligatory warning: Use of the search feature may turn up all sorts of 
> odd side projects temporarily tucked away on the site. Pages not 
> related to Useless Python will be removed at or around the time of the 
> official site upgrade.
> -Rob
>> A couple of sites with examples of short python programs:
>> ActiveState O'Reilly Python cookbook code samples ratings review
>> (there is also a book with explaining many of the coding examples)
>> Useless Python!
>> (anything but useless)

From dyoo at  Tue Dec 16 15:34:10 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Dec 16 15:34:19 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Timing errors
In-Reply-To: <598B5E93DCDC614C9C1FE22406A0F5BE35EC@pacer-server.pacer.local>
Message-ID: <>

> Could someone please educate me why this simple interface waits 10
> seconds and then draws the rectangle??

Ah!  Use the 'sleep()' method that comes with livewires --- time.sleep()
from the Standard Library actually interferes with the 'Tkinter' graphic
event loop, preventing it from redrawing the screen.

The fix should be easy: just substitute:


wherever you see:


and your livewires code should be fine.

Good luck!

From arkamir at  Tue Dec 16 15:34:17 2003
From: arkamir at (
Date: Tue Dec 16 15:34:30 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Inheritance
Message-ID: <>

I'm just starting to learn classes and have run into trouble understanding 
how classes inherit. 

One question is if class A inherits from class B and C. And then B inherits 
from M and N. And C inherits from F and G, while F and N inherit from class 
z which inherits from object, what is the name resolution. 


                 M  N    F  G
                  B       C


Also can someone explain to me what super() does, i need something pretty 

Next using the same classes as above, if z.__init__: connects to a database, 
how can I make sure that it is only called once, while initializing all the 
classes. Would the connection have to be just within the body, and how would 
that work?? 

class test:
  def __init__():
      self.x = 'hello'
  print self.x 

Tha above code raises an error. What can I do to make it work??

From littledanehren at  Tue Dec 16 16:17:49 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Tue Dec 16 16:17:54 2003
Subject: [Tutor] How to integrate python, vtk and C++ ?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yi-Yu Chou wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to integrate python, vtk and my own C++
> object.
> Is it possible to do it by using python/C API ?
> Where can I find the examples ?
> Thanks in advance !!!
> Best,
> YY

VTK has bindings to both C++ and Python, so you should
have no problem using it. The Python/C API is somewhat
cumbersome, though. People usually use higher-level
interfaces. One of the most popular higher-level
interfaces is SWIG. With SWIG, you just need a C or
C++ source and some configuration files, and then SWIG
preprocesses the files and does all of the Python/C
API for you. Another popular choice is Boost.Python,
but it has some bugs when using Python 2.3.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From littledanehren at  Tue Dec 16 16:50:05 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Tue Dec 16 16:50:10 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Inheritance
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <> wrote:
> I'm just starting to learn classes and have run into
> trouble understanding 
> how classes inherit. 
> One question is if class A inherits from class B and
> C. And then B inherits 
> from M and N. And C inherits from F and G, while F
> and N inherit from class 
> z which inherits from object, what is the name
> resolution. 
>                        Z
>                  M  N    F  G
>                   B       C
>                       A 
Starting in Python 2.2, the inheritance model changed
slightly. Everything should (but doesn't have to)
inheret from object, which makes it use the new
inheritance model, but if you're inhereting from any
other class, you don't need to inheret from object.
With the new inheritance model, the class traverses
the tree (using your model as a visual aide) starting
at the bottom going across the entire row, left to
right. Then it goes up to the next row and inherets
from it, left to right. Then the next row and so on.
So in this example, the inheritance order would be A,
B, C, M, N, F, G, Z, object. You can get that list
from A.__mro__
> Also can someone explain to me what super() does, i
> need something pretty 
> basic. 

You won't need super if you're doing something really
basic. It's used to partially override inheritance --
it's complicated.
> Next using the same classes as above, if z.__init__:
> connects to a database, 
> how can I make sure that it is only called once,
> while initializing all the 
> classes. Would the connection have to be just within
> the body, and how would 
> that work?? 
> class test:
>   def __init__():
>       self.x = 'hello'
>   print self.x 
> Tha above code raises an error. What can I do to
> make it work??

First of all, you should be inheriting from object,
but that's not what's causing the error.

Your __init__ method needs to have at least one
argument. Whenever an object's method is called, the
first thing it sends to the method is itself. By
convention, this is called self, but it can be called
anything you want.

Your print statement is outside your __init__ method.
No code can be outside of methods except for variable
settings. For both of these, you don't need the self
prefix. It looks like print self.x was intended to be
executed only once, when you created the object, so it
should be inside the __init__ method. In your code,
the variable x was not dependent on what you put in
__init__, so it should be outside of the __init__

Here's your class with my modifications on it:

class test:
    x = 'hello'
    def __init__(self):
        print self.x

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From dyoo at  Tue Dec 16 18:28:06 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Dec 16 18:28:10 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Finding quoted strings in a text? A hands-on tutorial on
 DFA->regex conversion
Message-ID: <>

[Warning: there's heavy regular expression and finite state automata stuff
in this message.  Skip if it gets really confusing.]

Hi everyone,

For a small project that I'm working on, I've calculated out a regular
expression for finding quoted strings, but it's just absolutely hideous.
By quoted string, I mean a string surrounded with quotes, also allowing
for escaped quote charactesr.  For example:

   r'this is a "\"test\""'

is an example where I want to capture r"\"test\"" as a whole.

I'd like to get some input from the group to see the "best" way of doing
this, with regular expressions.  I need a regular expression solution
because I'm trying to combine this with other existing regular

Here's my regular expression for detecting quoted strings:

regex = re.compile(r'(?:"[^"]*\\(?:.[^"]*\\)*.[^"]*")|(?:"[^"]*")')

This is one of the ugliest regexes I've written.  *grin* I wanted to avoid
using lookahead since older versions of Python have potential recursion
problems with it and long strings.  This solution only depends on
character classes and the '*' repetition operator.

The monster actually works:

>>> regex.findall('this is a piece of "quoted" text.')
>>> regex.findall('"hello" world, this is "another test".')
['"hello"', '"another test"']
>>> regex.findall(r'"this" even allows for "\"escaped\"" quotes, "yes?"')
['"this"', '"\\"escaped\\""', '"yes?"']

On the other hand, it's ugly, and probably nonoptimal.  Let me show how I
constructed the beast.

Constructing the regular expression by hand wasn't actually too bad.  In a
previous discussion, we mentioned that regular expressions and finite
state machines are equivalent to each other, and there's an easy finite
state machine for detecting quoted strings.  Here's a picture of it:

                      / /
               q      v /       q
      START--------> STATE1 -------->FINAL

                     |  ^
                    b|  |
                     |  | a
                     V  |

In the picture,

     q     stands for the quote symbol        "
     n     stands for any non-quote character [^"]
     b     stands for the backslash symbol    \
     a     stands for any character           .

This finite state machine has four states, but it's not a regular
expression yet.  One systematic way of transforming it into a regular
expression is to iteratively "rip"  out states until we're left with only

As we "rip" states out, we need to repair the damage to the machine.  For
example, if we had something like:

                           / /
                    a     v /      b
           STATE1 -----> STATE2 ------> STATE3
             |                            ^
             |                            |

then we can rip out STATE2, and our resulting machine will look like:

                         (ac*b) | d
                 STATE1 ------------> STATE3

Rip repair focuses on modifying edges between pairs of states so that
paths that go across the ripped state take account of any missing edges.
In the example above, the self-loop at STATE2 gets absorbed into the edge
between STATE1 and STATE3, as part of the 'c*' section of the regular

So here's what things look like as we start ripping states out.  Given our
original machine:

                      / /
               q      v /       q
      START--------> STATE1 -------->FINAL

                     |  ^
                    b|  |
                     |  | a
                     V  |

we can rip out STATE1, repair the eges, and get a machine with three

                      / /
             qn*b     v /     an*q
      START--------> STATE2 -------->FINAL
        |                              ^
        |                              |

This still does the same work that the original machine does.  Now we can
rip out STATE2, and patch up the edges again:

           (qn*b(an*b)*an*q) | (qn*q)

Finally, I substituted back 'a', 'n', 'b', and 'q' with the real symbols
that they stood for, and got back that huge ugly regular expression:


The only difference between this and the regex from way above:

    regex = re.compile(r'(?:"[^"]*\\(?:.[^"]*\\)*.[^"]*")|(?:"[^"]*")')

is the addition of '?:' so that the groups that are defined aren't
"capturing" things.

So the regular expression is ugly, but the process of calculating it is
actually pretty systematic.  Anyway, I hope this was interesting!

From fredm at  Tue Dec 16 18:58:30 2003
From: fredm at (Alfred Milgrom)
Date: Tue Dec 16 19:01:34 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Useless Python v2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Rob:

Congratulations on a very good looking site.

I always enjoyed 'Useless Python' and this is much nicer looking.
One issue I have, though, is that it is difficult to comment on a script or 
to make a suggestion back to the author.

As a quick example, I just had a look at Danny Yoo's script 
"" from the "Browse GUI Programs" section.
This code is interesting, but there is a line missing preventing it from 
working properly (specifically "f1.pack()" or similar).

I don't know what the long-term solution to updating programs and inviting 
reader feedback should be, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

Thanks again and keep up the good work,

From alan.gauld at  Tue Dec 16 19:05:18 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Dec 16 19:06:50 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Timing errors
References: <598B5E93DCDC614C9C1FE22406A0F5BE35EC@pacer-server.pacer.local>
Message-ID: <003401c3c431$74d45560$6401a8c0@xp>

> Could someone please educate me why this simple
> interface waits 10 seconds and then draws the rectangle??

I know zilch about livewoiires but...

>From livewires import *
Import time
move (500,100)
draw (550,100)
draw (550,250)
draw (500,250)
draw (500,100)
time.sleep(10)  <--- wait 10 seconds
end_graphics()  <-- finish graphics work so draw the result

This type of behaviour is fairly common in GUI graphics toolkits.
graphics often draw to a second screen buffer then when you
complete all the work it just swaps the displayed buffer with
the scratchpad. It makes for smoother screen updates.
Reversing the end_graphics and sleep calls should change the
behaviour. I assume that's what's happening in Livewire...

Alan G.

From helena_b2001 at  Tue Dec 16 20:18:48 2003
From: helena_b2001 at (helena bhaska)
Date: Tue Dec 16 20:18:54 2003
Subject: [Tutor] socket send problem
Message-ID: <>

I have just started playing with python and sockets,
and here is the code that I wrote:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
for x in self.command:
    sent = s.send(x)
    print "amount sent: "+sent

where command is a list of strings. For some reason I
never get to the print statement.  The receiving end
listens for connections, as soon as it gets one, it
creates a thread which deals with the data sent
through, with recv() statement.

Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From dyoo at  Tue Dec 16 20:25:24 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Dec 16 20:25:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Finding quoted strings in a text? A hands-on tutorial
	on DFA->regex conversion
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Danny Yoo wrote:

> [Warning: there's heavy regular expression and finite state automata
> stuff in this message.  Skip if it gets really confusing.]
> For a small project that I'm working on, I've calculated out a regular
> expression for finding quoted strings, but it's just absolutely hideous.

Hi everyone,

I'm just a dunce sometimes.  *grin*

I've figured out a much nicer regular expression to do the same quoted
string matching:

regex = re.compile(r'''
                    "                  ##  A leading quote
                    (?:                ##  with any number of
                         (?:\\.)       ##  escaped character
                         (?:[^"])      ##  or non-quote characters
                    ''', re.VERBOSE)

This actually makes a lot more intuitive sense to me, as a human, than the
previous regular expression.  I would have derived it from my original DFA

                       / /
                q      v /       q
       START--------> STATE1 -------->FINAL

                      |  ^
                     b|  |
                      |  | a
                      V  |

if I had only ripped out STATE2 first, and then followed up with ripping
out STATE1.  Well, at least I know better now that the order of ripping
states out makes a huge difference.  *grin*

It's fascinating that these two regular expressions,




are saying the exact same thing.  Regular expressions are so evil
sometimes... *grin*

Thanks again!

From rmangaliag at  Tue Dec 16 21:57:43 2003
From: rmangaliag at (ali)
Date: Tue Dec 16 21:48:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] lucene... in python?
Message-ID: <>

is there a lucene-like application written in python???

i really need a powerful text search tool (like java's lucene) and i was hoping
a python port/alternative is available...


This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

From david at  Tue Dec 16 23:01:01 2003
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Tue Dec 16 23:05:33 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Finding quoted strings in a text? A hands-on tutorial on
	DFA->regex conversion
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Danny Yoo <> [2003-12-16 17:25]:
> On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Danny Yoo wrote:
> >
> > [Warning: there's heavy regular expression and finite state automata
> > stuff in this message.  Skip if it gets really confusing.]
> >
> >
> > For a small project that I'm working on, I've calculated out a regular
> > expression for finding quoted strings, but it's just absolutely hideous.

Any chance this is for csv file parsing? If yes, the new csv stuff in
2.3 is a much simpler way of dealing with it. If not, I'm sorry for you

David Rock
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From speno at  Wed Dec 17 00:22:15 2003
From: speno at (John P Speno)
Date: Wed Dec 17 00:22:22 2003
Subject: [Tutor] lucene... in python?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 10:57:43AM +0800, ali wrote:
> is there a lucene-like application written in python???

Yes. Lupy.

    Lupy is a is a full-text indexer and search engine written in Python.
    It is a port of Jakarta Lucene 1.2 to Python.  Specifically, it reads
    and writes indexes in Lucene binary format. Like Lucene, it is
    sophisticated and scalable.

From sylvainl at  Wed Dec 17 00:53:07 2003
From: sylvainl at (Sylvain & Maureen Leclerc)
Date: Wed Dec 17 00:55:27 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Python or MySQL/PostgreSQL?
Message-ID: <004801c3c462$593fd320$5c3622cf@computer>

Python or MySQL/PostgreSQL?

This question must have been asked a million times before, but I need to ask it.  But first, some background.

I need to create a different database (or rather a different set of databases) for my office to integrate a number of disparate functions.  My office uses index cards, ACT! database, paper filing, email, Post-it notes, and each staff has her/his notebokk into which everybody else write reminders.  You guess the results:  a mishmash of information everywhere; training new staff is a nightmare, and it is difficult to track information/communication for each of our members (we are a non-profit society).

My plan to deal with this is to minimize paper as much as possible and integrate as many functions as possible into a central repository.  I was thinking of using for instance ZOPE to create an Intranet into which our policies, procedures, and training manuals can be posted (and updated once) and easily keyword-searched.  I was also thinking of integrating written communication (fax, email, papermail) with the database(s) so that all the information pertaining to a member can be retrieved here.  One of the reasons for this is that we have field staff who need as much current and complete information as possible to be effective in helping our members.  Our field staff are disseminated over a large geographical area so it seems that it would be more logical for them to have access to our database in real time over a secure network.  

I just stumbled over Python a couple of weeks ago when looking at ZOPE and am wondering if developing a database using OOP would be more effective than using the traditional (yet more familiar) relational database model.  Someone mentioned that I may limit myself going Python instead of, say, MySQL or PostgreSQL, given the complexity I am getting into (it also has to convert data from ACT!, not all of which is easily exportable, and it has to have the features one would normally expect of a database).

My issue is the following:  we are currently converting our systems from Windows to Linux and I will need to learn a new database program anyway since the ones with which I am familiar are neither available or affordable.  My experience with databases is from a design perspective only; I haven't programmed anything but generally can read scripts and understand/modify them.  All the database applications I learned in the past had GUIs which allowed me to design from menu-driven interfaces and objects.  In addition, computer support and database design are not my main function, nor part of my training.  I am an administrator in this office and I happen to know more about computers than the other staff.  The job's gotta be done and I just have to do it (we can't afford paying someone to do this).

Therefore my initial question (Python or MySQL/PostgreSQL) is loaded with the above situation.  In other words:
1. Will Python allow me to do what I intend to do?
2. What are the limits in Python that MySQL or PostgreSQL do not have.  What can it not do that the SQLs can do?
3. Same question as above but in reverse: what can Python do that the others can't?
4. Comparatively-speaking, what is the learning curve in both cases (Python vs the SQLs)? (I am not a programmer)
5. How fast can I get results?  I was thinking of developing the database modularly.  First by replacing our ACT! database (and perhaps breaking the heavily-customized database into smaller, more manageable parts all linked together) thus requiring importing DBF files and ACT! memo fields, then by creating and linking other databases (computer and paper-form), and finally by linking emails and other documents to it.
6. How easy will it be to get support when I hit a wall?

Thanks for reading this and for helping me in my quandary.  Once I made a decision as to which way I choose, there will be no turning back since I need to forge ahead and get all those issues behind me.

Sylvain Leclerc

-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec 17 03:17:54 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec 17 03:19:22 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Inheritance
References: <>
Message-ID: <006901c3c476$45895900$6401a8c0@xp>

> One question is if class A inherits from class B and C. And
then B inherits
> from M and N. And C inherits from F and G, while F and N
inherit from class
> z which inherits from object, what is the name resolution.
>                        Z
>                  M  N    F  G
>                   B       C
>                       A


I think.

Python works left to right in declaration order. And it stops
with the first successful find.

> Also can someone explain to me what super() does,

Sorry, its a new feature and I've not got round to using it
yet. I just tried a wee experiment and it didn't work how
I expected so I need to go rad the docs I think! :-)

> Next using the same classes as above, if z.__init__: connects
to a database,
> how can I make sure that it is only called once,

You could test for the existence of the connection in the
init()... But it looks a bit grubby, thee might be a better
way someone else can think of...

class Z:
   def __init__(self,Database):
          if self.db: pass
      except AttributeError:
          self.db = connect(Database)

> class test:
>   def __init__():
>       self.x = 'hello'
>   print self.x
> Tha above code raises an error. What can I do to make it work??

Add a self parameter to the init method

    def __init__(self):


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec 17 03:21:52 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec 17 03:23:19 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Inheritance
References: <>
Message-ID: <007001c3c476$d36284e0$6401a8c0@xp>

> Starting in Python 2.2, the inheritance model changed
> slightly. ...With the new inheritance model, the class
> the tree (using your model as a visual aide) starting
> at the bottom going across the entire row, left to
> right. Then it goes up to the next row and inherets
> from it, left to right.

Oops, looks like I got that one wrong then. I didn't realize
the order of search had changed...

Alan G.

From magnus at  Wed Dec 17 04:18:30 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec 17 04:18:40 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFJFOiBbVHV0b3JdIENoYW5nZXMgdG8gd3hUZXh0Q3RybCBnZXQgcmVwZWF0ZWQ=?=
Message-ID: <>

"Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis}" wrote:
>         #Create a box to which to write output        
>         self.outputbox = wxTextCtrl(self,-1,"",size=wxDefaultSize,style=wxTE_READONLY|wxTE_WORDWRAP|wxTE_MULTILINE )

Ok, fine.
> 	  #Create a box where parameters can be entered
> 	  self.parameters=wxTextCtrl(self,44,"", size=wxDefaultSize,style=wxTE_READONLY)

Is there any particular reason why you use id 44 here instead of -1?
It seems dangerous to me to have some control ids automatically
assigned and other set manually like this. 

I doubt that it has to do with your problem if you see two different 
controls, but it's something to consider. If you need the id for 
self.parameters, you can get it with(if I remember correctly) 
self.parameters.GetId(). You can also use wxNewId() to get ids
that don't overlap, as in:

parameter_id = wxNewId()
self.parameters=wxTextCtrl(self,parameter_id,"", size=wxDefaultSize,style=wxTE_READONLY)

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Wed Dec 17 05:45:34 2003
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Dec 17 05:45:42 2003
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gUHl0aG9uIG9yIE15U1FML1Bvc3RncmVTUUw/?=
Message-ID: <>

Sylvain Leclerc wrote:
> I need to create a different database (or rather a different set of databases) for my office to integrate a number of disparate functions.  My office uses index cards, ACT! database, paper filing, email, Post-it notes, and each staff has her/his notebokk into which everybody else write reminders.  You guess the results:  a mishmash of information everywhere; training new staff is a nightmare, and it is difficult to track information/communication for each of our members (we are a non-profit society).

I always get worried when I see statements like that.
While I understand your concern, I must caution you
about trying to solve too much at once. Neither Python
nor SQL is a silver bullet that will solve all your

If lack of order is the problem, a computerized system
might just make it worse. This might actually be a management
problem, rather than a technical problem... Would the
people in question actually use your system, or would
they just continue with their post-it notes? I'm sure many
of us recognize your situation, and have tried to do what
you did and failed. I think it's important to develop a
tool like this in close cooperation with the users. Both
to make sure that you solve something they see as a real
problem, and that they feel that they are taking part in
solving it. This should increase the chance that they will
actually use the system.

IF those emails, ACT! stuff, post-it and notebook notes
etc all describe the same kind of information--for instance
appointments, then it's probably not so difficult to write 
an application that takes care of this, but paper notes
have a flexibility and adaptability which is difficult to
model in a database--particularly in a relational database.
I'd suggest that you start off with a clearly limited
function, and try to solve that first, without too much
consideration for its integration with other parts of
the system.

> My plan to deal with this is to minimize paper as much as possible and integrate as many functions as possible into a central repository.  I was thinking of using for instance ZOPE to create an Intranet into which our policies, procedures, and training manuals can be posted (and updated once) and easily keyword-searched.  

This seems sensible. You might like to look at a Zope 
application like Plone for that.

I also think you should consider a more light weight and
flexible solution such as a wiki wiki, for instance
MoinMoin (or ZWiki if you use Zope anyway).

>I was also thinking of integrating written communication (fax, email, papermail) with the database(s) so that all the information pertaining to a member can be retrieved here.  One of the reasons for this is that we have field staff who need as much current and complete information as possible to be effective in helping our members.  Our field staff are disseminated over a large geographical area so it seems that it would be more logical for them to have access to our database in real time over a secure network.  

This is not an easy task, and I suggest that you look at
that in a second step. It will require a lot of work to
set it up, and also constant work to scan and index all the
papers. Are you sure it's worth it?
> Therefore my initial question (Python or MySQL/PostgreSQL) is loaded with the above situation.  In other words:
> 1. Will Python allow me to do what I intend to do?

Python is well suited for this type of task.

> 2. What are the limits in Python that MySQL or PostgreSQL do not have.  What can it not do that the SQLs can do?

SQL provides builtin support for atomic transactions, storage,
database schemas, user authentication etc. All these things
can be handled in Python, but it's a non-trivial effort.

SQL is well suited for small regular sets of information that
is updated often and needs to be kept under strict control,
such as accounting systems, booking systems etc. It's not very
well suited for other types of data such as documents or web 

> 3. Same question as above but in reverse: what can Python do that the others can't?

You can't build any application with *only* MySQL or PostgreSQL.
They don't provide the facilities you need for user interfaces
or business logic. They basically provide the feature I mention 

The typical solution would be to use a programming language like
Python AND a relational (or other) database.

What kind of user interface did you have in mind? Only a web
based UI (through Zope) or a GUI or something else?

> 4. Comparatively-speaking, what is the learning curve in both cases (Python vs the SQLs)? (I am not a programmer)

If you intend to use SQL you need to learn both. SQL
being a very narrow language (with only four different
commands: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE, to work with
once your application is rolling) is probably easier to
grasp, but it's hopeless beyond its narrow scope.

Python is certainly one of the easiest generic programming
languages you can learn. Have a look at some tutorial.

> 5. How fast can I get results?  

That depends on you much more than it depends on Python...

I was thinking of developing the database modularly.  First by replacing our ACT! database (and perhaps breaking the heavily-customized database into smaller, more manageable parts all linked together) thus requiring importing DBF files and ACT! memo fields, 

This is a fairly specific application, and I don't know
how to solve that most conveniently. Can you access those
database tables via ODBC? In that case it should be fairly
simple to transfer them to PostgreSQL or MySQL.

> then by creating and linking other databases (computer and paper-form), and finally by linking emails and other documents to it.

> 6. How easy will it be to get support when I hit a wall?

The Python community is very friendly, and both this mailing
list and comp.lang.python etc can provide a lot of assistance,
with advice and solutions to specific problems.

I'm also sure you could get more extensive support from some of the
many professional delvelopers in the community if you would need it
and have a budget for that.
> Thanks for reading this and for helping me in my quandary.  Once I made a decision as to which way I choose, there will be no turning back since I need to forge ahead and get all those issues behind me.

Now you worry me again... It's not easy for a non-programmer to
get things like this right at once, and if you don't allow
yourself to change your mind as you go along, you might just
charge off in the wrong direction. (Or take all too long making
up your mind.)

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From lumbricus at  Wed Dec 17 06:15:04 2003
From: lumbricus at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22J=F6rg_W=F6lke=22?=)
Date: Wed Dec 17 06:15:09 2003
Subject: [Tutor] socket send problem
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Hi,
> I have just started playing with python and sockets,
> and here is the code that I wrote:
> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
> s.connect((HOST, PORT))
> for x in self.command:
>     sent = s.send(x)

BTW: You may check, whether all data has been sent and 
- if not - call send again. This is necessary for large amounts
of data.

sent = 0
while sent < len(x):
       sent = sent + s.send(x)

>     print "amount sent: "+sent

print "amount sent: " + str(sent)

>     s.close()

After the first run you try to send data through a closed socket.

[ snip ]

> Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Helena

HTH and Greets, J"o!

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From op73418 at  Wed Dec 17 07:11:28 2003
From: op73418 at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gon=E7alo_Rodrigues?=)
Date: Wed Dec 17 07:09:25 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Inheritance
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 13:34:17 -0700, you wrote:

>I'm just starting to learn classes and have run into trouble understanding 
>how classes inherit. 
>One question is if class A inherits from class B and C. And then B inherits 
>from M and N. And C inherits from F and G, while F and N inherit from class 
>z which inherits from object, what is the name resolution. 
>                       Z
>                 M  N    F  G
>                  B       C
>                      A 
>Also can someone explain to me what super() does, i need something pretty 

D. Ehrenberg already answered some of your questions so I'll try to
explain the why's and the how's of super. super is explained by the
BDFL himself in an essay (all advanced stuff)

(Warning: long and I dare say, advanced, post ahead)

For starters imagine we have the following inheritance graph

B   C

Let me be more specific and write the class definitions

>>> class A(object):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		print "A"
>>> class B(A):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		print "B"
>>> class C(A):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		print "C"
>>> class D(B,C):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		print "D"
>>> d = D()

The class D inherits from B and C (and from A indirectly) but the
initializer __init__ never calls it's super classe's __init__. But
this is almost always never what you want! Since the super classe's
__init__ can contain fundamental initialization code for their
instances to work. So the problem is:

How to call from D.__init__ all the super classe's __init__?

As you know, when Python, finds something like

d.<an attribute>

it uses (roughly - there are details I'm hiding) the following name
look up rule:

1. Look in the instance's dictionary d.__dict__

2. If 1. fails look in the instance's class dictionary

3. If 2. fails crawl through the super classe's dictionary looking in
their dictionaries.

4. If 3. fails call __getattr__

I'm interested in point 3. This crawling "through the super classe's"
is achieved by linearizing the inheritance graph, that is, we
transform the graph into a list. You can see that by calling mro on
the *class* object:

>>> D.mro()
[<class '__main__.D'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.C'>,
<class '__main__.A'>, <type 'object'>]

So the search order is D, B, C, A, object.

We can fold this knowledge in coding our __init__.

>>> class D(B,C):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		B.__init__(self)
... 		print "D"
>>> d = D()

Hmm... still not enough. We have to change B and C's __init__ to call
their super classe's __init__.

>>> class B(A):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		A.__init__(self)
... 		print "B"
>>> b = B()

>>> class C(A):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		A.__init__(self)
... 		print "C"
>>> c = C()

We don't do it with the A class, because object.__init__ is a no-op -
does nothing.

But for the classe's B and C things seem to be working - The super
classe's __init__ is being called. Let us now test D, the base of our
diamond inheritance graph:

>>> d = D()

Hmmm... C.__init__ is not being called. Can you see why it is so?
(D.__init__ calls B.__init__ calls A.__init__)

Let us recode it and call it explicitely:

>>> class D(B,C):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		B.__init__(self)
... 		C.__init__(self)
... 		print "D"
>>> d = D()

Now A.__init__ is being called twice! Can you see why it is so?
(D.__init__ calls B.__init__ calls A.__init__. Then it calls
C.__init__ calls A.__init__)

Not good, since what we want is that each super classe's __init__ to
be called exactly *once*. Notice that if you had single inheritance
the above scheme would work just fine and dandy. It is multiple
inheritance (D inherits from B and C) that makes things tougher. And
this is precisely the problem that super is designed to solve.

>>> class B(A):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		super(B, self).__init__()
... 		print "B"
>>> b = B()
>>> class C(A):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		super(C, self).__init__()
... 		print "C"
>>> c = C()
>>> class D(B,C):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		super(D, self).__init__()
... 		print "D"
>>> d = D()

Now it all works as you see. The structure of the super call is very

super(<the class>, <the instance>).<the method>(<arguments - but no

The online help is more explicit:

>>> help(super)
Help on class super in module __builtin__:

class super(object)
 |  super(type) -> unbound super object
 |  super(type, obj) -> bound super object; requires isinstance(obj,
 |  super(type, type2) -> bound super object; requires
issubclass(type2, type)
 |  Typical use to call a cooperative superclass method:
 |  class C(B):
 |      def meth(self, arg):
 |          super(C, self).meth(arg)

Hope it helps, with my best regards,
G. Rodrigues

From vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM  Wed Dec 17 11:51:27 2003
From: vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM (Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis})
Date: Wed Dec 17 11:54:50 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Questions about sizing RadioBox
Message-ID: <>

I have a couple of RadioBoxes. I would like the little box that appears
around the buttons to be shorter. I have tried specifying a size, and I
can affect the width of the box, but not the height. There are only two
buttons in the box, and I have them side by side. Can anyone explain how
the size parameter works with regard to RadioBoxes in wxPython, or does
a question specific to wxPython belong on a different list?

The code is:

        #Create the radio box that displays the input source options.
wxRB_SINGLE makes them appear side by side
        self.source=wxRadioBox(self, -1, majorDimension = 1,
label='Select input source:',
                                      choices=['Select command
below','Read input from file'], size=(280,0),
                                      style= wxRB_SINGLE)
        EVT_RADIOBOX(self, -1, self.SetMode)

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec 17 12:19:59 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec 17 12:21:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Inheritance
References: <>
Message-ID: <001f01c3c4c2$002f5f70$6401a8c0@xp>

> ...I'll try to explain the why's and the how's of super...
> Hope it helps, with my best regards,

Hi Goncalo, thanks for the explanation, saves me going off 
to the docs. It works almost as I had expected except I wasn't 
expecting super to return an object... But the way it does 
work is actually more flexible and powerful than what I 
thought it did.


Alan G

From dyoo at  Wed Dec 17 12:27:20 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 17 12:27:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Finding quoted strings in a text? A hands-on tutorial
	on DFA->regex conversion
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > > [Warning: there's heavy regular expression and finite state automata
> > > stuff in this message.  Skip if it gets really confusing.]
> > >
> > >
> > > For a small project that I'm working on, I've calculated out a
> > > regular expression for finding quoted strings, but it's just
> > > absolutely hideous.
> Any chance this is for csv file parsing? If yes, the new csv stuff in
> 2.3 is a much simpler way of dealing with it. If not, I'm sorry for you
> ;-)

Hi David,

No, it's more for a configuration file lexer/parser project.

Don't be sorry for me: I think I'm enjoying myself a little too much to
deserve much sympathy.  *grin* It's fun for me to review all that
theoretical CS stuff I learned from:

and I think it's cool that even "esoteric" stuff like finite state
automata can apply to the construction of regular expressions.  I can't
help but feel that it's useful, even though it takes me a few tries to get
the regex looking somewhat decent... *grin*

Talk to you later!

From pythontutor at  Wed Dec 17 15:26:49 2003
From: pythontutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Wed Dec 17 15:26:52 2003
Subject: [Tutor] returning a web page (and also path to web root)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Barnaby Scott wrote:

> More thanks - but more problems!
> The copy_snippet function won't work for me because I
> actually need the document to be *served* to the
> client, rather than read and printed to stdout.
> Reason: it is likely to be a server-parsed document!
> (In any case surely this will also suffer from the
> relative links problem?)

I guess I don't really understand your environment.  Typically,
a cgi script is running with stdout piped back to the web server.
You need to print the header(s), e.g.:
	print "Content-type: test/html"
print a blank line separator
(I say print because the headers are line oriented and you need
to include line marks to delimit each line.  print will do that
for you.)
and finally print the page contents.

The web server passes this stream of data on to the client browser.

What mechanism are you using to pass data to the client browser?
Are we talking about CGI?

I am not sure what you mean by *served* to the client other than what
I describe above, writing (or printing) through the server to the browser.

> Sadly, Location: isn't working for me either, though
> that looked such a good option. I think the reason is
> that the request to the script is a POST, and the
> 're-request' (is there such a word?) forced by the
> Location header seems to be attempted with another
> POST - and therefore fails (see - I'm learning fast! I
> never knew half this stuff 48 hours ago).

Post means that arguments from the browser to your script
are in the data stream and NOT tagged on the end of the URL.
Python's cgi module insulates you from this difference.

I'd expect that there is something else going on.  The browser
should simply load the page specified by the Location: header.
Are you sure there are no other headers or content to confuse things?

I'd recommend getting trivial little scripts (4 or 5 lines) working
and then joining the pieces together.

> At this point I have been reduced to returning a META
> HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" tag to the the client. I don't
> like it a) because I believe it is browser-dependent,
> and b) it shows a blank page momentarily (even with
> Don't worry if you have come to the end of your
> suggestion list! I just wanted to report back with
> thanks and an update.
> --- Lloyd Kvam <> wrote:
>>Barnaby Scott wrote:
>>>Thanks very much. In fact I like the look of your
>>>first idea the best - the Location: thing. Even
>>>shorter and more concise than I had hoped for!
>>>I think both my problems in fact stem from more
>>>of knowledge of http and webservers than Python,
>>>forgive me if this is all slightly off-topic.
>>>The problem I feared does in fact occur - I used
>>>urllib to get a page and display it, and sure
>>>the images sources and some links failed to work.
>>>Because they are relative references, they went
>>>the wrong starting point - i.e. not the web
>>>of the page, but cgi-bin where the script lives.
>>Below is the function I normally use to output an
>>existing HTML file
>>through a cgi script.  Note that it is all done
>>using normal file IO
>>and avoids processing the HTML.  urllib is probably
>>"too smart" for
>>what you are trying to do.  This function should
>>work for HTML files
>>on your server.
>>def copy_snippet( filename, out_file=None):
>>	if out_file is None:
>>		out_file = sys.stdout
>>	if os.path.exists( filename):
>>		snip = open( filename, 'r')
>>		shutil.copyfileobj( snip, out_file)
>>		snip.close()
>>The variable name snip was used because these are
>>usually snippets of
>>HTML.  (Server side includes may have been a better
>>way to go.)
>>>As for the web root thing: I can get the
>>>to display, but this appears to be a totally
>>>directory to the one I am interested in! My
>>>is that I have rented space on a server for 3
>>>The path I want returned takes the following form:
> /home/myaccountname/webs/
>>>The DOCUMENT_ROOT returns instead:
>>>When I look there, the stuff is nothing to do with
>>>at all! 
>>I'm not sure what to tell you.  If you run
>>cgi.test() you'll get
>>a list of all of the environment variables.  Perhaps
>>there is a
>>better one to use.  Could you have mis-tested in
>>looking up
>>DOCUMENT_ROOT?  I only have Apache running anywhere
>>that I can check.
>>All of those locations report the correct
>>DOCUMENT_ROOT for the sites.
>>Lloyd Kvam
>>Venix Corp.
>>1 Court Street, Suite 378
>>Lebanon, NH 03766-1358
>>voice:	603-653-8139
>>fax:	801-459-9582
>>Tutor maillist  -
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From piir at  Wed Dec 17 19:26:29 2003
From: piir at (Todd G. Gardner)
Date: Wed Dec 17 19:26:34 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Calling dlls from python
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

Any recomendations on where to look regarding this?

I have read in this link
that there is a "calldll" module but I am not sure where to look?

Thanks in advance,


From the_investor at  Wed Dec 17 19:37:11 2003
From: the_investor at (Ryan Sheehy)
Date: Wed Dec 17 19:38:00 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Self
Message-ID: <>

Could someone please explain to me why the call 'self' is needed in methods
and functions?

I'm having difficulty trying to understand it.


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From dyoo at  Wed Dec 17 20:56:06 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 17 20:56:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Self
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Ryan Sheehy wrote:

> Could someone please explain to me why the call 'self' is needed in
> methods and functions?
> I'm having difficulty trying to understand it.

Hi Ryan,

Let's use a concrete example.  Let's say we have a Person:

class Person:
    def pat_head(self):
        print "I'm patting my head"

    def rub_stomach(self):
        print "I'm rubbing my stomach"

Let's say that we'd like to add one more method to this Person, some way
of telling the person to both rub its head and stomach sequentially:

class Person:
    def pat_head(self):
        print "I'm patting my head"

    def rub_stomach(self):
        print "I'm rubbing my stomach"

    def play_game(self):

Ok, the pieces are set.  *grin*

What happens if there aren't any 'self' parameters being passed around?
Let's imagine it:

class BadPerson:
    """Note: this class will not work."""
    def pat_head():
        print "I'm patting my head"

    def rub_stomach():
        print "I'm rubbing my stomach"

    def play_game():
        pat_head()          ## ??
        rub_stomach()       ## ??

The first two methods might look ok still, but what about the third? The
commented lines with the '??' should draw our attention: what in
particular is trying to pat_head() and rub_stomach()?  Nothing is, so this
is syntactically weird --- Just from inspection, this doesn't look like a
method call in Python.

(Note: if you're coming from a language like C++ or Java, you may be
wondering what happened to 'this'.  Python does not have any support for
'this', but instead opts for a more explicit model of passing 'self'

Without a way of accessing the instance, there's no way of writing methods
that themselves call other methods on the same instance.  So having 'self'
around lets us write things like play_game().  Does this make sense so

Good luck to you!

From littledanehren at  Wed Dec 17 21:26:09 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Wed Dec 17 21:26:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Calling dlls from python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Todd G. Gardner" wrote:
> Hello all,
> Any recomendations on where to look regarding this?
> I have read in this link
> that there is a "calldll" module but I am not sure
> where to look?
> Thanks in advance,
> Todd

I can't find it, but CTypes performs the function of
reading dll's, which is probably what you want to do.
It can also work on Linux and other Unixes, including
Mac OS X. It also can be used to create and manipulate
C datatypes. Here's a testimonial from their main

I am using it and much prefer it to the calldll/windll
... easy to use, well documented ... - Ben C

There are a bunch of others that say how much easier
it is to acess windows internal functions, but it's
probably the same as with calldll.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From the_investor at  Wed Dec 17 21:35:37 2003
From: the_investor at (Ryan Sheehy)
Date: Wed Dec 17 21:36:24 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Self
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Todd and Danny!


Okay... 'self' is required if calls need to be made to methods and functions
that reside in the same class. Is that right?

If so, could the call 'Person.pat_head()' still give the same result in the
play_game method?



-----Original Message-----
From: Danny Yoo []
Sent: Thursday, 18 December 2003 9:56 AM
To: Ryan Sheehy
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Self

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Ryan Sheehy wrote:

> Could someone please explain to me why the call 'self' is needed in
> methods and functions?
> I'm having difficulty trying to understand it.

Hi Ryan,

Let's use a concrete example.  Let's say we have a Person:

class Person:
    def pat_head(self):
        print "I'm patting my head"

    def rub_stomach(self):
        print "I'm rubbing my stomach"

Let's say that we'd like to add one more method to this Person, some way
of telling the person to both rub its head and stomach sequentially:

class Person:
    def pat_head(self):
        print "I'm patting my head"

    def rub_stomach(self):
        print "I'm rubbing my stomach"

    def play_game(self):

Ok, the pieces are set.  *grin*

What happens if there aren't any 'self' parameters being passed around?
Let's imagine it:

class BadPerson:
    """Note: this class will not work."""
    def pat_head():
        print "I'm patting my head"

    def rub_stomach():
        print "I'm rubbing my stomach"

    def play_game():
        pat_head()          ## ??
        rub_stomach()       ## ??

The first two methods might look ok still, but what about the third? The
commented lines with the '??' should draw our attention: what in
particular is trying to pat_head() and rub_stomach()?  Nothing is, so this
is syntactically weird --- Just from inspection, this doesn't look like a
method call in Python.

(Note: if you're coming from a language like C++ or Java, you may be
wondering what happened to 'this'.  Python does not have any support for
'this', but instead opts for a more explicit model of passing 'self'

Without a way of accessing the instance, there's no way of writing methods
that themselves call other methods on the same instance.  So having 'self'
around lets us write things like play_game().  Does this make sense so

Good luck to you!

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.551 / Virus Database: 343 - Release Date: 11/12/2003

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.551 / Virus Database: 343 - Release Date: 11/12/2003

From littledanehren at  Wed Dec 17 21:59:41 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Wed Dec 17 21:59:45 2003
Subject: [Tutor] functions instead of classes
Message-ID: <>

I was trying to learn PyGTK, but I thought the style
of object orientation used was a bit odd because it
didn't need to be inherited from anything, most of the
code was in __init__, and only one function, main()
was ever run externally. I rewrote it to be a function
that locally contains some functions. This is what
wxLua uses to construct its GUIs, roughly, and it
makes for much shorter code. Here's a simple
application that makes a window appear that has a
button with Hello world on it, and when you click it,
it writes Hello world to the console.

import gtk

def HelloWorld():
    def hello(widget, data=None):
        print "Hello World"

    def destroy(widget, data=None):

    window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
    window.connect("delete_event", destroy)
    window.connect("destroy", destroy)
    button = gtk.Button("Hello World")
    button.connect("clicked", hello, None)

if __name__ == "__main__":

This is around 5 lines shorter than when using
objects, and with objects you have to always use those
annoying prefixes. Is there anything wrong with this
coding style? I've heard that object orientation makes
it more reusable, but when are you going to reuse a
GUI layout? It's in a function so it can already be
called more than once.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From syrinx at  Thu Dec 18 02:31:21 2003
From: syrinx at (Scott)
Date: Thu Dec 18 02:33:31 2003
Subject: [Tutor] SAX
Message-ID: <>

Where is the best down and dirty SAX tutorial on the web?  I've never
fooled around with XML much.  Isn't SAX what I want if I may be
confronted with HUGE files, that I can't possibly load totally.  And I
can just prod around and poke them?


From glingl at  Thu Dec 18 02:59:55 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Thu Dec 18 02:59:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Self
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ryan Sheehy schrieb:

>Thanks Todd and Danny!
>Okay... 'self' is required if calls need to be made to methods and functions
>that reside in the same class. Is that right?
>If so, could the call 'Person.pat_head()' still give the same result in the
>play_game method?
Hi Ryan!

I'll try to elaborate a bit Danny's example. Suppose you have:

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def pat_head(self):
        print "I'm",,"and",
        print "I'm patting my head"

    def rub_stomach(self):
        print "I'm",, "and",
        print "I'm rubbing my stomach"

## The class Person can be used this way:

 >>> danny = Person("Danny")
 >>> ryan = Person("Ryan")
 >>> danny.rub_stomach()
I'm Danny and I'm rubbing my stomach
 >>> ryan.pat_head()
I'm Ryan and I'm patting my head

## We want Danny to play a game and define a function:

 >>> def play_game():
 >>> play_game()
I'm Danny and I'm patting my head
I'm Danny and I'm rubbing my stomach

## But what if Ryan also wants to play the game?
## We can redefine play_game with a parameter,
## so we can pass the person to play to it as
## an argument.

 >>> def play_game(somebody):

 >>> play_game(danny)
I'm Danny and I'm patting my head
I'm Danny and I'm rubbing my stomach
 >>> play_game(ryan)
I'm Ryan and I'm patting my head
I'm Ryan and I'm rubbing my stomach

## works fine. Now we can make this to
## a method of Person by simply putting it into the
class statement that defines Person:

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def pat_head(self):
        print "I'm",,"and",
        print "I'm patting my head"

    def rub_stomach(self):
        print "I'm",, "and",
        print "I'm rubbing my stomach"
    def play_game(somebody):

## and try it out:

 >>> ================================ RESTART 
 >>> danny = Person("Danny")
 >>> ryan = Person("Ryan")
 >>> danny.play_game()
I'm Danny and I'm patting my head
I'm Danny and I'm rubbing my stomach
 >>> ryan.play_game()
I'm Ryan and I'm patting my head
I'm Ryan and I'm rubbing my stomach

## works fine. Incidentally there is the *convention*
## to call the parameter that points to the object
## it*self* self.

## Alas, Your proposition to use Person.pat_head()
##  won't work, as it leaves open who should pat  his head.
##  But you *can* use a method like a function bound to a class,
##  passing the appropriate argument as earlier, like this:

 >>> Person.play_game(ryan)
I'm Ryan and I'm patting my head
I'm Ryan and I'm rubbing my stomach

Hope this makes something more clear for you


From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec 18 03:41:42 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec 18 03:42:51 2003
Subject: [Tutor] functions instead of classes
References: <>
Message-ID: <005001c3c542$c2f47560$6401a8c0@xp>

> coding style? I've heard that object orientation makes
> it more reusable, but when are you going to reuse a
> GUI layout? 

When its a dialog box :-)

but in general you are right.

Alan G

From barnabydscott at  Thu Dec 18 09:00:11 2003
From: barnabydscott at (Barnaby Scott)
Date: Thu Dec 18 09:00:24 2003
Subject: [Tutor] buffering print statement
Message-ID: <>

Is there a simple way of redirecting the output of
'print' statements in a script, until such time as I
actually want them sent to stdout, and they can all be
sent at once?

I guess I could create a file-like object and then use
'print >>' to it, but this is not what I am after

Equally I know I could assign sys.stdout to my
'buffer', but I don't know how to reverse the process
and get at the output when I want it! 

As you can tell from my ramblings, I'm none too
advanced, and would be grateful for a steer!

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New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From pythontutor at  Thu Dec 18 10:08:09 2003
From: pythontutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Thu Dec 18 10:08:15 2003
Subject: [Tutor] LunaticPython bridges Lua and Python
Message-ID: <>

There was a recent inquiry about Python vs. Lua.  The enclosed link
describes a product allows python programs to use Lua and Lua
programs to use python.  So the author must see these languages
as complementary.
LunaticPython - CncMoin

I saw the link to LunaticPython at:
Daily Python-URL

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From john at  Thu Dec 18 11:27:50 2003
From: john at (John Duarte)
Date: Thu Dec 18 11:30:30 2003
Subject: [Tutor] PyWin Install problem
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to install PyWin on a Windows 2000 machine. 
I have Python 2.3a2 installed.
The PyWin version is: win32all-163

I get the following errors:

1. The procedure entry point PyGILState_Release could not be located in the 
dynamic link library python23.dll

2. Registration of the AXScript Engine COM server failed. Installation will 
continue, but this server will require manual registration before it will 
    pywintypes.error:(127, 'LoadLibrary', 'The specified procedure could not 
be found.')

3. Registration of the Python Interpreter COM server failed. Installation will 
continue, but this server will require manual registration before it will 
    exceptions.AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'com_error'.

4. Registration of the Python Dictionary COM server failed. Installation will 
continue, but this server will require manual registration before it will 
    exceptions.ImportError: cannot import name DISPATCH_METHOD.

Does anybody have any insight into this problem??


From op73418 at  Thu Dec 18 11:43:39 2003
From: op73418 at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gon=E7alo_Rodrigues?=)
Date: Thu Dec 18 11:41:37 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Inheritance
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 13:50:27 -0700, you wrote:

I'm forwarding this back to the list. Always reply (also) to the list,
since other people may learn and possibly even correct me!

>Thanks a lot that was really helpful. Couple questions though.
>In this part why is C called before B?? 

This is just a concequence of the linearization algorithm. There is a
paper on the web by Michele Simionato explaining the one that made it
in 2.3. It's called C3 and was borrowed from Dylan.

This is heavy stuff (at least it is for me) - you've been warned.

>>>> class D(B,C):
>... 	def __init__(self):
>... 		super(D, self).__init__()
>... 		print "D"
>>>> d = D()
>Also(I hope I dont regret asking) 
>How does Super make sure that only 1 instance of A is called

Why don't we explore it together? To give a convenient, accurate and
100% correct picture we would have to go down to the bowels of the C
implementation, and this is a Python Tutor list not a C Tutor list.
Besides, I haven't touched C in more than 10 years so it's like Huh,
isn't C the third letter in the alphabet? So i'll just try to give a
mental picture of how things work - as I understand them, if anyone is
reading, feel free to correct me!:

First, super returns an *object* as you can see from the online help:

Help on class super in module __builtin__:

class super(object)
 |  super(type) -> unbound super object
 |  super(type, obj) -> bound super object; requires isinstance(obj,
 |  super(type, type2) -> bound super object; requires
issubclass(type2, type)

As such we can ask what are its attributes:

>>> for elem in dir(super):
... 	print elem

Everything is standard here except those misteryous __thisclass__ and
__self_class__ attributes. Let us try to see what they give in a
concrete case. Let us go back to our diamond inheritance graph and
write the __init__ methods as

>>> class A(object):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		print "A"
>>> class B(A):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		obj = super(B, self)
... 		print obj.__thisclass__
... 		print obj.__self_class__
... 		obj.__init__()
>>> class C(A):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		obj = super(C, self)
... 		print obj.__thisclass__
... 		print obj.__self_class__
... 		obj.__init__()
>>> class D(C, B):
... 	def __init__(self):
... 		obj = super(D, self)
... 		print obj.__thisclass__
... 		print obj.__self_class__
... 		obj.__init__()

Now let us test it:

>>> d = D()
<class '__main__.D'>
<class '__main__.D'>
<class '__main__.C'>
<class '__main__.D'>
<class '__main__.B'>
<class '__main__.D'>

Ah Ah... see what's going on? When D.__init__ is first called, a super
object is instantiated. __thisclass__ and __self_class__ point to the
D class. But going up the call chain, the __thisclass__ reference is
updated *according* to the mro linearization. This way super always
knows where it is in the mro list and can call the right methods.

If you didn't understood, no problem. I'm not sure I understand it
myself fully!

Anyway, hope it helped some, with my best regards,
G. Rodrigues

From ralobao at  Thu Dec 18 11:42:07 2003
From: ralobao at (Ruivaldo Neto)
Date: Thu Dec 18 11:52:16 2003
Subject: [Tutor] returning a web page (and also path to web root)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

why you dont use replace ????
i think its is simple.. look
the website that you want is:
and it delivere a picture and your name like:
<img src='picture.gif'></img> (i dont know if its correct but....)
and your name:

and you want to repassa for you client this page like a browser do, isnt it ?,

you simples make a replace on the content like :
string.replace(content,'<img src=\'','<img src=\''')

i think it may help :)

Em Qua 17 Dez 2003 18:26, Lloyd Kvam escreveu:
> Barnaby Scott wrote:
> > More thanks - but more problems!
> >
> > The copy_snippet function won't work for me because I
> > actually need the document to be *served* to the
> > client, rather than read and printed to stdout.
> > Reason: it is likely to be a server-parsed document!
> > (In any case surely this will also suffer from the
> > relative links problem?)
> I guess I don't really understand your environment.  Typically,
> a cgi script is running with stdout piped back to the web server.
> You need to print the header(s), e.g.:
> 	print "Content-type: test/html"
> print a blank line separator
> (I say print because the headers are line oriented and you need
> to include line marks to delimit each line.  print will do that
> for you.)
> and finally print the page contents.
> The web server passes this stream of data on to the client browser.
> What mechanism are you using to pass data to the client browser?
> Are we talking about CGI?
> I am not sure what you mean by *served* to the client other than what
> I describe above, writing (or printing) through the server to the browser.
> > Sadly, Location: isn't working for me either, though
> > that looked such a good option. I think the reason is
> > that the request to the script is a POST, and the
> > 're-request' (is there such a word?) forced by the
> > Location header seems to be attempted with another
> > POST - and therefore fails (see - I'm learning fast! I
> > never knew half this stuff 48 hours ago).
> Post means that arguments from the browser to your script
> are in the data stream and NOT tagged on the end of the URL.
> Python's cgi module insulates you from this difference.
> I'd expect that there is something else going on.  The browser
> should simply load the page specified by the Location: header.
> Are you sure there are no other headers or content to confuse things?
> I'd recommend getting trivial little scripts (4 or 5 lines) working
> and then joining the pieces together.
> > At this point I have been reduced to returning a META
> > HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" tag to the the client. I don't
> > like it a) because I believe it is browser-dependent,
> > and b) it shows a blank page momentarily (even with
> > CONTENT=0)
> >
> > Don't worry if you have come to the end of your
> > suggestion list! I just wanted to report back with
> > thanks and an update.
> >
> > --- Lloyd Kvam <> wrote:
> >>Barnaby Scott wrote:
> >>>Thanks very much. In fact I like the look of your
> >>>first idea the best - the Location: thing. Even
> >>>shorter and more concise than I had hoped for!
> >>>
> >>>I think both my problems in fact stem from more
> >>
> >>lack
> >>
> >>>of knowledge of http and webservers than Python,
> >>
> >>so
> >>
> >>>forgive me if this is all slightly off-topic.
> >>>
> >>>The problem I feared does in fact occur - I used
> >>>urllib to get a page and display it, and sure
> >>
> >>enough
> >>
> >>>the images sources and some links failed to work.
> >>>Because they are relative references, they went
> >>
> >>from
> >>
> >>>the wrong starting point - i.e. not the web
> >>
> >>directory
> >>
> >>>of the page, but cgi-bin where the script lives.
> >>
> >>Below is the function I normally use to output an
> >>existing HTML file
> >>through a cgi script.  Note that it is all done
> >>using normal file IO
> >>and avoids processing the HTML.  urllib is probably
> >>"too smart" for
> >>what you are trying to do.  This function should
> >>work for HTML files
> >>on your server.
> >>
> >>def copy_snippet( filename, out_file=None):
> >>	if out_file is None:
> >>		out_file = sys.stdout
> >>	if os.path.exists( filename):
> >>		snip = open( filename, 'r')
> >>		shutil.copyfileobj( snip, out_file)
> >>		snip.close()
> >>
> >>The variable name snip was used because these are
> >>usually snippets of
> >>HTML.  (Server side includes may have been a better
> >>way to go.)
> >>
> >>>As for the web root thing: I can get the
> >>
> >>
> >>>to display, but this appears to be a totally
> >>
> >>different
> >>
> >>>directory to the one I am interested in! My
> >>
> >>situation
> >>
> >>>is that I have rented space on a server for 3
> >>
> >>domains.
> >>
> >>>The path I want returned takes the following form:
> >
> > /home/myaccountname/webs/
> >
> >>>The DOCUMENT_ROOT returns instead:
> >>>
> >>>/usr/local/www/data
> >>>
> >>>When I look there, the stuff is nothing to do with
> >>
> >>me
> >>
> >>>at all!
> >>
> >>???
> >>I'm not sure what to tell you.  If you run
> >>cgi.test() you'll get
> >>a list of all of the environment variables.  Perhaps
> >>there is a
> >>better one to use.  Could you have mis-tested in
> >>looking up
> >>DOCUMENT_ROOT?  I only have Apache running anywhere
> >>that I can check.
> >>All of those locations report the correct
> >>DOCUMENT_ROOT for the sites.
> >>
> >>--
> >>Lloyd Kvam
> >>Venix Corp.
> >>1 Court Street, Suite 378
> >>Lebanon, NH 03766-1358
> >>
> >>voice:	603-653-8139
> >>fax:	801-459-9582
> >>
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Tutor maillist  -
> >>
> >
> > __________________________________
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.
> >

RS: Ruivaldo Neto

From carroll at  Thu Dec 18 13:11:25 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu Dec 18 13:11:30 2003
Subject: [Tutor] SAX
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Scott wrote:

> Where is the best down and dirty SAX tutorial on the web?  

I haven't found one, but I strongly recommend obtaining or borrowing the 
O'Reilley Python and XML book.  It excels at this.

(I was able to borrow a copy from the San Jose Public Library, but this is 
Silicon Valley; that might not be possible in many other areas.)

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From carroll at  Thu Dec 18 13:35:29 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu Dec 18 13:35:33 2003
Subject: [Tutor] buffering print statement
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Barnaby Scott wrote:

> Is there a simple way of redirecting the output of
> 'print' statements in a script, until such time as I
> actually want them sent to stdout, and they can all be
> sent at once?
> I guess I could create a file-like object and then use
> 'print >>' to it, but this is not what I am after
> ideally.

That's what I would do.  StringIO is good for this:


import StringIO

buf = StringIO.StringIO()

for i in range(1,11):
    print >>buf, "Buffered line", i
    print "now processing line", i

#now dump the StringIO
print buf.getvalue()

now processing line 1
now processing line 2
now processing line 3
now processing line 4
now processing line 5
now processing line 6
now processing line 7
now processing line 8
now processing line 9
now processing line 10
Buffered line 1
Buffered line 2
Buffered line 3
Buffered line 4
Buffered line 5
Buffered line 6
Buffered line 7
Buffered line 8
Buffered line 9
Buffered line 10

> Equally I know I could assign sys.stdout to my
> 'buffer', but I don't know how to reverse the process
> and get at the output when I want it! 

I wouldn't take that approach, but if you want, there are two ways to get 
it back.

First, if you know that no one else has messed with stdout, the normal 
stdout is stored in sys.__stdout__.  So you can do this:

import sys

print "writing to normal stdout"

print "writing to file"

print "back to the normal stdout again."

This does just what the code implies; you'll see the two lines "writing to 
normal stdout" and "back to the normal stdout again" on the console, and 
output.txt will contain the line "writing to file".

Another, more general, approach, if you think that another part of the 
program or caller may have assigned stdout to something other than the 
normal stdout is simply to save it and restore it:

import sys

print "writing to normal stdout"

temp_file_object = sys.stdout
print "writing to file"

print "back to the normal stdout again."

But I think StringIO is probably the way to go.

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From dyoo at  Thu Dec 18 14:02:10 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Dec 18 14:02:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Self
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Ryan Sheehy wrote:

> If so, could the call 'Person.pat_head()' still give the same result in
> the play_game method?

Hi Ryan,

This almost works.  However, it's a requirement in Python that the first
parameter in each method has to be 'self'.

(I'm actually lying.  *grin* That last statement was true until Python
2.2.  I'll explain more fully in the bottom of this message.)

Here's one reason for this constraint: if we allow a method that doesn't
take 'self', it would mean that the 'method' doesn't care about its
instance, and in that case, why is it even a method?  *grin*

Methods are really functions that are attached to an object.  These
methods are meant to care about the instance that they're attached to ---
otherwise, it would be more approprate to just write a function.

And in fact, with the original example:

class Person:
    def pat_head(self):
        print "I'm patting my head"

    def rub_stomach(self):
        print "I'm rubbing my stomach"

    def play_game(self):

it makes little sense for Person to be a class with those methods: it
would be so much more simpler to just use functions:

def pat_head():
    print "I'm patting my head"

def rub_stomach():
    print "I'm rubbing my stomach"

def play_game():

which is fine.

So the example from before was actually a very bad one in terms of showing
what objects are good for, since none of the methods actually did anything
with 'self'.  Let me augment the original example a bit more more:

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.count_heads = 0
        self.count_stomachs = 0

    def summarize(self):
        print "I,",,
        print "have patted my head", self.count_heads, "times",
        print "and rubbed my stomach", self.count_stomachs, "times."

    def pat_head(self):
        print "I,",, "am patting my head"
        self.count_heads += 1

    def rub_stomach(self):
        print "I,",, "am rubbing my stomach"
        self.count_stomachs += 1

    def play_game(self):

Now these methods use 'self' as a way of sharing and remembering the
status of the object --- we're using 'self' here as a place to store
counts of things.  It should be a little easier to see that passing 'self'
around is useful now.  Most classes will have methods that pay attention
to the state that's stuffed in 'self' --- it's less common to have methods
that totally disregard 'self'.

Going back to your question:

> If so, could the call 'Person.pat_head()' still give the same result in
> the play_game method?

The reason we mentioned this "almost" works is because in newer versions
of Python, it actually is possible to do this, using "static methods".
We can tell the system that, yes, we don't really need 'self' on certain
methods, by marking them with 'staticmethod':

class Person:
    def pat_head():
        print "I'm patting my head"
    pat_head = staticmethod(pat_head)

    def rub_stomach():
        print "I'm rubbing my stomach"
    rub_stomach = staticmethod(rub_stomach)

    def play_game():
    play_game = staticmethod(play_game)

And then it works.

The details of this are defined in:

I have to admit: I have this uncomfortable feeling about staticmethod(),
and not just because it's a recent addition to the language.  It just
seems to me that allowing static methods adds little power to the
language, and at the very high cost of complicating explanations like this
one.  *grin*

Anyway, I hope this helps!

From john at  Thu Dec 18 14:19:12 2003
From: john at (John Duarte)
Date: Thu Dec 18 14:21:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] PyWin Install problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Maybe my terminology is incorrect.
I am not installing a new version of Python. I am just trying to install "Mark 
Hammond's Python Extentions for Windows". I thought these were also known as 
'PyWin'. My apologies if this is incorrect.

On Thursday 18 December 2003 10:58 am, you wrote:
> John Duarte wrote:
> > Help.
> > I am trying to install PyWin on a Windows 2000
> > machine.
> > I have Python 2.3a2 installed.
> > The PyWin version is: win32all-163
> >
> > I get the following errors:
> >
> > 1. The procedure entry point PyGILState_Release
> > could not be located in the
> > dynamic link library python23.dll
> >
> > 2. Registration of the AXScript Engine COM server
> > failed. Installation will
> > continue, but this server will require manual
> > registration before it will
> > function.
> >     pywintypes.error:(127, 'LoadLibrary', 'The
> > specified procedure could not
> > be found.')
> >
> > 3. Registration of the Python Interpreter COM server
> > failed. Installation will
> > continue, but this server will require manual
> > registration before it will
> > function.
> >     exceptions.AttributeError: 'module' object has
> > no attribute 'com_error'.
> >
> > 4. Registration of the Python Dictionary COM server
> > failed. Installation will
> > continue, but this server will require manual
> > registration before it will
> > function.
> >     exceptions.ImportError: cannot import name
> >
> > Does anybody have any insight into this problem??
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -John
> Try uninstalling the earlier version of Python first.
> Daniel Ehrenberg
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From helena_b2001 at  Thu Dec 18 16:10:04 2003
From: helena_b2001 at (helena bhaska)
Date: Thu Dec 18 16:10:24 2003
Subject: [Tutor] server design issue
Message-ID: <>

I am writing a simple server application, which loops
waiting for connections, and as soon as it receives
one, it creates a thread to deal with it.
The server thread is supposed to loop forever, and if
it receives data through a socket it sends the data to
a serial port and exits, or if it receives data
through a serial port  it sends it on through a socket
and keeps on looping. Now, the problem is if i use
blocking socket, the loop will get stuck on recv()
statement and never get to reading data from serial
port part, and if i use nonblocking socket, it will
get to reading data from serial port part no problem,
but the recv() statement will for some reason receive
the data in one big chunk, even though I am sending it
one byte at a time.  And i really want it in one byte
at a time - which is what i get with blocking socket. 

The only solution i see is to separate reading and
writing funcionality into different classes(and use
different ports maybe), but maybe there is a more
elegant solution for this.
Thanks for any ideas!

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec 18 17:18:04 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec 18 17:19:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] buffering print statement
References: <>
Message-ID: <007b01c3c5b4$ce8b80e0$6401a8c0@xp>

> Is there a simple way of redirecting the output of
> 'print' statements in a script, until such time as I
> actually want them sent to stdout, and they can all be
> sent at once?

Umm, I may be missing something but that sounds like a 
string variable? Just send formatted strings to a string 
variable, then at the end print the string...

buffer = "Hello world\n"
foo = 27 + 42
buffer += str(foo) + '\n'
print buffer

You could even write a short function (printbuff, say) 
to take care of adding newlines etc.

Or is there something else you want to do?

Alan G.

From dyoo at  Thu Dec 18 17:20:42 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Dec 18 17:20:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] SAX
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Scott wrote:

> Where is the best down and dirty SAX tutorial on the web?  I've never
> fooled around with XML much.  Isn't SAX what I want if I may be
> confronted with HUGE files, that I can't possibly load totally.  And I
> can just prod around and poke them?

Hi Scott,

If you're going to handle huge files, SAX will work.  An alternative is to
use something that partially constructs the XML tree structure on demand.
The 'pulldom' module is a good module to know about:

But the documentation on pulldom is filled with little '...' "fill-me-in"
sort of things, which is really not so good.  *sigh* There's slightly
better documentation on pulldom here:

The pulldom approach is nice because it's a hybrid between the "stream"
approach of SAX and the structured approach of the DOM.

As a concrete example, let's say we have the following XML text:

xmlText = """
    <DATE>Aug 23 2001 12:27AM</DATE>
        <COM_NAME CURATED="1">expressed protein</COM_NAME>
        <DATE>Aug 23 2001 12:27AM</DATE>

We'd like to traverse through this XML using some kind of parser. Here's
one approach, using the 'pulldom' module:

from xml.dom import pulldom
from StringIO import StringIO

xmlFile = StringIO(xmlText)
events = pulldom.parse(xmlFile)
for event, node in events:
    print event, node.nodeName

This has a sort of SAX-ish flavor: for every start tag, character data,
and end tag, we get back a 2-tuple that makes up the "event" and the
associated node.  The node that we get back is mostly contentless, but at
least we can look at the nodeName.

We can do more, though --- we can tell the system that we'd like to expand
a node so that we can get structural information from it.  For example:

from xml.dom import pulldom
from StringIO import StringIO

xmlFile = StringIO(xmlText)
events = pulldom.parse(xmlFile)
for event, node in events:
    if event == 'START_ELEMENT' and node.nodeName == 'COORDSET':
        print node.toxml()
        print node.getElementsByTagName('END5')[0].childNodes
        print node.getElementsByTagName('END3')[0].childNodes

Once we've expanded a node, we can start dealing with it with DOMish glee.
*grin* The 'minidom' module and its discussion of the DOM applies pretty
well on an "expanded" node:

The key to keeping memory usage down is to expand only the nodes that
we're interested in.  Instead of instantiating the whole tree at a time,
we can be content to play with the subtrees that we're interested in.

Please feel free to ask more questions about this.  Good luck to you!

From carroll at  Thu Dec 18 18:05:41 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu Dec 18 18:05:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] buffering print statement
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Barnaby, after reading Alan'd reply, I think I missed what you wanted to 
do; you want a transparent way of having the print statement write to a 
buffer that can be printed out later, right?

The two ideas from my last message (StringIO and saving/restoring 
sys.stdout) can do this for you:

import StringIO
import sys

print "first line to stdout"
buf = StringIO.StringIO()
#save stdout, and point stdout to StringIO buffer
temp = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = buf

for i in range(1,11):
    print "Buffered line", i
    #these prints go to buf

#restore stdout
sys.stdout = temp
print "second line to stdout"

#now dump the StringIO
print buf.getvalue()

Run this, and you should see the "Buffered line" lines printed after the 
"second line to stdout"

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From littledanehren at  Thu Dec 18 18:26:36 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Thu Dec 18 18:26:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] PyWin Install problem
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

John Duarte wrote:
> Dan,
> Maybe my terminology is incorrect.
> I am not installing a new version of Python. I am
> just trying to install "Mark 
> Hammond's Python Extentions for Windows". I thought
> these were also known as 
> 'PyWin'. My apologies if this is incorrect.
> -John

The webpage is confusing, but it actually comes with
all of Python, or at least that's what happened when I
installed it. I haven't used it in a while, so it
might have changed. If it doesn't create a new
installation of Python, then you should probably
upgrade to 2.3.2 anyway.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From john at  Thu Dec 18 19:19:06 2003
From: john at (John Duarte)
Date: Thu Dec 18 19:21:36 2003
Subject: [Tutor] PyWin Install problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I upgraded Python, and the win32all extensions installed without a hitch.
The extensions do not come with Python.

On Thursday 18 December 2003 3:26 pm, you wrote:
> John Duarte wrote:
> > Dan,
> > Maybe my terminology is incorrect.
> > I am not installing a new version of Python. I am
> > just trying to install "Mark
> > Hammond's Python Extentions for Windows". I thought
> > these were also known as
> > 'PyWin'. My apologies if this is incorrect.
> > -John
> The webpage is confusing, but it actually comes with
> all of Python, or at least that's what happened when I
> installed it. I haven't used it in a while, so it
> might have changed. If it doesn't create a new
> installation of Python, then you should probably
> upgrade to 2.3.2 anyway.
> Daniel Ehrenberg
> __________________________________
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> New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From the_investor at  Thu Dec 18 19:52:00 2003
From: the_investor at (Ryan Sheehy)
Date: Thu Dec 18 19:52:51 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Self
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Danny & Gregor!

I think I am now beginning to understand. I don't know how to write it down
in words, but yes I think I am beginning to get it.

Thanks heaps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Danny Yoo []
Sent: Friday, 19 December 2003 3:02 AM
To: Ryan Sheehy
Cc: Tutor
Subject: RE: [Tutor] Self

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Ryan Sheehy wrote:

> If so, could the call 'Person.pat_head()' still give the same result in
> the play_game method?

Hi Ryan,

This almost works.  However, it's a requirement in Python that the first
parameter in each method has to be 'self'.

(I'm actually lying.  *grin* That last statement was true until Python
2.2.  I'll explain more fully in the bottom of this message.)

Here's one reason for this constraint: if we allow a method that doesn't
take 'self', it would mean that the 'method' doesn't care about its
instance, and in that case, why is it even a method?  *grin*

Methods are really functions that are attached to an object.  These
methods are meant to care about the instance that they're attached to ---
otherwise, it would be more approprate to just write a function.

And in fact, with the original example:

class Person:
    def pat_head(self):
        print "I'm patting my head"

    def rub_stomach(self):
        print "I'm rubbing my stomach"

    def play_game(self):

it makes little sense for Person to be a class with those methods: it
would be so much more simpler to just use functions:

def pat_head():
    print "I'm patting my head"

def rub_stomach():
    print "I'm rubbing my stomach"

def play_game():

which is fine.

So the example from before was actually a very bad one in terms of showing
what objects are good for, since none of the methods actually did anything
with 'self'.  Let me augment the original example a bit more more:

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.count_heads = 0
        self.count_stomachs = 0

    def summarize(self):
        print "I,",,
        print "have patted my head", self.count_heads, "times",
        print "and rubbed my stomach", self.count_stomachs, "times."

    def pat_head(self):
        print "I,",, "am patting my head"
        self.count_heads += 1

    def rub_stomach(self):
        print "I,",, "am rubbing my stomach"
        self.count_stomachs += 1

    def play_game(self):

Now these methods use 'self' as a way of sharing and remembering the
status of the object --- we're using 'self' here as a place to store
counts of things.  It should be a little easier to see that passing 'self'
around is useful now.  Most classes will have methods that pay attention
to the state that's stuffed in 'self' --- it's less common to have methods
that totally disregard 'self'.

Going back to your question:

> If so, could the call 'Person.pat_head()' still give the same result in
> the play_game method?

The reason we mentioned this "almost" works is because in newer versions
of Python, it actually is possible to do this, using "static methods".
We can tell the system that, yes, we don't really need 'self' on certain
methods, by marking them with 'staticmethod':

class Person:
    def pat_head():
        print "I'm patting my head"
    pat_head = staticmethod(pat_head)

    def rub_stomach():
        print "I'm rubbing my stomach"
    rub_stomach = staticmethod(rub_stomach)

    def play_game():
    play_game = staticmethod(play_game)

And then it works.

The details of this are defined in:

I have to admit: I have this uncomfortable feeling about staticmethod(),
and not just because it's a recent addition to the language.  It just
seems to me that allowing static methods adds little power to the
language, and at the very high cost of complicating explanations like this
one.  *grin*

Anyway, I hope this helps!

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From thomi at  Thu Dec 18 20:08:24 2003
From: thomi at (Thomi Richards)
Date: Thu Dec 18 20:08:33 2003
Subject: [Tutor] confusion with dictionaries
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Hi guys,

I was playing around with dictionaries, and came across something which I 
found rather... unexpected. here's a demonstration:

>>> def foo(l = {}):
...     l[random.choice(string.lowercase)] = random.random()
...     return l
>>> foo()
{'m': 0.33204172040918167}
>>> foo()
{'m': 0.33204172040918167, 'l': 0.49843519723518959}
>>> foo()
{'u': 0.92434722065201858, 'm': 0.33204172040918167, 'l': 0.49843519723518959}
>>> foo()
{'u': 0.92434722065201858, 'm': 0.33204172040918167, 'l': 0.43003419699678858}
>>> foo()
{'u': 0.92434722065201858, 'z': 0.48421207726860993, 'm': 0.33204172040918167, 
'l': 0.43003419699678858}

I thought that if the dictionary 'l' was not stored in a variable outside the 
function it would be erased whenever the function foo() was terminated.

This is very wierd... can anyone explain this? Furthermore, how can I ensure 
that a dictionary is clean when passing it as an optional argument to a 
function like this?


- -- 
Thomi Richards,

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From the_investor at  Thu Dec 18 20:10:16 2003
From: the_investor at (Ryan Sheehy)
Date: Thu Dec 18 20:11:03 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Returned values
Message-ID: <>

I am just wondering how you would know what a function returns when it is

As an example, if I have code like so:

	>>> abc = 1
	>>> xyz(abc)
	result of 'xyz'

... where 'xyz' is any function that can accept 'abc' (without errors), how
will I know what type of value 'xyz' has returned (boolean? string? integer?
float?), obviously I might be able to see what it has returned in IDLE, but
what if I cannot (for whatever reason)?

I hope my silly question makes sense. :o)

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From littledanehren at  Thu Dec 18 20:46:40 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Thu Dec 18 20:46:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Returned values
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ryan Sheehy wrote:
> I am just wondering how you would know what a
> function returns when it is
> called.
> As an example, if I have code like so:
> 	>>> abc = 1
> 	>>> xyz(abc)
> 	result of 'xyz'
> ... where 'xyz' is any function that can accept
> 'abc' (without errors), how
> will I know what type of value 'xyz' has returned
> (boolean? string? integer?
> float?), obviously I might be able to see what it
> has returned in IDLE, but
> what if I cannot (for whatever reason)?
> I hope my silly question makes sense. :o)
> Ryan

Python is dynamically typed, so you usually shouldn't
have to worry about types. But in general, you can
tell the type of something just by what is returned by
IDLE. When you just type something in to be evaluated,
it really gives you repr(whatever_you_typed_in). The
repr() function gives enough information to
distinguish any thing from any other thing, so it will
always have enough information to determine its type.
Here are some distinguishing factors about different

Ints: These numbers have no decimal point and no
letters after them
Floats: These have decimal points but no letters
Longs: These have an L after them.
Note that for almost anything, ints, floats, and longs
are interchangable
Strings: These have either single or double quotes
around them.
Lists: These have [brackets] around them
Dicts: these have {curly:brackets} around them
Functions: these start with <function
Classes: these start with <class
Objects: These are surrounded by <> and the second
word is instance
Modules: These start with <module
Files: Surrounded by <>, second word file
Builtins: start with <built-in
Bools: either True or False
NoneType: always None or just goes to next line
without printing anything.
Complex number: In form (1+2j)
Tuples: A few items seperated by commas and the whole
thing is surrounded by parenthases

Wow. I didn't realize Python had so many types until I
listed them. This isn't even all of them; do 'import
types' for more.

Daniel Ehrenberg

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From the_investor at  Thu Dec 18 21:05:51 2003
From: the_investor at (Ryan Sheehy)
Date: Thu Dec 18 21:06:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Returned values
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your reply.

It's just that I was wondering if there would ever be a case where I would
type something in like so using xyz's output like so ...

abc = 1
if xyz(abc) == 1:

... now if xyz's output was boolean or a string (or anything other than what
I may have been expecting - i.e. 1) what would happen?

This then brings me back to my original question - how would I know what the
function returns so that I can create a proper conditional statement with

Thanks heaps,


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Daniel Ehrenberg
Sent: Friday, 19 December 2003 9:47 AM
To: pytutor
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Returned values

Ryan Sheehy wrote:
> I am just wondering how you would know what a
> function returns when it is
> called.
> As an example, if I have code like so:
> 	>>> abc = 1
> 	>>> xyz(abc)
> 	result of 'xyz'
> ... where 'xyz' is any function that can accept
> 'abc' (without errors), how
> will I know what type of value 'xyz' has returned
> (boolean? string? integer?
> float?), obviously I might be able to see what it
> has returned in IDLE, but
> what if I cannot (for whatever reason)?
> I hope my silly question makes sense. :o)
> Ryan

Python is dynamically typed, so you usually shouldn't
have to worry about types. But in general, you can
tell the type of something just by what is returned by
IDLE. When you just type something in to be evaluated,
it really gives you repr(whatever_you_typed_in). The
repr() function gives enough information to
distinguish any thing from any other thing, so it will
always have enough information to determine its type.
Here are some distinguishing factors about different

Ints: These numbers have no decimal point and no
letters after them
Floats: These have decimal points but no letters
Longs: These have an L after them.
Note that for almost anything, ints, floats, and longs
are interchangable
Strings: These have either single or double quotes
around them.
Lists: These have [brackets] around them
Dicts: these have {curly:brackets} around them
Functions: these start with <function
Classes: these start with <class
Objects: These are surrounded by <> and the second
word is instance
Modules: These start with <module
Files: Surrounded by <>, second word file
Builtins: start with <built-in
Bools: either True or False
NoneType: always None or just goes to next line
without printing anything.
Complex number: In form (1+2j)
Tuples: A few items seperated by commas and the whole
thing is surrounded by parenthases

Wow. I didn't realize Python had so many types until I
listed them. This isn't even all of them; do 'import
types' for more.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

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From missive at  Thu Dec 18 21:14:52 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Thu Dec 18 21:14:58 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: confusion with dictionaries
Message-ID: <>

>I was playing around with dictionaries, and came across something which I
>found rather... unexpected. here's a demonstration:
>>>>def foo(l = {}):
>...     l[random.choice(string.lowercase)] = random.random()
>...     return l
>{'m': 0.33204172040918167}
>{'m': 0.33204172040918167, 'l': 0.49843519723518959}

>I thought that if the dictionary 'l' was not stored in a variable outside 
>function it would be erased whenever the function foo() was terminated.

That is pretty much true. The trick is that the default values for
parameters are evaluated only once -- when the function is created.
And since the function itself still exists, the dictionary it uses for that
default value has to be kept alive too.

If you want a new dict with each call, try something like this:

def foo(l=None):
    if l is None:
        l = {}

I believe that is the standard python idiom. It's the one I use
regularly, anyhow.

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From missive at  Thu Dec 18 21:39:33 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Thu Dec 18 21:39:38 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Returned values
Message-ID: <>

>I am just wondering how you would know what a function returns when it is
>As an example, if I have code like so:
>       >>> abc = 1
>       >>> xyz(abc)
>       result of 'xyz'

It is an interesting question.  I guess my response would be ... How did you
find out about xyz in the first place?

Normally when programming, you will use library or builtin functions and
methods and you will discover how they work by reading the API
(Application Programming Interface) -- (the documentation  :o)

If you are working from the python interactive interpreter, the help()
function is quite helpful:

help(xyz) should tell you something about it -- depending on what the
person who wrote xyz put in the docstring....

>>>def bar():
...   "this does something"
Help on function bar in module __main__:

    this does something

Not very helpful...

>>>def foo():
...   "returns None"
Help on function foo in module __main__:

    returns None


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From project5 at  Thu Dec 18 21:45:56 2003
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Thu Dec 18 21:48:40 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Returned values
References: <>
Message-ID: <1cx7hs1omt4fy$.19xzoi2kgk66z$>

Ryan Sheehy wrote on Fri, 19 Dec 2003 10:05:51 +0800:

> abc = 1
> if xyz(abc) == 1:
>  ...etc
> ... now if xyz's output was boolean or a string (or anything other than what
> I may have been expecting - i.e. 1) what would happen?

You can always try this kind of things out in the interpreter, it's one of
the great strenghts of Python. If you do that, you'll find out that you can
compare anything to anything. That means that if xyz doesn't return the
integer 1, that "==" will evaluate to False (regardless of what type the
result of xyz is). 
So your code as presented above would work just fine, regardless of the
returns of xyz.

You should also note that you can often do this:

if xyz(abc):

Then if xyz returns anything but 0, None, False, or empty
dictionaries/sequences, it will be interpreted as True and #something is

> This then brings me back to my original question - how would I know what the
> function returns so that I can create a proper conditional statement with
> it.

I don't think you need to know the type, based on the info you gave. If you
believe type matters in your case, explain what you need in more detail.
Note that it is possible to get type info very easily using type(), it's
just that in the overwhelming majority of the cases it really isn't
necessary despite what you might think if coming from a statically typed



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From the_investor at  Thu Dec 18 21:56:47 2003
From: the_investor at (Ryan Sheehy)
Date: Thu Dec 18 21:57:36 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Returned values
In-Reply-To: <1cx7hs1omt4fy$.19xzoi2kgk66z$>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Lee and Andrei.

I have done some basic programming in a software package where the help
files contained info for a function and would be written as such:

xyz(whatever_variable: integer); boolean

... where the 'whatever_variable' would need to be an integer and the
function 'xyz' would return a boolean result. And I thought this would be
the norm with any programming language! :o)

I couldn't see these features in Python help files and was wondering how I
would know what the result would be.

I'm glad it can be done through the ways mentioned by all who responded...
as I need to unwire my brain from my previous function encounter and at the
moment this is the only way I can relate and understand Python.

Thanks again,


-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Andrei
Sent: Friday, 19 December 2003 10:46 AM
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Returned values

Ryan Sheehy wrote on Fri, 19 Dec 2003 10:05:51 +0800:

> abc = 1
> if xyz(abc) == 1:
>  ...etc
> ... now if xyz's output was boolean or a string (or anything other than
> I may have been expecting - i.e. 1) what would happen?

You can always try this kind of things out in the interpreter, it's one of
the great strenghts of Python. If you do that, you'll find out that you can
compare anything to anything. That means that if xyz doesn't return the
integer 1, that "==" will evaluate to False (regardless of what type the
result of xyz is).
So your code as presented above would work just fine, regardless of the
returns of xyz.

You should also note that you can often do this:

if xyz(abc):

Then if xyz returns anything but 0, None, False, or empty
dictionaries/sequences, it will be interpreted as True and #something is

> This then brings me back to my original question - how would I know what
> function returns so that I can create a proper conditional statement with
> it.

I don't think you need to know the type, based on the info you gave. If you
believe type matters in your case, explain what you need in more detail.
Note that it is possible to get type info very easily using type(), it's
just that in the overwhelming majority of the cases it really isn't
necessary despite what you might think if coming from a statically typed



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cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
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From Janssen at  Fri Dec 19 08:10:17 2003
From: Janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Fri Dec 19 08:10:31 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Returned values
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Ryan Sheehy wrote:

> I have done some basic programming in a software package where the help
> files contained info for a function and would be written as such:
> xyz(whatever_variable: integer); boolean
> ... where the 'whatever_variable' would need to be an integer and the
> function 'xyz' would return a boolean result. And I thought this would be
> the norm with any programming language! :o)
> I couldn't see these features in Python help files and was wondering how I
> would know what the result would be.

indeed the python documentation doesn't do much formal description (but
should say in plain text what happens).

When you want to get a description like "xyz(whatever_variable:
integer); boolean" you must use the online help. For example:
"help(int)" enters help-mode and shows the definition of the int-class
(one might expect it shows the definition of the int *function* but int
acts both as class and function (it's a special case)). Now the
relevant output:

Help on class int in module __builtin__:

class int(object)
 |  int(x[, base]) -> integer

---> voila!

This online help is generated from docstrings (compare for docstrings). Since
they are written within code they are more out of the view of a

In case even the docstring doesn't reveal the type of the return value,
you will take a look at the source and try to figure out, what it might
return (this might be called "documentation by good-to-read syntax" ;-)


From sigurd at  Fri Dec 19 12:31:21 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Fri Dec 19 12:32:13 2003
Subject: [Tutor] confusion with dictionaries
In-Reply-To: <> (Thomi Richards's
	message of "Fri, 19 Dec 2003 14:08:24 +1300")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 19 Dec 2003, Thomi Richards <- wrote:

> I was playing around with dictionaries, and came across something which I 
> found rather... unexpected. here's a demonstration:

>>>> def foo(l = {}):
> ...     l[random.choice(string.lowercase)] = random.random()
> ...     return l
> I thought that if the dictionary 'l' was not stored in a variable outside the 
> function it would be erased whenever the function foo() was terminated.

No.  Some days ago we had a thread here with exactly the same problem.
Don't you read the list?

I cite from the Python tutorial:

,----[ Python tutorial ]
| *Important warning:*  The default value is evaluated only once.  This
| makes a difference when the default is a mutable object such as a list,
| dictionary, or instances of most classes.  For example, the following
| function accumulates the arguments passed to it on subsequent calls:
|      def f(a, L=[]):
|          L.append(a)
|          return L
|      print f(1)
|      print f(2)
|      print f(3)
| This will print
|      [1]
|      [1, 2]
|      [1, 2, 3]
| If you don't want the default to be shared between subsequent calls,
| you can write the function like this instead:
|      def f(a, L=None):
|          if L is None:
|              L = []
|          L.append(a)
|          return L

So what happens here is that your default value gets only once
evaluated: the time you create the function.  All further calls to the
function which don't give the default value will use exactly the same
dictionary: the one which was created the moment the function definition
was evaluated.

> This is very wierd... can anyone explain this? Furthermore, how can I ensure 

see above.

> that a dictionary is clean when passing it as an optional argument to a 
> function like this?

When you pass a dictionary the default one won't get used.  So there's
no problem.  Or use the technique shown in the tutorial.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From cybersamurai at  Fri Dec 19 17:13:11 2003
From: cybersamurai at (Luiz Siqueira Neto)
Date: Fri Dec 19 16:15:29 2003
Subject: [Tutor] I need speed-up !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Message-ID: <>

I have a algorithm to make a XML document using as source
a file with data like a memory layout, the algorithm work fine
but get 100 MB of memory and is 18x more slow than the same
algorithm using Delphi and MSXML.
Yes, I know, is impossible have the same speed, but, if I have some
like 20 MB of use and 6x more slow than MSXML I will be very happy.
In fact if I have some a little bit more than I have now I will be happy 
too. :)

I try python tips for speed-up but I have more memory use;
I try psyco but don't work ( I don't know if the problem is my self);

My idea is use this algorithm like a multplataform framework, if this
is very hard or impossible maybe I need forgot the idea of use Python.  :(

From alan.gauld at  Fri Dec 19 19:33:50 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Dec 19 19:35:42 2003
Subject: [Tutor] confusion with dictionaries
References: <>
Message-ID: <00d601c3c690$f064bd30$6401a8c0@xp>

> I was playing around with dictionaries, and came across
> something which I found rather... unexpected.

>>> def foo(l = {}):
...     l[random.choice(string.lowercase)] = random.random()
...     return l
>>> foo()
{'m': 0.33204172040918167}
>>> foo()
{'m': 0.33204172040918167, 'l': 0.49843519723518959}

> I thought that if the dictionary 'l' was not stored in a
> variable outside the function it would be erased whenever
> the function foo() was terminated.

This has nothing to do with dictionaries per se but rather
is a feature of how Python evaluates default values of
Basically the value is computed the first time and then reused
- a useful feature for some things and exploited in several
Python "tricks"


def f(p=42):
   return p+7

f() -> 49
f(23) -> 30
f() -> 49

So far so good because 42 is immutable and so cannot be changed.

def f(p=[]):
   return p[:]  # a copy of p

f()  -> [42]
f()  -> [42,42]
f([]) -> [42]
f([23]) -> [23,42]
f()  -> [42,42,42]

So the object used as default for p is kept(as was the 42) but
this time we can change it because lists are mutable. Same with
dictionaries and of course objects.

class C:
   def __init__(self): = []

def f(p = C())

f()     -> [42]
f(C())  -> [42]
f()     -> [42,42]
c = C() = [1,2,3]
f(c)    -> [1,2,3,42]

So any mutable object used as a default value will stick around
and can be modified. To get a fresh one each time you need to
for existence and overwrite it each time, or make the default
and create a new one each time - the latter seems the most

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Dec 19 19:41:31 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Dec 19 19:43:15 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Returned values
References: <>
Message-ID: <00db01c3c692$035b8440$6401a8c0@xp>

> >>> abc = 1
> >>> xyz(abc)
> result of 'xyz'
> ... where 'xyz' is any function that can accept 'abc' (without
errors), how
> will I know what type of value 'xyz' has returned

You don't because some functions return different types depending
on what they are passed as arguments. This is one of the features
that makes dynamic languages like Python or Perl different from
static ones like Java or C++


def double(aVal = 42):
   return aVal * 2

double() -> 42
double(123) -> 246
double(12.3) -> 24.6000000
double("foo") -> 'foofoo'
double([1,2,3]) -> [1,2,3,1,2,3]
double({1:2,3:4})  -> Oops error!, can't multiply dictionaries

So the return value can be any type that supports multiplication
and is passed as an argument.

You can test the type of the return value but usually you try
to write code that doesn't rely on the type.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From ac007 at  Fri Dec 19 19:49:17 2003
From: ac007 at (Alexandre)
Date: Fri Dec 19 19:50:00 2003
Subject: [Tutor] confusion with dictionaries
References: <>
Message-ID: <008301c3c693$1934d1d0$2101a8c0@Azbordation>

>>> def foo(l = {}):
...     l[random.choice(string.lowercase)] = random.random()
...     return l
>>> foo()
{'m': 0.33204172040918167}
>>> foo()
{'m': 0.33204172040918167, 'l': 0.49843519723518959}
>>> This is very wierd... can anyone explain this? Furthermore, how can I ensure 
>>> that a dictionary is clean when passing it as an optional argument to a 
>>> function like this?

Hi Thomi, below a little extract from Python Tutorial :
Important warning: The default value is evaluated only once. This makes a difference when the default is a mutable object such as a list, dictionary, or instances of most classes. For example, the following function accumulates the arguments passed to it on subsequent calls: 

def f(a, L=[]):
    return L

print f(1)
print f(2)
print f(3)
This will print 

[1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]
If you don't want the default to be shared between subsequent calls, you can write the function like this instead: 

def f(a, L=None):
    if L is None:
        L = []
    return L
************************************************************Hope that helps.Alexandre
-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Fri Dec 19 19:49:29 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Dec 19 19:51:12 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Returned values
References: <>
Message-ID: <00e201c3c693$1fe26a10$6401a8c0@xp>

> This then brings me back to my original question - how would I
know what the
> function returns so that I can create a proper conditional
statement with
> it.

One of Pythons mottos is that its better to ask forgivness...

So if in doubt 'try' and then handle the 'except'ion:

foo = SomeSrangeFunction()
except TypeError:
   # handle the bad type scenario.

In most cases anOperationOnFoo will just work, if it doesn't you
decide how to handle it. That may include using an if/elif test
chain to find out which of the possible incompatible types you
have and dealing with it, but usually you do something like
it to a string and then deal with the now known type... Or maybe
just print an error message...

Alan G.

From littledanehren at  Fri Dec 19 21:43:07 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Fri Dec 19 21:43:12 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Returned values
In-Reply-To: <00db01c3c692$035b8440$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

--- Alan Gauld wrote:
> > >>> abc = 1
> > >>> xyz(abc)
> > result of 'xyz'
> >
> > ... where 'xyz' is any function that can accept
> 'abc' (without
> errors), how
> > will I know what type of value 'xyz' has returned
> You don't because some functions return different
> types depending
> on what they are passed as arguments. This is one of
> the features
> that makes dynamic languages like Python or Perl
> different from
> static ones like Java or C++
> Consider:
> def double(aVal = 42):
>    return aVal * 2
> double() -> 42
> double(123) -> 246
> double(12.3) -> 24.6000000
> double("foo") -> 'foofoo'
> double([1,2,3]) -> [1,2,3,1,2,3]
> double({1:2,3:4})  -> Oops error!, can't multiply
> dictionaries
> So the return value can be any type that supports
> multiplication
> and is passed as an argument.
> You can test the type of the return value but
> usually you try
> to write code that doesn't rely on the type.
> HTH,
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

Are you sure double() (with no arguments) would return
42? I got 84.

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New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From littledanehren at  Fri Dec 19 22:16:20 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Fri Dec 19 22:16:25 2003
Subject: [Tutor] I need speed-up !!!!!!!!!!!!!
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Luiz Siqueira Neto wrote:
> I have a algorithm to make a XML document using as
> source
> a file with data like a memory layout, the algorithm
> work fine
> but get 100 MB of memory and is 18x more slow than
> the same
> algorithm using Delphi and MSXML.
> Yes, I know, is impossible have the same speed, but,
> if I have some
> like 20 MB of use and 6x more slow than MSXML I will
> be very happy.
> In fact if I have some a little bit more than I have
> now I will be happy 
> too. :)
> I try python tips for speed-up but I have more
> memory use;
> I try psyco but don't work ( I don't know if the
> problem is my self);
> My idea is use this algorithm like a multplataform
> framework, if this
> is very hard or impossible maybe I need forgot the
> idea of use Python.  :(

In this type of situation, most people write a C or
C++ extention. However, it seems like that won't work
in your case. Try switching to a lower level algorithm
instead, such as nested lists with string
manipulation. That won't require an XML library,
eliminating a layer of processing.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From tony at  Sat Dec 20 02:41:02 2003
From: tony at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Sat Dec 20 02:41:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] strange path entry in sys.path
Message-ID: <>

Can anyone tell me why a zip file, which is not even on my system, show up 
in sys.path ?
I have not manually modified sys.path, nor the path variable through the 

This happened on 2 different physical computers, with different OS's: one 
is WIn98 and the other is Win XP, both with Python 2.3, WIn32all 1.63

 >>> import sys
 >>> print sys.path
['', 'C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\', 
'C:\\Python23\\lib\\site-packages', 'C:\\Python23\\DLLs', 
'C:\\Python23\\lib', 'C:\\Python23\\lib\\plat-win', 
'C:\\Python23\\lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\Python23']



From carroll at  Sat Dec 20 04:07:05 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Sat Dec 20 04:07:13 2003
Subject: [Tutor] strange path entry in sys.path
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Tony Cappellini wrote:

> Can anyone tell me why a zip file, which is not even on my system, show up 
> in sys.path ?
> I have not manually modified sys.path, nor the path variable through the 
> environment.

It's new in 2.3.  If the file isn't there, it won't be searched, but this
is a way to make it available.

(PEP 302 makes it show up in sys.path, even if it doesn't exist.)

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From dyoo at  Fri Dec 19 19:20:13 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Dec 20 09:59:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] I need speed-up   [Generating XML with XMLGenerator]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Luiz Siqueira Neto wrote:

> I have a algorithm to make a XML document using as source a file with
> data like a memory layout, the algorithm work fine but get 100 MB of
> memory and is 18x more slow than the same algorithm using Delphi and

Hi Luiz,

What is your algorithm?  How are you measuring performance?  Show us what
code you're using to generate things, and we can probably point out a few
things to help speed the code up.

If you're trying to generate XML, you may want to look at the XMLGenerator
class in the xml.sax.saxutils package:

(Just wondering: is anyone else having difficulty reaching, or
is it just me?)

Anyway, XmlGenerator is designed to help us generate XML files, and it
should be very resource efficient.  Furthermore, it does proper XML
quoting of character data.  Here's a small example:

"""A small example of XMLGenerator."""

from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator
from StringIO import StringIO
f = StringIO()
g = XMLGenerator(f)
g.startElement("FOOBAR", {})
g.characters("this is a <<test>>\n")
print f.getvalue()

Good luck to you!

From dyoo at  Fri Dec 19 15:11:27 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Dec 20 10:00:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Returned values
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Ryan Sheehy wrote:

> I have done some basic programming in a software package where the help
> files contained info for a function and would be written as such:
> xyz(whatever_variable: integer); boolean
> ... where the 'whatever_variable' would need to be an integer and the
> function 'xyz' would return a boolean result. And I thought this would
> be the norm with any programming language! :o)

Hi Ryan,

One big difference between Python and the languages you have previous
epxerience may be this: Python depends more on the conventions of
programmers than on restrictions imposed by the language itself.

Python itself doesn't really say anything about the domains and ranges of
functions --- often, it's more the role of the documentation to say such
things.  If the documentation isn't clear about what a function can take
in, then that's a bug in the docs that needs to be fixed.  *grin*

> I couldn't see these features in Python help files and was wondering how
> I would know what the result would be.

The role of types in Python is a bit more fluid than in other languages.
For example, multiplication between strings and numbers is perfectly

>>> "hello" * 3

and if we define a function called mul():

>>> def mul(x, y):
...     return x * y
>>> mul
<function mul at 0x8159bc4>

that's as much as Python can tell us at this point, that 'mul' is a
function, but it actually has no idea what types 'x' and 'y' might be.

>>> mul(3, 4)
>>> mul(0+1j, 0-1j)
>>> mul('hello', 3)

So one function, like mul(), might take in many different kinds of things.
The most we can say here is that 'mul()' is a function that takes two
arguments 'x', and 'y', and as long as 'x' and 'y' support the
multiplication operator, the function returns a good value.  There is
still type checking going on, but it's all dynamic:

>>> mul('hello', 'world')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in mul
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'str' and 'str'

So type errors do get caught, but at runtime.  Type information are
attached to Python values, not operators, so it's a little more difficult
to pin down the exact types that a function will accept, since we can
define whole new types that implement acceptable behavior.

Strangely enough the lack of static type checking doesn't seem to be too
bad! Most type errors can be corrected by just running the program run
once, or by exercising the code with unit testing.

Instead of focusing on specific types, it's easier to define the kind of
'contract' or 'interface' that the arguments should support.  The Python
documentation tries to follow this approach.  For example, there are quite
a few places where the documentation will refer to a "file-like object",
because there are several types in Python that support file-like
operations like read().

As a concrete example, xml.dom.pulldom.parse() takes in a file-like object
to parse out XML files, and, by design, it doesn't restrict the input type
to disk files.  This is very nice because we can send it file-like objects
from the network using urllib.urlopen(), or zipped archives with, and it all works out beautifully.

Hope this helps!

From amonroe at  Sat Dec 20 10:59:23 2003
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Sat Dec 20 10:49:23 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Has anyone already done a python parser for the IMDB
Message-ID: <>

I recently discovered their data files are available for download:

But they're not (I was VERY surprised to find) in any kind of
well-defined format. It looks like someone basically typed them into a
text editor. Just glancing at it, it looks like:

actor 1<bunch of tabs> movie 1 (year) (media) [role] <billing>
<bunch of tabs>        movie 2 (year) [role] <billing>
<bunch of tabs>        movie 3 etc.

actor 2<bunch of tabs> movie 1
<bunch of tabs>        movie 2
<bunch of tabs>        movie 3

The fields after the movie appear to be optional, there may be others
I overlooked. I didn't get any matches on Parnassus or Uselesspython,
searching for "imdb". Probably wouldn't be too hard to cobble
something together, but maybe it's already been done somewhere?


From trohland at  Sat Dec 20 11:23:30 2003
From: trohland at (Tyron Rohland)
Date: Sat Dec 20 11:27:27 2003
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>

Hello everyone

I am new to programming all together. I downloaded Python and I am trying it
out. When I have the >>> I follow the tutorial and everything works
perfectly except when I ask the user to input something. How do I code the
whole program then run it? I am using Windows 2000 Prof.

Thanks for your time

From tbstep at  Sat Dec 20 14:04:09 2003
From: tbstep at (Todd Stephens)
Date: Sat Dec 20 11:52:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] I need speed-up   [Generating XML with XMLGenerator]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:

> (Just wondering: is anyone else having difficulty reaching, or
> is it just me?)

As of 11 am EST 12/20/03, I can't reach it at all.

From littledanehren at  Sat Dec 20 12:45:37 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sat Dec 20 12:45:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] trouble with pygtk and different users
Message-ID: <>

In trying to learn PyGTK, I wrote a simple launcher
program to make it easier to run things as root. It is
attached. There's a label at the top that should say
that you should click on one of the following buttons
to run them as root (or whatever user it is run under,
the point is that you only have to type the password
once). Then there are buttons to get to various
programs and a quit button. It works some, but there
are some problems.

The label, instead of saying which user owns the
process, says which user is actually logged in. This
is very confusing behavior. I think it's Linux's
fault, but I still don't know how to fix it.

When a program is launched from it, the GUI (of my
Python script) freezes. Nothing can be done from it
and if any other windows go over it, it is not
updated. This isn't because Python is waiting for the
program to finish; if I use PyShell to so
os.system('nautilus'), it launches nautilus and
returns 0, then there's the next command prompt.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.
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From littledanehren at  Sat Dec 20 14:47:15 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sat Dec 20 14:47:23 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Returned values
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ryan Sheehy wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Thanks for your reply.
> It's just that I was wondering if there would ever
> be a case where I would
> type something in like so using xyz's output like so
> ...
> abc = 1
> if xyz(abc) == 1:
>  ...etc
> ... now if xyz's output was boolean or a string (or
> anything other than what
> I may have been expecting - i.e. 1) what would
> happen?
> This then brings me back to my original question -
> how would I know what the
> function returns so that I can create a proper
> conditional statement with
> it.
> Thanks heaps,
> Ryan

Generally, things must be of the same type to return
True for an equality test. However, as I stated
before, the distinction between integers and floats is
weak, so  if you test 1 == 1.0, it will return True.
Here are some equality examples.
>>> 1==1L
>>> [1, 2] == (1, 2)
>>> u'a' == 'a' #u'a' is unicode
>>> 1, 2 == (1, 2) #comma has higher precedence than
(1, True)
>>> '1' == 1
>>> [1] == 1
>>> (1,) == 1
>>> ['1', '2'] == '12'

I hope you can figure what's happening there; Python's
system for testing equality is fairly complicated. The
equality system in Python is less strict than in most
other languages (like C) but less strict than in
weakly-typed languages (like Visual Basic). There is a
different operator called 'is' to test out if things
are exactly the same (by checking their ids), but it
requires that things must be the same instance of
stuff. For example, [1, 2] is [1, 2] would return
False, but x = [1, 2] ; y = x ; x is y would return
True because x and y are refering to the same thing.
It all has to do with Python's linking model for
variables; it's very complicated. Here are some
examples of the usage of is:

>>> 1 is 1
>>> [1] is [1]
>>> def test(): pass
>>> test() is None #this is an idiom; if a function
doesn't return anything, it returns None
>>> 'a' is 'a'
>>> u'a' is 'a'
>>> (1,) is (1,)
>>> 1 is 1.0
>>> 1 is 1L

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From fleming.j at  Sat Dec 20 14:59:28 2003
From: fleming.j at (john fleming)
Date: Sat Dec 20 14:59:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tyron Rohland wrote:

>Hello everyone
>I am new to programming all together. I downloaded Python and I am trying it
>out. When I have the >>> I follow the tutorial and everything works
>perfectly except when I ask the user to input something. How do I code the
>whole program then run it? I am using Windows 2000 Prof.
>Thanks for your time
>Tutor maillist  -
In order to code a whole program before running you write a python script.
Open up a text editor, (word pad or notepad in windows), type in your 
code , hitting enter at each line. Then  save the file as  
"", select  Save as type:  text document. Then  double  
click on the snake icon that has your programs name on it. I prefer to 
open up a command window and cd to the directory the file was saved in 
and run: python  ProgramName.  That way if something is not right  to 
the point  the program wont run,  I get feedback about why (more often 
then not anyway). Have fun!
John F.

From missive at  Fri Dec 19 18:50:21 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Sat Dec 20 15:09:00 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: I need speed-up !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Message-ID: <>

>I have a algorithm to make a XML document using as source
>a file with data like a memory layout, the algorithm work fine
>but get 100 MB of memory and is 18x more slow than the same
>algorithm using Delphi and MSXML.
>Yes, I know, is impossible have the same speed, but, if I have some
>like 20 MB of use and 6x more slow than MSXML I will be very happy.
>In fact if I have some a little bit more than I have now I will be happy
>too. :)
>I try python tips for speed-up but I have more memory use;
>I try psyco but don't work ( I don't know if the problem is my self);
>My idea is use this algorithm like a multplataform framework, if this
>is very hard or impossible maybe I need forgot the idea of use Python.  :(

I recommend asking this question on the main python mailing list.

When you post there, use a subject along the lines of "Speeding up
xml processing" with no exclamation points.

Also, put in details about exactly which method you are using (especially,
which exact xml library you are using, as I know there are several)

There is probably also an xml-specific mailing list.

Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

From alan.gauld at  Sat Dec 20 15:53:09 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Dec 20 15:54:53 2003
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
References: <>
Message-ID: <000e01c3c73b$46a60870$6401a8c0@xp>

> perfectly except when I ask the user to input something. How do
I code the
> whole program then run it? I am using Windows 2000 Prof.

Just type it into a text file, using IDLE(File->New) or even

Make sure you save it with a file ending in .py and you can then
it from within IDLE or by double clicking on it in Explorer.

You may need to add something like

raw_input("Hit ENTER to quit...")

as a last line to stop it closing before you see the results.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From carroll at  Sat Dec 20 16:32:37 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Sat Dec 20 16:32:43 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Has anyone already done a python parser for the IMDB
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 20 Dec 2003, R. Alan Monroe wrote:

> I recently discovered their data files are available for download:

I use XMLTV, a Perl program that downloads TV schedules and converts them
to XML, and then optionally merges in the IMDB data.  You might want to
take a look at the IMDB logic (even though it's Perl) to get a better idea
of the IMDB data format.

The IDMB processing is nominally done in the tv_imdb script, but the guts 
of it seems to be in the XMLTV::IMDB module (

XMLTV lives at <> and 

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From thomi at  Sat Dec 20 16:50:10 2003
From: thomi at (Thomi Richards)
Date: Sat Dec 20 16:50:18 2003
Subject: [Tutor] confusion with dictionaries
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

> So what happens here is that your default value gets only once
> evaluated: the time you create the function.  All further calls to the
> function which don't give the default value will use exactly the same
> dictionary: the one which was created the moment the function definition
> was evaluated.

OK, that's....wierd, but I can handle it ;)

I'm trying to learn C/ Lua/ Python, and Delphi all at the same time, sometimes 
I get a little confused between them. (It's not uncommon to see me trying to 
put semi colons at the end of my python statements).

Anyway, thanks a lot for this; It's made it much clearer to me...

- -- 
Thomi Richards,

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


From hcohen2 at  Sat Dec 20 17:52:47 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sat Dec 20 17:53:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Why has this syntax with multiple arguments ceased to work
 for the print command?
Message-ID: <>

I am certain code like this ran for me without any problem:

print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % esp, int(cnt)

both esp are gathered by ... = raw_input('Enter ...') and each works 
properly as a single argument in test strings.

Now I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

I tried to study the documentation on the print statement, but the 
syntax for the argument list left me confused.  [How about some examples 
in the documentation?]  It appears that the syntax has altered from what 
was working on version 2.0.x.

I am running this under Mandrake Linux 9.1 using version 2.2.2.

Where am I going wrong?


From glingl at  Sat Dec 20 18:16:13 2003
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Sat Dec 20 18:15:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Why has this syntax with multiple arguments ceased to
	work for the print command?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

hcohen2 schrieb:

> I am certain code like this ran for me without any problem:
> print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % esp, int(cnt)
> both esp are gathered by ... = raw_input('Enter ...') and each works 
> properly as a single argument in test strings.
> Now I get:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

You simply forgot to put your arguments between parentheses
(to form a tuple):

 >>> esp = "you"
 >>> cnt = 20
 >>> print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % esp, int(cnt)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in -toplevel-
    print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % esp, int(cnt)
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
 >>> print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % (esp, int(cnt))
You are: you? and It is the 20th of Dec.

HTH, Gregor

P.S. It's not a matter of the print statement but of the %-Operator and
operator precedence. I. e. your statement is interpreted as:

print ('You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % esp), int(cnt)

instead of

print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % (esp, int(cnt))


From carroll at  Sat Dec 20 18:25:59 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Sat Dec 20 18:26:03 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Why has this syntax with multiple arguments ceased to
	work for the print command?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 20 Dec 2003, hcohen2 wrote:

> I am certain code like this ran for me without any problem:
> print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % esp, int(cnt)

There should be *one* argument on each side of the "%"; although the 
rightmost one can be a tuple that contains two elements.

Try, instead:

  print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % (esp, int(cnt))

> It appears that the syntax has altered from what was working on version
> 2.0.x.

I don't think so; the first fails with the same error for me on Pythons 
1.5.2, 2.2.2 and 2.3.3; and the second works correctly on all three.

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From trohland at  Sat Dec 20 18:28:53 2003
From: trohland at (Tyron Rohland)
Date: Sat Dec 20 18:32:28 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner ...
Message-ID: <001301c3c751$088d1d10$274827c4@cider>

Running: win 2000 prof

I was told to use a text editor such as notepad to create a program for use with Python. I write the little program 
>>> the_world_is_flat = 1
>>> if the_world_is_flat:
...     print "Be careful not to fall off!"
Be careful not to fall off!save it as test.pyThen i go onto the ' IDLE (Python GUI), choose open and is opened in another window. I choose run and it gives me 'invalid syntax.As I am a beginner please feel free to give me pointers and please try not to use such technical language.Thank you. Your help is most appreciated.Tyron 
-------------- next part --------------
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From missive at  Sat Dec 20 19:07:59 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Sat Dec 20 19:08:03 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: trouble with pygtk and different users
Message-ID: <>

>The label, instead of saying which user owns the
>process, says which user is actually logged in. This
>is very confusing behavior. I think it's Linux's
>fault, but I still don't know how to fix it.

label = gtk.Label('Choose a program to run as %s' % os.getenv('USERNAME'))

On my system (FreeBSD) there is a USER env variable, but no USERNAME
Make sure you do su - and not just su
Are you allowing other users to connect to your x-server (xhost +)
Be very careful any time you run things as root (especially running
  things automatically from a script)

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

From missive at  Sat Dec 20 19:13:01 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Sat Dec 20 19:13:06 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Beginner ...
Message-ID: <>

>I was told to use a text editor such as notepad to create a program for =
>use with Python. I write the little program=20
>>>>the_world_is_flat =3D 1
>>>>if the_world_is_flat:
>...     print "Be careful not to fall off!"
>Be careful not to fall off!

Hard to tell here what exactly you have saved to

Be sure not to include the >>> characters in your script. Your
file should just have:

the_world_is_flat = 1
if the_world_is_flat:
    print "Be careful not to fall off!"

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

From trohland at  Sat Dec 20 19:19:16 2003
From: trohland at (Tyron Rohland)
Date: Sat Dec 20 19:23:11 2003
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
Message-ID: <000e01c3c758$1ec6cb60$864b27c4@cider>

Sorry about writing that rubbish, I was in a rush. Thank you for the start off Lee Harr.

-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Sat Dec 20 19:32:29 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Dec 20 19:34:10 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Why has this syntax with multiple arguments ceased towork
	for the print command?
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <003201c3c759$eab17120$6401a8c0@xp>

> You simply forgot to put your arguments between parentheses
> (to form a tuple):
>  >>> print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % (esp,
> You are: you? and It is the 20th of Dec.
>  >>>
> P.S. It's not a matter of the print statement but of the
%-Operator and
> operator precedence. I. e. your statement is interpreted as:
> print ('You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % esp),
> instead of
> print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % (esp,

And just to add the point that the parens aren't needed (although
if you didn't use the print statement, that is:

s = 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % esp, int(cnt)
print s

would also work. It's just the fact that the comma acts as a
within the print statement that causes Python to get confused and
require the parens.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Sat Dec 20 19:35:04 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Dec 20 19:36:45 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner ...
References: <001301c3c751$088d1d10$274827c4@cider>
Message-ID: <003c01c3c75a$46f37410$6401a8c0@xp>

>>> the_world_is_flat = 1
>>> if the_world_is_flat:
...     print "Be careful not to fall off!"

Close, but the >>> and ... bits are produced by the Python 
interactive interpreter. The program itself looks like this:

the_world_is_flat = 1
if the_world_is_flat:
    print "Be careful not to fall off!"

So thats all you need to type into your .py file


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From littledanehren at  Sat Dec 20 20:36:07 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sat Dec 20 20:36:11 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: trouble with pygtk and different users
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lee Harr wrote:
> label = gtk.Label('Choose a program to run as %s' %
> os.getenv('USERNAME'))
That's exactly what I have.
> On my system (FreeBSD) there is a USER env variable,
> but no USERNAME
> Make sure you do su - and not just su
> Are you allowing other users to connect to your
> x-server (xhost +)
> Be very careful any time you run things as root
> (especially running
>   things automatically from a script)

su and not just su?Since this program was created
solely as a GUI (everything could be easily done from
the command line), I use gksu (GNOME's GUI to su)
instead, but when I tested it, su had the same
problem. I found that the HOME environment variable
did change with su/gksu, so I'll try to work something
out with that, but there should be a better way.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From hcohen2 at  Sat Dec 20 21:38:35 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sat Dec 20 21:39:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Why has this syntax with multiple arguments ceased towork
	for the print command?
In-Reply-To: <003201c3c759$eab17120$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

>>You simply forgot to put your arguments between parentheses
>>(to form a tuple):
>> >>> print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % (esp,
>>You are: you? and It is the 20th of Dec.
>> >>>
>>P.S. It's not a matter of the print statement but of the
>%-Operator and
>>operator precedence. I. e. your statement is interpreted as:
>>print ('You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % esp),
>>instead of
>>print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % (esp,
>And just to add the point that the parens aren't needed (although
>if you didn't use the print statement, that is:
>s = 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % esp, int(cnt)
>print s
>would also work. It's just the fact that the comma acts as a
>within the print statement that causes Python to get confused and
>require the parens.
>Alan G
>Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
I just would like to thank everyone for their quick and knowledgeable 
replies.  I look forward to the time when I can reciprocate by answering 
questions posed on this forum.

From klappnase at  Sat Dec 20 21:29:46 2003
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Sat Dec 20 21:41:30 2003
Subject: [Tutor] trouble with pygtk and different users
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 09:45:37 -0800 (PST)
Daniel Ehrenberg <> wrote:

> In trying to learn PyGTK, I wrote a simple launcher
> program to make it easier to run things as root. It is
> attached. There's a label at the top that should say
> that you should click on one of the following buttons
> to run them as root (or whatever user it is run under,
> the point is that you only have to type the password
> once). Then there are buttons to get to various
> programs and a quit button. It works some, but there
> are some problems.
> The label, instead of saying which user owns the
> process, says which user is actually logged in. This
> is very confusing behavior. I think it's Linux's
> fault, but I still don't know how to fix it.

I can guess here:
On my box I have no USERNAME variable at all if I am logged in as a normal user.
As root USERNAME is root. So maybe on your box it is vice versa, then you open a console
and USERNAME is set to "daniel" or whatever, then you su and USERNAME stays "daniel"
because for root there is nothing specified to overwrite this.
This happens when I su to root first and then su to "pingu":

[pingu@localhost pingu]$ echo $USERNAME

[pingu@localhost pingu]$ su
[root@localhost pingu]# echo $USERNAME
[root@localhost pingu]# su pingu
[pingu@localhost pingu]$ echo $USERNAME
[pingu@localhost pingu]$ 

Maybe you just need to add:


to  /root/.bashrc

> When a program is launched from it, the GUI (of my
> Python script) freezes. Nothing can be done from it
> and if any other windows go over it, it is not
> updated. This isn't because Python is waiting for the
> program to finish; if I use PyShell to so
> os.system('nautilus'), it launches nautilus and
> returns 0, then there's the next command prompt.

I have never seen this behavior, my python shell freezes just like your app.
Use "nautilus &" instead.

Cheers (and a nice christmas)


From missive at  Sun Dec 21 08:24:16 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Sun Dec 21 08:24:23 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: trouble with pygtk and different users
Message-ID: <>

> > On my system (FreeBSD) there is a USER env variable,
> > but no USERNAME
> > Make sure you do su - and not just su
> > Are you allowing other users to connect to your
> > x-server (xhost +)
> > Be very careful any time you run things as root
> > (especially running
> >   things automatically from a script)
>su and not just su?

Sorry, there was no punctuation on that line...

su -
and not

(From the su man page ...

     -l      Simulate a full login.  The environment is discarded except for
             HOME, SHELL, PATH, TERM, and USER.  HOME and SHELL are modified
             as above.  USER is set to the target login.

     -       (no letter) The same as -l.

>Since this program was created
>solely as a GUI (everything could be easily done from
>the command line), I use gksu (GNOME's GUI to su)
>instead, but when I tested it, su had the same
>problem. I found that the HOME environment variable
>did change with su/gksu, so I'll try to work something
>out with that, but there should be a better way.

It may be that (typical of linux/unix) the commandline version
of su has more features available than the gui version.

I also liked the suggestion to use
os.system('command &')
and see if that makes a difference...

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

From david at  Sun Dec 21 10:00:36 2003
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Sun Dec 21 10:05:45 2003
Subject: [Tutor] I need speed-up   [Generating XML with XMLGenerator]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Todd Stephens <> [2003-12-20 11:04]:
> Danny Yoo wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >(Just wondering: is anyone else having difficulty reaching, or
> >is it just me?)
> >
> As of 11 am EST 12/20/03, I can't reach it at all.

There was an anouncement on the Python Announce mailing list explaining
a problem with the transfer of the domain from CNRI to PSF. An error in
the DNS information got propogated. It has been fixed, but the fix is
taking time to propogate.

David Rock
-------------- next part --------------
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From python at  Sun Dec 21 11:18:17 2003
From: python at (richard)
Date: Sun Dec 21 11:19:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Help with AppendText Syntax
Message-ID: <>


The script below is adapted from one of the wxpython examples. What I wish
to do is when the SQL button is pressed it puts some text retrieved from a 
  field in the "tester" wxTextCtrl along similar lines as the "button" does 
with the
  "logger" wxTextCtrl.

My problem is how do I pass the variable "field1" to the Appendtext 
Control. The
best I keep getting is the "field1" variable does not exist in Form1

Any help appreciated. (I have it working under Tkinter so the connection is OK)

Best Regards


====Script Begins ====>

from wxPython.wx import *
from pyPgSQL import PgSQL

# set some strings
dbname = 'dbname'
dbhost = 'host'
dbuser = 'user'
dbpass = 'password'

class Form1(wxPanel):
     def __init__(self, parent, id):
         wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, id)
         self.quote = wxStaticText(self, -1, "Your quote :",wxPoint(20, 30))
         self.logger = wxTextCtrl(self,5, "",wxPoint(20,70), 
wxSize(100,200),wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY)
         self.tester = wxTextCtrl(self,6, "",wxPoint(150,70), 
wxSize(100,200),wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY)
         self.button =wxButton(self, 10, "Save", wxPoint(100, 30))
         EVT_BUTTON(self, 10, self.OnClick)
         self.close =wxButton(self, 11, "Close", wxPoint(180, 30))
         EVT_BUTTON(self, 11, self.Close)
         self.sql =wxButton(self, 12, "SQL", wxPoint(180, 10))
         EVT_BUTTON(self, 12, self.query)

     def OnClick(self,event):
         self.logger.AppendText(" Click on object with Id %d\n" %event.GetId())

     def Close(self,event):
         import sys

     def query(self,event):
         mydb = 
         c = mydb.cursor()
         sqlquery = ("Select * from fmna where code = 'USS001'")

         for row in c.fetchall():
             field1 = row[0]
             field2 = row[1]
         self.tester.AppendText("Code returned is:" self.field1)

app = wxPySimpleApp()
frame = wxFrame(None, -1, " Testing Form",
                 pos=wxDefaultPosition, size=(400, 300))

=====> End of Script

From missive at  Sun Dec 21 11:36:10 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Sun Dec 21 11:36:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Help with AppendText Syntax
Message-ID: <>

>          for row in c.fetchall():
>              field1 = row[0]
>              field2 = row[1]
>          mydb.close
>          self.tester.AppendText("Code returned is:" self.field1)

You retrieve the value in to field1, but then try to use
self.field1 to put the text in to tester. Try:

self.tester.AppendText("Code returned is:" field1)

That is interesting that the two string values together with no
operator get concatenated ... I did not know that would work!

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

From roypython at  Sun Dec 21 12:09:00 2003
From: roypython at (roy ollis)
Date: Sun Dec 21 12:09:10 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner ...
Message-ID: <>

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From trohland at  Sun Dec 21 12:43:52 2003
From: trohland at (Tyron Rohland)
Date: Sun Dec 21 12:44:22 2003
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
Message-ID: <002501c3c7ea$0018b600$165827c4@cider>

To resonse to Roy, when you do it your way it always gives you an invalid syntax.
-------------- next part --------------
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From vbabu at  Sun Dec 21 12:57:51 2003
From: vbabu at (Venkatesh Babu)
Date: Sun Dec 21 12:56:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Importing global variables and classes from other modules
In-Reply-To: <002501c3c7ea$0018b600$165827c4@cider>
Message-ID: <>


I have a main module which has few functions and in one of the functions, 
I have given an import statement so that I can get the functions and 
global variables present in other module into my main module's name space. 
The code is something like this

def f1():
	from sub import *

if __name__ == "__main__":

But my problem is that the functions and other global variables present
sub are not getting imported to my main module. Can any body suggest me
what is the right method to do, the condition being that the import should
happen only if I call f1.

Thanks in advance,

Venkatesh Babu K R,                          Residence
Department of CSE,                           #B311, Hall 4,
IIT Kanpur                                   IIT Kanpur

From littledanehren at  Sun Dec 21 13:58:15 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sun Dec 21 13:58:19 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Importing global variables and classes from other modules
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Venkatesh Babu wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a main module which has few functions and in
> one of the functions, 
> I have given an import statement so that I can get
> the functions and 
> global variables present in other module into my
> main module's name space. 
> The code is something like this
> def f1():
> 	from sub import *
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> 	f1()
> But my problem is that the functions and other
> global variables present
> sub are not getting imported to my main module. Can
> any body suggest me
> what is the right method to do, the condition being
> that the import should
> happen only if I call f1.
> Thanks in advance,
> Venkatesh

When you import something inside a function, the
imported things are scoped. The only thing I can think
of to do that is to use the low-levelo __import__
function and make everything that is imported be
global, but I don't think you really want that. It
would be better to just write 'from sub import *'
whenever you need it.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From littledanehren at  Sun Dec 21 14:13:09 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Sun Dec 21 14:13:14 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: trouble with pygtk and different users
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lee Harr wrote:
> su -
> and not
> su
> (From the su man page ...
>      -l      Simulate a full login.  The environment
> is discarded except for
>              HOME, SHELL, PATH, TERM, and USER. 
> HOME and SHELL are modified
>              as above.  USER is set to the target
> login.
>      -       (no letter) The same as -l.
> )
> It may be that (typical of linux/unix) the
> commandline version
> of su has more features available than the gui
> version.

gksu has the -l option (although not the - option),
but for some reason, it causes an error in importing
gtk (su does the same thing). Maybe I'll just
hard-code it to say that it's root.
> I also liked the suggestion to use
> os.system('command &')
> and see if that makes a difference...

Thanks, that fixes it.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From sigurd at  Sun Dec 21 14:44:46 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Sun Dec 21 14:46:23 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Importing global variables and classes from other modules
In-Reply-To: <>
	Babu's message of "Sun, 21 Dec 2003 23:27:51 +0530 (IST)")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 21 Dec 2003, Venkatesh Babu <- wrote:

> I have a main module which has few functions and in one of the functions, 
> I have given an import statement so that I can get the functions and 
> global variables present in other module into my main module's name space. 

That won't work.  The imported variables and functions are only valid in
the scope of the function definition.

You must use the global statement if you want to see the bindings in
outer scope.

Here is an excerpt from the Python library reference.
| Import statements are executed in two steps: (1) find a module, and
| initialize it if necessary; (2) define a name or names in the local
| namespace (of the scope where the `import' statement occurs).  The
| first form (without `from') repeats these steps for each identifier in
| the list.  The form with `from' performs step (1) once, and then
| performs step (2) repeatedly.

> The code is something like this


> def f1():
> 	from sub import *

And that can't work also; first because you won't see the variables in
the surrounding scope, second because that form is not allowed here (at
least for Python 2.3).

If I enter that here I get:

$ python
Python 2.3.2 (#1, Oct  9 2003, 12:03:29) 
[GCC 3.3.1 (cygming special)] on cygwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> def f1(): from t import *
<stdin>:1: SyntaxWarning: import * only allowed at module level

> if __name__ == "__main__":
> 	f1()

> But my problem is that the functions and other global variables present
> sub are not getting imported to my main module. Can any body suggest me
> what is the right method to do, the condition being that the import should
> happen only if I call f1.

Can't you use something else as toggle?

if something_is_true:
    from sub import *

Or you write:

def f1():
    global s
    import sub as s

Then you would have the prefix but you could use a function for the
global import.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From python at  Sun Dec 21 15:01:20 2003
From: python at (richard)
Date: Sun Dec 21 15:02:13 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Help with AppendText Syntax
Message-ID: <>


I tried the following but still no luck.

self.tester.AppendText("Code returned is:" field1)

The error is still invalid syntax. I think I am missing
something to prefix "field1" but do not know what.



From missive at  Sun Dec 21 17:25:53 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Sun Dec 21 17:25:58 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Help with AppendText Syntax
Message-ID: <>

>I tried the following but still no luck.
>self.tester.AppendText("Code returned is:" field1)
>The error is still invalid syntax. I think I am missing
>something to prefix "field1" but do not know what.

Ah. Ok, I guess you can only do that with string literals ...

>>>"Code returned is:" "code"
'Code returned is:code'

>>>field1 = 'code'
>>>"Code returned is:" field1
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    "Code returned is:" field1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

So, probably what you want is ...

self.tester.AppendText("Code returned is: %s" % field1)

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

From dyoo at  Sun Dec 21 23:06:47 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun Dec 21 23:06:51 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Help with AppendText Syntax
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Lee Harr wrote:

> >I tried the following but still no luck.
> >
> >self.tester.AppendText("Code returned is:" field1)
> >
> >The error is still invalid syntax. I think I am missing something to
> >prefix "field1" but do not know what.
> Ah. Ok, I guess you can only do that with string literals ...

Yes, strings literals get put together if they're adjacent.  The official
Python tutorial talks about this near the middle of:

It's cute, but I have to admit I don't use this feature too much.  *grin*

For regular string concatenation, we can use '+' or string formatting.
By the way, if we find outselves gluing a lot of strings together, it's
good to use a specialized string joiner like the join() method of strings:

but for small string joining, addition or formatting works out fine.

> So, probably what you want is ...
> self.tester.AppendText("Code returned is: %s" % field1)

Yes, this should be syntactically correct.

Good luck!

From dyoo at  Sun Dec 21 23:29:38 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun Dec 21 23:29:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Importing global variables and classes from other modules
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Venkatesh Babu wrote:

> I have a main module which has few functions and in one of the
> functions, I have given an import statement so that I can get the
> functions and global variables present in other module into my main
> module's name space.

Hi Venkatesh,

Other folks have already pointed out why the above isn't working.  But
just as a reality check: are you sure you want to do this?

It's usually a very bad idea to do a 'from foo import *' --- it ties
together your module extremely closely to the imported module, and it
becomes a lot more difficult to see where a certain variable came from.

Simple example: if I see the code,

def f():
    print 'hello'

from some_module import *


then I have no idea if the last function call, 'f()', refers to the f
that's just been defined at the top.  Why would I feel worried?  Because
any name in 'some_module' may have clobbered things in my own namespace,
and if 'some_module' itself defines an 'f', that'll override my 'f'.

The official Python Tutorial mentions 'from foo import *' is a statement
to avoid writing in real code:

If you must make a module with global variables, it might be best to just
do the simple import:

import global_module

and refer to values in that module by explicitely refering to

print global_module.some_variable_name

> But my problem is that the functions and other global variables present
> sub are not getting imported to my main module. Can any body suggest me
> what is the right method to do, the condition being that the import
> should happen only if I call f1.

Wait, wait.  Doing a conditional import might be a very bad idea from a
debugging standpoint.

Can you show us why you want to import this way?  That context might help
us to suggest better alternatives, if there are any.

Good luck to you!

From python at  Mon Dec 22 03:27:15 2003
From: python at (Eddie Comber)
Date: Mon Dec 22 04:03:54 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Subclassing
Message-ID: <>

Suppose I want to subclass 'list' to provide mylist which has different
behaviour. Say I only want to modify the '+' operator __add(self, other)__
as the other operators and functions are fine.

The problem is what type should '+' return?

If it returns type == list then

a = mylist()
b = mylist()
c = mylist()

d = a + b + c

means after b + c the type is 'list' and a + b is (mylist + list) rather
than (mylist + mylist).

The trouble with returning type mylist is that it looks to me like all the
'list' operators and functions need to be trivially subclassed to return
type mylist.

Am I right in this?


From python at  Mon Dec 22 07:12:27 2003
From: python at (Eddie Comber)
Date: Mon Dec 22 08:03:52 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Stuffing keystrokes into  windows App.
Message-ID: <>

I have a 3rd party Windows app that does have a COM interface but I can't
work it all out.

I think I need just to bring the windows app to the focus and stuff
keystrokes into it.

Any suggestions as to how this might be done?

I think it will help a lot to look at this Excel Macro that does what I

    AppActivate "LV-ST"
    For j = 1 To 50
        SendKeys a$(j) & Chr$(13) & "y" & "{BS}", True
    Next j

Tall order perhaps but
thanks in anticipation,

From Christian.Wyglendowski at  Mon Dec 22 09:27:13 2003
From: Christian.Wyglendowski at (Christian Wyglendowski)
Date: Mon Dec 22 09:27:18 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Stuffing keystrokes into  windows App.
Message-ID: <>

A quick google for "python sendkeys" turned this up:  Don't know if it works with
python beyond 2.1, but I imagine it would.

The following page has examples using the WSH COM interface to get to
sendkeys (that way you don't need to download a separate module).

That should get you going!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eddie Comber [] 
> Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 6:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Tutor] Stuffing keystrokes into windows App.
> I have a 3rd party Windows app that does have a COM interface 
> but I can't work it all out.
> I think I need just to bring the windows app to the focus and 
> stuff keystrokes into it.
> Any suggestions as to how this might be done?
> I think it will help a lot to look at this Excel Macro that 
> does what I want.
>     AppActivate "LV-ST"
>     For j = 1 To 50
>         SendKeys a$(j) & Chr$(13) & "y" & "{BS}", True
>     Next j
> Tall order perhaps but
> thanks in anticipation,
> Eddie.

From vbabu at  Mon Dec 22 11:11:05 2003
From: vbabu at (Venkatesh Babu)
Date: Mon Dec 22 11:09:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Importing global variables and classes from other modules
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Danny Yoo wrote:

> > But my problem is that the functions and other global variables present
> > sub are not getting imported to my main module. Can any body suggest me
> > what is the right method to do, the condition being that the import
> > should happen only if I call f1.
> Wait, wait.  Doing a conditional import might be a very bad idea from a
> debugging standpoint.
> Can you show us why you want to import this way?  That context might help
> us to suggest better alternatives, if there are any.

Hi Danny,

My program will be creating classes dynamically and I wish to save those
class definitions into the file and retrive these definitions at some
other point in time. I first thought of a simple strategy of storing the
class definition in file as a string and later executing the string so
that the class is created. But the class gets created inside the function
in which i call exec and its scope is confined to that function, so I
thought of using import instead of executing the string.

Can u suggest any other strategy for my problem.

Thank you,

> Good luck to you!

Venkatesh Babu K R,                          Residence
Department of CSE,                           #B311, Hall 4,
IIT Kanpur                                   IIT Kanpur

From vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM  Mon Dec 22 11:16:11 2003
From: vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM (Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis})
Date: Mon Dec 22 11:17:10 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Importing global variables and classes from other modules
Message-ID: <>

Subject: Re: [Tutor] Importing global variables and classes from other

On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Danny Yoo wrote:

> > But my problem is that the functions and other global variables 
> > present sub are not getting imported to my main module. Can any body

> > suggest me what is the right method to do, the condition being that 
> > the import should happen only if I call f1.
> Wait, wait.  Doing a conditional import might be a very bad idea from 
> a debugging standpoint.
> Can you show us why you want to import this way?  That context might 
> help us to suggest better alternatives, if there are any.

Isn't a conditional import often done for multi-platform work? If my
program is intended to run on Windows and Linux, I often do conditional
importing. Is there a problem with that that I don't know of?


From bgailer at  Mon Dec 22 13:09:52 2003
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon Dec 22 13:10:04 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Subclassing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 01:27 AM 12/22/2003, Eddie Comber wrote:

>Suppose I want to subclass 'list' to provide mylist which has different
>behaviour. Say I only want to modify the '+' operator __add(self, other)__
>as the other operators and functions are fine.
>The problem is what type should '+' return?
>If it returns type == list then
>a = mylist()
>b = mylist()
>c = mylist()
>d = a + b + c
>means after b + c the type is 'list' and a + b is (mylist + list) rather
>than (mylist + mylist).
>The trouble with returning type mylist is that it looks to me like all the
>'list' operators and functions need to be trivially subclassed to return 
>type mylist.

Try this:

class mylist(list):
     def __init__(self, inList=None):
         if inList:
             self[:] = inList
     def __add__(self, other):
         return mylist(self)
a = mylist([1])
b = mylist([2])
c = mylist([3])

d = a + b + c
print d # displays [1, 2, 3]

x = 3
i = 1
j = 2
n = 3
t = [5, 6]
print x in s        # 1 if an item of s is equal to x, else 0
print x not in s    # 0 if an item of s is equal to x, else 1
print s + t         # the concatenation of s and t
print s * n , n * s #   n shallow copies of s concatenated      (1)
print s[i]          # i'th item of s, origin 0  (2)
print s[i:j]        #   slice of s from i to j  (2), (3)
print len(s)        #   length of s
print min(s)        #   smallest item of s
print max(s)

s[i] = x       ; print s # item i of s is replaced by x
s[i:j] = t     ; print s # slice of s from i to j is replaced by t
del s[i:j]     ; print s # same as s[i:j] = []
s.append(x)    ; print s # same as s[len(s):len(s)] = [x]       (1)
s.extend([x])  ; print s # same as s[len(s):len(s)] = x         (2)
s.count(x)     ; print s # return number of i's for which s[i] == x
s.index(x)         ; print s # return smallest i such that s[i] == x    (3)
s.insert(i, x) ; print s # same as s[i:i] = [x] if i >= 0       (4)
s.pop(i)       ; print s #same as x = s[i]; del s[i]; return x  (5)
s.remove(x)    ; print s #same as del s[s.index(x)]     (3)
s.reverse()    ; print s #reverses the items of s in place      (6)
s.sort()           ; print s #sort the items of s in place

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 
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From python at  Mon Dec 22 13:20:46 2003
From: python at (richard)
Date: Mon Dec 22 13:21:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Help with AppendText Syntax [Works]
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312211958230.18127-100000@hkn.eecs.berkeley .edu>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


The following:

self.tester.AppendText("Code returned is: %s" % field1)

worked fine, thanks for help.

Also thanks for pointing out the information on using
strings. All is clear now. I had spent sometime looking
for help on the AppendText when really it was the use
of strings which was my problem. (Well one any way)



At 04:06 22/12/2003, you wrote:

>On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Lee Harr wrote:
> > >I tried the following but still no luck.
> > >
> > >self.tester.AppendText("Code returned is:" field1)
> > >
> > >The error is still invalid syntax. I think I am missing something to
> > >prefix "field1" but do not know what.
> >
> > Ah. Ok, I guess you can only do that with string literals ...
>Yes, strings literals get put together if they're adjacent.  The official
>Python tutorial talks about this near the middle of:
>It's cute, but I have to admit I don't use this feature too much.  *grin*
>For regular string concatenation, we can use '+' or string formatting.
>By the way, if we find outselves gluing a lot of strings together, it's
>good to use a specialized string joiner like the join() method of strings:
>but for small string joining, addition or formatting works out fine.
> > So, probably what you want is ...
> >
> > self.tester.AppendText("Code returned is: %s" % field1)
>Yes, this should be syntactically correct.
>Good luck!
>Tutor maillist  -

From tayi177 at  Mon Dec 22 14:10:24 2003
From: tayi177 at (David)
Date: Mon Dec 22 14:09:59 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Fw: Reinstalling Python might help ... error message
Message-ID: <>

Hello ...

Something very strange started to happen with my Python installation. Soon after starting Python today, some very strange "windows apllication error message" appeared (the one marked with the red sign), saying something like: 

"an (this and this) application error occured, ... file/key (or something) is missing, ... or is invalid, ... reinstalling Python might help"

I am really mad at myself for not making screenshot of that error, cause I ALWAYS archive that kind of stuff to describe problem better. I know, that without knowing true error message text, you can't help me at all (I just assume there was something like "... file/key (or something) is missing"), but I am just interested, if someone has any clue, what kind of error could be that, causing that kind of pop-up window -  "... reinstalling Python might help" - cause I am 100 % sure for that part of error message ...

Thanks, Tadey
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From littledanehren at  Mon Dec 22 15:00:19 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Mon Dec 22 15:00:50 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Importing global variables and classes from other modules
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Isn't a conditional import often done for
> multi-platform work? If my
> program is intended to run on Windows and Linux, I
> often do conditional
> importing. Is there a problem with that that I don't
> know of?
> --vicki

I always thought that you're supposed to do exception
handling for importing, that way it's better for the
future. For example, let's say you have an application
that requires PyGTK. At the time of the writing of the
program, PyGTK is only on Linux and Windows. So if you
use conditionals, you'd write:

if sys.platform in ('win', 'win32', 'linux', linux2'):
    import gtk
else: print 'this will not work'

But then what happens when they write a PyGTK port to
Mac OS X? Your application will not work correctly on
Macs, when it could. So you write it like this

    import gtk
except ImportError:
    print 'this will not work'

That way, any computer that has PyGTK on it will work,
and any that doesn't will print 'this will not work'.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From littledanehren at  Mon Dec 22 15:05:05 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Mon Dec 22 15:05:45 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Importing global variables and classes from other modules
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Venkatesh Babu wrote:
> Hi Danny,
> My program will be creating classes dynamically and
> I wish to save those
> class definitions into the file and retrive these
> definitions at some
> other point in time. I first thought of a simple
> strategy of storing the
> class definition in file as a string and later
> executing the string so
> that the class is created. But the class gets
> created inside the function
> in which i call exec and its scope is confined to
> that function, so I
> thought of using import instead of executing the
> string.
> Can u suggest any other strategy for my problem.
> Thank you,
> Venkatesh

Try using the pickle module. It lets you easily store
any datatype (including classes) in a file or string.
If your class is dependent on a module (like
inheringing from a module or something), pickle will
handle everything for you, automatically.

Daniel Ehrenberg 

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From dyoo at  Mon Dec 22 15:16:36 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec 22 15:16:45 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Importing global variables and classes from other modules
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis} wrote:

> > > But my problem is that the functions and other global variables
> > > present sub are not getting imported to my main module. Can any body
> > > suggest me what is the right method to do, the condition being that
> > > the import should happen only if I call f1.
> >
> > Wait, wait.  Doing a conditional import might be a very bad idea from
> > a debugging standpoint.
> >
> > Can you show us why you want to import this way?  That context might
> > help us to suggest better alternatives, if there are any.
> Isn't a conditional import often done for multi-platform work? If my
> program is intended to run on Windows and Linux, I often do conditional
> importing. Is there a problem with that that I don't know of?

I should be less polemical.  *grin*

Multi-platform work is one place where doing a conditional import is
probably ok.  And pygame --- a popular module for doing games/GUI
programming --- itself uses a lot of conditional imports to fail safely if
the sound device isn't working.  For example, here's a portion of what
Pygame does when it tries loading in its modules:

#next, the "standard" modules
#we still allow them to be missing for stripped down pygame distributions
try: import pygame.cdrom
except (ImportError,IOError), msg:cdrom=MissingModule("cdrom", msg, 1)

try: import pygame.cursors
except (ImportError,IOError), msg:cursors=MissingModule("cursors", msg, 1)

try: import pygame.display
except (ImportError,IOError), msg:display=MissingModule("display", msg, 1)

So this conditional import is a technique that is used.  But its use is
fairly limited to things like loading platform-dependent libraries.  In
Venkatesh's case, though, I'm not sure that it's such a good idea to do a
conditional import.

Let's see his message:

> My program will be creating classes dynamically and I wish to save those
> class definitions into the file and retrive these definitions at some
> other point in time. I first thought of a simple strategy of storing the
> class definition in file as a string and later executing the string so
> that the class is created.

Yes, this sounds reasonable.

> But the class gets created inside the function in which i call exec and
> its scope is confined to that function

Are you sure about this?  I'm not quite sure I understand why scope is
significant here --- it should be perfectly possible to construct classes
from an evaluated class definition, regardless of the scope.  Here's an

>>> s = '''
... class Person:
...     def sayHello(self):
...         print "Hello world!"
... '''
>>> d = {'__name__': 'DynamicCode', '__builtins__': None}
>>> exec s in d

Here, the Person class doesn't live directly in the global namespace,

>>> Person
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'Person' is not defined

But it resides in the small dictionary 'd' that we've set up.

>>> d['Person']
<class DynamicCode.Person at 0x400e292c>

And we can still construct Person instances:

>>> joe = d['Person']()
>>> joe.sayHello()
Hello world!

This has the slight advantage of being able to limit the scope of the
dynamic classes to a small dictionary, so that it doesn't have the
opportunity to kludge up our namespace.  If we package this up in a nice
function, everything works as expected still:

>>> def extractClass(text, class_name):
...     d = {'__name__': 'DynamicCode', '__builtins__' : None}
...     exec text in d
...     return d[class_name]
>>> MyClass = extractClass(s, 'Person')
>>> mary = MyClass()
>>> mary.sayHello()
Hello world!

Venkatesh, would this be ok for you?

Good luck!

From littledanehren at  Mon Dec 22 16:53:00 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Mon Dec 22 16:53:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] parsing configuration files
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to write a program to make it easier to
automate the making of GTK+ GUIs by making
configuration files that use a simplified YAML-like
syntax (see; it looks kinda like Python).
(Glade files were not meant to be made by hand, so
that's why I'm doing a new thing) I wrote a simple
parser but it acts strangely. Here's a sample
configuration file, what its output should be, and the
parser that doesn't work correctly, in that order:

    Gnome's file manager

    command line powered by Gnome

    simple text editor

    GUI for apt-get

{'nRadio': ['_Nautilus', 'nautilus', "Gnome's file
'tRadio': ['gnome-terminal', 'command line powered by
'gRadio': ['_Gedit', 'gedit', 'simple text editor'],
'sRadio': ['_Synaptic', 'synaptic', 'GUI for

def parsefile(filename):
  stuff2parse = open(filename)
  data = {}
  for line in stuff2parse.xreadlines():
    if line:
      if not line.startswith(' '):
        currentSection = line[:-1]
        data[currentSection] = []
          data[currentSection] += line.strip()
        except: pass

  return data

Instead of returning what it should, it returns one of
two outputs. If it is run with PyShell, it returns

{'nRadio:': []}

But if it is run by itself in a file, it returns

{'': [], 'gRadio:': ['_', 'G', 'e', 'd', 'i', 't',
'g', 'e', 'd', 'i', 't', 's', 'i', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e',
' ', 't', 'e', 'x', 't', ' ', 'e', 'd', 'i', 't', 'o',
'r'], 'tRadio:': ['_', 'T', 'e', 'r', 'm', 'i', 'n',
'a', 'l', 'g', 'n', 'o', 'm', 'e', '-', 't', 'e', 'r',
'm', 'i', 'n', 'a', 'l', 'c', 'o', 'm', 'm', 'a', 'n',
'd', ' ', 'l', 'i', 'n', 'e', ' ', 'p', 'o', 'w', 'e',
'r', 'e', 'd', ' ', 'b', 'y', ' ', 'G', 'n', 'o', 'm',
'e'], 'nRadio:': ['_', 'N', 'a', 'u', 't', 'i', 'l',
'u', 's', 'n', 'a', 'u', 't', 'i', 'l', 'u', 's', 'G',
'n', 'o', 'm', 'e', "'", 's', ' ', 'f', 'i', 'l', 'e',
' ', 'm', 'a', 'n', 'a', 'g', 'e', 'r'], 'sRadio:':
['_', 'S', 'y', 'n', 'a', 'p', 't', 'i', 'c', 's',
'y', 'n', 'a', 'p', 't', 'i', 'c', 'G', 'U', 'I', ' ',
'f', 'o', 'r', ' ', 'a', 'p', 't', '-', 'g', 'e',

which appears to split it up by character instead of
by line, like it should.

I know I could just use a python dictionary stored in
a file and then evaluate it, like PythonCard does, but
then the syntax isn't as clean.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From missive at  Mon Dec 22 17:18:30 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Mon Dec 22 17:18:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: parsing configuration files
Message-ID: <>

>  I wrote a simple
>parser but it acts strangely.

>>>a = []
>>>a += 'foo'
['f', 'o', 'o']
>>>a = []

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

From dyoo at  Mon Dec 22 19:20:12 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec 22 19:20:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] parsing configuration files
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, Daniel Ehrenberg wrote:

> I'm trying to write a program to make it easier to
> automate the making of GTK+ GUIs by making
> configuration files that use a simplified YAML-like
> syntax (see; it looks kinda like Python).

Sounds good.  Let's take a look at the code:

> def parsefile(filename):
>   stuff2parse = open(filename)
>   data = {}
>   for line in stuff2parse.xreadlines():
>     if line:
>       if not line.startswith(' '):
>         currentSection = line[:-1]
>         data[currentSection] = []
>       else:
>         try:
>           data[currentSection] += line.strip()
>         except: pass
>   return data

Side note: it might be nicer to have parsefile() take in a file-like
object, rather than a filename.

def parsefile(stuff2parse):
    data = {}
    for line in stuff2parse.xreadlines():

The reason this adjustment might help is because it becomes easier to test
out the code, since we can make a string look like a file with the
StringIO module:

and be able to quickly test it with:

from StringIO import StringIO
sample_conffile = '''
    simple text editor

    GUI for apt-get

print parsefile(StringIO(sample_conffile))

and it might be a good idea to make this a formal unit test.  But I think
I'm getting off the subject.  *grin*

Looking at the main loop:

    for line in stuff2parse:
        if line:
            if not line.startswith(' '):
                currentSection = line[:-1]
                data[currentSection] = []
                    data[currentSection] += line.strip()
                except: pass

There's a subtle type error going on, and it has to do with 'data'.  In
the first case,

    data[currentSection] = []

shows that data[currentSection] must be a list, so we need to deal with it
with list methods.  The second block:

    data[currentSection] += line.strip()

tries to deal with it as if it were a string!  What ends up happening is
something akin to:

>>> l = []
>>> l += "hello world"
>>> l
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']

By the way, this is bizarre!  *grin* I had really expected a TypeError at
this point, like:

>>> [] + "foo"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list

but the difference is due to the behavior of the '+=' operator on lists:
The behavior of '+=' on lists is equivalent to list.extend():

>>> l = []
>>> l.extend("hello")
>>> l
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']

This explains why we got such strange string-to-character-transforming
behavior from '+='.  But this is surprising; I'll have to keep my eye out
for this next time it happens.  *grin*

Anyway, you meant to use the append() method of lists, so instead of:

    data[currentSection] += line.strip()



and that should fix the problem.

On other style note: when you're iterating over a file, you can just say:

   for line in some_file:

Files are iterable in Python, so there's no more need to say:

   for line in some_file.xreadlines()

as long as you're using a relatively recent version of Python.

I hope this helps!

From littledanehren at  Mon Dec 22 21:24:54 2003
From: littledanehren at (Daniel Ehrenberg)
Date: Mon Dec 22 21:24:59 2003
Subject: [Tutor] parsing configuration files
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:
> Side note: it might be nicer to have parsefile()
> take in a file-like
> object, rather than a filename.
OK, I'll change that.
> Looking at the main loop:
> ###
>     for line in stuff2parse:
>         if line:
>             if not line.startswith(' '):
>                 currentSection = line[:-1]
>                 data[currentSection] = []
>             else:
>                 try:
>                     data[currentSection] +=
> line.strip()
>                 except: pass
> ###
> There's a subtle type error going on, and it has to
> do with 'data'.

Hmm. I guess this is one of the disadvantages of
Python's relatively weak typing.

> On other style note: when you're iterating over a
> file, you can just say:
>    for line in some_file:
> Files are iterable in Python, so there's no more
> need to say:
>    for line in some_file.xreadlines()
> as long as you're using a relatively recent version
> of Python.
> I hope this helps!

Oops. I just put that in because I thought it somehow
could have been the problem. It used to be 'for line
in some_file:', and now it's fixed to be that again.

Thanks for your help.

Daniel Ehrenberg

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From pythontutor at  Mon Dec 22 21:56:13 2003
From: pythontutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Mon Dec 22 21:56:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] parsing configuration files
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Daniel Ehrenberg wrote:
> Danny Yoo wrote:
>>There's a subtle type error going on, and it has to
>>do with 'data'.
> Hmm. I guess this is one of the disadvantages of
> Python's relatively weak typing.

I don't think it is weak typing so much as the fact that a string, list
and tuple are all sequences.  (Unless this broadness of sequence
is what you mean by weak typing.)  I usually create this kind of bug
when I pass a single fieldname to a function that expects a list of fieldnames.
The function will happily attempt to process a sequence of one character names
unless I put in a check to catch strings and turn them into single item lists.

On balance, I still like the ease of slicing strings that comes from
including strings in the "sequence family".

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From dyoo at  Mon Dec 22 22:33:56 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec 22 22:34:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] parsing configuration files
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, Lloyd Kvam wrote:

> >>There's a subtle type error going on, and it has to do with 'data'.
> >
> > Hmm. I guess this is one of the disadvantages of Python's relatively
> > weak typing.
> I don't think it is weak typing so much as the fact that a string, list
> and tuple are all sequences.

Hi Daniel,

I should have been more careful with my phrasing.  What I meant was that
there was a "conceptual" type error in that code.  The bug is one of
semantics, and that's something that computers won't figure out for a

As far as Python is concerned, all the typing there was fine.

Looking back at an example:

>>> l = []
>>> l1 = [1, 2, 3]
>>> l2 = [4, 5, 6]
>>> l1.extend(l2)
>>> l1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

the extend() method takes in a 'sequence' as its argument, and adds all
the elements in that sequence in.  Actually, I'm not quite telling the
truth again.  The extend() method actually wants an 'iterable'.  An
'iterable' is anything that can return single elements at a time.

Anyway, Python treats strings as a sequence of characters --- that's what
allows us to do things like:

>>> for letter in 'hello':
...     print letter

As a consequence of this, if we extend a list by a string, what we're
really asking Python to do is add every element --- every character --- as
an element of that list.  In fact, it's useful for it to do this!

>>> buffer = list("hello")
>>> buffer
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
>>> buffer.extend("world")
>>> buffer
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']

(Instant java.lang.StringBuffer, for folks who are familiar with Java.

So the original "buggy" code is perfectly correct in terms of typing.  If
it were not, we would have seen TypeError exceptions flying around, and
would have caught the bug sooner.  The problem is that the code is doing
exactly what it is told, and not what we really mean.  *grin*

Hope this clears things up!

From bgailer at  Mon Dec 22 23:46:10 2003
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon Dec 22 23:46:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Why has this syntax with multiple arguments ceased
	to work for the print command?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 03:52 PM 12/20/2003, hcohen2 wrote:

>I am certain code like this ran for me without any problem:
>print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % esp, int(cnt)
>both esp are gathered by ... = raw_input('Enter ...') and each works 
>properly as a single argument in test strings.
>Now I get:
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
>I tried to study the documentation on the print statement, but the syntax 
>for the argument list left me confused.  [How about some examples in the 
>documentation?]  It appears that the syntax has altered from what was 
>working on version 2.0.x.
>I am running this under Mandrake Linux 9.1 using version 2.2.2.
>Where am I going wrong?

print 'You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % (esp, int(cnt))

% expects a tuple. Without the parentheses the precedence rules evaluate % 
before , making the statement look like:
print ('You are: %s? and It is the %dth of Dec.' % esp) , int(cnt)

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 
-------------- next part --------------

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From arkamir at  Tue Dec 23 18:19:35 2003
From: arkamir at (
Date: Tue Dec 23 18:19:40 2003
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>


I have a question concerning turning strings into variables. 

Say I have a list like x: 

x = ['hello', 'bye'] 

What I need is the final result to look like this, or the equivelant of 
this. How would I do this??? 

hello = re.compile(r'<!--INSERT HELLO HERE-->')
bye = re.compile(r'<!--INSERT BYE HERE-->') 

I think it would look something like 

for y in x:
  #string to variable# = re.compile(r'<--INSERT %s HERE-->' % y) 

Is this the most effecient way, and how would I convert y to capitols. 

Also can someone explain lambdas too me. Whenever I do something like: 

x = lambda x: x + 1, (1) 

I get (<function whatever blah>, 2) 

Thanks a lot,
  Conrad Koziol

From piir at  Tue Dec 23 20:22:03 2003
From: piir at (Todd G. Gardner)
Date: Tue Dec 23 20:22:28 2003
Subject: [Tutor] trying to call function in dll
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

/* DLL Function
int32 DAQmxCreateTask (const char taskName[], TaskHandle *taskHandle);

I have installed ctypes-0.6.2a.win32-py2.3.exe.

I am not sure where to start asking questions so I figured I would dive in
and give this a shot.  My goal is to be acquire an analog voltage using a
data acquisition card from National Instruments and the python language.
Pardon my ignorance as I am quite the newbie regarding python.  Also, I have
done minimal programming in "c".  I have done 12 years or programming in
LabVIEW.  The card is a PCMCIA DacCard model 6062E.  Currently I read this
card using LabVIEW which inturn calls the nidaq32.dll.  My newbie questions
start with the dll function "DAQmxCreateTask()" and the following text
details the codes successes and failures that I have been having.

/* This next three lines of python code seem to work however, I am not sure
if the result is correct.
>>> from ctypes import *
>>> ni = windll.nidaq32
>>> print ni
<WinDLL 'nidaq32', handle 21000000 at a90e40>

/* The nidaq32.dll manual shows the syntax to this call as.
/* int32 DAQmxCreateTask (const char taskName[], TaskHandle *taskHandle);

/* This next two lines of python code seem to work...
>>> taskHandle = c_void_p
>>> print taskHandle
<class 'ctypes.c_void_p'>

/* This next line of python code does not work and generates the Traceback
>>> ptaskHandle = pointer(taskHandle)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in -toplevel-
    ptaskHandle = pointer(taskHandle)
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\ctypes\", line 206, in
    return POINTER(type(inst))(inst)
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\ctypes\", line 189, in
    {'_type_': cls})
TypeError: _type_ must have storage info

/* This next line of python code generates the Traceback error shown.
/* What syntax should be used?
>>> ni.DAQmxCreateTask("",taskHandle)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#5>", line 1, in -toplevel-
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\ctypes\", line 250, in
    func = self._StdcallFuncPtr(name, self)
AttributeError: function 'DAQmxCreateTask' not found

/* FYI: Below, I have copied the "ContAcq-IntClk-AnlgStart_Fn.c" written by
National Instruments(see below).
/* I don't understand all of this function however, I included it to lend
some idea of what actually should be occuring.
/* Every function call starting with "DAQmx..." is a call to a dll function
#include "NIDAQmx.h"
#include "ContAcq-IntClk-AnlgStart_Fn.h"

// Configures the task.
// Recommended parameters:
//   chan           = "Dev1/ai0"
//   min            = -10.0
//   max            = 10.0
//   samplesPerChan = 1000
//   rate           = 10000.0
//   triggerSource  = "PFI0"
//   triggerSlope   = DAQmx_Val_Rising
//   triggerLevel   = 0.0
int32 Configure_ContAcqIntClkAnlgStart(const char chan[], float64 min,
float64 max, uInt32 samplesPerChan, float64 rate, const char
triggerSource[], uInt32 triggerSlope, float64 triggerLevel, uInt32
*numChannels, TaskHandle *taskHandle)
	int32	error=0;

*    1. Create a task.
*    2. Create an analog input voltage channel.
*    3. Set the rate for the sample clock. Additionally, define the
*       sample mode to be finite.
*    4. Define the parameters for an Analog Slope Start Trigger.
	DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateTask("",taskHandle));
	if( numChannels )

	return error;

// Starts the task.
int32 Start_ContAcqIntClkAnlgStart(TaskHandle taskHandle)
	return DAQmxStartTask(taskHandle);

// Reads data into user allocated buffer.
// Recommended parameters:
//   bufferSize     = 1000
int32 Read_ContAcqIntClkAnlgStart(TaskHandle taskHandle, uInt32
sampsPerChan, float64 data[], uInt32 bufferSize, int32 *read)

// Stops the task.
int32 Stop_ContAcqIntClkAnlgStart(TaskHandle taskHandle)
	int32	error=0;

	error = DAQmxStopTask(taskHandle);
	return error;

Any information or ideas would be greatly apprecieted!

Thank you,

Todd Gardner
San Jose, CA

From missive at  Tue Dec 23 23:20:02 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Tue Dec 23 23:20:13 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: (no subject)
Message-ID: <>

>I have a question concerning turning strings into variables.
>Say I have a list like x:
>x = ['hello', 'bye']
>What I need is the final result to look like this, or the equivelant of
>this. How would I do this???
>hello = re.compile(r'<!--INSERT HELLO HERE-->')
>bye = re.compile(r'<!--INSERT BYE HERE-->')
>I think it would look something like
>for y in x:
>   #string to variable# = re.compile(r'<--INSERT %s HERE-->' % y)

I think, generally, you don't really want to do that. How about creating
a dictionary instead? Or another list?

my_regexps = {}
for find_this in x:
    my_regexps[find_this] = re.compile(r'<--INSERT %s HERE-->' % find_this)

>Is this the most effecient way, and how would I convert y to capitols.

['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__eq__', 
'__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getnewargs__', 
'__getslice__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__len__', 
'__lt__', '__mod__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', 
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rmod__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__', 
'__str__', 'capitalize', 'center', 'count', 'decode', 'encode', 'endswith', 
'expandtabs', 'find', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdigit', 'islower', 
'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 
'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 
'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']

>Also can someone explain lambdas too me. Whenever I do something like:
>x = lambda x: x + 1, (1)
>I get (<function whatever blah>, 2)

I think what you want is

x = lambda x: x + 1

what you have is a tuple of a lambda and a number.

Also, I think if you are assigning the lambda to a name, then you
may as well just use def ...

def x(number):
    return number + 1

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

From clay at  Wed Dec 24 07:19:39 2003
From: clay at (Clay Shirky)
Date: Wed Dec 24 07:19:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] EOF error with pickle?
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to use pickle to store some nested lists. The program writes to
the output file fine, but when I read the same file as input, I get an EOF

Here's the test script I wrote to reproduce the error:

import pickle
test_list = range(100)

f = open("pickle.dat", 'w')
pickle.dump(test_list, f)
print "dumped..."           # this works

g = open("pickle.dat")
new_list = pickle.load(g)
print new_list              # this generates the error below


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 17, in ?
    new_list = pickle.load(g)
line 1390, in load
    return Unpickler(file).load()
line 872, in load
line 894, in load_eof
    raise EOFError

From missive at  Wed Dec 24 08:48:51 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Wed Dec 24 08:48:55 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: EOF error with pickle?
Message-ID: <>

>I'm trying to use pickle to store some nested lists. The program writes to
>the output file fine, but when I read the same file as input, I get an EOF
>Here's the test script I wrote to reproduce the error:
>import pickle
>test_list = range(100)
>f = open("pickle.dat", 'w')
>pickle.dump(test_list, f)
>print "dumped..."           # this works
>g = open("pickle.dat")
>new_list = pickle.load(g)
>print new_list              # this generates the error below

You need to close the file and reopen it.

Otherwise, I think the file pointer is still pointing to the end of the 

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

From malex at  Wed Dec 24 10:05:34 2003
From: malex at (O. Moskalenko)
Date: Wed Dec 24 10:05:43 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [ Re: Python cgi
Message-ID: <>

Would someone more experienced make a comment I could pass on to those
guys ;)?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all pythonistas celebrating them
around this time of year.


----- Forwarded message from DeltaWebHosting Support <> -----

> From: DeltaWebHosting Support <>
> Hi Alex,
>     Currently we are offering just this options you can find on our "Hosting
> Services" page. Due to higher risk of abuse with python we are not planing
> to include that in our packages, at least not soon.
> Regards,
> Delta Web Hosting
> >
> > Name: Alex
> > Email:
> >
> > Message: Hi,
> >
> > Do you plan on adding python ( as a cgi option? You seem to
> offer a lot more than my current host, but I can't find any info on the
> question above on your site.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Alex.
> >

From carroll at  Wed Dec 24 12:15:55 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Wed Dec 24 12:16:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] EOF error with pickle?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Clay Shirky wrote:

> Here's the test script I wrote to reproduce the error:
> import pickle
> test_list = range(100)
> f = open("pickle.dat", 'w')
> pickle.dump(test_list, f)
> print "dumped..."           # this works


> g = open("pickle.dat")
> new_list = pickle.load(g)
> print new_list              # this generates the error below

I recognize this error; you must have copied it from me!

As an aside, if you decide to use binary pickling (slightly more 

  pickle.dump(test_list, f, bin=1)

and you're on Windows, you'll want to make sure your opens are binary:

  f = open("pickle.dat", 'wb')
  g = open("pickle.dat", 'rb')

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From shaleh at  Wed Dec 24 12:30:37 2003
From: shaleh at (Sean 'Shaleh' Perry)
Date: Wed Dec 24 12:30:54 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [ Re: Python cgi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wednesday 24 December 2003 07:05, O. Moskalenko wrote:
> Would someone more experienced make a comment I could pass on to those
> guys ;)?

Do they offer cgi at all?  In what languages / ways?  If they allow you to use 
perl then there is no reason to exclude python.  Perhaps they could explain 
how they feel it is less secure than what they are currently offering?  From 
their experience they may have valid reasons.

There is no good response we can provide to either you or your would-be hosts.  
More information is needed.

Be polite with them, security is very important for web hosters.  One serious 
mistake could cost them their business.  Remember, you will usually end up on 
a virtual host so if you get hacked every other domain on the host gets 
hacked.  6 years ago we were hosting 20+ domains on a single linux box.

From carroll at  Wed Dec 24 12:54:20 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Wed Dec 24 12:54:25 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [ Re: Python cgi
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

> Do they offer cgi at all?  In what languages / ways?  If they allow you
> to use perl then there is no reason to exclude python.

Perl does have a couple advantages over Python here: restricted execution 
and tainting.

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From piir at  Wed Dec 24 13:21:43 2003
From: piir at (Todd G. Gardner)
Date: Wed Dec 24 13:21:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] TypeError: while constructing argument 4:
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

I need to ask for some of your expertise.  How to define the variable so
that I can pass it as an array of 16 bit integers?

ni = windll.nidaq32
buffer = c_int * 100
status = ni.DAQ_Op (deviceNumber, chan, gain, buffer, count, sampleRate)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in ?
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\tnt\My Documents\pc\ctypes\",
line 21, in ?
    status = ni.DAQ_Op (deviceNumber, chan, gain, buffer, count, sampleRate)
TypeError: while constructing argument 4:
Don't know how to convert parameter 4

BEGIN DEFINITION of the variable array {buffer}
buffer [i16] contains the acquired data

buffer is an integer array. buffer has a length equal to or greater than
count. When DAQ_Op returns with an error number equal to zero, buffer
contains the acquired data.

The buffer must be aligned on a 4-byte boundary. If the buffer is allocated
as an array of i32s, it must be typecast to an i16 pointer when passing its
address to DAQ_Op. If the buffer is allocated as a double-sized array of
i16s, the user must check that the buffer is aligned on a 4-byte boundary
before passing the buffer to DAQ_Op.
END DEFINITION of the variable array {buffer}

Thank you SO much for any information,

P.S. Sorry if this is a repost.  I am not sure if this was posted before so
I am resending it.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec 24 13:28:52 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec 24 13:28:42 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [ Re: Python cgi
References: <>
Message-ID: <003001c3ca4b$c849bee0$6401a8c0@xp>

> Would someone more experienced make a comment I could pass on
to those
> guys ;)?

Given we don't know what other options they offer its hard to be

> > Services" page. Due to higher risk of abuse with python we
are not planing
> > to include that in our packages, at least not soon.

I assume they mean that because Python is easier to use than most
other CGI options more people might take advantage of the
therefore they don't want to risk their server being overloaded,
otherwise I can't imagine what they mean?


Alan g.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Dec 24 13:36:03 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Dec 24 13:35:53 2003
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
References: <>
Message-ID: <003501c3ca4c$c8ea4f30$6401a8c0@xp>

> Also can someone explain lambdas too me. Whenever I do
something like:
> x = lambda x: x + 1, (1)
> I get (<function whatever blah>, 2)

Lambdas are explained in my Functional programming page of my

Basically they are expressions which return function objects.
Lets look at your case:

x = lambda x: x + 1, (1)

Canbe re-written as:

x = ( (lambda x: x + 1) , (1) )

So x becomes a tuple of two items, the first being a lamda
expression, the second the number 1.

The lambda itself is nearly equivalent to:

def f(x): return x+1

But has no name 'f'.

If we change your expression to:

x = lambda x: x+1 (1)    # no comma

then we assign the return value of the lambda, that is it
is equivalent, using our definition of f, to:

x = f(1)

Alternatively if we just write

x = lambda x: x+1

We have defined x to be the function and evaluated it with 1 as

Without knowing what you are trying to do I can't comment


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From Mouseruth at  Wed Dec 24 13:48:19 2003
From: Mouseruth at (
Date: Wed Dec 24 13:48:30 2003
Subject: [Tutor] UDP problem
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,
    I'm trying to learn about UDP socket programming. I have 2 questions - 
firstly, is it possible to make receiving data event driven (like in VB) - i.e. 
when data arrives, something automatically happens. Secondly, when receiving 
data, is there any way to tell the size of the data or even if the data exists 
at all, before trying to receive it? Trying to receive nonexistent data 
freezes my IDLE up. I'm on Win98 SE. Can anybody help? Thanks,

James Morgan

From shaleh at  Wed Dec 24 15:21:02 2003
From: shaleh at (Sean 'Shaleh' Perry)
Date: Wed Dec 24 15:21:18 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [ Re: Python cgi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wednesday 24 December 2003 09:54, Terry Carroll wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> > Do they offer cgi at all?  In what languages / ways?  If they allow you
> > to use perl then there is no reason to exclude python.
> Perl does have a couple advantages over Python here: restricted execution
> and tainting.

once could argue perl needs those features (-:

From shaleh at  Wed Dec 24 15:21:57 2003
From: shaleh at (Sean 'Shaleh' Perry)
Date: Wed Dec 24 15:22:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] UDP problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wednesday 24 December 2003 10:48, wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I'm trying to learn about UDP socket programming. I have 2 questions -
> firstly, is it possible to make receiving data event driven (like in VB) -
> i.e. when data arrives, something automatically happens. Secondly, when
> receiving data, is there any way to tell the size of the data or even if
> the data exists at all, before trying to receive it? Trying to receive
> nonexistent data freezes my IDLE up. I'm on Win98 SE. Can anybody help?
> Thanks,

see twisted python, lots of cool networking code and examples.  Quick 
websearch should find it.

From clay at  Wed Dec 24 16:08:20 2003
From: clay at (Clay Shirky)
Date: Wed Dec 24 16:08:29 2003
Subject: [Tutor] EOF error with pickle?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Clay Shirky wrote:
>> Here's the test script I wrote to reproduce the error:
>> import pickle
>> test_list = range(100)
>> f = open("pickle.dat", 'w')
>> pickle.dump(test_list, f)
>> print "dumped..."           # this works
> f.close()

D'oh! Thanks.

I always find that the stupidest python errors I make are when I'm thinking
perlishly -- I expected the second open to auto-close the file first.

Explicit is better than implicit -- maybe I should put a big "WWPD?"* sign
over my desk. 


* What Wouldn't Perl Do?

From dyoo at  Wed Dec 24 18:36:44 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 24 18:36:48 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: EOF error with pickle?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> >I'm trying to use pickle to store some nested lists. The program writes to
> >the output file fine, but when I read the same file as input, I get an EOF
> >error.
> >
> >Here's the test script I wrote to reproduce the error:
> >
> >import pickle
> >test_list = range(100)
> >
> >f = open("pickle.dat", 'w')
> >pickle.dump(test_list, f)
> >print "dumped..."           # this works

[some text cut]

> You need to close the file and reopen it.
> Otherwise, I think the file pointer is still pointing to the end of the
> file.

The fix is correct, but the reason it works needs clarification.

Doing close() on a file that we're writting is a necessity because file
writes are 'buffered', and our operating system may not immediately write
the bytes to disk till it feels it's worth it to flush the buffer.  The
documentation on write() mentions this buffering behavior:

With that, that 'EOFError' should make more sense now --- the file
probably contained was cut off in "mid-sentence", and the pickle.load()
expected to see more bytes out the file.

Hope this helps!

From missive at  Wed Dec 24 22:34:02 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Wed Dec 24 22:34:09 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: EOF error with pickle?
Message-ID: <>

>>You need to close the file and reopen it.
>>Otherwise, I think the file pointer is still pointing to the end of the
>The fix is correct, but the reason it works needs clarification.
>Doing close() on a file that we're writting is a necessity because file
>writes are 'buffered', and our operating system may not immediately write
>the bytes to disk till it feels it's worth it to flush the buffer.

Sure enough.

Looks like you may not even need to close the file ...

>>>import pickle
>>>l = range(100)
>>>f = file('temp', 'w')
>>>pickle.dump(l, f)
>>>g = file('temp')
>>>l2 = pickle.load(g)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 
59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 
78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 
97, 98, 99]
>>>l3 = range(0, 10, 2)
>>>pickle.dump(l3, f)
>>>l4 = pickle.load(g)
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

Although I am not sure how good an idea that would be.

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

From dyoo at  Wed Dec 24 22:56:42 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 24 22:56:49 2003
Subject: [Tutor] TypeError: while constructing argument 4:
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Todd G. Gardner wrote:

> Hello all,
> I need to ask for some of your expertise.  How to define the variable so
> that I can pass it as an array of 16 bit integers?
> ...
> ni = windll.nidaq32
> buffer = c_int * 100
> status = ni.DAQ_Op (deviceNumber, chan, gain, buffer, count, sampleRate)

Hi Toddy,

I can't test this, but perhaps something from the 'array' module might

It sounds like it, as the reference to 'i16' in the documentation:

> """
> BEGIN DEFINITION of the variable array {buffer}
> buffer [i16] contains the acquired data

matches the type code definition 'i' in the 'array' documenation.  You
should be able to say something like:

>>> import array
>>> buffer = array.array('i', [0] * 100)

to initialize an array for 100 16-bit signed integers.  I'm not not sure,
though, if this buffer can be passed into windll.nidaq32.DAQ_Op.

You may want to ask your question on the Python-Win32 list, since the
folks there may know more about what the windll functions expect.  You can
contact the Python-win32 list here:

Good luck to you!

From dyoo at  Wed Dec 24 23:00:50 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 24 23:00:54 2003
Subject: [Tutor] TypeError: while constructing argument 4:
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> >
> > ...
> > ni = windll.nidaq32
> > buffer = c_int * 100
> > status = ni.DAQ_Op (deviceNumber, chan, gain, buffer, count, sampleRate)
> Hi Toddy,

Doh!  I'm sorry Todd; I don't know how that extra 'y' got appended there.
I'm not used to typing on a laptop, but it's still a lame excuse for
getting your name wrong.  *grin*

From carroll at  Wed Dec 24 23:55:31 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Wed Dec 24 23:55:36 2003
Subject: [Tutor] EOF error with pickle?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Clay Shirky wrote:

> I always find that the stupidest python errors I make are when I'm thinking
> perlishly -- I expected the second open to auto-close the file first.

Perl will do that?  If you open a new file object, it will auto-close a 
different file object that refers to the same file?  That strikes me as 
fiendishly unexpected.

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From alan.gauld at  Thu Dec 25 05:38:03 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Dec 25 05:37:43 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [ Re: Python cgi
References: <>
Message-ID: <008f01c3cad3$2cd59190$6401a8c0@xp>

> > Do they offer cgi at all?  In what languages / ways?  If they
allow you
> > to use perl then there is no reason to exclude python.
> Perl does have a couple advantages over Python here: restricted
> and tainting.

Python has a restricted execution mode, how does it differ from

And what is tainting? I've never heard of that before?

Alan G.

From carroll at  Thu Dec 25 10:01:17 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu Dec 25 10:01:25 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [ Re: Python cgi
In-Reply-To: <008f01c3cad3$2cd59190$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 25 Dec 2003, Alan Gauld wrote:

> Python has a restricted execution mode, how does it differ from
> Perl's?

Python doesn't have restricted execution any longer, does it?  My 
understanding is that it wasn't really robust and could be circumvented, 
and it was dropped in 2.3.

> And what is tainting? I've never heard of that before?

Perl has a "taint" mode, in which variables can be classified as secure or 
insecure ("tainted"), based on whther their content comes, directly or 
indirectly, from user input.  In this mode, a tainted variable cannot be 
used in any statement that modifies a file or process.

So, if Python had a taint mode, it would work something like this:

name=raw_input("enter your name")  # name is tainted
filein = name + ".input"           # filein is also tainted
fileout = name + ".output"         # as is fileout

print "Hello, %s, your info will be taken from %s and will be saved to %s" 
   % (name, filename)              # okay, even with tainted variables

f_in=open(filein,"r")              # okay; although filein is tainted,
                                   # this is a read-only file operation

f_out=open(fileout,"w")            # exception; operation on a file that
                                   # modifies it, using tainted variable
                                   # fileout

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From dyoo at  Thu Dec 25 14:27:13 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Dec 25 14:27:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] [ Re: Python cgi
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Perl has a "taint" mode, in which variables can be classified as secure or
> insecure ("tainted"), based on whther their content comes, directly or
> indirectly, from user input.  In this mode, a tainted variable cannot be
> used in any statement that modifies a file or process.

There's some good information on Perl's 'taint' mode here:

It is a Python feature request (feature request #500698), so there's a
possibility that that Python might adopt this concept some day.

Happy holidays!

From hcohen2 at  Sat Dec 27 13:19:59 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sat Dec 27 13:21:10 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
Message-ID: <>

I have had a considerable amount of problems trying to get a python 
script to execute.

In this instance, I essentially copied the file from a disc to a newly 
named file for my editing.  Nothing has worked, then I noticed the 
reserved words were not color coded or highlighted.

The files have exactly the same attributes read and execute for owner, 
group and public.

What have I encountered, or what stupid thing am I doing?

I am running under Mandrake Linux 9.1 and using Python ver.: 2.2.2


PS While bash under Linux is in many respects easier to use than the 
Kohn shell on UNIX, I am finding that actions I perform on emacs on UNIX 
do not work on Linux, e.g. typing into a hightlighted (selected) region 
does not delete that region under Linux.

From marilyn at  Sat Dec 27 13:27:53 2003
From: marilyn at (Marilyn Davis)
Date: Sat Dec 27 13:27:59 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271024390.4258-100000@Kuna>

On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, hcohen2 wrote:

> I have had a considerable amount of problems trying to get a python 
> script to execute.
> In this instance, I essentially copied the file from a disc to a newly 
> named file for my editing.  Nothing has worked, then I noticed the 
> reserved words were not color coded or highlighted.

What is the name of the file?  It needs to be for emacs
to know what to do.

> The files have exactly the same attributes read and execute for owner, 
> group and public.
> What have I encountered, or what stupid thing am I doing?
> I am running under Mandrake Linux 9.1 and using Python ver.: 2.2.2
> PS While bash under Linux is in many respects easier to use than the 
> Kohn shell on UNIX, I am finding that actions I perform on emacs on UNIX 
> do not work on Linux, e.g. typing into a hightlighted (selected) region 
> does not delete that region under Linux.

I don't know about this.  I use key-stroke-driven emacs.

Good luck.

Marilyn Davis

> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -


From amych at  Sat Dec 27 13:33:28 2003
From: amych at (Amy Hendrix)
Date: Sat Dec 27 13:33:33 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
Message-ID: <>

-----Original Message-----
From: hcohen2 <>
Sent: Dec 27, 2003 1:19 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...

>The files have exactly the same attributes read and execute for owner, 
>group and public.

Aside from the filename issue that Marilyn suggested, you won't be able to save your edits if you don't have write permission.

The highlighting and color-coding are emacs-specific problems and not python ones -- I'm afraid I can't help you there.

Best of luck,
Amy Hendrix

From hcohen2 at  Sat Dec 27 13:42:40 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sat Dec 27 13:43:31 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271024390.4258-100000@Kuna>
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271024390.4258-100000@Kuna>
Message-ID: <>

Marilyn Davis wrote:

>On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, hcohen2 wrote:
>>I have had a considerable amount of problems trying to get a python 
>>script to execute.
>>In this instance, I essentially copied the file from a disc to a newly 
>>named file for my editing.  Nothing has worked, then I noticed the 
>>reserved words were not color coded or highlighted.
>What is the name of the file?  It needs to be for emacs
>to know what to do.
>>The files have exactly the same attributes read and execute for owner, 
>>group and public.
>>What have I encountered, or what stupid thing am I doing?
>>I am running under Mandrake Linux 9.1 and using Python ver.: 2.2.2
>>PS While bash under Linux is in many respects easier to use than the 
>>Kohn shell on UNIX, I am finding that actions I perform on emacs on UNIX 
>>do not work on Linux, e.g. typing into a hightlighted (selected) region 
>>does not delete that region under Linux.
>I don't know about this.  I use key-stroke-driven emacs.
>Good luck.
>Marilyn Davis
>>Tutor maillist  -

Just added a few more characters to the file name: was* to*.

It is code from a Python book: Core Python Programming.  When I edit I 
give myself write rights to the file.  The function of the file is 
simple: count the total number of lines containing the text you are 
seaching for.  That is, really independent of emacs.


From hcohen2 at  Sat Dec 27 13:47:38 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sat Dec 27 13:48:28 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Amy Hendrix wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: hcohen2 <>
>Sent: Dec 27, 2003 1:19 PM
>Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
>>The files have exactly the same attributes read and execute for owner, 
>>group and public.
>Aside from the filename issue that Marilyn suggested, you won't be able to save your edits if you don't have write permission.
>The highlighting and color-coding are emacs-specific problems and not python ones -- I'm afraid I can't help you there.
>Best of luck,
>Amy Hendrix

I change to read/write/exec rights prior to editing - I think the color 
coding and highlighting is significant.  When I made errors in coding 
the color change for a reserved word would not appear and forgetting the 
':' causes a failure in the indentation of subsequent lines.  In other 
cases i wrote the files from scratch and have seen both the color and 
highlighting appear.

One copy - with no changes fails to execute using the same command.  The 
only difference is that the file ends with a '1', i.e.* ->*.


From marilyn at  Sat Dec 27 13:57:31 2003
From: marilyn at (Marilyn Davis)
Date: Sat Dec 27 13:57:35 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271055350.4258-100000@Kuna>

On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, hcohen2 wrote:

[much deleted]

> >
> Marilyn,
> Just added a few more characters to the file name: was* to 

Well, that '*' at the end messes you up.  Try subtracting that and
maybe emacs will behave for you.

Good luck.


From hcohen2 at  Sat Dec 27 14:01:47 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sat Dec 27 14:02:39 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271055350.4258-100000@Kuna>
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271055350.4258-100000@Kuna>
Message-ID: <>

Marilyn Davis wrote:

>On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, hcohen2 wrote:
>[much deleted]
>>Just added a few more characters to the file name: was* to 
>Well, that '*' at the end messes you up.  Try subtracting that and
>maybe emacs will behave for you.
>Good luck.
>Tutor maillist  -

That's what I thought too, but (repeated it again) openning the file 
without the '*' yields an empty file.  It looks crazy to me too.

I guess I am just going to write the file by pasting lines, or typing it 
in new.  The change in appearance and the failure to execute are too 
strong hints to ignore.

Thanks for your help.

From marilyn at  Sat Dec 27 14:10:20 2003
From: marilyn at (Marilyn Davis)
Date: Sat Dec 27 14:10:25 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271109130.4258-100000@Kuna>

On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, hcohen2 wrote:

> Marilyn Davis wrote:
> >On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, hcohen2 wrote:
> >
> >[much deleted]
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Marilyn,
> >>
> >>Just added a few more characters to the file name: was* to 
> >>*.
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Well, that '*' at the end messes you up.  Try subtracting that and
> >maybe emacs will behave for you.
> >
> >Good luck.
> >
> >Marilyn
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> Marilyn,
> That's what I thought too, but (repeated it again) openning the file 
> without the '*' yields an empty file.  It looks crazy to me too.
> I guess I am just going to write the file by pasting lines, or typing it 
> in new.  The change in appearance and the failure to execute are too 
> strong hints to ignore.
> Thanks for your help.

I guess I couldn't help.  I'm clueless.


> Herschel


From neal at  Sat Dec 27 14:26:03 2003
From: neal at (Neal McBurnett)
Date: Sat Dec 27 14:26:11 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271055350.4258-100000@Kuna>
Message-ID: <20031227192603.GN1322@feynman>

The "*" is a special character used differently in different contexts.
To the shell, it is a wildcard, matching anything.
In a listing of files (by, e.g. ls), it sometimes is appended to
simply indicate that the file is executable.

If you're just starting to learn emacs, (or any other editor) I would
just suggest it can take a while to pick up some of the quirks.  I
personally absolutely love emacs and the great power it provides for
working on many many types of files.  But it does have a learning

You may have a file that is actually named*
which can add a lot of problems and confusion as has been

      mv '*'
will change the name after which you can open it up fresh in emacs.
Note the quotes - they cause the * to be treated as a real character.

Neal McBurnett       
Signed and/or sealed mail encouraged.  GPG/PGP Keyid: 2C9EBA60

On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 02:01:47PM -0500, hcohen2 wrote:
> Marilyn Davis wrote:
> >On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, hcohen2 wrote:
> >>Marilyn,
> >>Just added a few more characters to the file name: was* to 
> >>*.
> >
> >Well, that '*' at the end messes you up.  Try subtracting that and
> >maybe emacs will behave for you.
> That's what I thought too, but (repeated it again) openning the file 
> without the '*' yields an empty file.  It looks crazy to me too.
> I guess I am just going to write the file by pasting lines, or typing it 
> in new.  The change in appearance and the failure to execute are too 
> strong hints to ignore.
> Thanks for your help.
> Herschel

From hcohen2 at  Sat Dec 27 14:58:39 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sat Dec 27 14:59:47 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <20031227192603.GN1322@feynman>
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271055350.4258-100000@Kuna>
	<> <20031227192603.GN1322@feynman>
Message-ID: <>

Neal McBurnett wrote:

>The "*" is a special character used differently in different contexts.
>To the shell, it is a wildcard, matching anything.
>In a listing of files (by, e.g. ls), it sometimes is appended to
>simply indicate that the file is executable.
>If you're just starting to learn emacs, (or any other editor) I would
>just suggest it can take a while to pick up some of the quirks.  I
>personally absolutely love emacs and the great power it provides for
>working on many many types of files.  But it does have a learning
>You may have a file that is actually named 
>which can add a lot of problems and confusion as has been
>      mv '*'
>will change the name after which you can open it up fresh in emacs.
>Note the quotes - they cause the * to be treated as a real character.
>Neal McBurnett       
>Signed and/or sealed mail encouraged.  GPG/PGP Keyid: 2C9EBA60
>On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 02:01:47PM -0500, hcohen2 wrote:
>>Marilyn Davis wrote:
>>>On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, hcohen2 wrote:
>>>>Just added a few more characters to the file name: was* to 
>>>Well, that '*' at the end messes you up.  Try subtracting that and
>>>maybe emacs will behave for you.
>>That's what I thought too, but (repeated it again) openning the file 
>>without the '*' yields an empty file.  It looks crazy to me too.
>>I guess I am just going to write the file by pasting lines, or typing it 
>>in new.  The change in appearance and the failure to execute are too 
>>strong hints to ignore.
>>Thanks for your help.

Thanks, I am new to emacs only under Linux though I do not regard myself 
as an expert it is my primary editor and is at least my secondary method 
of executing SQL against Sybase.

Under Linux, I find many of the commands work as I would expect, e.g. 
the keystrokes ^C^S, ^C^C, ^X-u, etc, but the file names and colors had 
me thrown. Also as I mentioned I still am disappointed the highlighting 
a region seems only useful for copying. Well it could be worse, I still 
have to access UNIX using terminal windows from a Windows system - and 
each differs, and the laptop that is used for a remote connection does 
not even support copying.

Thanks for your explanations on the file system - I thought it denoted 
an executable and I opened files dropping it (these were the files I 
wrote) but this ceased to work with these few copied instances.


From hcohen2 at  Sat Dec 27 15:09:58 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sat Dec 27 15:10:49 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271109130.4258-100000@Kuna>
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271109130.4258-100000@Kuna>
Message-ID: <>

Marilyn Davis wrote:

>On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, hcohen2 wrote:
>>Marilyn Davis wrote:
>>>On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, hcohen2 wrote:
>>>[much deleted]
>>>>Just added a few more characters to the file name: was* to 
>>>Well, that '*' at the end messes you up.  Try subtracting that and
>>>maybe emacs will behave for you.
>>>Good luck.
>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>That's what I thought too, but (repeated it again) openning the file 
>>without the '*' yields an empty file.  It looks crazy to me too.
>>I guess I am just going to write the file by pasting lines, or typing it 
>>in new.  The change in appearance and the failure to execute are too 
>>strong hints to ignore.
>>Thanks for your help.
>I guess I couldn't help.  I'm clueless.

Thanks for trying, just perhaps I was not as stupid as I thought. I will 
let you know if my suspicions about the color coding and the 
hightlighting prove to be significant. Perhaps it might save someone 
else the grief.


From tayiper at  Mon Dec 22 10:18:01 2003
From: tayiper at (Tadey)
Date: Sat Dec 27 15:36:39 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Reinstalling Python might help ... error message
Message-ID: <008101c3c89f$02a68a90$f54748d9@mz9s680eu689tz>

Hello ...

Something very strange started to happen with my Python installation. Soon after starting Python today, some very strange "windows apllication error message" appeared (the one marked with the red sign), saying something like: 

"an (this and this) application error occured, ... file/key (or something) is missing, ... or is invalid, ... reinstalling Python might help"

I am really mad at myself for not making screenshot of that error, cause I ALWAYS archive that kind of stuff to describe problem better. I know, that without knowing true error message text, you can't help me at all (I just assume there was something like "... file/key (or something) is missing"), but I am just interested, if someone has any clue, what kind of error could be that, causing that kind of pop-up window -  "... reinstalling Python might help" - cause I am 100 % sure for that part of error message ...

Thanks, Tadey
-------------- next part --------------
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From BSchultz at  Tue Dec 23 12:34:06 2003
From: BSchultz at (Schultz, Bob)
Date: Sat Dec 27 15:36:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Just beginning
Message-ID: <>

I am new to programming, but have decided on Python after much researching and reading on the web. My question is this: I have an extra computer that am going to use solely for programming and experimenting. Should I use Linux or windows as my OS or doesn't it matter? Does Python work better on one platform than the other. I am excited to get going!

Fargo, ND
-------------- next part --------------
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From shaleh at  Tue Dec 23 20:15:26 2003
From: shaleh at (Sean 'Shaleh' Perry)
Date: Sat Dec 27 15:36:52 2003
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday 23 December 2003 15:19, wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question concerning turning strings into variables.
> Say I have a list like x:
> x = ['hello', 'bye']
> What I need is the final result to look like this, or the equivelant of
> this. How would I do this???
> hello = re.compile(r'<!--INSERT HELLO HERE-->')
> bye = re.compile(r'<!--INSERT BYE HERE-->')
> I think it would look something like
> for y in x:
>   #string to variable# = re.compile(r'<--INSERT %s HERE-->' % y)
> Is this the most effecient way,

hmm, perhaps I am not fully understanding you, but would this work?

transforms = { 'hello': '<!-- INSERT HELLO HERE -->', 'bye': '<!-- INSERT BYE 
HERE -->' }
for y in x:
  if y in transforms:
    print transforms[y]

If this is not what you meant, how about specifying your needs by giving us 
some sample input and output?  For example if we start with:

Hello, World!

we should end up with:

<!-- Hello -->, World!

> and how would I convert y to capitols.

>>> name = 'bob'
>>> name.title()
>>> name.upper()

> Also can someone explain lambdas too me. Whenever I do something like:

in general you should stick to asking one type of question at a time.  Makes 
it easier for people to follow the thread and especially for people searching 
the archives later on.

> x = lambda x: x + 1, (1)
> I get (<function whatever blah>, 2)

lambda is a way to generate small functions during execution instead of during 
compilation / parsing.  It is used most often for event handlers where the 
action is usually simple and used once so defining a function would make the 
program longer or harder to follow.  People who like to program in a more 
functional (instead of OO) style like to use it as well.

For instance:

for word in map(lambda y: y.upper(), x): # re-use you list from above
    print word

Current python uses a different idiom:

for word in [ y.upper() for y in x ]:
    print word

You can write plenty of python and never use lambda.  Especially with python 
2.2 and newer.

From shaleh at  Tue Dec 23 20:17:24 2003
From: shaleh at (Sean 'Shaleh' Perry)
Date: Sat Dec 27 15:36:57 2003
Subject: [Tutor] back from nowhere
Message-ID: <>

Hey all, life got hectic for a bit so I stayed away from my Net attachments 
for a while.  I will still be a slow contributor for a while, but I am back.

From akshay at  Thu Dec 25 23:43:08 2003
From: akshay at (Akshay Thapliyal)
Date: Sat Dec 27 15:37:03 2003
Subject: [Tutor] cgi-ssl programming
Message-ID: <>

Im a novice at python looking at implementing someting in cgi.I have 
apache with mod-ssl. I wanted to use python for the server side 
scripting. I havent been able to find out how to use ssl decryption. 
Could someone please point out some web resources for the same.

From hcohen2 at  Sat Dec 27 15:38:22 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sat Dec 27 15:39:13 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <20031227192603.GN1322@feynman>
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271055350.4258-100000@Kuna>
	<> <20031227192603.GN1322@feynman>
Message-ID: <>

Neal McBurnett wrote:

>The "*" is a special character used differently in different contexts.
>To the shell, it is a wildcard, matching anything.
>In a listing of files (by, e.g. ls), it sometimes is appended to
>simply indicate that the file is executable.
>If you're just starting to learn emacs, (or any other editor) I would
>just suggest it can take a while to pick up some of the quirks.  I
>personally absolutely love emacs and the great power it provides for
>working on many many types of files.  But it does have a learning
>You may have a file that is actually named 
>which can add a lot of problems and confusion as has been
>      mv '*'
>will change the name after which you can open it up fresh in emacs.
>Note the quotes - they cause the * to be treated as a real character.
>Neal McBurnett       
>Signed and/or sealed mail encouraged.  GPG/PGP Keyid: 2C9EBA60
>On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 02:01:47PM -0500, hcohen2 wrote:
>>Marilyn Davis wrote:
>>>On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, hcohen2 wrote:
>>>>Just added a few more characters to the file name: was* to 
>>>Well, that '*' at the end messes you up.  Try subtracting that and
>>>maybe emacs will behave for you.
>>That's what I thought too, but (repeated it again) openning the file 
>>without the '*' yields an empty file.  It looks crazy to me too.
>>I guess I am just going to write the file by pasting lines, or typing it 
>>in new.  The change in appearance and the failure to execute are too 
>>strong hints to ignore.
>>Thanks for your help.
Well the copying instructions worked with the new file showing the 
expected color coding.  Moreover, it attempts to execute, but is 
probably hung is a bit of flawed loop code (mine).

Now I can concentrate on trying to get it right!

Thanks to everyone.

From dyoo at  Sat Dec 27 15:50:29 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Dec 27 15:50:34 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> >>That's what I thought too, but (repeated it again) openning the file
> >>without the '*' yields an empty file.  It looks crazy to me too.
> >>
> >>I guess I am just going to write the file by pasting lines, or typing
> >>it in new.  The change in appearance and the failure to execute are
> >>too strong hints to ignore.


Ok, I think we're flailing about a bit too much here.  *grin* Let's make
sure we all understand what the problem is.

Can you show us what happens if you type:

$ ls -l

at your command line prompt?  And what happens if you type:

$ ls -l*

Are the outputs of these two shell commands different?  Once we see those
outputs, we'll be more sure if the file name has anything to do with the

Emacs, by default, may not support Python out of the box!  You may
actually need to install 'python-mode' to let your Emacs text editor to
recognize Python's syntax.  We can find instructions on enabling
python-mode here:

There can be several possiblities why Emacs isn't treating your source
file nicely.  Let's eliminate each possibility first.  We can first check
to see if python-mode actually works in emacs:  can you actually go into
python-mode from the '*scratch*' emacs buffer?  What happens if you do a
'M-x python-mode' from emacs?  Do you see a change in the status line?
Or do you get an error message?

Installation problems are always a bit tricky and frustrating, because the
cause of the problem is probably something really stupid.  *grin* Let's
see if we can fix this one quickly so you can start doing more interesting

Good luck to you!

From alan.gauld at  Sat Dec 27 15:55:39 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Dec 27 15:54:37 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271055350.4258-100000@Kuna><>
	<20031227192603.GN1322@feynman> <>
Message-ID: <014f01c3ccbb$c8fd25d0$6401a8c0@xp>

> Thanks, I am new to emacs only under Linux though I do not regard
> as an expert it is my primary editor and is at least my secondary
> of executing SQL against Sybase.
> Under Linux, I find many of the commands work as I would expect,
> the keystrokes ^C^S, ^C^C, ^X-u, etc, but the file names and colors
> me thrown. Also as I mentioned I still am disappointed the
> a region seems only useful for copying.

These are all controlled by a combination of the system .emacs
and your personal .emacs files. It sounds like you are seeing
vanilla emacs behaviour, try copying your .emacs file from your
UNIX system to your Linux system - you may get lots of errors
though as the file paths may well be different...

Remember and male a copy of the current Linux version first!
Compare the diffeences and you should see the lines you need
to modify to restore your favoured mode of working.

OTOH I stopped using real emacs when I moved to NT, a long time
ago now...

Alan G.

From bgailer at  Sat Dec 27 15:58:28 2003
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Sat Dec 27 15:58:37 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Just beginning
In-Reply-To: <
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

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From dyoo at  Sat Dec 27 16:00:32 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Dec 27 16:00:37 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Just beginning
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 23 Dec 2003, Schultz, Bob wrote:

> I am new to programming, but have decided on Python after much
> researching and reading on the web.

Hi Bob, welcome aboard!

> My question is this: I have an extra computer that am going to use
> solely for programming and experimenting. Should I use Linux or windows
> as my OS or doesn't it matter? Does Python work better on one platform
> than the other. I am excited to get going!

Python works well on both Windows and Linux.  I'd recommend using whatever
platform you are most familiar with --- Python as a language is platform

We'll try to point you toward good resources for exploring Python.  Have
you had a chance to see:

yet?  It has links to a lot of good Python tutorials, and it should help
you find out more about the language.

As you're learning Python, please feel free to bring up your questions on --- all of us here will be happy to chat with you about
Python.  Don't worry if the questions seem 'silly' --- we're all 'newbies'
here, in one form or another.  *grin*

By the way, as you're posting questions on Python-Tutor, if you are
getting messages about 'Moderator need to check your message...' or
something like that, that is because you need to subscribe to the mailing
list.  We're restricting posting privileges to subscribers only, as a
spam-filtering measure.

You can find details about subscription here:

Good luck to you!

From marilyn at  Sat Dec 27 16:12:22 2003
From: marilyn at (Marilyn Davis)
Date: Sat Dec 27 16:12:28 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Just beginning
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271308440.4258-100000@Kuna>

On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, Danny Yoo wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Dec 2003, Schultz, Bob wrote:
> > I am new to programming, but have decided on Python after much
> > researching and reading on the web.
> Hi Bob, welcome aboard!
> > My question is this: I have an extra computer that am going to use
> > solely for programming and experimenting. Should I use Linux or windows
> > as my OS or doesn't it matter? Does Python work better on one platform
> > than the other. I am excited to get going!
> Python works well on both Windows and Linux.  I'd recommend using whatever
> platform you are most familiar with --- Python as a language is platform
> agnostic.

What about the development environment?  Do you have a recommendation

I found idle difficult to install on Linux.  Is it easier on Windows?

I like emacs for development, but emacs has a learning curve.

I spent some time trying to use the debugging feature in idle, but
didn't do very well.  That was a year ago so maybe the new release is

If you have any hints about these things, I'd be grateful.

Thank you.

Marilyn Davis

> We'll try to point you toward good resources for exploring Python.  Have
> you had a chance to see:
> yet?  It has links to a lot of good Python tutorials, and it should help
> you find out more about the language.
> As you're learning Python, please feel free to bring up your questions on
> --- all of us here will be happy to chat with you about
> Python.  Don't worry if the questions seem 'silly' --- we're all 'newbies'
> here, in one form or another.  *grin*
> By the way, as you're posting questions on Python-Tutor, if you are
> getting messages about 'Moderator need to check your message...' or
> something like that, that is because you need to subscribe to the mailing
> list.  We're restricting posting privileges to subscribers only, as a
> spam-filtering measure.
> You can find details about subscription here:
> Good luck to you!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -


From dyoo at  Sat Dec 27 16:19:27 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Dec 27 16:19:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Just beginning
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, Danny Yoo wrote:

> On Tue, 23 Dec 2003, Schultz, Bob wrote:
> > I am new to programming, but have decided on Python after much
> > researching and reading on the web.
> Hi Bob, welcome aboard!

Well, this is depressing --- Bob's email address isn't correct --- it
appears to be bouncing now.  Is there any way we can get this information
to him?

From missive at  Sat Dec 27 17:42:46 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Sat Dec 27 17:42:51 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: cgi-ssl programming
Message-ID: <>

>Im a novice at python looking at implementing someting in cgi.I have
>apache with mod-ssl. I wanted to use python for the server side
>scripting. I havent been able to find out how to use ssl decryption.
>Could someone please point out some web resources for the same.

I think using ssl is really orthogonal to using cgi. By the time any
data gets to your cgi script mod_ssl should already have everything
decrypted for you.

You may need to modify your httpd.conf to allow execution of scripts,
and I believe there is a special section of the file relating to ssl access.

The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

From hcohen2 at  Sat Dec 27 18:22:24 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sat Dec 27 18:23:16 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:

>>>>That's what I thought too, but (repeated it again) openning the file
>>>>without the '*' yields an empty file.  It looks crazy to me too.
>>>>I guess I am just going to write the file by pasting lines, or typing
>>>>it in new.  The change in appearance and the failure to execute are
>>>>too strong hints to ignore.
>Ok, I think we're flailing about a bit too much here.  *grin* Let's make
>sure we all understand what the problem is.
>Can you show us what happens if you type:
>$ ls -l
>at your command line prompt?  And what happens if you type:
>$ ls -l*
>Are the outputs of these two shell commands different?  Once we see those
>outputs, we'll be more sure if the file name has anything to do with the
>Emacs, by default, may not support Python out of the box!  You may
>actually need to install 'python-mode' to let your Emacs text editor to
>recognize Python's syntax.  We can find instructions on enabling
>python-mode here:
>There can be several possiblities why Emacs isn't treating your source
>file nicely.  Let's eliminate each possibility first.  We can first check
>to see if python-mode actually works in emacs:  can you actually go into
>python-mode from the '*scratch*' emacs buffer?  What happens if you do a
>'M-x python-mode' from emacs?  Do you see a change in the status line?
>Or do you get an error message?
>Installation problems are always a bit tricky and frustrating, because the
>cause of the problem is probably something really stupid.  *grin* Let's
>see if we can fix this one quickly so you can start doing more interesting
>Good luck to you!

Where were you before I went to dinner?  ;-)

Did not bother to check, upon my return - played with my code a bit more 
and it is running and counting multiple instances of match text strings 
along the same line.  Ugly code, however.

I have another problem if you are willing to humor me: tell me about 
getopt and how this can be used to see lower or mixed case matches.  I 
am confused by the documentation I found through the site.  
It seems to imply that the gnu getopt is unlike the one in UNIX and may 
not work in the same manner.  Moreover, I cannot see how any of the 
options are of any use to me for this problem.

I was right about the lack of color coding of the code was significant, 
though I have no idea how the simple cp command so altered the file.


From tim at  Sat Dec 27 18:29:26 2003
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Sat Dec 27 18:28:14 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Just beginning
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271308440.4258-100000@Kuna>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Marilyn Davis <> [031227 12:25]:
> What about the development environment?  Do you have a recommendation
> there?
> I found idle difficult to install on Linux.  Is it easier on Windows?
 Hi Marilyn:

 I've had problems with idle on linux myself. The pythonwin environment
 for windows is very nice, though.

> I like emacs for development, but emacs has a learning curve.
  I use vim extensively (on linux) for python. Vim has many plugin
  features available, however, they are of adhoc natures.

  On the other hand Xemacs comes with a python mode already installed.
  It has the additional feature of being able to run the interpreter
  as an inferior process. Python mode for either Lucid emacs or
  GNU emacs is very mature.

  Vim's my preference, but I'm learning xemacs too, for python. (X)emacs
  also has an Object Browser 'plugin' available, but I have not
  experimented with it much.

  I've taken the time to learn emacs because of extendability, which
  I believe that I will eventually find the time worthwhile.

  Caution: vimmers and emacs-heads can have near-religious adherences
  to the respective editors. 
> I spent some time trying to use the debugging feature in idle, but
> didn't do very well.  That was a year ago so maybe the new release is
> better?
> If you have any hints about these things, I'd be grateful.
  <grin>The last time we interviewed for another programmer, the
        candidate talked at length about the debuggers that he
        was familiar with. We didn't hire him. We consider 
        debugger abuse a chronic condition. 

   Seriously, my debugger kit consists of a keystroke macro to
   insert print stubs and a try/except block construct for

   I also recommend Alan Gauld's Book.
> Thank you.
> Marilyn Davis
> > 
> > We'll try to point you toward good resources for exploring Python.  Have
> > you had a chance to see:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > yet?  It has links to a lot of good Python tutorials, and it should help
> > you find out more about the language.
> > 
> > 
> > As you're learning Python, please feel free to bring up your questions on
> > --- all of us here will be happy to chat with you about
> > Python.  Don't worry if the questions seem 'silly' --- we're all 'newbies'
> > here, in one form or another.  *grin*
> > 
> > 
> > By the way, as you're posting questions on Python-Tutor, if you are
> > getting messages about 'Moderator need to check your message...' or
> > something like that, that is because you need to subscribe to the mailing
> > list.  We're restricting posting privileges to subscribers only, as a
> > spam-filtering measure.
> > 
> > You can find details about subscription here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Good luck to you!
> > 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> > 
> -- 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Tim Johnson <>

From hcohen2 at  Sat Dec 27 18:31:19 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sat Dec 27 18:32:11 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <014f01c3ccbb$c8fd25d0$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271055350.4258-100000@Kuna><>
	<20031227192603.GN1322@feynman> <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

>>Thanks, I am new to emacs only under Linux though I do not regard
>>as an expert it is my primary editor and is at least my secondary
>>of executing SQL against Sybase.
>>Under Linux, I find many of the commands work as I would expect,
>>the keystrokes ^C^S, ^C^C, ^X-u, etc, but the file names and colors
>>me thrown. Also as I mentioned I still am disappointed the
>>a region seems only useful for copying.
>These are all controlled by a combination of the system .emacs
>and your personal .emacs files. It sounds like you are seeing
>vanilla emacs behaviour, try copying your .emacs file from your
>UNIX system to your Linux system - you may get lots of errors
>though as the file paths may well be different...
>Remember and male a copy of the current Linux version first!
>Compare the diffeences and you should see the lines you need
>to modify to restore your favoured mode of working.
>OTOH I stopped using real emacs when I moved to NT, a long time
>ago now...
>Alan G.

You are right about the .emacs file - it was a pain setting up my UNIX  
environment and customizing it.  Even began to study lisp to see what I 
had to do - but luckily I found that was not really necessary.

Odd - NT when I first started using NT-4 seriously back in '99 I was 
fairly impressed until queries stopped working for not reason and 
garbage results were generated shortly after getting good data sets.  
Learned to reboot at least once a week, since then run into many other 
problems.  So much so, that so far XP seems superior on a corporate 
desktop.  System works better with UNIX too.

I try to use UNIX and Linux as much as possible, even when it sometimes 
seems easier to use the tools available under Windows.

When I get a bit further with python I will be checking the emacs 
configuration file.


From alan.gauld at  Sat Dec 27 18:45:18 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Dec 27 18:45:15 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0312271055350.4258-100000@Kuna><>
	<20031227192603.GN1322@feynman> <>
	<014f01c3ccbb$c8fd25d0$6401a8c0@xp> <>
Message-ID: <015601c3ccd3$7bdfb4d0$6401a8c0@xp>

> Odd - NT when I first started using NT-4 seriously back in '99 I was
> fairly impressed until queries stopped working for not reason

Sounds like NT :-(
I don;t use it because I like it, I use it because I have to.
Actually Win2000 is much better than NT4 and XP is what I use
at home. But the key to all of them for me is cygwin, I'd go
mad without it.

> I try to use UNIX and Linux as much as possible, even when it
> seems easier to use the tools available under Windows.

I used Linux from 1993 (v 0.9) to 2002 as my server at home
but then I bought a Mac iBook with OS X. By comparison Linux
is clunky and horrid and as soon as I can afford and justify
it I will be moving my server to a Mac...

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Dec 27 18:50:18 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Dec 27 18:50:15 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Just beginning
References: <>
Message-ID: <016c01c3ccd4$2eb80210$6401a8c0@xp>

> going to use solely for programming and experimenting. 

If thats the main focus use whatever OS you are most familiar 
with, learning one thing at a time will make for less headaches.

> Should I use Linux or windows as my OS or doesn't it matter? 

But if you already use Linux and Windows I'd opt for Linux 
because the integration of Python and Linux is much easier
and more direct and the tools on Linux are far more powerful
(unless you have cygwin installed) for working with source code.

Also Linux is an experimenters wonderland you can change 
just about anything if you want to and know (or figure out)
how. Windows (2000 or XP) are OK for programming on but they 
are not as amenable to exploration. XP or Linux should be 
sufficiently reliable for that not to be a major issue.

Python works fine on all of them but the integration with 
Linux OS is easier to use IMHO.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From dyoo at  Sat Dec 27 21:06:47 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Dec 27 21:06:52 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I have another problem if you are willing to humor me: tell me about
> getopt and how this can be used to see lower or mixed case matches.  I
> am confused by the documentation I found through the site.
> It seems to imply that the gnu getopt is unlike the one in UNIX and may
> not work in the same manner.

Hi Herschel,

'getopt' is actually a little dated --- if you're trying to read option
flags from the command line, you may want to use the 'optparse' module

> Moreover, I cannot see how any of the options are of any use to me for
> this problem.

Hmmm... What kind of problem are you trying to solve?

>From your previous question, it sounded like you were trying to write a
'grep' string searching program.  If so, you may want to look at the
regular expression library ('re'):

A.M. Kuckling has written a small "howto" tutorial on regular expressions
that you may find useful:

The option parsing libraries are meant to be used when we want to define
what kind of flags the user can set for us at the command line.  In our
last email, I asked if you could do this at the command line:

   ls -l some_filename

If we were to write our own version of th 'ls' command, then an option
parsing library would be responsible for looking at that '-l' section and
tell us that the user's requesting a "long" output.

So optparse/getopt is a command-line user interface thing.  Are you trying
to parse command line arguments?  Tell us more about the problem you're
trying to solve.

> I was right about the lack of color coding of the code was significant,
> though I have no idea how the simple cp command so altered the file.

>From reading the thread, my best guess at the moment was that your file
had a literal asterisk at the end of the filename.  The file extension of
your program, then, was perhaps literally something like:


There's a section in your .emacs configuration that tells Emacs the file
extensions it should use to detect Python source files.  That extension is
'.py', not '.py*', so renaming the file to have no asterisk fixed the
problem, and allowed Emacs to recognize the file as Python source code.

(In any case, having an asterisk in there is probably a bad idea in Unix,
because the shell treats unescaped asterisks as 'globbing' metacharacters
that can stand for anything.)

Anyway, I hope this helps!  Please feel free to ask more questions.

From arkamir at  Sat Dec 27 15:35:05 2003
From: arkamir at (Conrad Koziol)
Date: Sun Dec 28 14:19:21 2003
Subject: [Tutor] lambdas
Message-ID: <1072557305.7361.6.camel@quercus>

How do you make a lambda expression that returns the time??

I got this 

>>> lambda time: '%s-%s-%s: %s.%s:%s' % (time[0], time[1], time[2],
time[3], time[4], time[5], time[6]), (time.localtime(time.time()))

which returns this, which is not what I want.

(<function <lambda> at 0x8a2791c>, (2003, 12, 27, 12, 30, 20, 5, 361,

i need something like 2003-15-03 1.45:45
How would I do this?? Also how do I get rid of this part:
<function <lambda> at 0x8a2791c>
because i get an error message(too many arguements) when passing it to a
function like this:

def test(hello):
	print hello

From carroll at  Sun Dec 28 16:17:19 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Sun Dec 28 16:17:24 2003
Subject: [Tutor] lambdas
In-Reply-To: <1072557305.7361.6.camel@quercus>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, Conrad Koziol wrote:

> How do you make a lambda expression that returns the time??
> I got this 
> >>> lambda time: '%s-%s-%s: %s.%s:%s' % (time[0], time[1], time[2],
> time[3], time[4], time[5], time[6]), (time.localtime(time.time()))
> which returns this, which is not what I want.
> (<function <lambda> at 0x8a2791c>, (2003, 12, 27, 12, 30, 20, 5, 361,
> 0))
> i need something like 2003-15-03 1.45:45

I'm not sure you want lambda here.  What's your context?

You can get the string you want like this, without resorting to lambda:

>>> import time
>>> '%s-%s-%s: %s.%s:%s' % time.localtime()[0:6]
'2003-12-28: 13.15:12'

[Aside: did you want the time part in form 13.15:12 or 13:15:12?]

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From sigurd at  Sun Dec 28 16:31:22 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Sun Dec 28 16:36:49 2003
Subject: [Tutor] lambdas
In-Reply-To: <1072557305.7361.6.camel@quercus> (Conrad Koziol's message of
	"Sat, 27 Dec 2003 12:35:05 -0800")
References: <1072557305.7361.6.camel@quercus>
Message-ID: <>

On 27 Dec 2003, Conrad Koziol <- wrote:

> How do you make a lambda expression that returns the time??

Would you mind telling us why you want something like that in Python?
Lambda expressions in Python are very weak (sadly).

> I got this 

>>>> lambda time: '%s-%s-%s: %s.%s:%s' % (time[0], time[1], time[2],
> time[3], time[4], time[5], time[6]), (time.localtime(time.time()))

> which returns this, which is not what I want.

> (<function <lambda> at 0x8a2791c>, (2003, 12, 27, 12, 30, 20, 5, 361,
> 0))

This is a tuple of two objects: your lambda form and the result of
(time.localtime(time.time()) (which is another tuple).

What you wanted to do (I think) was to call your lambda form with one
argument: the output from time.localtime(); you don't need to supply
time.time as argument since this is the default.

Furthermore your lambda form is buggy (you have six %s on the left side
but seven args on the right side.  Python won't like that.

> i need something like 2003-15-03 1.45:45

But why with a lambda form?

And you pick the wrong indices if you wanted such a form.
You want year, month, day but if you look at the docstring of
time.localtime you will find:

| In [49]:  time.localtime? 
| Type:           builtin_function_or_method
| Base Class:     <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
| String Form:    <built-in function localtime>
| Namespace:      Interactive
| Docstring:
|     localtime([seconds]) -> (tm_year,tm_mon,tm_day,tm_hour,tm_min,tm_sec,tm_wday,tm_yday,tm_isdst)
|     Convert seconds since the Epoch to a time tuple expressing local time.
|     When 'seconds' is not passed in, convert the current time instead.

So you need (indices given) 0,2,1,3,4,5

But here an example with lambda (although I don't think it's what you
really should do):

In [59]: (lambda t: '%s-%s-%s: %s.%s:%s' % (t[0], t[2], t[1], t[3], t[4], t[5]))(time.localtime())
Out[59]: '2003-28-12: 22.9:44'

Most of the time I like lambdas but here it seems to me unnecessary
ugly.  What happens is the creation of the lambda form:

(lambda t: '%s-%s-%s: %s.%s:%s' % (t[0], t[2], t[1], t[3], t[4], t[5]))

It's enclosed in parentheses so it can be called with an argument.


This is the argument to the lambda form and it is also written in
parentheses like nearly every function you call.

Furthermore ugly at the moment is that no minimum field width is given.
So seconds aren't written as eg. 09 but 9.  But that's easily corrected.

In [61]: (lambda t: '%s-%02i-%02i: %02i.%02i:%02i' % (t[0], t[2], t[1], t[3], t[4], t[5]))(time.localtime())

> How would I do this?? Also how do I get rid of this part:

see above.

> <function <lambda> at 0x8a2791c>

See above.  You didn't create a function and called it with an argument
but created a tuple of two objects: your function and the value of the
argument given.

> because i get an error message(too many arguements) when passing it to a
> function like this:

> def test(hello):
> 	print hello

How do you pass it?  Why do you write it so complicated?  I hope that's
no homework.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From hcohen2 at  Sun Dec 28 17:18:39 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sun Dec 28 17:19:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:

>Hi Herschel,
>'getopt' is actually a little dated --- if you're trying to read option
>flags from the command line, you may want to use the 'optparse' module
Looked at this - appears interesting, certainly more pertinent that what 
I read about getopt!

>Hmmm... What kind of problem are you trying to solve?
>>From your previous question, it sounded like you were trying to write a
>'grep' string searching program.  If so, you may want to look at the
>regular expression library ('re'):
>A.M. Kuckling has written a small "howto" tutorial on regular expressions
>that you may find useful:
The program is more word count than regular expression matching. Sorry I 
delayed in responding - my code for catching multiple instances of 
matching on a single line was flawed. Finally it came down to a single 
critical typo. Works and counts correctly!!

The need for the optget was a suggestion by the author to do the 
simplier program but using a case insensitive search. Suspect it will 
take more that simply using optparse to solve. Somewhat at a lose at how 
to begin. Attaching the code for the unalterted file.

Thanks both of these are now links for python documentation. One aside: 
why is this link so usless?

Must one become a member to have the search utitlity work? Failed at 
every search, even 'if', string.find(), find and others.

>The option parsing libraries are meant to be used when we want to define
>what kind of flags the user can set for us at the command line.  In our
>last email, I asked if you could do this at the command line:
>   ls -l some_filename
>If we were to write our own version of th 'ls' command, then an option
>parsing library would be responsible for looking at that '-l' section and
>tell us that the user's requesting a "long" output.
>So optparse/getopt is a command-line user interface thing.  Are you trying
>to parse command line arguments?  Tell us more about the problem you're
>trying to solve.
I think you have it exactly correct, in this latest case I included the 
'*' as part of the file name and since it probably just denotes an 
executable file it was my mistake.

>>From reading the thread, my best guess at the moment was that your file
>had a literal asterisk at the end of the filename.  The file extension of
>your program, then, was perhaps literally something like:
>    .py*
>There's a section in your .emacs configuration that tells Emacs the file
>extensions it should use to detect Python source files.  That extension is
>'.py', not '.py*', so renaming the file to have no asterisk fixed the
>problem, and allowed Emacs to recognize the file as Python source code.
>(In any case, having an asterisk in there is probably a bad idea in Unix,
>because the shell treats unescaped asterisks as 'globbing' metacharacters
>that can stand for anything.)
>Anyway, I hope this helps!  Please feel free to ask more questions.

You are magnificent - and a great help. See comments above. Have any 
idea where the expected .emacs file might be hidden? There is a: 
.emacs-places that is NOT the expected emacs configuration file. 
Moreover, no sign of .xemacs that seems to tag along with the .emacs 
file I have on UNIX. The 'find' command did not help much either. There 
were some links, but did not appear useful.

Have to attend to some for 'pay' work that requires my attention.

I will be back, and for everyones sake I hope more informed about python 
behaviour and syntax under Linux.

Thanks again,

From hcohen2 at  Sun Dec 28 17:27:26 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Sun Dec 28 17:28:19 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Dumb question on emacs and python ...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

As soon as I say something does not work - I find out it does: drop my 
remark about not getting any matches the ActiveState Programming Network!!!

More than I have time to look at!!!

From zanshou at  Mon Dec 29 08:11:45 2003
From: zanshou at (Twily)
Date: Mon Dec 29 08:16:55 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie self-introduction + little encoding problem
Message-ID: <001701c3ce0e$237e2740$74c20f50@nagetb3uxkybix>

Hello ^_^

I'm Twily, French, 22 years old... I've juste begun to learn programming,
and consequently, Python is the first language I'm trying to master.
I'm currently studying with the textbook "Apprendre  programmer avec
Python" by G?rard Swinnen (adaptation from "How to think like a computer
scientist"), and I have a little problem with ex I was wondering if
someone here could help me...

The aim of the exercise is to combine two lists
t1 = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
t2 =
in a new list, which contains alternatively elements from t1 & t2 (31,
'Janvier', 28, 'Fevrier', etc...)

The program I've written works perfectly if I use no French accents at all.
However, if I add accents at "F?vrier", "Ao?t", and "D?cembre", as it should
be the case to write months' names in French, here is what I obtain when I
run the program :

[31, 'Janvier', 28, 'F\xe9vrier', 31, 'Mars', 30, 'Avril', 31, 'Mai', 30,
'Juin', 31, 'Juillet', 31, 'Ao\xfbt', 30, 'Septembre', 31, 'Octobre', 30,
'Novembre', 31, 'D\xe9cembre']

As you can see, the accents go completely wrong...
It doesn't change anything to add
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
at the beginning of the program (utf-8 doesn't work either). Nonetheless, if
I specify the encoding in the first line of the source, if I then add one
line like this
>>> print "F?vrier"
below the exercise, the accents are printed properly.
So, it seems that the problem lies in forcing the Latin encoding to work for
strings included into there a (simple ?) way to do this ? ^^;

Thank you very much ^_^


From w.richert at  Mon Dec 29 09:16:15 2003
From: w.richert at (Willi Richert)
Date: Mon Dec 29 09:16:23 2003
Subject: [Tutor] The biggest snake on earth is a Python ;-)
Message-ID: <>


I'm sorry, the article is only in German. But the image is in 
international ;-),1518,280028,00.html

Have fun,

A fool with a tool is just a fool. With a tool.

From hec.villafuerte at  Mon Dec 29 13:48:37 2003
From: hec.villafuerte at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22H=E9ctor_Villafuerte_D=2E=22?=)
Date: Mon Dec 29 11:47:02 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,
First, let me tell you what all this is about. I have a very nice script 
that does the following:
1. It checks if there is a file in an Open VMS server.
2. If it finds the file, it connects via TELNET (using telnetlib, of 
course!) and ZIP's it.
3. Once the file is compressed, it GET's it via FTP (using ftplib)
4. When the file is in my local machine, the script does some processing 
on it.
5. If the script was given more than one file to look at the VMS server 
it goes back to Step 1.

Quite simple, right?
The thing is that I don't want this to perform sequentially... it's such 
a waste of time!
Because while the script is in Steps 3 and 4, it could perfectly be 
executing Steps 1 and 2.
When I used to program microcontrollers (PICs) we had good old 
interrupts to handle things
like this. Any ideas how to do this in Python?

Thank you so much, in advance.

From vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM  Mon Dec 29 11:52:18 2003
From: vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM (Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis})
Date: Mon Dec 29 11:52:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)
Message-ID: <>

I would think that this requires threading. I recently saw a decent explanation of how to do it in Python. I will look for it, and if no one beats me to it, I will post it later.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of "H?ctor Villafuerte D."
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 1:49 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)

Hi all,
First, let me tell you what all this is about. I have a very nice script 
that does the following:
1. It checks if there is a file in an Open VMS server.
2. If it finds the file, it connects via TELNET (using telnetlib, of 
course!) and ZIP's it.
3. Once the file is compressed, it GET's it via FTP (using ftplib) 4. When the file is in my local machine, the script does some processing 
on it.
5. If the script was given more than one file to look at the VMS server 
it goes back to Step 1.

Quite simple, right?
The thing is that I don't want this to perform sequentially... it's such 
a waste of time!
Because while the script is in Steps 3 and 4, it could perfectly be 
executing Steps 1 and 2.
When I used to program microcontrollers (PICs) we had good old 
interrupts to handle things
like this. Any ideas how to do this in Python?

Thank you so much, in advance.

Tutor maillist  -

From ATrautman at  Mon Dec 29 12:02:10 2003
From: ATrautman at (Alan Trautman)
Date: Mon Dec 29 12:02:21 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)
Message-ID: <>


I can think of three options:
1. Multithreading of the whole procedure. 
	i.e.... start seeker, if it finds file(s), trigger a thread for each
files found.
2. Recursive copying of the files to and from the server. If each function
returns true then trigger tee next function. (come to think of it, it might
be useful to thread the resulting processing of the files)
3. Create a class object that handles all of the functions and assign each
file found to a different class object. The __init__ functions will do all
of the inbound processing and when you are ready to move back all of the
objects create a function that copies back all copied objects with a status
of "done" or something. 

Many combinations of these will work just trying to give you some ideas.


-----Original Message-----
From: "H?ctor Villafuerte D." []
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 12:49 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)

Hi all,
First, let me tell you what all this is about. I have a very nice script 
that does the following:
1. It checks if there is a file in an Open VMS server.
2. If it finds the file, it connects via TELNET (using telnetlib, of 
course!) and ZIP's it.
3. Once the file is compressed, it GET's it via FTP (using ftplib)
4. When the file is in my local machine, the script does some processing 
on it.
5. If the script was given more than one file to look at the VMS server 
it goes back to Step 1.

Quite simple, right?
The thing is that I don't want this to perform sequentially... it's such 
a waste of time!
Because while the script is in Steps 3 and 4, it could perfectly be 
executing Steps 1 and 2.
When I used to program microcontrollers (PICs) we had good old 
interrupts to handle things
like this. Any ideas how to do this in Python?

Thank you so much, in advance.

Tutor maillist  -

From python at  Mon Dec 29 12:54:13 2003
From: python at (Eddie Comber)
Date: Mon Dec 29 13:03:58 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Subclassing
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yes but look at:

f = d[1:2]

print f, type(f)

The type of f is <list> and this would require me to  subclass, or overload,
the slice operator to give me the correct return type (and every other
operator valid for a <list> type)

class mylist(list):
     def __init__(self, inList=None):
         if inList:
             self[:] = inList
     def __add__(self, other):
         return mylist(self)
a = mylist([1])
b = mylist([2])
c = mylist([3])

d = a + b + c

f = d[1:2]

print f, type(f)

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Gailer []
Sent: 22 December 2003 18:10
To: Eddie Comber;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Subclassing

At 01:27 AM 12/22/2003, Eddie Comber wrote:

>Suppose I want to subclass 'list' to provide mylist which has different
>behaviour. Say I only want to modify the '+' operator __add(self, other)__
>as the other operators and functions are fine.
>The problem is what type should '+' return?
>If it returns type == list then
>a = mylist()
>b = mylist()
>c = mylist()
>d = a + b + c
>means after b + c the type is 'list' and a + b is (mylist + list) rather
>than (mylist + mylist).
>The trouble with returning type mylist is that it looks to me like all the
>'list' operators and functions need to be trivially subclassed to return
>type mylist.

Try this:

class mylist(list):
     def __init__(self, inList=None):
         if inList:
             self[:] = inList
     def __add__(self, other):
         return mylist(self)
a = mylist([1])
b = mylist([2])
c = mylist([3])

d = a + b + c
print d # displays [1, 2, 3]

x = 3
i = 1
j = 2
n = 3
t = [5, 6]
print x in s        # 1 if an item of s is equal to x, else 0
print x not in s    # 0 if an item of s is equal to x, else 1
print s + t         # the concatenation of s and t
print s * n , n * s #   n shallow copies of s concatenated      (1)
print s[i]          # i'th item of s, origin 0  (2)
print s[i:j]        #   slice of s from i to j  (2), (3)
print len(s)        #   length of s
print min(s)        #   smallest item of s
print max(s)

s[i] = x       ; print s # item i of s is replaced by x
s[i:j] = t     ; print s # slice of s from i to j is replaced by t
del s[i:j]     ; print s # same as s[i:j] = []
s.append(x)    ; print s # same as s[len(s):len(s)] = [x]       (1)
s.extend([x])  ; print s # same as s[len(s):len(s)] = x         (2)
s.count(x)     ; print s # return number of i's for which s[i] == x
s.index(x)         ; print s # return smallest i such that s[i] == x    (3)
s.insert(i, x) ; print s # same as s[i:i] = [x] if i >= 0       (4)
s.pop(i)       ; print s #same as x = s[i]; del s[i]; return x  (5)
s.remove(x)    ; print s #same as del s[s.index(x)]     (3)
s.reverse()    ; print s #reverses the items of s in place      (6)
s.sort()           ; print s #sort the items of s in place

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell

From sigurd at  Mon Dec 29 14:03:55 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Mon Dec 29 14:04:58 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie self-introduction + little encoding problem
In-Reply-To: <001701c3ce0e$237e2740$74c20f50@nagetb3uxkybix> (Twily's
	message of "Mon, 29 Dec 2003 14:11:45 +0100")
References: <001701c3ce0e$237e2740$74c20f50@nagetb3uxkybix>
Message-ID: <>

On 29 Dec 2003, Twily <- wrote:

> The program I've written works perfectly if I use no French accents at all.
> However, if I add accents at "F?vrier", "Ao?t", and "D?cembre", as it should
> be the case to write months' names in French, here is what I obtain when I
> run the program :

> [31, 'Janvier', 28, 'F\xe9vrier', 31, 'Mars', 30, 'Avril', 31, 'Mai', 30,
> 'Juin', 31, 'Juillet', 31, 'Ao\xfbt', 30, 'Septembre', 31, 'Octobre', 30,
> 'Novembre', 31, 'D\xe9cembre']

(that's a repost; it seems the first e-mail got lost).

But that's right.  Did you try to print such a string?

> As you can see, the accents go completely wrong...

They don't.  You simple see the intern representation of the strings.

>>>> print "F?vrier"
> below the exercise, the accents are printed properly.

In [23]: mon = [31, 'Janvier', 28, 'F\xe9vrier', 31, 'Mars', 30, 'Avril', 31, 'Mai', 30,
   ....: m 'Juin', 31, 'Juillet', 31, 'Ao\xfbt', 30, 'Septembre', 31, 'Octobre', 30,
   ....:    'Novembre', 31, 'D\xe9cembre']

In [24]: for d, m in zip(mon[::2], mon[1::2]):
   ....:     print "%s %s" % (d, m)
31 Janvier
28 F?vrier
31 Mars
30 Avril
31 Mai
30 Juin
31 Juillet
31 Ao?t
30 Septembre
31 Octobre
30 Novembre
31 D?cembre

If you can read German there is a good FAQ which might help you to
understand what happens:

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From red_necks25 at  Mon Dec 29 16:07:29 2003
From: red_necks25 at (moore william)
Date: Mon Dec 29 16:07:36 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Input
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to create a phone book. I have most of it
done at this point and am now tryign to make it work!
LOL. The problem is I am looking for the script to mak
the program look up names, remember input, and find
names in the data base. My program is capable of
puttign in the input and quiting right now. Here is
what I have so far:

import shelve
import string

def print_menu():
        print 'Welcome to the Phone Roster'
	print '1. Add Name'
	print '2. Delete Name'
	print '3. Look Up Name'
        print '9. Quit'

numbers = {}
menu_choice = 0
while menu_choice != 9:
    menu_choice = input("Type in a number (1-9):")
    if menu_choice == 1:
        print "Add Number:"
        Name = raw_input ("Name:")
        Work = raw_input ("Work Number:")
        Home = raw_input ("Home Number:")
        FAX = raw_input ("Fax Number:")
        Cell = raw_input ("Cell Number:")
    elif menu_choice == 2:
        print "Delete Name;"
        Name = raw_input ("Name:")

    elif menu_choice == 3:
        print "Look Up Name;"
        Name = raw_input ("Name:")
        print "Name: "'x'" \tNumber: ",numbers[x]
HOME = 1
WORK = 2
FAX = 3
CELL = 4

class phoneentry:
	def __init__(self, name = 'Unknown', number =
			type = UNKNOWN): = name
		self.number = number
		self.type = type

	#  create string representation
	def __repr__(self):
		return('%s:%d' % (, self.type ))

	#  fuzzy compare or two items
	def __cmp__(self, that):
		this = string.lower(str(self))
		that = string.lower(that)

		if string.find(this, that) >= 0:
		return(cmp(this, that))

	def showtype(self):
		if self.type == UNKNOWN: return('Unknown')
		if self.type == HOME: return('Home')
		if self.type == WORK: return('Work')
		if self.type == FAX: return('Fax')
		if self.type == CELL: return('Cellular')

class phonedb:
	def __init__(self, dbname = 'phonedata'):
		self.dbname = dbname;
		self.shelve =;

	def __del__(self):
		self.shelve = None

	def add(self, name, number, type = HOME):
		e = phoneentry(name, number, type)
		self.shelve[str(e)] = e

	def lookup(self, string):
		list = []
		for key in self.shelve.keys():
			e = self.shelve[key]
			if cmp(e, string) == 0:

#  if not being loaded as a module, run a small test
if __name__ == '__main__':
	foo = phonedb()
	foo.add('Sean Reifschneider', '970-555-1111', HOME)
	foo.add('Sean Reifschneider', '970-555-2222', CELL)
	foo.add('Evelyn Mitchell', '970-555-1111', HOME)

	print 'First lookup:'
	for entry in foo.lookup('reifsch'):
		print '%-40s %s (%s)' % (, entry.number,
entry.showtype() )

	print 'Second lookup:'
	for entry in foo.lookup('e'):
		print '%-40s %s (%s)' % (, entry.number,
entry.showtype() )

# end of

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From alan.gauld at  Mon Dec 29 16:53:16 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Dec 29 16:52:42 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie self-introduction + little encoding problem
References: <001701c3ce0e$237e2740$74c20f50@nagetb3uxkybix>
Message-ID: <01f401c3ce56$2a6a3a60$6401a8c0@xp>

> The program I've written works perfectly if I use no French accents
at all.
> However, if I add accents at "F?vrier", "Ao?t", and "D?cembre", as
it should
> be the case to write months' names in French, here is what I obtain
when I
> run the program :
> >>>
> [31, 'Janvier', 28, 'F\xe9vrier', 31, 'Mars', 30, 'Avril', 31,
'Mai', 30,
> 'Juin', 31, 'Juillet', 31, 'Ao\xfbt', 30, 'Septembre', 31,
'Octobre', 30,
> 'Novembre', 31, 'D\xe9cembre']
> >>>

That will actually work OK when you try to print it, it's just that
Python is showing up the accented characters in their
hexadecimal form. Try this:

dates =  [31, 'Janvier', 28, 'F\xe9vrier', 31, 'Mars', 30, 'Avril',
31, 'Mai', 30,
 'Juin', 31, 'Juillet', 31, 'Ao\xfbt', 30, 'Septembre', 31, 'Octobre',
 'Novembre', 31, 'D\xe9cembre']

for index in range(0,len(dates),step=2):
    print dates[index], '  ', dates[index+1]

You should find the printed names are as you expect.

This is due to a subtlty in the way the python interpreter works.
If you evaluate an expression at the >>> prompt python uses the
repr() function to display it. By convention repr() is intended to
assist programmers and shows a data centric view of the data,
whereas the print command uses the str() representation which
is aimed at end users and shows a more user friendly representation.
For many things repr() and str() are the same but for somne
things - like unicode strings - they are different.

TO prove the point lets look at the simpler case of:

>>> s = 'F\xe9vrier'
>>> s

Notice both the quote marks and the hex substitution.

>>> print s

No quotes and the accented character.
Finally look at these and think about why they come out as they do...

>>> repr(s)
>>> str(s)
>>> print repr(s)
>>> print str(s)


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Mon Dec 29 16:56:25 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Dec 29 16:55:50 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)
References: <>
Message-ID: <01f901c3ce56$9b1accc0$6401a8c0@xp>

> First, let me tell you what all this is about. I have a very nice
> that does the following:
> 1. It checks if there is a file in an Open VMS server.
> 2. If it finds the file, it connects via TELNET (using telnetlib, of
> course!) and ZIP's it.
> 3. Once the file is compressed, it GET's it via FTP (using ftplib)
> 4. When the file is in my local machine, the script does some
> on it.
> 5. If the script was given more than one file to look at the VMS
> it goes back to Step 1.
> Quite simple, right?
> The thing is that I don't want this to perform sequentially...
> it's such a waste of time!

Quite right, look at the thread module, it's for allowing
parallel threads of execution. Write the bit that can be
done in parallel as a function - making sure to avoid using
any global variables! - and call that function in a new
thread. See the thread module documentation for that.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From dyoo at  Mon Dec 29 16:58:32 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Dec 29 16:58:38 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie self-introduction + little encoding problem
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > [31, 'Janvier', 28, 'F\xe9vrier', 31, 'Mars', 30, 'Avril', 31, 'Mai', 30,
> > 'Juin', 31, 'Juillet', 31, 'Ao\xfbt', 30, 'Septembre', 31, 'Octobre', 30,
> > 'Novembre', 31, 'D\xe9cembre']
> (that's a repost; it seems the first e-mail got lost).
> But that's right.  Did you try to print such a string?
> > As you can see, the accents go completely wrong...
> They don't.  You simple see the intern representation of the strings.

Hi Twilly,

Yes, what we are seeing when we print a list is the 'repr()' of each
element in our list.

repr() is another string-converting function that's similar to str()  ---
but it's subtly different because it shows exactly what we'd need to type
at the interpreter to get that value.

Hmmm... that was a little difficult to scan.  Maybe an example will help:

>>> s = 'this is a test'
>>> print str(s)
this is a test
>>> print repr(s)
'this is a test'

Here, we can see that str() and repr() do give back subtly different
things, because strings need quotes around them.  And for your amusement:
doing a repeated repr() on a string adds more and more quotes:

>>> print s
this is a test
>>> print repr(s)
'this is a test'
>>> print repr(repr(s))
"'this is a test'"
>>> print repr(repr(repr(s)))
'"\'this is a test\'"'
>>>>>> print '"\'this is a test\'"'
"'this is a test'"

Anyway, accents on some systems don't print the way you might expect them
to, but repr() shows them all in all their hexidecimal glory.  The
hexadecimal characters print the same way, regardless of our current
encoding scheme, so that's why we're seeing things like:

> > [31, 'Janvier', 28, 'F\xe9vrier', 31, 'Mars', 30, 'Avril', 31, 'Mai', 30,
> > 'Juin', 31, 'Juillet', 31, 'Ao\xfbt', 30, 'Septembre', 31, 'Octobre', 30,
> > 'Novembre', 31, 'D\xe9cembre']

Normally, when we say something like:

    print foo

we're asking Python to first call str() to convert 'foo' into a nice,
human-readable string, and then Python prints that.

It turns out, though, that str()ing a list will repr() every element in
that list as it constructs the string representation.  And that's where
your accents are being shown as hexadecimal constants.  If we want to
change that behavior, we need to be more explicit by transforming our list
into a string:

>>> def list_to_string(mylist):
...     stringed_elements = []
...     for x in mylist:
...         stringed_elements.append(str(x))
...     return '[' + ', '.join(stringed_elements) + ']'
>>> entries = [31, 'Janvier', 28, 'F\xe9vrier', 31, 'Mars']
>>> print entries
[31, 'Janvier', 28, 'F\xe9vrier', 31, 'Mars']
>>> print list_to_string(entries)
[31, Janvier, 28, F?vrier, 31, Mars]

Note that I'm getting question marks on my system, because my system's
native encoding is utf-8, and not iso-8859-1.  But on your system,
list_to_string() should show the accents that you expect.

Hope this helps!

From helena_b2001 at  Mon Dec 29 17:34:55 2003
From: helena_b2001 at (helena bhaska)
Date: Mon Dec 29 17:35:00 2003
Subject: [Tutor] import MySQLdb problem
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

I realize that this has already been discussed, but I
am unable to solve the following problem:
I am trying to import MySQLdb in a script that is
running on apache server.  
The proposed solutions mentioned writing a wrapper
shell script that would set LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable
before executing python script.  However, my script is
not executed from command prompt, it is called through
urllib.urlopen() and I am not sure how to go to shell
script from this.
I have tried using SetEnv and PassEnv in httpd.conf in
apache, but that did not fix the problem, the behavior
was exactly the same as before.  (ImportError: No
module named MySQLdb).
I am probably misunderstanding how to use
LS_LIBRARY_PATH, I assumed that I was supposed to give
path to where MySQLdb is, so here is what I have done:


site-packages contain MySQLdb subdir.
So is there a way to call a shell script though
urllib.urlopen() or should httpd.conf be modified, and
if so  what am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much!

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From matteolovatti at  Mon Dec 29 18:09:05 2003
From: matteolovatti at (matteo)
Date: Mon Dec 29 18:09:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] need a little help
Message-ID: <>

hi everybody i'm new to the list
i'm now starting to build my first  "pyhtons" but i'm hang with this...

import poplib

M = poplib.POP3("serverpop")



numMessages = len(M.list()[1])
for i in range(numMessages):
	for j in M.retr(i+1)[1]:
		print j

i really would like to have j printed only if the line in the "j" 
variable begins with the string "subject:"
but i'm not able to do that
can someone please help me ?


-------------- next part --------------
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From arkamir at  Mon Dec 29 18:57:24 2003
From: arkamir at (Conrad Koziol)
Date: Mon Dec 29 18:57:53 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Tutor Digest, Vol 5, Issue 70
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1072742243.9948.19.camel@quercus>

Hmm I got MySQLdb to work for me. I'm using 2.2.3 Fedora Core 1
Mysql v4.0.15 and Mysql-python v0.9.1-9. I'm using apache too. The trick
I *think* cant quite remember is to go to an older version of MySQLdb.
Also as a sidenote does MySQLdb even work on your interpreter??(I dont
think it does but just making sure)

From tim at  Mon Dec 29 19:04:06 2003
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Mon Dec 29 19:02:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] need a little help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* matteo <> [031229 14:18]:
> hi everybody i'm new to the list 
> i'm now starting to build my first  "pyhtons" but i'm hang with this... 
> import poplib 
> M = poplib.POP3("serverpop")  
> M.user("aaa")  
> M.pass_("bbb")  
> numMessages = len(M.list()[1])  
> for i in range(numMessages):  
> 	for j in M.retr(i+1)[1]:  
> 		print j 
> i really would like to have j printed only if the line in the "j" 
> variable begins with the string "subject:" 
> but i'm not able to do that  
> can someone please help me ? 
Hi Matteo: 
  Below is a console session that might help.
  Since I don't have a working version of your code to
  test with.
  I proceed with the assumption that `j` is a string.
>>> M = "subject: Question"
>>> M.find("subject:")
0     # succesful find, index is 0

# Example of not found
>>> M.find("Subject:")

You cound get around case sensitivity
by forcing both string to upper case
or lower case
>>> M.upper().find("Subject:".upper())

So your test construct might be something like this:
>>> if not M.upper().find("Subject".upper()):
...     print M
subject: Question

# Yikes! That's counterintuitive, isn't it.
# That's why I might write a function like:
def is_head(Str,sub):
    found = Str.find(sub)
    if found == 0: return 1
    else: return None    # OR return 0 if you like
    # Notice that this function doesn't address 
    # Case, an optional argument for case
    # Sensitivity would be in order

Then our test would be    #untested code
if is_head(M.upper(),"Subject".upper()):
    print j

I hope this helps a bit. Try it with substring
"Question" , and see what happens

> thanks 
> matteo 

> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Tim Johnson <>

From tim at  Mon Dec 29 19:06:35 2003
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Mon Dec 29 19:05:09 2003
Subject: [Tutor] need a little help/OOPS!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Tim Johnson <> [031229 15:04]:
> * matteo <> [031229 14:18]:
> > hi everybody i'm new to the list 
> > i'm now starting to build my first  "pyhtons" but i'm hang with this... 
> > 
> > import poplib 
> > 
> > M = poplib.POP3("serverpop")  
> > 
> > M.user("aaa")  
> > 
> > M.pass_("bbb")  
> > 
> > numMessages = len(M.list()[1])  
> > for i in range(numMessages):  
> > 	for j in M.retr(i+1)[1]:  
> > 		print j 
> > 
> > i really would like to have j printed only if the line in the "j" 
> > variable begins with the string "subject:" 
> > but i'm not able to do that  
> > can someone please help me ? 
OOPS! I got a little ahead of myself, not 
'binding' the console session to your example.
I should have use 'j' as the variable name
See below:
> Hi Matteo: 
>   Below is a console session that might help.
>   Since I don't have a working version of your code to
>   test with.
>   I proceed with the assumption that `j` is a string.
> >>> j = "subject: Question"
> >>> j.find("subject:")
> 0     # succesful find, index is 0
> # Example of not found
> >>> j.find("Subject:")
> -1
> You cound get around case sensitivity
> by forcing both string to upper case
> or lower case
> >>> j.upper().find("Subject:".upper())
> 0
> So your test construct might be something like this:
> >>> if not j.upper().find("Subject".upper()):
> ...     print j
> ...
> subject: Question
> # Yikes! That's counterintuitive, isn't it.
> # That's why I might write a function like:
> def is_head(Str,sub):
>     found = Str.find(sub)
>     if found == 0: return 1
>     else: return None    # OR return 0 if you like
>     # Notice that this function doesn't address 
>     # Case, an optional argument for case
>     # Sensitivity would be in order
> Then our test would be    #untested code
> if is_head(j.upper(),"Subject".upper()):
>     print j
> I hope this helps a bit. Try it with substring
> "Question" , and see what happens
> Tim
> > thanks 
> > 
> > 
> > matteo 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> -- 
> Tim Johnson <>
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Tim Johnson <>

From alan.gauld at  Mon Dec 29 19:11:31 2003
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Dec 29 19:10:56 2003
Subject: [Tutor] need a little help
References: <>
Message-ID: <022901c3ce69$7a830280$6401a8c0@xp>

> for j in M.retr(i+1)[1]:
> print j
> i really would like to have j printed only if the line in the "j" 
> variable begins with the string "subject:"
> but i'm not able to do that can someone please help me ?

Look at the documentation for the startswith() string method.

Alan G.

From sigurd at  Mon Dec 29 19:10:46 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Mon Dec 29 19:11:49 2003
Subject: [Tutor] need a little help
In-Reply-To: <> (matteo's
	message of "Tue, 30 Dec 2003 00:09:05 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30 Dec 2003, matteo <- wrote:

> import poplib
> M = poplib.POP3("serverpop")
> M.user("aaa")
> M.pass_("bbb")
> numMessages = len(M.list()[1])
> for i in range(numMessages):
> 	for j in M.retr(i+1)[1]:
> 		print j
> i really would like to have j printed only if the line in the "j"
> variable begins with the string "subject:"

That's nearly the example from the library so let's extend it a bit.

You could use a regular expression or since it's very simple here you
can use a builtin method of strings: `startswith'

Then your code becomes (not ready yet):

for i in range(1, len(M.list()[1]) + 1):
    for line in M.retr(i)[1]:
        if line.startswith('Subject'): print line

That works but the string 'Subject' only matches if the capitalization
in your e-mail is exactly the same; that may or may not be the case.

Strings have another method: lower(); and you can chain methods.  So eg.

In [34]: s = "Test foo bar"

In [35]: s.lower()
Out[35]: 'test foo bar'

In [36]: s.lower().startswith('test')
Out[36]: True

So you might write:

for i in range(1, len(M.list()[1]) + 1):
    for line in M.retr(i)[1]:
        if line.lower().startswith('subject'): print line

And last but not least; if you search only for the subject header in
e-mails you can stop searching after the first match and go on to the
next e-mail.  A loop can be prematurely left with `break'.  So finally
you get:

for i in range(1, len(M.list()[1]) + 1):
    for line in M.retr(i)[1]:
        if line.lower().startswith('subject'):
            print line

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From helena_b2001 at  Mon Dec 29 20:50:10 2003
From: helena_b2001 at (helena bhaska)
Date: Mon Dec 29 20:50:15 2003
Subject: [Tutor] import MySQLdb problem
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

To all those linux newbies like me who get stuck with
problems like this, here is what solved my problem:
I added the path to MySQLdb to /etc/
That's it! :)
--- helena bhaska <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I realize that this has already been discussed, but
> I
> am unable to solve the following problem:
> I am trying to import MySQLdb in a script that is
> running on apache server.  
> The proposed solutions mentioned writing a wrapper
> shell script that would set LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable
> before executing python script.  However, my script
> is
> not executed from command prompt, it is called
> through
> urllib.urlopen() and I am not sure how to go to
> shell
> script from this.
> I have tried using SetEnv and PassEnv in httpd.conf
> in
> apache, but that did not fix the problem, the
> behavior
> was exactly the same as before.  (ImportError: No
> module named MySQLdb).
> I am probably misunderstanding how to use
> LS_LIBRARY_PATH, I assumed that I was supposed to
> give
> path to where MySQLdb is, so here is what I have
> done:
> /usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/
> site-packages contain MySQLdb subdir.
> So is there a way to call a shell script though
> urllib.urlopen() or should httpd.conf be modified,
> and
> if so  what am I doing wrong?
> Thank you very much!
> -Helena
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

From clay at  Mon Dec 29 21:51:55 2003
From: clay at (Clay Shirky)
Date: Mon Dec 29 21:52:12 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Treating a string as a list of one?
Message-ID: <>

I want to be able to pass a function either a string or a list, and have it
treat the string as a list of one item.

I thought this would work


for item in items:
    # other stuff here

thinking that when .extend got something that wasn't a list, it would raise
an exception. Instead, it treats the string as a list of chars.

Is there a simple way to say "if its a list, extend the _loop variable, and
if its a string, append it?"


From at  Mon Dec 29 22:26:03 2003
From: at (Karl Fast)
Date: Mon Dec 29 22:26:11 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Treating a string as a list of one?
In-Reply-To: <>;
	from on Mon, Dec 29, 2003 at 09:51:55PM -0500
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I want to be able to pass a function either a string or a list, and
> have it treat the string as a list of one item.

One solution is to check the variable type. If you've got a string,
just make it a single item list, and then process as normal.
Otherwise you just assume it's a list. 

Something like this:

import types
def myfunc(item):

    if isinstance(item, types.StringTypes):
       item = [item]

    ...process the list as you want to

Note that types.StringTypes will check for both regular and unicode
strings (my first crack only checked for normal strings and it took
me a few hours to figure out why it failed every so often).

If you want to avoid importing the types module you can use the
builtin function type....but I found the types module a little bit

hope this helps...


From matteolovatti at  Mon Dec 29 22:39:46 2003
From: matteolovatti at (matteo)
Date: Mon Dec 29 22:39:54 2003
Subject: [Tutor] need a little help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

many thanks to all of you that answered my question, the search works 
perfectly !!

i have two other little trubles, this is one, how can i send an email 
using python ?
for what i've read in the manual the poplibs are able only to receive...

thanks again


PS. sorry Karl for te wrong message delivery, made a mistake with my 

From matteolovatti at  Mon Dec 29 23:07:13 2003
From: matteolovatti at (matteo)
Date: Mon Dec 29 23:07:21 2003
Subject: [Tutor] need a little help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30/dic/03, at 04:39, matteo wrote:

> i have two other little trubles, this is one, how can i send an email  
> using python ?
> for what i've read in the manual the poplibs are able only to  
> receive...
ops.. i've found.. the smtplib.
but if i write


i get a message with as "from:"
but there's nothing in the "To:" !!

can someone help ?

-------------- next part --------------
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From tony at  Mon Dec 29 23:55:17 2003
From: tony at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Mon Dec 29 23:55:26 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Calling append() method in a list
Message-ID: <>

In the example code below, I'm trying to understand why the else clause is 
even necessary

     def add(self, occasion, function):
         if self.connections.has_key(occasion) == 0:

Why not just code the above as

     def add(self, occasion, function):
         if self.connections.has_key(occasion) == 0:

If I do the following python interactive interpreter



print l1

is displayed.

So - does omitting the else clause cause any problems ?
(Assuming the list is initialized to [] before referencing it's contents)

From chenren at  Tue Dec 30 00:06:56 2003
From: chenren at (=?GB2312?Q?=B3=C2=C8=CE?=)
Date: Tue Dec 30 00:11:09 2003
Subject: [Tutor] how to make .py file to .exe file?
Message-ID: <200312301314765.SM01292@chenren>

Everyone: Hello!Happy New Year!

	     I'm a real beginner.I want to ask a question. How to make a executable file so that
I can click it and run it directly? Thanks.


????????Joe Blank

From chenren at  Tue Dec 30 00:16:55 2003
From: chenren at (=?GB2312?Q?=B3=C2=C8=CE?=)
Date: Tue Dec 30 00:20:27 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Are there any free project to download for studying?
Message-ID: <200312301324625.SM01292@chenren>


	      	When I first touch Python,I have loved it.I use it to complete several assignment
that my teacher gave us. But I want to see what else Python can do. So I want to see other 
good programs and project. Is there anyone who can tell me how I can get them.Thanks!


From tony at  Tue Dec 30 00:30:52 2003
From: tony at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Tue Dec 30 00:31:06 2003
Subject: [Tutor] re:Tutor] how to make .py file to .exe file?
Message-ID: <>

Message: 12
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 13:6:56 +0800
From: " ?? " <>
Subject: [Tutor] how to make .py file to .exe file?
To: python-Tutor <>
Message-ID: <200312301314765.SM01292@chenren>
Content-Type: text/plain;      charset="GB2312"

Everyone: Hello!Happy New Year!

	     I'm a real beginner.I want to ask a question. How to make a 
executable file so that
I can click it and run it directly? Thanks.

For starters,

Look at py2exe

Good Luck


From dyoo at  Tue Dec 30 01:10:39 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Dec 30 01:10:45 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Calling append() method in a list
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, Tony  Cappellini wrote:

> In the example code below, I'm trying to understand why the else clause
> is even necessary
>      def add(self, occasion, function):
>          if self.connections.has_key(occasion) == 0:
>              self.connections[occasion]=[function]
>          else:
>              self.connections[occasion].append(function)
> Why not just code the above as
>      def add(self, occasion, function):
>          if self.connections.has_key(occasion) == 0:
>              self.connections[occasion].append(function)

Hi Tony,

Ah! In the second version of the code:

    def add(self, occasion, function):
        if self.connections.has_key(occasion) == 0:

imagine what happens if self.connections is an empty dictionary.  What
happens to the condition that's being tested by the 'if' statement?

However, the first version of the code:

     def add(self, occasion, function):
         if self.connections.has_key(occasion) == 0:

can be shortened if we know about a list's setdefault() method:

    def add(self, occasion, function):
        self.connections.setdefault(occasion, []).append(function)

Good luck to you!

From dyoo at  Tue Dec 30 01:18:37 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Dec 30 01:18:45 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Are there any free project to download for studying?
In-Reply-To: <200312301324625.SM01292@chenren>
Message-ID: <>

> When I first touch Python,I have loved it.I use it to complete several
> assignment that my teacher gave us. But I want to see what else Python
> can do. So I want to see other good programs and project. Is there
> anyone who can tell me how I can get them.Thanks!

Hi Joe,

Here are some links to programs that people have been written in Python: -- Arcade games.  -- 'Useless' Python programs.  -- Scientific tools with Python.

I chose those three links because they show different applications: games,
curious tinkering, and science.  But Python's so "general-purpose" that I
know I'm ignoring another good application somewhere... *grin*

There are some other program repositories out there; you may find:



Hope this helps!

From dyoo at  Tue Dec 30 01:23:29 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Dec 30 01:23:34 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Calling append() method in a list
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Ah! In the second version of the code:
> ###
>     def add(self, occasion, function):
>         if self.connections.has_key(occasion) == 0:
>             self.connections[occasion].append(function)
> ###
> imagine what happens if self.connections is an empty dictionary.  What
> happens to the condition that's being tested by the 'if' statement?

Hi Tony,

I should be a little more explicit, just in case.  *grin*.  You tested:


and this is fine.  But it might be more relevant to test the situation
with the dictionary:

d = {}

Hope this helps!

From kennethg at  Tue Dec 30 10:18:30 2003
From: kennethg at (Kenneth Gomez)
Date: Tue Dec 30 10:05:38 2003
Subject: [Tutor] How to store key->multiple values?
Message-ID: <>


I would like some advice on how to store data of these types :

Material Name		Young's Modulus	Poisson's Ratio		Density
Aluminum		200e5			.27			2700
Steel			200e9			.33			8020

I would like this to be in an array where I can access the first subscript 
and get the rest of the values.

I thought of using a dictionary but I found that dictionary only allows one 
value per key. Can I use lists instead? How do I create a multidimensional 
list or tuple? How would I insert the values into a multidimensional list?

I would really appreciate some advice.

Thank you.


Kenneth Gomez,
'I didn't lose my mind, it's backed up on tape somewhere.'

From rick at  Tue Dec 30 10:11:05 2003
From: rick at (Rick Pasotto)
Date: Tue Dec 30 10:09:49 2003
Subject: [Tutor] How to store key->multiple values?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 11:18:30PM +0800, Kenneth Gomez wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like some advice on how to store data of these types :
> Material Name		Young's Modulus	Poisson's Ratio		Density
> Aluminum		200e5			.27			2700
> Steel			200e9			.33			8020
> I would like this to be in an array where I can access the first
> subscript and get the rest of the values.
> I thought of using a dictionary but I found that dictionary only
> allows one value per key.

That 'one value' can easily be a tuple or list of values.

"The man who produces while others dispose of his product is a slave."
		-- Ayn Rand
    Rick Pasotto

From tpc at  Tue Dec 30 10:22:50 2003
From: tpc at (
Date: Tue Dec 30 10:23:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] The biggest snake on earth is a Python ;-)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Four more pictures of this Python without garbage collection ;-)

On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, Willi Richert wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm sorry, the article is only in German. But the image is in
> international ;-)
> Have fun,
> wr
> --
> A fool with a tool is just a fool. With a tool.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From Janssen at  Tue Dec 30 10:22:58 2003
From: Janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Tue Dec 30 10:23:12 2003
Subject: [Tutor] How to store key->multiple values?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, Kenneth Gomez wrote:

> I would like some advice on how to store data of these types :
> Material Name		Young's Modulus	Poisson's Ratio		Density
> Aluminum		200e5			.27			2700
> Steel			200e9			.33			8020
> I would like this to be in an array where I can access the first subscript
> and get the rest of the values.
> I thought of using a dictionary but I found that dictionary only allows one
> value per key. Can I use lists instead? How do I create a multidimensional
> list or tuple? How would I insert the values into a multidimensional list?

Lists and dictionaries can easily nest (Just another one of python's
strengths?). To do it store another list/dict as the value:

>>> d = {}
>>> d["Aluminum"] = {"Young's Modulus": 200e5,
...                  "Poisson's Ratio": .27,
...                  "Density": 2700,
...                 }
>>> d["Aluminum"]["Density"]

perhaps it's easier to store the second level into a list (values are
then identified by list-index, eg d["Aluminum"][2] always shows

When your data gets more and more complicated, you might want to see how
it looks pretty:
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(d)
[snip: pretty printed representation of d]


From vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM  Tue Dec 30 10:22:14 2003
From: vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM (Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis})
Date: Tue Dec 30 10:23:37 2003
Subject: FW: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)
Message-ID: <>

I wasn't able to look for it last night, but I believe I at least have sample code at home. When I get home tonight, I will look. In the meantime, can anyone point us to a tutorial on threads?


-----Original Message-----
From: "H?ctor Villafuerte D." [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 11:59 AM
To: Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis}
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)

Ok, let's try threads.
Would you please post that explanation you mention?
Thanks Vicki!

Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis} wrote:

>I would think that this requires threading. I recently saw a decent
>explanation of how to do it in Python. I will look for it, and if no 
>one beats me to it, I will post it later.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On
>Behalf Of "H?ctor Villafuerte D."
>Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 1:49 PM
>Subject: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)
>Hi all,
>First, let me tell you what all this is about. I have a very nice
>that does the following:
>1. It checks if there is a file in an Open VMS server.
>2. If it finds the file, it connects via TELNET (using telnetlib, of 
>course!) and ZIP's it.
>3. Once the file is compressed, it GET's it via FTP (using ftplib) 4. When the file is in my local machine, the script does some processing 
>on it.
>5. If the script was given more than one file to look at the VMS server 
>it goes back to Step 1.
>Quite simple, right?
>The thing is that I don't want this to perform sequentially... it's
>a waste of time!
>Because while the script is in Steps 3 and 4, it could perfectly be 
>executing Steps 1 and 2.
>When I used to program microcontrollers (PICs) we had good old 
>interrupts to handle things
>like this. Any ideas how to do this in Python?
>Thank you so much, in advance.
>Tutor maillist  -
>Tutor maillist  -

From vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM  Tue Dec 30 10:54:19 2003
From: vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM (Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis})
Date: Tue Dec 30 10:55:21 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)
Message-ID: <>

Here is a page that might get you started.

-----Original Message-----
From: "H?ctor Villafuerte D." [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 11:59 AM
To: Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis}
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)

Ok, let's try threads.
Would you please post that explanation you mention?
Thanks Vicki!

Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis} wrote:

>I would think that this requires threading. I recently saw a decent 
>explanation of how to do it in Python. I will look for it, and if no 
>one beats me to it, I will post it later.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On 
>Behalf Of "H?ctor Villafuerte D."
>Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 1:49 PM
>Subject: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)
>Hi all,
>First, let me tell you what all this is about. I have a very nice 
>that does the following:
>1. It checks if there is a file in an Open VMS server.
>2. If it finds the file, it connects via TELNET (using telnetlib, of 
>course!) and ZIP's it.
>3. Once the file is compressed, it GET's it via FTP (using ftplib) 4. When the file is in my local machine, the script does some processing 
>on it.
>5. If the script was given more than one file to look at the VMS server 
>it goes back to Step 1.
>Quite simple, right?
>The thing is that I don't want this to perform sequentially... it's 
>a waste of time!
>Because while the script is in Steps 3 and 4, it could perfectly be 
>executing Steps 1 and 2.
>When I used to program microcontrollers (PICs) we had good old 
>interrupts to handle things
>like this. Any ideas how to do this in Python?
>Thank you so much, in advance.
>Tutor maillist  - 
>Tutor maillist  - 

From arkamir at  Mon Dec 29 18:57:24 2003
From: arkamir at (Conrad Koziol)
Date: Tue Dec 30 11:59:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Tutor Digest, Vol 5, Issue 70
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1072742243.9948.19.camel@quercus>

Hmm I got MySQLdb to work for me. I'm using 2.2.3 Fedora Core 1
Mysql v4.0.15 and Mysql-python v0.9.1-9. I'm using apache too. The trick
I *think* cant quite remember is to go to an older version of MySQLdb.
Also as a sidenote does MySQLdb even work on your interpreter??(I dont
think it does but just making sure)

From sigurd at  Tue Dec 30 12:11:12 2003
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Tue Dec 30 12:15:21 2003
Subject: [Tutor] need a little help
In-Reply-To: <> (matteo's
	message of "Tue, 30 Dec 2003 05:07:13 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30 Dec 2003, matteo <- wrote:

> but if i write

> server_smtp.sendmail("","",variable)

> i get a message with as "from:"
> but there's nothing in the "To:" !!

What is the value of ?variable?? You need to distinguish the envelope
from (MAIL FROM: in rrc 2822) and the envelope recipient (RCPT TO: in
rfc2822) from what you can read in an email header as From: and To:.
These are different things.  The two first are for the system to find
the recipient of a message the later two are only for human readers;
they are part of what comes after `DATA' in a smtp dialog.

Perhaps you read first rfc2821 and rfc2822 before you try to send
e-mails with Python.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From red_necks25 at  Tue Dec 30 13:08:35 2003
From: red_necks25 at (moore william)
Date: Tue Dec 30 13:08:39 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Saving Data
Message-ID: <>

I am lookign for a toutorial on how to save data
created in a program so that it can be used when the
parogram is started again. 

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From tpc at  Tue Dec 30 13:24:40 2003
From: tpc at (
Date: Tue Dec 30 13:24:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Saving Data
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

hi William,

If you are creating a standalone application that will need to save
state info so it can read from this file upon restart, have you looked at
Python pickle ?

I hope that helps you.

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, moore william wrote:

> I am lookign for a toutorial on how to save data
> created in a program so that it can be used when the
> parogram is started again.
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Find out what made the Top Yahoo! Searches of 2003
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From darnold02 at  Tue Dec 30 13:51:09 2003
From: darnold02 at (don arnold)
Date: Tue Dec 30 13:51:20 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Saving Data
References: <>
Message-ID: <03d601c3cf05$e5196a20$ce11ba3f@don2uvsu54fwiq>

----- Original Message -----
From: "moore william" <>
To: "Python" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 12:08 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Saving Data

> I am lookign for a toutorial on how to save data
> created in a program so that it can be used when the
> parogram is started again.

While not a tutorial, here's a simple example that uses the shelve module.
This module lets you use a dictionary-like object to manage persistent data.

import shelve

s ='c:/temp2/mydata')

if s.has_key('score'):
    s['score'] += 10
    s['score'] = 0

print 'score is %d' % s['score']


Here's a few sample runs:

score is 0

score is 10

score is 20


From dyoo at  Tue Dec 30 14:31:47 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Dec 30 14:31:57 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Saving Data
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, moore william wrote:

> I am lookign for a tutorial on how to save data created in a program so
> that it can be used when the parogram is started again.

Hi Moore,

What kind of data are you trying to save?

Alan Gauld's tutorial may help: it has a section on file "input/output":

and that tutorial should give you a better grasp for open()ing,
write()ing, and close()ing files.

You may also find the 'shelve' module useful:

Shelves act like dictionaries --- except that when we put things into
them, they actually store on disk!  So they should allow you to save the
state of your program so that you can restore it later.

If you have more questions on this, please feel free to send another
question on Python-Tutor; we'll be happy to help.  Good luck!

From red_necks25 at  Tue Dec 30 14:54:57 2003
From: red_necks25 at (moore william)
Date: Tue Dec 30 14:55:01 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Questor
Message-ID: <>

Did anyone every find the anwser to

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From darnold02 at  Tue Dec 30 15:00:46 2003
From: darnold02 at (don arnold)
Date: Tue Dec 30 15:00:57 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Saving Data
References: <>
Message-ID: <03fa01c3cf0f$9e2e2830$ce11ba3f@don2uvsu54fwiq>

----- Original Message -----
From: "moore william" <>
To: "don arnold" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Saving Data

> Thanks, will this work with a phone book application
> to save names and nubers?

Sure. Basically, you attempt to load your variable from the shelve, modify
it, then save it back to the shelve.

Here's some quick (and not too pretty code):

import shelve

s ='c:/temp2/mydata')

if s.has_key('phonebook'):
    phonebook = s['phonebook']
    phonebook = {}

while 1:
    print '1. Enter a phone number'
    print '2. Show all numbers'
    print '3. Quit'
    choice = int(raw_input('Enter your choice: '))

    if choice == 1:
        name = raw_input('Name : ')
        phone = raw_input('Phone: ')
        phonebook[name] = phone
    elif choice == 2:
        for name, phone in phonebook.items():
            print '%-20s : %-14s' % (name, phone)
    elif choice == 3:

##save phonebook when done
s['phonebook'] = phonebook


[First run to get some data in the phonebook:]


1. Enter a phone number
2. Show all numbers
3. Quit

Enter your choice: 1
Name : Don Arnold
Phone: 402-123-4567

1. Enter a phone number
2. Show all numbers
3. Quit

Enter your choice: 1
Name : John Smith
Phone: 301-596-9384

1. Enter a phone number
2. Show all numbers
3. Quit

Enter your choice: 1
Name : Bob Davis
Phone: 495-030-3030

1. Enter a phone number
2. Show all numbers
3. Quit

Enter your choice: 2

John Smith           : 301-596-9384
Bob Davis            : 495-030-3030
Don Arnold           : 402-123-4567

1. Enter a phone number
2. Show all numbers
3. Quit

Enter your choice: 3

[Second run to show data was saved:]


1. Enter a phone number
2. Show all numbers
3. Quit

Enter your choice: 2

John Smith           : 301-596-9384
Bob Davis            : 495-030-3030
Don Arnold           : 402-123-4567

1. Enter a phone number
2. Show all numbers
3. Quit

Enter your choice: 3



PS: Be sure to hit 'Reply All' when responding to Tutor emails. That way,
everyone on the list has a chance to contribute to the discussion.

From arkamir at  Tue Dec 30 15:22:03 2003
From: arkamir at (Conrad Koziol)
Date: Tue Dec 30 15:22:05 2003
Subject: [Tutor] mistake naming class
Message-ID: <1072815723.7933.0.camel@quercus>

Recently while programming I made a mistake of naming a class open. In
it it uses the builtin open(). When I run it I get an error saying that
__init__() takes 3 arguements but only 1 is given.
For example, this is quite similiar to what I have:

class open(object):
        def __init__(world, person, animal):
                open('foo.txt', 'r')

Any solutions other then renaming my class, because going through the
code looking for calls to class open is not going to be fun

Can anyone give me insight why this does not work. It works fine in the
class open(object):
        def __init__(self):
                layout ='login.html', 'r')

but it never works in a script. 
I get an error saying dict object has no attribute open

From arkamir at  Tue Dec 30 15:22:51 2003
From: arkamir at (Conrad Koziol)
Date: Tue Dec 30 15:22:36 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Lambdas
Message-ID: <1072815771.7933.2.camel@quercus>

Okay well I guess I chose I bad example for lambdas, but i cant find any
good tutorials on them on the web. So I guess a better question is.
Where is an in depth tutorial on lambdas. Even though there not all that

From vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM  Tue Dec 30 15:26:03 2003
From: vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM (Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis})
Date: Tue Dec 30 15:26:50 2003
Subject: [Tutor] mistake naming class
Message-ID: <>

I recommend that you bite the bullet now and use some editor with a
global search to change them all. You really don't want to leave that
problem around for reuse. You might be able to get around it, but I
don't recommend doing so.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Conrad Koziol
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 3:22 PM
Subject: [Tutor] mistake naming class

Recently while programming I made a mistake of naming a class open. In
it it uses the builtin open(). When I run it I get an error saying that
__init__() takes 3 arguements but only 1 is given.
For example, this is quite similiar to what I have:

class open(object):
        def __init__(world, person, animal):
                open('foo.txt', 'r')

Any solutions other then renaming my class, because going through the
code looking for calls to class open is not going to be fun

Can anyone give me insight why this does not work. It works fine in the
interpreter. class open(object):
        def __init__(self):
                layout ='login.html', 'r')

but it never works in a script. 
I get an error saying dict object has no attribute open

Tutor maillist  -

From helena_b2001 at  Tue Dec 30 17:06:59 2003
From: helena_b2001 at (helena bhaska)
Date: Tue Dec 30 17:07:07 2003
Subject: [Tutor] import MySQLdb problem
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for the suggestion, but this does not fix the
problem.  My previous idea about modifying
stopped working too for some reason after I played
with it for a while.
I have also tried the following in shell:
but this does not work either, again getting the same
simply going to python and saying import MySQLdb
works, ti does know where to look for it, it's only
broken when I try to do that on a server. :(((
As I mentioned before SetEnv and PassEnv in apache
conf file does not fix this problem either (Can
someone please explain how these work in more detail
than in the man pages?)
I have also tried reinstalling MySQLdb.
sorry, this is probably a stupid problem, but I am
stuck with it and getting desperate :(
--- "J顤g_W闤ke" <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> Hello!
> [ snip ]
> > I am probably misunderstanding how to use
> > LS_LIBRARY_PATH, I assumed that I was supposed to
> give
>      ^
>      D?
> > path to where MySQLdb is, so here is what I have
> done:
> > 
> > /usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/
> at the beginning of your python script?
> [ snip ]
> > -Helena
> HTH, HAND - J"o!
> -- 
> "Wir k霵nen alles sehen, was sich bewegt 
> und wir k霵nen alles zerst顤en, was wir sehen."
>          -- Richard Perle
> +++ GMX - die erste Adresse f僡 Mail, Message, More
> +++
> Neu: Preissenkung f僡 MMS und FreeMMS!

Do you Yahoo!?
Find out what made the Top Yahoo! Searches of 2003

From zanshou at  Tue Dec 30 17:29:34 2003
From: zanshou at (Twily)
Date: Tue Dec 30 17:28:37 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie self-introduction + little encoding problem
References: <>
Message-ID: <002201c3cf24$69cd2450$0bbd0d50@nagetb3uxkybix>

Sorry for the short message...but I wanted to say thank you everyone for the
answers, it really helped me to understand what
was going on with my list ^__^


From cspears2002 at  Tue Dec 30 18:30:33 2003
From: cspears2002 at (Christopher Spears)
Date: Tue Dec 30 18:30:41 2003
Subject: [Tutor] writing a program in Python
Message-ID: <>

I guess this is a stupid question, but I am going to
ask anyway...

How do you actually write a program in Python?  I know
how to use IDLE to manipulate data, but how do I write
several lines of code that goes out and does stuff.

"I'm the last person to pretend that I'm a radio.  I'd rather go out and be a color television set."
-David Bowie

"Who dares wins"
-British military motto

"Far more creativity, today, goes into the marketing of products than into the products themselves..."
-"Pattern Recognition" by William Gibson

From matteolovatti at  Tue Dec 30 19:29:54 2003
From: matteolovatti at (matteo)
Date: Tue Dec 30 19:30:09 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Looking for a Python IDE
Message-ID: <>

hi everybody, can someone please suggest me a good python IDE for Mac 
Os X ?



From klappnase at  Tue Dec 30 19:55:17 2003
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Tue Dec 30 20:02:44 2003
Subject: [Tutor] writing a program in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003 15:30:33 -0800 (PST)
Christopher Spears <> wrote:

> I guess this is a stupid question, but I am going to
> ask anyway...
> How do you actually write a program in Python?  I know
> how to use IDLE to manipulate data, but how do I write
> several lines of code that goes out and does stuff.
Hi Christopher!

You just have to write your program in any text editor (if your using IDLE select from the menu File --> New) and store it.

If your using windows you should store it with the ".py" extension, so you can run it from your file browser with a
double-click like any other program (you will see then a DOS box pop up every time you start your program;
if you want to avoid this use the extension ."pyw" instead of ".py" ).

On linux the ".py" extension is not necessarily required, however you will have to make the file you wrote
executable first ("chmod -v 755 path-to-your-file"). You can run it then with "python path-to-your-file" 
(if you make the first line of your file:
#!/usr/bin/env python
you can run it  like any other program without calling the python interpreter every time).

I hope this helped

Good luck


From hcohen2 at  Tue Dec 30 20:06:34 2003
From: hcohen2 at (hcohen2)
Date: Tue Dec 30 20:07:32 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Saving Data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

moore william wrote:

>I am lookign for a toutorial on how to save data
>created in a program so that it can be used when the
>parogram is started again. 
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Find out what made the Top Yahoo! Searches of 2003
>Tutor maillist  -
this may well be a case where: "... if the only tool you know is a 
hammer - every problem looks like a nail ..." How much data? If it is a 
fair amount, wouldn't it be safer and more efficient to store it in a 

There are several reasons for my posing this possibility, one may be 
ascribed to the pity saying above, the other is my encountering clients' 
fears of databases. Despite my predilection, as a data tool they are 
extremely useful.

If this is off the mark, please ignore me ;-)

From SiggymakerCorp at  Tue Dec 30 20:37:38 2003
From: SiggymakerCorp at (
Date: Tue Dec 30 20:37:50 2003
Subject: [Tutor] subscribe me off ( i will report aol on u if u dont
	subscribe me off
Message-ID: <>


From ralobao at  Tue Dec 30 21:51:23 2003
From: ralobao at (Ruivaldo Neto)
Date: Tue Dec 30 21:52:34 2003
Subject: [Tutor] OFF I want to know about the universities
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi everybody,
sorry for the off-topic but i know there are many students of universities 
other countrys in this list, i am Brazilian, and i want to know if it is 
possible to i make my university on your country and if it is difficult to 
get in it ?

please answer me i am very curious about it.

RS: Ruivaldo Neto

From carroll at  Tue Dec 30 22:51:22 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Tue Dec 30 22:51:29 2003
Subject: FW: [Tutor] Async Events (or How to manage interrupts in Python?)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis} wrote:

> In the meantime, can anyone point us to a tutorial on threads?

I don't know of an online source, but I recently finished up Thomas 
Christopher's "Python Programming Patterns"; while most of the book's 
style didn't agree with me, I thought his explanation of threads was 

(By the way, I'm not dissing the rest of the book; it was just a style 
that doesn't work for me.  Others may find it perfectly good.)

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From missive at  Tue Dec 30 23:40:59 2003
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Tue Dec 30 23:41:03 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: mistake naming class
Message-ID: <>

>Recently while programming I made a mistake of naming a class open. In
>it it uses the builtin open(). When I run it I get an error saying that
>__init__() takes 3 arguements but only 1 is given.
>For example, this is quite similiar to what I have:
>class open(object):
>         def __init__(world, person, animal):
>                 open('foo.txt', 'r')
>Any solutions other then renaming my class, because going through the
>code looking for calls to class open is not going to be fun

file is now the recommended way to open a file, so ...

class open(object):
    def __init__(world, person, animal):
        file('foo.txt', 'r')

would work.  Or, you could do something like ...

save_open = open
class open(object):
    def __init__(world, person, animal):
        save_open('foo.txt', 'r')

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

From carroll at  Wed Dec 31 01:31:58 2003
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Wed Dec 31 01:32:02 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Pythonwin bug (or misfeature)?
Message-ID: <>

I suspect I've found a bug (or perhaps just an unimplemented feature) in 
PythonWin. Apparently, the "browse" facility will not work with an 
instance of a class inherited from a dictionary (although it will, if you 
instead inherit from UserDict.UserDict).

First, a check: is this really a bug, or am I just doing something wrong?

Here's my code:

class udict1(dict):
    def __init__(self, indices=None, entries=None):
        if indices is not None:
            for i in range(0,len(indices)):
                self[indices[i]] = entries[i]

import UserDict
class udict2(UserDict.UserDict):
    def __init__(self, indices=None, entries=None):
        if indices is not None:
            for i in range(0,len(indices)):
      [indices[i]] = entries[i]

z1 = udict1([1,2,3,4,5], ['a1', 'b1','c1', 'd1', 'e1'])
z2 = udict2([1,2,3,4,5], ['a2', 'b2','c2', 'd2', 'e2'])
print "    dict: len is", len(z1), z1
print "userdict: len is", len(z2), z2
Both instances print, as expected:

    dict: len is 5 {1: 'a1', 2: 'b1', 3: 'c1', 4: 'd1', 5: 'e1'}
userdict: len is 5 {1: 'a2', 2: 'b2', 3: 'c2', 4: 'd2', 5: 'e2'}

It also runs okay under pythonwin; but, underpythonwin, when I use the 
Tools / Browser menu item, I can browse z2 (the UserDict-based instance), 
but not z1 (the dict-based instance).  Trying to browse z1 gives an error 
"This object cannot be browsed."

Am I making an error either in my code or in Pythonwin?

Second question: I'm using the Activestate Python (2.3.2).  Pythonwin is 
not a standard part of Python, right?  If that's right, I wouldn't report 
this as a bug through the Python project at Sourceforge; but where would I 
report it (I don't think it's Activestate's, either)?

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA 

From abli at  Wed Dec 31 10:27:15 2003
From: abli at (Abel Daniel)
Date: Wed Dec 31 10:27:21 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Re: how to make .py file to .exe file?
In-Reply-To: <200312301314765.SM01292@chenren> ('s message
	of "Tue, 30 Dec 2003 13:6:56 +0800")
References: <200312301314765.SM01292@chenren>
Message-ID: <E1AbiFf-0000Jh-00@hooloovoo>

"??" writes:

> I'm a real beginner.I want to ask a question. How to make a executable file
>  so that
> I can click it and run it directly? Thanks.

I don't think you have to make it into an executable file for that. IIRC, under
Windows, the default install of python associates the .py and .pyw endings
with pythonw.exe, so clicking on a file whose name ends in .py runs it. The
problem might be that this opens a command-line window which is closed when
the program finishes, so you might not be able to inspect the results (and
only see the screen flash as the window is opened and the closed).


To make the command-line window stay open, you should make it wait for a
keypress when it is finished, with the getch( ) function of the msvcrt module
(for example)

Abel Daniel

From dyoo at  Wed Dec 31 13:19:42 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 31 13:20:09 2003
Subject: [Tutor] subscribe me off ( i will report aol on u if u dont
	subscribe me off  [How to unsubscribe]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi SiggymakerCorp,

No need for the threat!  You can unsubscribe yourself by visiting:

Go down to the form near the bottom of the page --- you should see an
'Edit Options' form.  From there, you should be able to see an
'unsubscribe' button.

If you have problems unsubscribing yourself, please contact the list
administrator at: '', and the administrators will be
happy to help you unsubscribe.

Danny Yoo

From dyoo at  Wed Dec 31 13:20:32 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 31 13:20:38 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Saving Data (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 10:58:48 -0500 (EST)
From: Vicki Stanfield <>
To: Danny Yoo <>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Saving Data

> You may also find the 'shelve' module useful:
> Shelves act like dictionaries --- except that when we put things into
> them, they actually store on disk!  So they should allow you to save the
> state of your program so that you can restore it later.

Do I need to change the protocol passed depending on whether I am working
on a Windows machine or a Linux box? It appears not. Is there more
information on this protocol variable? I have only found that it may be
None, 1, 2, or 3 and that only None and 1 work. There seems to be a
shortage of information on this option (in pickle or shelve descriptions).


From dyoo at  Wed Dec 31 13:51:50 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 31 13:51:56 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Lambdas
In-Reply-To: <1072815771.7933.2.camel@quercus>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, Conrad Koziol wrote:

> Okay well I guess I chose I bad example for lambdas, but i cant find any
> good tutorials on them on the web. So I guess a better question is.
> Where is an in depth tutorial on lambdas. Even though there not all that
> necessary

Hi Conrad,

A tongue-in-cheek response to this might be something like:


No, actually, there are a few articles by David Mertz that you might like:

Mertz writes extensively on functional programming in Python, and anything
that has the word 'functional programming' there on that page will most
likely have a lambda.

But lambda's shouldn't cause too many problems:  they're just expressions
that evaluate to functions.  We're basically doing something like 'lambda'
(plus a little more) whenever we define a function:

>>> def square(x):
...     return x * x
>>> square
<function square at 0x604b0>

Here, square is just a variable name for a function value.  And values in
Python can be passed around, just like numbers and strings:

>>> def compose(f, g, x):
...     """Returns f(g(x))."""
...     return f(g(x))
>>> def double(x):
...     return x * 2
>>> compose(double, square, 42)

Now, we can get a handle on the same kind of value through 'lambda':

>>> square
<function square at 0x604b0>
>>> lambda x: x * x
<function <lambda> at 0x60ab0>

And this value behaves the same way as 'square':

>>> square(4)
>>> (lambda x: x * x)(4)
>>> compose(lambda x: 2*x,
...         lambda x: x * x,
...         42)

So whenever we're defining a function with 'def', we are actually doing
something like a 'lambda': we are creating a function value, but we're
also binding that function value to a name.  When we use 'lambda'
directly, we don't have to bind that value to a name.

So 'lambda' is simply a way of creating functions that we can pass around,
without having to store them immediately as variable names.  If it helps,
think of the distinction between naming a value with a variable and using

>>> x = 17
>>> square(x)

as opposed to using that value 'on the fly':

>>> 17
>>> square(17)

Python's version of 'lambda' is actually designed to be a lot weaker than
the 'lambda' in most 'functional' programming languages.  The rationale, I
think, is that if we're going to be playing with functions, it'll be good
to give them explicit names for human maintainability.  The language
itself encourages us to use 'def' instead of 'lambda' to force us to name
the majority of our functions.

If you really want to play around with the full power of lambdas, perhaps
the "tongue-in-cheek" reference at the very top won't be so
tongue-in-cheek for you.  *grin* It sounds like you're interested, so you
may want to play with the Scheme language if you have some time ---
'lambda' is more powerful in that language.

Good luck to you!

From dyoo at  Wed Dec 31 13:59:13 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 31 13:59:17 2003
Subject: [Tutor] writing a program in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, Christopher Spears wrote:

> I guess this is a stupid question, but I am going to ask anyway...

Hi Christopher,

This is not a stupid question at all.  It's a very crucial one!

> How do you actually write a program in Python?  I know how to use IDLE
> to manipulate data, but how do I write several lines of code that goes
> out and does stuff.

I wrote a small tutorial that shows how to write a program in IDLE:

The screen-captures are a little dated --- I need to fix my Windows box
someday... --- but should help show how to save and run Python programs.

The main idea is that we'll need to save our individual program
instructions in a separate 'program file'.  Think of a Word document,
except that instead of saving English text, we're saving Python source

Once we save our program file to disk, then whenever we want to run that
program, we can tell Python to run across the whole program file.

Hope this helps!

From pythontutor at  Wed Dec 31 14:04:43 2003
From: pythontutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Wed Dec 31 14:04:46 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Saving Data (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
3.14.2 Data stream format

This specifies:
	0 ascii data
	1 binary data (but new style classes use a log of bytes)
	2 binary data (stores new style classes efficiently)

protocol replaces the old bin parameter which was true/false for binary.

protocol 2 is new in Python2.3 (I can't test that easily, but believe it is true.)

Danny Yoo wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 10:58:48 -0500 (EST)
> From: Vicki Stanfield <>
> To: Danny Yoo <>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Saving Data
>>You may also find the 'shelve' module useful:
>>Shelves act like dictionaries --- except that when we put things into
>>them, they actually store on disk!  So they should allow you to save the
>>state of your program so that you can restore it later.
> Do I need to change the protocol passed depending on whether I am working
> on a Windows machine or a Linux box? It appears not. Is there more
> information on this protocol variable? I have only found that it may be
> None, 1, 2, or 3 and that only None and 1 work. There seems to be a
> shortage of information on this option (in pickle or shelve descriptions).
> --vicki
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM  Wed Dec 31 14:14:16 2003
From: vicki.stanfield at ROCHE.COM (Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis})
Date: Wed Dec 31 14:15:43 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Saving Data (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

Okay, the description of format 2 is a little lean on that site. It
doesn't say that it is binary although had I understood pickling better,
I'd have gotten it.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Lloyd Kvam
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 2:05 PM
Cc: Tutor
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Saving Data (fwd)
3.14.2 Data stream format

This specifies:
	0 ascii data
	1 binary data (but new style classes use a log of bytes)
	2 binary data (stores new style classes efficiently)

protocol replaces the old bin parameter which was true/false for binary.

protocol 2 is new in Python2.3 (I can't test that easily, but believe it
is true.)

Danny Yoo wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 10:58:48 -0500 (EST)
> From: Vicki Stanfield <>
> To: Danny Yoo <>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Saving Data
>>You may also find the 'shelve' module useful:
>>Shelves act like dictionaries --- except that when we put things into 
>>them, they actually store on disk!  So they should allow you to save 
>>the state of your program so that you can restore it later.
> Do I need to change the protocol passed depending on whether I am 
> working on a Windows machine or a Linux box? It appears not. Is there 
> more information on this protocol variable? I have only found that it 
> may be None, 1, 2, or 3 and that only None and 1 work. There seems to 
> be a shortage of information on this option (in pickle or shelve 
> descriptions).
> --vicki
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  - 

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

Tutor maillist  -

From dyoo at  Wed Dec 31 14:17:02 2003
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Dec 31 14:17:06 2003
Subject: [Tutor] Saving Data (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > Shelves act like dictionaries --- except that when we put things into
> > them, they actually store on disk!  So they should allow you to save the
> > state of your program so that you can restore it later.
> Do I need to change the protocol passed depending on whether I am
> working on a Windows machine or a Linux box? It appears not. Is there
> more information on this protocol variable? I have only found that it
> may be None, 1, 2, or 3 and that only None and 1 work. There seems to be
> a shortage of information on this option (in pickle or shelve
> descriptions).

Hi Vicki,

The protocols should be compatible with all platforms.  There's a short
description of the differences between protocol 0, 1, and 2 in the Library
Documentation of the 'pickle' module:

Protocol 0 is a text-based format, and protocols 1 and 2 are binary

They're all very Python specific, so if you need an output format that's
more platform independent, you may want to use something like xml_pickle:

Hope this helps!

From Christian.SAVEAN at  Tue Dec 30 09:39:01 2003
From: Christian.SAVEAN at (SAVEAN Christian)
Date: Mon Jan  5 13:48:33 2004
Subject: [Tutor] help leraning python
Message-ID: <D9CA008BEBE6D4118CFF00805FBE470D2225E9@MVINCT10>

I 'm learning by myself the Python's language, starting from an e-book
called 'How to think like a computer scientist' traduced in french by Gerard
Some exercises are difficult and whitout solution described in the e-book 
Does somebody know where I can find the solution, or other examples with
their comments, to support my learning lessons? 
Thanks a lot

> 	Christian SAVEAN
> 	Direction Int?gration/Support Applications
> 	D?l?gation aux syst?mes d'information
> 	communaut?urbainedeNantes
> 	44923 Nantes cedex 9
> 	T?l?phone :
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