[Tutor] A range of numbers

Don Arnold darnold02 at sprynet.com
Mon Dec 1 19:14:06 EST 2003

On Dec 1, 2003, at 5:53 PM, Gregor Lingl wrote:

> Hi Leung!
> There is a range function in Python:
>>>> range(5)
> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>>> range(5,10)
> [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
> It outputs lists of integer values.
> play around with it to learn how it works.
> (Even to call range(10,20,2), i. e. with
> 3 arguments, is possible)
> On the other han you can check if some value
> is in a certain range with the in - Operator:
>>>> y = 4
>>>> y in range(5)
> True # 1 in older Versions of Python
>>>> y in range(5,10)
> False # or 0
> so if you first extract the coordinates of
> your mouse-position:
>>>> x,y = mouse_position()
> then you can easily check if y is in the desired
> range.
> Gregor

I never thought of doing range checking like that before. Cool. But I 
still prefer:

x, y = mouse_position()
if 100 <= x <= 200 and 100 <= y <= 200:
     print "You clicked!"

That way, you don't generate a throwaway list, and you don't have to 
about the potential off-by-one error that can happen when using range().

Just my 2 cents,

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