[Tutor] wxPython window flashes open and closed

Karl Fast karl.fast at pobox.com
Wed Dec 3 14:17:41 EST 2003

> > > I'm trying to learn wxPython. I made a simple hello world app but it
> > > just flashes open and closed.
> >
> > You need to redirect stdout/stderr to a file.
> >
> >This message describes the problem and the solution.
> >http://lists.wxwindows.org/archive/wxPython-users/msg07054.html
> I tried that, and it said "Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C
> library" (without the quotes). I'm using Gnome 2.2 in US English and
> Debian and I got the package off of apt-get

If I understand, you were able redirect stdout/stderr to a file. And
in that file was the error message you quoted above.

So now you've got a new problem. Some issue with locale.

Unfortunately, I don't know have an answer. You might try searching
the wxPython list, or posting your question to it.

Anybody else able to help?

FYI: I did my development on W2K using the packages from
     wxpython.org. I tested it on my linux box using an RPM from
     wxpython.org. No apt-get for me.


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