[Tutor] Newbie: "Global" vars across modules

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Wed Dec 3 17:31:21 EST 2003

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Alan Trautman wrote:

> My favorite method, from a discussion on this list is to create a module
> and import it into all modules that need access. I name it
> myappname_globals.py and it contains things like database name, debug
> level, and other constants that might need changing. A config file is
> the other option I use if there is a lot to configure. If debug level is
> the only reason a command line argument is safest.
> This is the one of the very few cases where I like FROM
> myappname_globals.py IMPORT *. this means that the variable names are
> the same in every case.

Hi Alan,

Be careful with 'from foo import *'.  The variable names are the same
here, but the values will not necessarily be the same.  For example, let's
say we have three files: globals.py, a.py, and b.py

X = 42

from globals import *
def setX():
    global X
    X = 17

import globals
def setX():
    globals.X = 17

The second form, in 'a.py', is error prone: it does set X to by 17
throughout the 'a' module, but that value is limited to the module.  That
is, the following program:

from globals import *
import a
print X

should still print 42.

If we treat our global variables as constants, this isn't a problem ---
it's when we start assigning to globals that this Bad Thing can happen.

'b.py' is more in spirit with the way that global variables work, and
should avoid any surprises.

import globals
import b
print globals.X

should do what you expect.

This being said: avoid global variables if you can!  *grin*

But are you sure you're not reinventing the wheel?  The 'logging' module:


already provides a way of distinguishing debugging messages based on a set
of log levels (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL).  With the
'logging' module, your program snippets:

> --begin gvars.py--
> # Debug Level (0=NONE, 1=Normal, 2=Extended, 3=Verbose)
> debug_level = 2
> --myFunctions.py--
> def ftest():
>     if (debug_level = 3):
>         print "VERBOSE DB:  This is a verbose statement"
>     return 1

can be translated as:

--begin gvars.py--
import logging

import logging
def ftest():
    logging.getLogger().debug("This is a verbose statement")
    return 1

and 'logging' is pretty full featured already, so unless you're just
trying to learn how to use global variables, I'd recommend using the
'logging' module --- it's quite handy.

Good luck to you!

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