[Tutor] list with area calculation

Christoffer Thomsen christoffer81 at mail.dk
Wed Dec 3 22:34:51 EST 2003

I want to make a program which calculates areas. And I want to select 
which kid of area calculation it should be from a list, but I just can't 
make it work. I am not surprise if it just some stupid mistake but I 
can't figure it out.

#This program calculates areas

print "Welcome to calculation program"

def print_options() :
    print "options:"
    print " 'p' print options"
    print " 's' calculates square"                   
    print " 'r' calculates rectangle"
    print " 'p' calculates perimeter"             
    print " 'c' calculates circle"
    print " 'q' quit program"

def square(width):
    return width**2

def rectangle(width,height):
    return width*height                   

def perimeter(width,height):                   
    return (width*2)+(height*2)

def circle(radius):
    return 3.14*radius**2

choice = "p"
while choice != "q":
    if choice == "s":                   
        width = input("Type width:")
        print "Area is: ", square(width)       
    elif choice == "r":
        width = input("Type width:")
        height = input("Type height:")
        print "Area is: ", rectangle(width,height)
    elif choice == "p":
        width = input("Type width:")
        height = input("Type height:")
        print "Area is: ", perimeter(width,height)   
    elif choice == "c":
        radius = input("Type radius:")
        print "Area is: ", circle(radius)
    elif choice != "q":
    choice = raw_input("option: ")

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