[Tutor] (no subject)

john fleming fleming.j at comcast.net
Sat Dec 20 14:59:28 EST 2003

Tyron Rohland wrote:

>Hello everyone
>I am new to programming all together. I downloaded Python and I am trying it
>out. When I have the >>> I follow the tutorial and everything works
>perfectly except when I ask the user to input something. How do I code the
>whole program then run it? I am using Windows 2000 Prof.
>Thanks for your time
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
In order to code a whole program before running you write a python script.
Open up a text editor, (word pad or notepad in windows), type in your 
code , hitting enter at each line. Then  save the file as  
"ProgramName.py", select  Save as type:  text document. Then  double  
click on the snake icon that has your programs name on it. I prefer to 
open up a command window and cd to the directory the file was saved in 
and run: python  ProgramName.  That way if something is not right  to 
the point  the program wont run,  I get feedback about why (more often 
then not anyway). Have fun!
John F.

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