[Tutor] ASCII art generator - tuple and writelines

Michael Miller blackmariah@shmups.com
Sun Feb 2 13:37:01 2003

> To make it a string change:
> out = '<FONT color="','#%02X%02X%02X'%(r,g,b),'">'+makerand(),'</FONT>\n'
> to:
> out = '<FONT color="'+'#%02X%02X%02X'%(r,g,b)+'">'+makerand()+'</FONT>\n'
> and myfile.writelines(out) to myfile.write(out).

I tried that before, and it wouldn't work for some reason. I can't remember 
the exact error I had, but it wouldn't write it that way.

> Michael 2

LOL Nah, I think you're Michael 1. I'm new here. ;)
