[Tutor] fibonacci

Mic Forster micforster@yahoo.com
Tue Feb 11 21:05:02 2003

--- Danny Yoo <dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> Counterquestion: what is the fibonacci sequence? 
> *grin*
> But seriously speaking: pretend that none of us on
> the list know what the
> "fibonacci sequence" is, and try explaining it to
> us.  Since concrete
> examples help clear our head, it might also be
> helpful to show us what the
> first few terms of these sequence are.
> You may find that explaining it to a human can help
> you figure out how to
> program a computer how to do it!


That's not bad advice. I have been told before that if
you cannot explain a scientific theory to a 6 year
old, and make them understand, then it is not much of
a theory. The same could be said of computer programming.

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