[Tutor] Learning Tkinter

Terry Carroll carroll@tjc.com
Tue Feb 18 20:34:02 2003

I'm just starting to play with Tkinter, and it's (as expected), a bit 
alien to me.  Any tips on how to learn it?

It strikes me that Tkinter is probably pretty easy and intuitive to 
someone who already knows Tcl/Tk, but I don't.  I don't really want to 
learn Tcl.  

I've found what appears to be the only book dedicated to Tk under Python 
(John Grayson's "Python & Tkinter Programming"), and that looks like 
overkill for me.  I just want to add some straightforward GUI stuff[1] to 
an existing program to make it more usable.


Fred Lundh's "An Introduction To Tkinter"[2] looks good, and I'd buy it in
a heartbeat if it were a published book.

Anyone have any opinions on Wesley Chun's "Core Python Programming"?  It 
has a chapter on "GUI Programing with Tkinter," but only about 20 pages.

[1] Well, not too straightfoward; it will involve output of Chinese 
characters in Unicode and input in Unicode, GB and Big5 encodings.  
Currently I'm doing the "I/O" by altering the Python source and 
hard-coding hex strings.

[2] http://www.pythonware.com/library/index.htm

Terry Carroll        |  "To have this rare opportunity
Santa Clara, CA      |    is a rare opportunity."
carroll@tjc.com      |    - Houston Rockets' Yao Ming, on being named
Modell delendus est  |    starting center for the 2003 NBA All-Star Game