[Tutor] Help.

Guess Who? Me beercanz@hotmail.com
Fri Jan 3 21:09:02 2003

This is what I've done:
print "Enter 2 numbers!"
a=input("Give me the first number so I may munch it!")
b=input("Give me the second number so I may munch it!")
if a+b < 100:
    print "That number 'aint so big!"
elif a+b > 100:
    print "That number is huge!"
    print "That number is on the edge."

The question:
when I try to say, 'Sum=a+c', and plug that in for a+b in the if and elif 
statements, it doesn't work. I'll plug in sum for a+b and put sum=a+b at the 
top, and the program thinks every number 'aint so big - strange. Any help is 
appreciated, I hope the question was clear enough.


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