[Tutor] Formatter

Pete Versteegen pversteegen@gcnetmail.net
Sat Jan 18 14:44:02 2003

On 1/18/03 12:42 PM, "Bob Gailer" <ramrom@earthling.net> wrote:

> At 11:05 AM 1/18/2003 -0500, Pete Versteegen wrote:
>> Does anyone know of an easy way to format a mixture of floats, integers,
>> spaces, and text in well arranged columns?
>> My thoughts wander towards the way the Fortran language does it.  I'm
>> considered a function (class) that would be called as follows:
>> format((a, alf, i), "f10.2, a10, 10x, i5")
> def format(values, format):
>  formatlist = format.split(',')
>  sf = ''
>  for formatitem in formatlist:
>    type = formatitem[0]
>    if type in 'fi':
>      sf += '%' + formatitem[1:] + type
>    if type == 'a':
>      sf += ' '*int(formatitem[1:])
>    elif formatitem[-1] == 'x':
>      sf += '%' + formatitem[:-1] + 's'
>  return sf % values
> a = 5
> alf = 'qwer'
> i = 3
> print format((a, alf, i), "f10.2,a10,10x,i5")
> result:       5.00                qwer    3
> For simplicity I removed the spaces between the fortran format items. A
> little more code would handle them.
> Bob Gailer
> mailto:ramrom@earthling.net
> 303 442 2625
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