[Tutor] GUI design

Nicholas Wieland nicholas_wieland@yahoo.it
Sun Jan 19 10:41:18 2003

I'd like some comments and suggestions about my design: personally I 
think it's quite horrible and I'm sure it comes from all the bad habits 
I learned using C and GTK+ (BTW: I _love_ GTK+, but it's *so* 
I'm using wxPython, but I don't think it's important.
I want my classes to be rausable and *clean*.

from wxPython.wx import *
from wxPython.lib.wxPlotCanvas import *

class App( wxApp ):
     def OnInit( self ):
         frame = Frame()
         frame.Show( 1 )
         self.SetTopWindow( frame )
         return 1

class Frame( wxFrame ):
     def __init__( self ):
         wxFrame.__init__( self, None, -1, "ToolBar" )
                 ID_ENTER_M = wxNewId()
         ID_EXIT_M = wxNewId()
         ID_ENTER_T = wxNewId()
                 menu_bar = wxMenuBar()
                 menu_bar.Append( self.G_FileMenu( ID_ENTER_M, 
                          "&File" );
                 self.SetMenuBar( menu_bar )
                 self.G_ToolBox( ID_ENTER_T )
             def G_FileMenu( self, ID_ENTER_M, ID_EXIT_M ):
         menu_file = wxMenu()
         menu_file.Append( ID_ENTER_M, "&Enter...",
                           "Enter a measure" )
         EVT_MENU( self, ID_ENTER_M,
                   self.OnEnter )
         menu_file.Append( ID_EXIT_M, "E&xit",
                           "Exit application" )
         EVT_MENU( self, ID_EXIT_M, self.OnExit )
         return menu_file

     def G_ToolBox( self, ID_ENTER_T ):
         tb = self.CreateToolBar( wxTB_HORIZONTAL|
                                  wxNO_BORDER|wxTB_FLAT )
         meter_icon = wxBitmap( "meter.xpm", wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM )
         tb.AddSimpleTool( ID_ENTER_T, meter_icon,
                           "Enter...", "Enter a measure..." )
         EVT_TOOL( self, ID_ENTER_T, self.OnEnter )
             def OnEnter( self, event ):
         mf = wxMiniFrame( self, -1, "Enter record",
                           pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                           size = wxSize( 140, 120 ),
                           style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE )
         mf.Show( 1 ) 
     def OnExit( self, event ):
         self.Close( 1 )

app = App( 0 )

As you can see I don't like having a lot of stuff in __init__, so I 
tried to make the class more modular... but I'm obviously wrong, this 
code IS NOT reusable, G_ToolBox and G_FileMenu are a big nonsense. I'm 
a little lost :)

Every comment, suggestion, pointers to 'state of the art' code, 
flame-war and *PLONK* is greatly appreciated.
