[Tutor] Re: compiling python apps

Andrei project5@redrival.net
Tue Jul 1 20:29:01 2003

Michael Honeyfield wrote:
>     I have set myself the task of learning python. I learn best in the 
> deep end (sometimes) and thought I would give pysol a hack and see what 
> I can do with it. Perhaps port the UI to the QT python UI.

That's one way of doing it :).

> Anyways, I am confussed on the two pysol packages that one can download. 
> One of them is a "ready to run" package (3301Kb) and the other is the 
> source (151Kb). I figured the source package is there for customizing 
> (which is what I wish to do) but I dont know how to "compile" it like 
> the "ready to run" package is. Anyone following this list understand me 
> or am I making a public fool of myself? :) If a am not making much sense 
> I will try to clarifiy further.

I've never looked specifically at PySol, but Python doesn't get 
"compiled" in the classic sense of the word. The ready to run package 
most likely contains a Python interpreter and whatever other third party 
libraries PySol employs, but *also* the source code.

> But to sum it up, How do I get my modified pysol source compile like the 
> ready to run package? I have emailed the maintainer, but not had any 
> reply (I suspect he is busy in the next cool release of pysol :) )

Install all required third-party packages as well as Python on your 
machine en just start the application using "python appname.py" (where 
appname is the name of the main python file).


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