[Tutor] Re: Hello and a (probably) stupid question

Andrei project5@redrival.net
Tue Jul 1 20:36:01 2003

Chris Readle wrote:

> Aha, that sure enough did it.  I was looking at the code, and comparing
> them to each other, but I never thought about comparing the
> whitespace....this is one of those things that will take me awhile to wrap
> my head around I think. :)  Thanks for the quick response!

It's really not that hard :). If it looks like a block, it IS a block. 
Having a good editor will help you a lot with whitespace (auto-indenting 
and the likes), so you won't have to bother at all. Also make sure your 
editor converts Tabs to 4 spaces when working on Python code, otherwise 
you might mix real tabs and spaces so things might *seem* to have the 
same indentation, but in reality they're different. I suppose Gvim 
should be able to do this (I use Scite myself).


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