[Tutor] reading matrixes from a file

Silviu Cojocaru silviucc@home.ro
Thu Jul 10 12:47:10 2003

I'm trying to read matrixes from a given file. I have writen three 
functions for this:

# this will be used to initialize a matrix

def initMatrix(matrix_,rows_):
        matrix_ = ''
        matrix_ = list(matrix_)
        for i in range(rows_):
                null = ' '
                null = list(null)
                matrix_ = matrix_ + null
        return matrix_

# this one does the actual readinf from the file

def readMatrix(filename):
        f = file(filename,'r')
        cr = f.readline()
        rows = int(cr[0])
        matrix =''
        matrix = initMatrix(matrix,rows)
        matrix = list(matrix)
        for i in range(rows):
                line = f.readline()
                line2 = ''
                line2 = list(line2)
                for j in range(len(line)):
                        if line[j] == ' ' or line[j] == '\n' or line[j] 
== '\r':                                continue
                                line2 = line2 + list(line[j])
                matrix[i] = list(matrix[i]) + line2
        return matrix

# I use this one to convert, for example, '1' to 1 or '0' to 0

def intMatrix(matrix):
        for row in range(len(matrix)):
                for col in range(len(matrix[row])):
                        matrix[row][col] = int(matrix[row][col])
        return matrix

The problem:

These functions work well for this file:

but not for this one:

For this one I get only the first line. I have triple checked the 
function and I have no clue to what may be wrong. 

Please help me :)

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	"Do you smell something burning or is it me?"
		-- Joan of Arc