[Tutor] bash find equivalent in Python
Danny Yoo
Thu Jul 10 19:45:03 2003
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 tpc@csua.berkeley.edu wrote:
> While this seems to work, it also seems wrong to have to guess how many
> levels deep my directory structure is and copy, paste and indent the code
> accordingly. Is there a recursive find utility in Python similar to bash
> find ? For example:
> find . -name '*.html'
> will return all html files from current working directory and on, along
> with their paths respective to the current working directory. I looked
> at string module find in the Python documentation and shutils and did
> not find the analog.
Hi tpc,
Your wish is my command. *grin*
Here's a function --- DFS() --- that'll let you march through each
import os
import os.path
def DFS(root, skip_symlinks = 1):
"""Depth first search traversal of directory structure. Children
are visited in alphabetical order."""
stack = [root]
visited = {}
while stack:
d = stack.pop()
if d not in visited: ## just to prevent any possible recursive
## loops
visited[d] = 1
yield d
stack.extend(subdirs(d, skip_symlinks))
def subdirs(root, skip_symlinks = 1):
"""Given a root directory, returns the first-level subdirectories."""
dirs = [os.path.join(root, x)
for x in os.listdir(root)]
dirs = filter(os.path.isdir, dirs)
if skip_symlinks:
dirs = filter(lambda x: not os.path.islink(x), dirs)
return dirs
except OSError, IOError: return []
DFS() returns an iteratable object that marches through all the
subdirectories of a given root. Your code for going through all the .html
files, then, might look something like:
for subdir in DFS(root):
htmls = glob.glob(os.path.join(subdir, "*.html"))
Another way to do something like 'find' is to use the os.path.walk()
utility function:
but I find DFS() a little easier on the brain... *grin*
Hope this helps!