[Tutor] Best approach to sort data based on several criteria

Jorge Godoy godoy@metalab.unc.edu
Mon Jul 21 12:06:42 2003

Bob Gailer <bgailer@alum.rpi.edu> writes:

> Consider using the sqlite database. Unlike most other RDBMS, sqlite is
> loaded as part of your python session, so is very fast.
> http://www.sqlite.org for the database.
> http://pysqlite.sourceforge.net/ for the Python wrapper.

This seems to be the best approach as recommended before and since I
can let the database handle all the data sorting... This has the
increased advantage of having a Windows port --- that's where my
temporary solution will run. 

Thanks for the links.

Godoy.     <godoy@metalab.unc.edu>