[Tutor] Get me out of the blue (help urgently needed!)
Gregor Lingl
Mon Jul 21 18:55:01 2003
The problem, that makes me angry, upset and depressed ocurred
for the first time, when I installed and tried to use Python 2.3 on a
Windows2000 machine.
It goes like this:
When I try to run a program from the new IDLE an error
Warning: HOME environment variable points to
but the path does not exist.
================================ RESTART ================================
At the same time Python seems to report this to ... hmmm ... to whom?
(Also annoying! I'd like to be informed about messages going from my
computer to whom ever ... Whoever it may be, the adressee willnot be
happy with error wessages like this. )
The situation on my machine is as follows:
I have an old installation of Windows NT on drive C. This I still use only
for very special purposes. Two or more years ago there I had installed
"epacris", but I deleted it long ago.
Now I use an installation of Windows 2000 Prof on drive H, with Python
installed on drive I.
When I thought about the mentioned error, I had the idea that there was a
home environment variable in the old NT-installation pointing to
"C:\epacris ... "
And indeed, it was. I deleted it. But the error didn't go away!
I tried to use regedit to search for "home" in the registry of both
installations, without success. (I am NOT an experienced user of
Now I have no clue of how to proceed. In the meantime the same error
was the reason, that the drpython-editor dosn't work. Searching for the
reason, I fond out, that:
>>> os.path.expanduser("~")
I don't understand how this comes? I have no environment
variable HOME defined on both installations - or I don't know
how to locate them, if they are created automatically.
I don't even understand, why win2000, installed in H:
searches for something in C: ?
I believe, that this is a Windows-Problem, but it never
occured with any other program except of Python or
Maybe there is a very simple solution to this. Maybe there
is a knowledgable women or man out there, who can help?
Or is it time to make a change,
just relax,
take it easy
and install Linux?
With very unhappy greetings
P.S.: Next time I hope to be in a better mood ;-(