[Tutor] (no subject)
Vernon Miller
Tue Jul 22 22:03:02 2003
I'm sorry for not giving more info, of course I closed the file after each
time I got through trying to write the input, but it still never wrote
anything to the file until after about 20 to 30 tries but each time that I
went down to the next part and wrote
f.readline() it printed out millions of x's and o's and locked up the
I had problems all day today so I finally uninstalled the python and lost
everything I was working on.
But, and this is the important thing, after reinstalling python, it now
seems to be working. Perhaps there was something wrong with the way I had
installed python.
I don't know, but I do know that I spent 3 hrs trying to get a program to
run, after I reinstalled python, it only took one try to get it to run. Of
course I did have to spend 15 minutes rewriting the file.
Thanks for your input.
Vernon Miller