[Tutor] ui for Python

Jeff Shannon jeff@ccvcorp.com
Mon Jul 28 14:09:01 2003

Olof Krantz wrote:

>I've been using python for a while, and I've decided to start using guis
>now. I've already tried wxPython, and I like it. Which ui is best?

"Best" is a matter of opinion and taste.  Tkinter is usually seen as 
being very easy to get a basic UI running, but difficult to do anything 
more advanced.  wxPython has a steeper initial learning curve, but is 
much more powerful overall.  Some people love PyQT, which is supposedly 
as powerful as wxPython but easier to learn, though there's some 
potential license issues on Win32 (QT is a proprietary product, and 
commercial use on Windows requires a pricey license).  I'm a 
wxPython-user, myself.  I'd say that if you've tried that and liked it, 
you'll probably do just fine to stick with it.

>And I have one more question. How do I add stuff to a wxGridSizer? I
>haven't found any documentation about it, and no code samples either.

The docs for sizers are a bit weak.  Try reading the wxPyWiki about 
sizers (http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/UsingSizers) -- there isn't 
specific info about wxGridSizers there, but much of the same information 
will apply.  For code samples, look in the demo that comes with wxPython 
-- the demo's code is often *the* best documentation for wxPython, and I 
always keep the demo running when I'm writing wxPython code so that I 
can easily refer to it.

If you have further questions about anything wxPython-related, you can 
always ask them on the wxPython-users mailing list (see 
http://wxpython.org/maillist.php), where you're likely to get faster and 
more effective answers than here.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International