[Tutor] Newbie here ... Have python installed and have been trying the beginning tutorials

Alan Gauld alan.gauld@blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Jun 3 03:22:01 2003

> laugh I'm sure, but I haven't seemed to master the entering of
> lines of code, but am researching what I am doing wrong here.  It
has to
> do with "..." - I assume these three periods are interpreted by

NO, they are an aid to the user to say you are still inside a
single multi line construct. In fact the IDLE GUI environment
doesn't show the ... at all(which can be confusing since it
messes up the indentation!)

> to know another line of code is following, but when I type the "..."
> hit the Enter key, I get the SyntaxError:

Yes, you don't type the '...' Python produces that for you (if you
use the raw interpreter in a DOS window). If you type it in then
will be very confused.

Alan G.