[Tutor] newbie programmer

Alan Gauld alan.gauld@blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Jun 3 18:44:14 2003

> just wondering what sort of real world things I can do with 
> python?  

Games, Graphics, Scientific numerical simulations, etc.
THere used to even be a web browser written in Python, 
there is also a graphics program(like Visio).

Try searching sourceforge to see what open source projects 
are underway using Python. 

With ,more experience you can even join one of the project 

Oh yes, And the IDLE development tool that comes with 
Python is written in Python...

> anyone have any advice or suggestions?  

For some fun small projects check out the "Useless Python" 
website, which is far from useless...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor