[Tutor] subscript problem

Jimmy verma jim_938@hotmail.com
Wed Jun 4 07:22:01 2003

class AB:
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.n_p = None
>         self.po = Vec()      # in c struct this is Vec* po
>         self.con = []        # in c struct this is short* con
>class Vec:...

>def XYZ(out):
>     n = 0
>     out.con.append(5)
>     last = out.con[n]

So last now equals 5 after the first call.

>     v_start = out.po[last]

>Can you explain in words what you are trying to do with
>Vec, AB etc?

I am having some curves,  whose points i am trying to store with Vec and AB.
With AB i have no of points (n_p), coordinates (x,y) with Vec and curves are 
taken with (con).  Like con[0] is the first curve and con[0] + 1 is the 
second curve and so on...

Like a particular curve has some points and those point's coordinates are 
handled with 'po'.

>Maybe we can find a more Pythonic way of doing it?

>Alan G.

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