[Tutor] Indentation
Alan Gauld
Wed Jun 4 15:25:06 2003
> I don't understand what's the meaning
> of this word
Indentation is simply the measure of how far in from
the left side a line starts
Thus, this line has zero indentation - it starts at the left margin
This line has an indent of 4 spaces from the left margin
This line has an indent of one tab space.
How the above shows up will dpend on whether you use Rich Text
or HTML mail formatting. If you use plain text format it will
look OK, otherwise pretty meangless!
I'll Try again using dashes instead of spaces:
NO Indent, at ythe margin
----This has 4 character indent
--------This has eight character Indentation.
Think of the word dent. The text is "dented in " from the side.
> and his roll in a prog: what does indentation bring to a prog?
It helps organise things visually. By grouping related
statements together with the same level of indentation we
can better understand the flow of the program. For example:
if Color in (red, blue, green):
----Print Color
----Display shape
----Print 'Unknown color'
It is easy to see which statements get executed if the
color is one that we are interested in.
Now most languages treat indentaton as just a visual clue,
the interpreter ignores it, however Python actually reads
the indentation, much the same way as we do, and uses it
to group statements together into what is called a block.
Therefore in Python it is very important to get your
indentation consistent, because if a line is even one
extra space indented Python will think it is seeing a
new block of code and get confused, printing an error
as a result.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor