[Tutor] What command or sequence of commands to I need to use ... please see inside for description

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Wed Jun 4 15:56:26 2003

At 15:07 2003-06-04 -0400, Dirigo wrote:
>What command or sequence of command keys do I need to get back from a
>full screen condition to a smaller Python command window?

If I understand you correctly, you are asking how to get
a DOS box become a small window again, after you expanded
it. This has nothing to do with Python, it's just the same
with any Windows non-GUI program.

Press Alt+Enter. Works both ways by the way, so you don't need
to reach for the mouse to maximize the window either.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language